May 6,2003
7:30 p.m.
6:30 pm - Closed Door Council Meeting
7:00 pm - HRA Meeting
7:30 pm - City Council Meeting
Work Session at conclusion of City Council meeting
(Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person)
1. Two Reserve Police Officers, Reid
1. Zoning and Planning Commission
2. Chemical Health Commission
1. Minutes of April 15, 2003 City Council Meeting
2. Minutes of April 1, 2003 City Council Work Session
3. Minutes of April 15, 2003 City Council Work Session
4. Minutes of April 22, 2003 City Council Work Session
5. Minutes of April 29, 2003 City Council Work Session
6. Ratify prior month's disbursements
7. Approve Board and Commission appointments (Memo) - Maxwell
8. Second reading, downtown design overlay district; (CR2003-900) - Elverum
9. Second reading, rental licensing ordinance; (Memo) - Davidson
10. Approve storm water pollution prevention plan; (CR2003-075) - J. Anderson
11. Approve new bulk item pick up fees; (CR2003-078) - Stadler
12. Approve cooperative agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District;
(CR2003-076) - J. Anderson
Vote: Brausen
(The Razzle Line is the City of Hopkins voice message system)
1. Revenue bonds/joint powers agreement with MCDA-Augustana Chapel View,
Inc.; (CR2003-069) - Kerrigan
1. Application for Premises Permit, Hopkins Youth Hockey Association, (Memo) -
Vote: Brausen
1. First reading, tower and antenna ordinance; (CR2003-071) - N. Anderson
Vote: Brausen
2. First reading, miscellaneous zoning amendments; (CR2003-072) - N. Anderson
Vote: Brausen
3. Approve revised business subsidy criteria; (CR2003-070) - Kerrigan
Vote: Brausen
4. Resolution on voting equipment; (CR2003-077) - Genellie
Vote: Brausen
5. Approve 2003 HMEA contract; (CR2003-073) - Genellie
Vote: Brausen
A regular meeting o~ the Hopkins City Council was held on April 15, 2003, in the
Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Hall.
Present were Mayor Maxwell ~nd Council Members Brausen, Jensen, Johnson,
and Rowan. Also, present were staff members Mielke, Genellie, Stadler,
Kerrigan, Yager, Elverum, and'City Attorney Jerre Miller.
Mayor Maxwell called the me~ting to order at p.m.
1. Chemical Health Commission
Katherine Magdal, staff liaison! to the Chemical Health Commission, reported for
the commission. .At their last meeting, the Commission discussed the Depot
Coffee House's celebration ot'the 100th anniversary of the Depot building. The
Police Department continues to cover the teen dances and that is going well.
The commission discussed drug awareness. Sharon McDonald just returned
from a meeting with the Viking Council on drug diversion, speaking to youth 12
to 17 and their parents. The Council discussed the abundance of drug dealers in
the schools and how very ma~y of the twelve to fourteen-year olds are very
street wise. The commission was updated on the seat belt awareness
campaign. The Hopkins High School did eleven events on seat belt awareness.
They said that their seat belt usage did increase. They discussed plans for drug
and alcohol awareness for Prom. The Minnetonka Chief of Police is planning to
write letters to all parents asking them to make sure that Prom parties are "no
alcohol" parties and to be aware of where their children are ,and what they are
doing. The Reduce the Use ar,e having a strategic planning session in May for
the fall Town Meeting.
J ,
1. The Depot Coffee House
Monica Myers, Depot Coffee House Board Chair, announced the celebration of
the 100-year Birthday for the depot building. The event will be held on April 26th
from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the: Depot Coffee House. They will have
entertainment, 69 years of Raspberry Royalty and a silent auction.
April 15, 2003 City Council Meeting Minutes
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Mayor Maxwell read the proclamation proclaiming April 26, 2003 as Depot
Coffee House Day.
1. Minutes of April 1, 2003 City Council Meeting
2. Minutes of April 8, 2003 City Council Work Session
3. Designate Blake Road South of Excelsior Blvd as MSA (CR2003-067l
4. Revision of Fee for Taxable/Tax Exempt Bonds (CR2003-068l
5. Hopkins Mainstreet II, LLC sub Grant Agreement, Alliant Tech Project
6. Approve Purchase Agreement Rosewood Apartments for Road
Purposes (Cr2003-055l
7. Approve Temporary 3.2 Beer License, Hopkins Area Jaycees
Mainstreet Days (CR2003-061 1
8. Second Reading, Ordinance Adopting Minnesota State Building Code
9. Set Public Hearing-Revenue Bonds/Joint Powers Agreement with
MCDA-Augustana Chapel View, Inc (CR2003-060l
Council Member Jensen moved and Council Member Brausen seconded a motion
to approve the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote was as follows: Council .
Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council Member Rowan,
aye; Council Member Johnson, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The motion carried
unanimously. .
1. Charitable Gambling Application, Hopkins Youth Hockey Association
The Hopkins Youth Hockey Association has applied for a premises permit to sell
pull-tabs at Tuttle's Hopkins Recreation. Ms. Obermaier outlined the three areas
where the association did not meet the requirements of the policy. They do not
have a permanent office in the City, they do not have 30 active voting members
as defined by the policy, and there is already a lease for pull-tabs at Tuttle's
Hopkins Recreation.
In response to Council Members questions,' City Attorney, Jerre Miller answered
that he would consider that "Location or Office" means a physical location and
the two words are used synonymously. Attorney Miller also stated that two
gambling organizations cannot conduct the same game at the same location.
April 15, 2003 City Council Meeting Minutes
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In Response to Council Member Rowan's question, Ms. Obermaier responded
that the Hopkins Youth Hockey Association Board called a special meeting of the
members and that 141 members voted in favor of having the association sell
David Nadell, Attorney for the association, submitted several documents, "for
the record". Those documents were as follows:
Copy of Certificate of Incorporation from 1977
Original articles of incorporation
Certificate of an amendment of the articles of incorporation from 1982
Notice of Change of Registered Office, filed October 14, 1997
Articles of Amendment for the Hopkins Youth Hockey, filed August 26,
Notice of change of Registered office, filed January 16, 2003
,Attorney Nordell argued that the Association does meet the requirements of the
The Council and City Attorney discussed the requirement for 30 active voting
members. City Attorney Jerre Miller stated that the City may have more
stringent regulations. Council Member Johnson asked if any of the arguments
have changed the staff recommendations. Attorney Miller answered that he
would like to review all of the documents, including the ones that were
submitted tonight.
Council Member Brausen moved and Council Member Jensen seconded a motion
to continue the item to the May 6th City Council Meeting. A poll of the vote was
as follows: Council Member Brausen, aye; Council Member Jensen, aye; Council
Member Johnson, aye; Council Member Rowan, aye; Mayor Maxwell, aye. The
motion carried unanimously.
1. First Reading, Downtown Design Overlay District (CR2003-046)
In August 2001, a committee of business owners and community leaders began
meeting to create design standards for downtown Hopkins. The Committee
continued to meet through the fall of 2002. The standards and guidelines were
taken to the economic development committee of the Hopkins Business and
Civic Association (H BCA) to solicit input from business owners in the overlay
district. Changes were made to the document based on the feedback that was
received from the HBCA.
April 15. 2003 City Council Meeting Minutes
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April 1 , 2003
Page I
Aprill, 2003
Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 10:20 pm at the conclusion of the regular City
Council meeting at City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members
Brausen, Jensen, Johnson and Rowan. City persoruiel present were City Manager Steve Mielke and
Public Works Director, Steve Stadler.
Charge for Bands Playing at the Activity Center
Council member Jensen reported that she had been contacted by a member of a band that plays
at the Activity Center, with concerns about the potential of a $24 charge from the Activity Center.
She expressed concerns about the charge in that it may curtail participation by members of the band.
Excelsior Boulevard Construction
Council member Rowan expressed concerns that the Excelsior Boulevard publications, which
had recently gone out, did not mention the new intersection at Milwaukee and S1. Louis Streets along
Excelsior Boulevard. He asked whether there had been changes in plans due to this oversight in the
publications. He was informed by the City Manager that in fact, there were no changes in the
construction plans.
Concealed Carry Law
Council member Jensen asked about the concealed carry laws and whether or not the Council
could pass a resolution in opposition to making it easier for people to carry concealed weapons. After
discussion Mayor Maxwell indicated that he would review the current legislation and recent emails
from Chief Reid, and suggested it be discussed at a future meeting.
Hesch Powerpoint Presentation
Council member Brausen stated that he was hopeful that the Hesch's could present their
power- point presentation on Depot Coffee House financial recording at the next Work Session. City
Manager Mielke indicated. that time would be set-aside at the beginning of the meeting.
There being no further business, Council member Johnson moved to adjourn, seconded by
Council member Rowan. Motion passed unanimously; the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 pm.
April 15,2003
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April 15, 2003
Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 9:28 pm at the conclusion of the regular City
Council meeting at City Hall. Council members present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members
Brausen, Jensen, Johnson and Rowan. City personnel present was City Manager Mielke.
April 8 City Council meeting minutes
Council member Brausen informed the Council that the minutes ofthe April 8 Council meeting
referenced comments attributed to him on Arts Center staffing. He indicated that the City Manager had
agreed to review the minutes and either delete the reference from the minutes or amend them to be more
reflective of the intent of the comment. There was consensus that the manager should proceed.
Commercial Water Meters
Council member Brausen indicated that he had recently been in a commercial building with
what appeared to be a very old water meter. He asked for information on the policies relative to
replacing water meters in commercial buildings. City Manager Mielke indicated that unlike residential
water meters, commercial and high capacity residential water meters are owned by the individual
business, and that there is currently no monitoring or replacement policy unless it is suspected that the
meter is misreading the amount of water. He also stated that the utility billing clerk has recommended
that we institute a more formal review of commercial water meters.
Shoestring Players Rehearsals
Council member Jensen informed the Council that Shoestring Players had secured a location
within the old Alliant Tech building to conduct its rehearsals. She expressed appreciation to Bill Beard
for his generous donation of the space.
City Employee Picnic
City Manager Mielke indicated that questions were coming to him regarding the appropriation
for the employee picnic. Upon his question, it was the consensus ofthe Council that the Council wished
to continue the picnic, but that the staff should attempt to hold down the cost in whatever reasonable
means were available.
Board and Commission Openings
City Manager Mielke reviewed a schedule of Board and Commission openings that are to be
filled in May with terms beginning in July. He also indicated that a request had been received from the
Twin West Chamber of Commerce to allow for a non-resident business person to be appointed to the
Zoning and Planning Commission. He indicated that the by-laws would need to be changed in order to
allow such an appointment. It was the consensus ofthe Council to draft a potential by-law change that
would be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to action by the City Council. Council member
Jensen indicated her preference not to make the change in the by-laws.
League of Minnesota Magazine Article re: Staff Changes
Council member Rowan noted an article in the most recent League magazine regarding the
potential staff changes that may be needed as a result of the state's budget problems. He recommended
April 15, 2003 ,
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Council members lookat the article.
Potential Food and Beverage Tax
City Manager Steve Mielke informed the Council that he had recently testified before the Senate
tax committee on the potential of a food and beverage tax for the City of Hopkins. He indicated that no
hearings have been scheduled with the House.
Reallocation of Funds From Metro Transit Bus System
City Manager Mielke informed the Council of a recent piece oflegislation entitled House File
1502, wherein many out-state House members had proposed a change in tax law that would take monies
currently used to subsidize metro transit bus systems and to reallocate those funds to the local
government aid pool. The result of this legislation would be significant to the City of Hopkins in that
much of the proposed 'cuts in LGA would be restored, although metro area homeowners would see an
increase in property taxes due to this reallocation.
There being no further business, Council member Jensen moved to adjourn, seconded by
Council member Johnson. Motion passed unanimously; the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm.
Steve Mielke, Secretary
Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor
April 22, 2003
Page 1
A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell
at 6:30 p.m. on April 22, 2003, at the City Hall. Council members Brausen, Jensen and Johnson
were present. City personnel present were: City Manager Mielke, Building Official Rick
Davidson, City Planner Nancy Anderson, City Attorney Jerry Steiner, Police Chief Craig Reid
and Katherine Magdal.
Rental Licensing Ordinance
Mr. Davidson said that Ordinance 2002-890 seeks to revise licensing rental properties. The
major thrust is tenant conduct and holding the landlords accountable for the conduct of their
tenants. Feedback from both HAMA and the Apartment Owners Association has been largely
favorable. Answering Mr. Brausen, he said 'dwelling unit' is a unit with cooking facilities and a
bathroom, as contrasted to a sleeping room, which has no cooking or bathing facilities. The
efficiency apartment definition included 'plus bathroom facilities' to avoid ambiguity. Ms. Jensen
complimented staff on the layout of the comparison for Council. Chief Reid says he is very
supportive of the amendments. Answering Ms. Jensen, Mr. Davidson said such issues as usage of
hot plates, etc. would be handled by the administrative citations system, which has been a real help
to staff. The amendments are more concerned with such things as weapons, disruptive behavior,
noise, etc. and give the city and landlords a means of getting problematic tenants out. If a
complaint is filed, Ms. Magdal checks it out; if she finds it a real issue, it is then given to Mr.
Davidson. Answering Mayor Maxwell, he said after an eviction notice there is a 25-day period;
unlawful detainer action is faster. If the problem would cause the landlord to lose his license, the
process is faster. Landlords are cited for the first two problems; the third causes suspension of the
license for that unit. Once the problem is solved, the suspension is ended. Answering Ms.
Johnson, he said the new requirements would be sent with license renewals. As other units are
discovered, landlords will be sent notices; if they don't respond, they will be cited. Mr. 'Mielke
commented he had received calls that the 200-300 block of 7th Ave. N. has several homes being
bought, apparently for rentals.
General Consensus: Council favors the new ordinance; seco~d reading should be in May.
Effective date should be 60 days.
Mr. Davidson then asked for feedback on raising licensing fees. Hopkins has one of the
lowest fee schedules in the area, and costs are not covered. There was a short discussion.
General Consensus: Fees should go to $20 base fee + $5 per unit, or as needed to cover
cost. The fee schedule should be reviewed in a year. A resolution will be brought to Council.
Site Plan Review/CUP Standards Discussion
Ms. Anderson said Attorney Steiner has long recommended that the CUP process be
supplemented by site plan reviews. Mr. Steiner said the latter is used by most cities; CUP is
normally used for special usages that are not normally permitted. That is why it is a "conditional
use permit." Site plan review would cover all building projects. He feels cost is not a good
criterion. Ms. Anderson added most cities use intensification of use or a percentage of
enlargements as criterion on remodeling projects; dollar numbers can be faked too easily. There
April 22, 2003
Page 2
was discussion of past projects and how they would have been covered by a site plan review.
Answering Council questions, Ms. Anderson and Mr. Steiner said that different percentages could
be used for different zoning areas; thresholds could be established for Council review; the word
"exterior" could be added so facade work would be specifically included; a cumulative period of
one year could be included. It was stressed that if a site plan review started, it would cover the
complete site, not just the specific work requested. Mr. Steiner said that CUP's last only as long as
the conditional use lasts; site plan review would be permanent. Ms. Anderson said Z&P would
look at the draft next month.
General Consensus: The site plan review process is a good idea. Work should continue on
it with review required for projects changing 50 % or more of a facade or 10 % or more of square
footage (or a set square footage for industrial). Cost should not be a criterion. HBCA should be
approached for comments.
Review Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance
Ms. Anderson said Council suggestions had been incorporated. Mr. Steiner said he felt the
ordinance was good and needed only a little "fine-tuning." 'Ms. Anderson said Z&P would
discuss it next week at 7:30.
General Consensus was to go ahead.
Mr. Brausen said he had received a call from a realtor about Beth Shalom Synagogue. Ms.
Anderson said she tells callers to submit concepts, but so far has received none.
Community Policing Discussion
Police Chief Reid said he feels community-policing fits very well with the organizational
priorities of Hopkins as defined in the vision statement discussions. He has implemented changes
that carry this forward. Officers now "own" their calls until closure. When he came, Hennepin
County said Hopkins had the poorest police reports in the County; the County Attorney's office
has helped and he is continuing training in report writing. Staff is now organized into "teams" plus
a permanent sergeant. Captain Liddy is now able to check reports and oversee sergeants on an
ongoing basis. This year there will now be a way to have meaningful statistics on call load, etc.
He said he feels the quality of his officers is high and he is proud of them.
He outlined what he has been able to accomplish of the 14 goals listed when he was hired.
He said he was excited about implementing those, and feels progress is slower than he would like.
School contact by uniformed officers is down because of overtime constraints, but Ms. Magdal
does an excellent job with the students. Community contacts are ongoing, but when officers
change shifts, community assignments change. Where contacts have stayed the same, satisfaction
is very high. While crime load is down 20%; suspicion cases are up 60% and public welfare cases
are up 127 %. One of his goals this year is to reduce the bottlenecks in the report process so that
"report to close" is down from 5-7 days to 3. He has a contact response mailing, but returns are
only 1 %. He is currently trying to help his staff define values for the department. At this point, he
feels he has done all he can do to implement the 14 goals. Answering Council questions, he said
officers dictate reports. He doesn't like 12-hour shifts, but the alternatives won't work; 8-hour
shifts would require 6-8 more officers. He has not had a full-strength staff since he came. He has
hired 19 of the 42 in his department. He has told his staff that no matter what the budget is, 911
calls will be answered promptly.
Mr. Mielke said one reason for the discussion is the budget issues. Is the Council satisfied
April 22, 2003
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with progress in the police department?
Ms. Johnson commented there should be a way to have those areas that take police time
pay for that service. Ms. Jensen wondered if a "police dedication fund" such as the park fund
could be possible. Mayor Maxwell said he feels Chief Reid and his department have made
excellent strides and feels progress, while slowed by budget constraints, will continue.
Ms. Jensen expressed concern about the carry-&-conceal weapon law. Chief Reid said
Steve Kelley and Jim Rhodes have been very supportive of the police department concerns. Mayor
Maxwell said once he knows what would be in the bill, he can decide if he would support a
resolution. Mr. Mielke said an alternative would be to do something to support certain principles
rather than a law.
Ms. Johnson said the GED graduation would be June 3. It was agreed to move the HRA
meeting to 8:00 and Council to 8:15.
Mr. Mielke handed out a draft on an article on budget issues for the next newsletter.
Mr. Mielke said Hopkins House is up for sale. A developer contacted him about
remodeling it for low- and medium~income senior housing; he told the developer he could submit
the proposal but did not think the Council would be in favor of it. Today he got a phone call
saying the developer was holding off as there was another bid, but he has no details.
Mr.Brausen moved adjournment. Ms. Johnson seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Kasey Kester, Secretary
Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor
.' ''''}l
' 1
, ,
April 29, 2003
Page 1
A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell
at 6:30 p.m. on April 29, 2003, at the City Hall. Council members Brausen, Jensen, Johnson and
Rowan were present. City personnel present were: City Manager Steve Mielke, City Planner
Nancy Anderson, Public Works Director Steve Stadler and Finance Director Lori Yager. Also
present were Mary Hatcher, Eric Randolph, Kristi Halversen, Ross Bartz and Jay Thompson of
the Zoning and Planning Commission; Mark Koegler and Brady Halverson of Hoisington Koegler;
and Garrett Lysiak of Owl Engineering.
East End Study Update
Mr. Halverson updated Council and Z&P on Blake St. streetscape plans, noting they were
basically the same as last fall. He commented property owners may need to be worked with as
right-of-way may not be wide enough for all the streetscape planned. County engineers will need
to approve the median plans. He said a very preliminary cost figure is $900,000. Mr. Koegler
said Hennepin County would maintain the road. .
Mr. Koegler then went over the plat that resulted from the East End study. He said the
Regency project was a result of the study. He said while the biggest issue is what will happen to
the North Annex properties, Alliant Tech and the Jackson area industrial buildings are also
important components. The triangle area enclosed by Blake Rd., Excelsior Blvd. and railway
tracks is a key area as it has an array of uses. Another issue is the proposed transit stations, which
the plat provisionally sited at the Blake Rd.ltrack area and secondarily at Highway 169 near the
SuperValu property.
Both Mr. Koegler and Ms. Anderson said the city needs to carefully craft language in city
comprehensive plan amendments that will direct future growth in the desired direction without
harming present businesses. Ms. Anderson said she does not want present buildings to become
Ms. Johnson added Citrus Systems recently moved to Alliant Tech so area changes are
already happening. Answering Mr. Bartz, Mr. Koegler said he did not think the business
expansion east of 100 along Excelsior Blvd. would hurt East End development. He agreed with
Mr. Brausen's comment the high-density housing could be owner-occupied, adding the plan only
w'as concerned with the density of housing, not specific types. Addressing the Mayor's concerns,
he said while development of the SuperValu property would be extremely helpful, the upgrading
of Excelsior Blvd. will help spur East End growth; he feels Blake Road development will be slow
as it needs county cooperation and they have other priorities. Mr. Bartz said he is concerned
property owners won't upgrade their buildings. Answering Mr. Thompson, Mr. Koegler said
landscaping monies for Excelsior Blvd. are in the construction plan and that plans are to
complement Mainstreet's looks but not try to duplicate it.
Ms. Anderson said Hoisington-Koegler will work on guidelines, etc. a little more, then the
plan will come to the Council. Z&P will work on the comprehensive plan, and then it will come to
the Council.
April 29.2003
Page 2
Qwest Right-of-Way Permit Application
Mr. Stadler said Owl Engineering had been chosen as the consultant. Mr "Lysiak said he
had done measurements that confirmed there is a dead spot and that the spot chosen by Qwest is
the only one that fits the requirements. He checked with other technical sources and they
confirmed that if the equipment were put underground the necessary HV AC (cooling) system
above ground would be about as large as the normal aboveground installment and would be much
noisier as there would need to be a compressor rather than just a fan. The aboveground impact
would be the same for both installations. As to putting it into the side of the hill, installment
would require fencing to keep people from walking into the equipment, which would be visually
intrusive. He added the tower height is very unusual; the norm is 100 feet rather than 44 feet.
Answering Mr. Brausen, he said at that height, there could be no co-location by another provider.
He added he set up the study so it would include all information needed if the case went to Court;
he recommended that language about Council notification on transfer of license be put in the
. Mr. Stadler said the city attorney had said there was no legal cause to deny the application
on grounds of public welfare. Council directed him that the permit is conditional upon Qwest
paying Owl Engineering, and it contain abandonment and transfer language. He is to check with
the city attorney if the permit can be non-transferable and if the Council would have to give
approval for an expansion box in the future.
Budget Discussion
Mr. Mielke first went over the 2003 adjustment options.
Ms. Yager said the only money the state must give Hopkins is the $145,000 for fire a)1d
police. The state says no money will be sent out until October. Mr. Mielke noted Mr. Scanlon has
given 2-week notice with the police department. Mike may take over all IT, including the police.
department. Council asked for a breakdown of police overtime.
Mr. Mielke then went over the list of cuts for 2004. He stressed this was simply one way
to try to meet the 1.4 million cutback needed, noting he, Mr. Genellie and Ms. Yager had only
reached 1.2 million. 19-20 full-time employees would to cut, and seasonal work in Public Works
would be cut by 1/3.
He said St. Louis Park is heading a movement to have a joint powers police for the west
suburbs. He asked if Council would want to participate in the analysis, which would take at least a
year. If so, Hopkins would need an interim plan. The biggest problem is that Chief Reid needs to
order the dispatch equipment by June 1. Another problem is that Hopkins uses Vision, while the
others use Logos. Discussion followed. Mayor Maxwell said he had seen the Hennepin County
system in use and did not like it. Consensus was Mr. Mielke should monitor the movement, but
Council is not very interested.
Mr. Mielke asked if Council wants to go ahead with incentive program for retirement. Mr,
Brausen said he did not think so as he cannot see anyone would leave that much earlier. Other
Council members seemed to concur.
Ms. Jensen asked if the list of cuts could be sent to the state. Mr. Mielke said he would
see that Mr. Kelley and Mr. Rhodes get it. '
Ms, Johnson said she thinks the public will not be upset by the cuts. Ms, Jensen agreed,
saying she has been told in the past staff should be cut.
Consensus. All agreed educating the public is essential. Ms. Jensen suggested it start with
past officials. Mayor Maxwell said he felt putting it in terms of programs and services would
help, Ms, Yager saia she will need direction by mid-May to start preparing the 2004 budget. The
April 29, 2003
Page 3
May 13 "Success Is. . . " meeting should be postponed and that meeting used to work on the budget,
Mr. Mielke will take the suggested cuts to department heads for feedback, etc.
Mr. Rowan said he had received a call from Joan Moran of 137 12th Ave. about charges
while she was in the hospital. Mayor Maxwell said he thought he had taken care of the problem
when he told her the refuse charge would be refunded. Mr. Mielke said he would re-run the utility
charges and give them to Mr. Rowan to deliver to her.
Ms. Jensen asked if anything could be done in Hopkins about the carry-and-conceallaw.
Mr. Mielke said City Hall could do nothing.
Mr. Brausen said he is still waiting to hear about buses. Mr. Mielke said they would be
rerouted in a week. Staff has not had a call from MTC.
Mr. Brausen said he knows of a possible candidate for Zoning and Planning,
Mr. Brausen said he would like more discussion on the board of review process. Ms,
Jensen added Council has gotten the information sooner in the past.
Mr. Mielke asked when Council would like groundbreaking for the fire and public work
facilities. It was agreed to do it the 13th before the work session. Invitees should include Z&P, the
school, fire department, public works department, and the police department.
Mr. Mielke said the hockey association has elected a new president. They have taken a
different approach, asking how they can conform to the policy. They will be before Council May
MS.Jensen moved adjournment. Ms. Johnson seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p,m,
Kasey Kester, Secretary
Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor