Memo-Budget Discussion-May 27 Work Session i' ' ~~. 'f . . \ Administrative Services Department Office of the City Manager Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Steven C. Mielke, City Manager May 23,2003 Budget Discussions-May 27 Work Session There are several items for discussion at the May 27 Work Session. They include: . Completion of 2003 adjustments . 2004 Revenue options . Agenda for June 17 community leaders meeting . 2004 Budget calendar . Joint dispatch study-St. Louis Park Many of these items will need to be brought to the meeting for discussion, but I am attaching information from St. Louis Park on the proposed joint dispatch study. I am looking for direction from the Council on whether or not we wish to participate in this study. Please contact me on Tuesday, May 27 if you wish to have any additional information available at the meeting that may not be addressed herein. Mayorccbudgetmay27 . " " , CITY OlJ= t'-.'" , J' .~..~ , "; .;. .:"~) ,:"'~' *' ST. LOUIS PARK May 18,2003 Steve Mielke, City Manager City of Hopkins 10 10 1 St S Hopkins, MN 55343 Dear Steve, At our meeting on April 23, 2003, we determined that next steps included a preliminary feasibility study for dispatch consolidation. St. Louis Park has developed an RFP for this study and attached a copy for your review. The participants in the' April 23rd meeting made it clear that they would lik~ to see this process move along quickly. The timetable laid out in the RFP is very aggressive: However even at that we would not be completed with this preliminary phase until October." ' . ", " The City of St. Loui~ Park is willing to take the lead in handling the business aspects of the RFP and the contract for the feasibility study. However, we are not looking to have this be "our" process~ Additionally, prospective consultants will want to know who they are working for and, how they are getting paid. Hence we are asking you to provide us with a signed letter of intent. The purpose is to indicate who is willing to participate in the cost of the study as well as with staff resources. While final commitment is expected to come in the form of an agreement between the participating cities at the time a consultant agreement is signed, we would expect the letter of intent to be a good faith indication that your city intends to participate in the agreement. We have not discussed how the cost of the study will be shared and that can be decided before entering into a contract but we would suggest that all participants share equally in the cost. (' We have also attached a list of potential consultants. At the meeting on April 23rd we requested that you contact us with anyone you wanted on the list. Please provide us with any such nimles by June 3rd. Please review the RFP and provide any comments along with y~ur letter 'of intent by June 3, '2003. Your feedback wiil be c'onsidered for inclusion . in the finaf version 'that will be sent to a consultant list on June 4, 2003. The letter of 5005 Minnetonka Boulevard St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416-2290 Phone: 612-924-2500 Fax: 612-924-2170 Printed on recycled and recyclable paper . intent will also specify your city's "point person" for this project. Comments, including suggestions for consultants, should be directed to: Heather Alex St. Louis Park Police Department 3015 Raleigh Av. S St. Louis Park, MN 55416 halex@stlouispark.org Thank you for your participation. ~el/ ~~, City Manager Cc: Consolidation Project Distribution List . , ~' . RFP 1 CITY OF ST. LOUISPARK REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING SERVICES ASSESS POTENTIAL FOR CONSOLIDATED 911 DISPATCHING SERVICES' . HEATHER M. ALEX PSAP MANAGER ST LOUIS PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT 3015 RALEIGH AV S ST LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 952-924-2122 952-924-2676 (FAX) halex@stlouispark.brg , . 1 : . . . RFP 2 OVERVIEW The City of St. Louis Park, MN, on behalf of an interest group consisting of the cities of St. Louis Park, Golden Valley, Edina, Minnetonka, Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, Richfield, Hopkins and Hennepin County, is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or teams to evaluate the potential for consolidation of 911 dispatching services. BACKGROUND St. Louis Park, Edina, Minnetonka, Bloomington, Brooklyn Center, Hopkins, Richfield and Hennepin County operate separate Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). Golden Valley currently contracts with St. Louis Park for dispatching services. The cities are suburbs of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, and most share borders with the others as well as the City of Minneapolis. All are located within Hennepin County whose area includes portions of the metropolitan area, Each city operates its own police and fire department. Edina operates its own ambulance service, while the others are provided EMS services by Hennepin County EMS or North EMS, The cities operate separate public safety radio systems. Richfield is part of the Regional 800 MHz Radio System as an independent PSAP on the Hennepin County subsystem. The other cities have various radio systems and several are in the planning stages of migrating to the Hennepin County subsystem. With the exception of Hopkins, the cities are members of a consortium (LOGIS) that provides information and data services including shared CAD, RMS and MOBILE applications. Please note that while Edina is a member of LOGIS, it currently does not subscribe to the LOGIS CAD, RMS, and MOBILE applications; rather, it has stand-alone systems. Hennepin County Sheriffs Department operates a consolidated PSAP located in the City of Golden Valley, MN that provides dispatching services for a number of communities in Hennepin County. Hennepin County operates a subsystem of the Regional 800 MHz Radio System. The City of Minneapolis operates a PSAP located in downtown Minneapolis and also operates a subsystem of the Regional 800 MHz Radio System. A reduction in Local Government Aid (LGA) dollars for FY 2003 and 2004 as a result of pending state legislative action aimed at balancing the state budget is a catalyst for developing strategies that could minimize the adverse impacts of reduced operating revenues to residents and customers. Other issues impacting dispatching operations include radio interoperability, mutual 'aid agreements and staffing. The cities and Hennepin County met in April of 2003 to discuss the potential for consolidation. A table listing the issues brought forward at the meeting is included as Attachment A. As a result of that meeting, a suggestion was made to conduct an initial feasibility study so cities will have sufficient information to make a decision about whether or not to pursue con~olidation. 2 " ' RFP 3 . SCOPE OF WORK The level of effort devoted to this assessment will: A. Provide a thorough understanding of each PSAP/agency's current structure, operation and environment, . 8, Examine other existing resources including Hennepin County Sheriffs Communications and , Minneapolis Emergency Communications, C. Identify opportunities for and obstacles to consolidation, D. Develop options for consolidation and measure the feasibility those options in light of the opportunities and obstacles identified by way of a cosUbenefit analysis that includes: . Assessment of PSAP/agency missions and service goals, and . Analysis of impact on the community and service levels, and . Governance options E. Provide the cities with a recommended Plan of Action that directs future steps. . PROJECT MANAGEMENT The cities will name a Project Manager to manage the project. The project manager will provide regular progress reports to the cities designated contacts. The project manager will give direction, review and respond to reports and information provided by the consultant team. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS To be considered for this contract, qualified individuals or teams shall submit six (6) copies of the proposal; the format and content of which shall be as follows: . A. Format: 8.5" x 11 ", bound B. Content: 1. Cover letter with statement of interest 2. Table of Contents 3. Project Understanding and Approach 4. Scope of Services: to include an outline of specific tasks, deliverables and respective city and consultant team responsibilities 5. Team: Explanation of team structure and members, including subconsultants, plus qualifications and experience of key team members ' 6, Project Schedule identifying specific tasks and project milestones and consistent with need to complete assignment by October 10, 2003, 7. Fees: Total and task-by-task breakdown of consultant level of effort necessary to carry out the Scope of Services presented in the proposal 3 . . . RFP 4 8. Experience: No more than four (4) examples of directly related project experience 9. References: Names, addresses and phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three (3), clients for whom similar projects have been completed within the last 36 months . 10, Any other information pertinent to the proposed project 11. All proposals, questions a,nd correspondence should be directed to: Heather M. Alex St. Louis Park Police Department 3015 Raleigh Av. S. St. Louis Park, MN 55416 952-924-2122 halex@stlouispark.orq SELECTION PROCESS & PROJECT TIMELlNE A. Proposals in response to this RFP must be received by 4:30 p.m., June 20, 2003. B. A short list of candidate firms will be identified by July 3, 2003. C. Interviews tentatively scheduled for the week of July 14, 2003, D. City Council authorizations to execute contract tentatively scheduled for August 4, 2003 E. Consultant under contract and commencing work by August 18, 2003. F. Conclusion of project, including presentations to cities, by October 10, 2003. CONTACT PERSON Questions regarding this Request for Proposal should be directed to Heather Alex St. Louis Park Police Department 3015 Raleigh Av. S St. Louis Park, MN 55416 952-924-2122 halex@stlouispark,orq In order to ensure a fair review and selection process, firms submitting proposals are prohibited from contacting any other city I county staff or city council I county board members regarding these proposals. ATTACHMENTS A: Consolidation Worksheet B: PSAP Resource List 4 RFP 5 . Attachment A Consolidation of Dispatch Services - Challenges and Opportunities , Personnel Economic Technology ,Timing, Political Facilities Service Management I , ' , Staffmg Cost effective Do we share RMS, Timing for Legislative Jail Cities want Who will Mobile, CAD? implementat pressure for more than control? ion consolidation minimum service PSAP # Cost of Inter-operability Perception that Central location County's Organization of reductions county with mutual aid Henn Co will for jail purposes CAD is, joint effort provided agencies take over really good service dispatch for cities Hard to fmd Where is the What agencies are Control issues Edina Unique Examine joint qualified county on on 800 mhz committed to needs of board for personnel for fees 800 mhz with cities under dispatch service dispatch own dispatch joint center dispatch Opposition Economies of Technology Will legislature Maximize use Local Accountability from police scale can be changing quickly so force PSAP of dispatch control for ope~ations and fire realized with worth working combination center issues hard critical personnel consolidated together to value efforts County user Costs Council wants Edina wants to Are we Problems with . fees to maintain sell dispatch ready to communication control because services give up between fife an of concerns territoriality police over responsiveness Resources MRB, 800 mhz, SLP Council Different Equal level Should we look limited 700 mhz endorses policies for of service? at a LOGIS : consolidation prisoners/holdin model? g facilities Budget cuts Inter-operability and County too Long tenn cost big for decision, not future short tenn to dispatch save money no Focus on best MDT vs. MCD Fire may long term feel needs fmancial aren't met solution Can't separate Customer dispatch from 800 service mhz upgrade Does technology Call help understand screening to individual ~cities and detennine unique dispatch service need services CrimNet 5 " . . . , . RFP 6 ATTACHMENT B PSAP RESOURCE LIST Does not include Hennepin County Sheriff's Communications or Minneapolis Emergency Communications PSAP Resource List Agency Population Square Mi Dispatchers Supervisors Calls for Service 2002 Bloomington 85,172 38 13 1 46,945 Brooklyn Center 29,180 8.5 6 30,314 Edina 47,425 16 8 1 31,145 Hopkins 17,250 4 5.5 1 Minnetonka 51,420 28 8 1 35,971 Richfield 34,876 7 7.5 36,500 St. Louis Park/Golden Valley 64,967 21 10 1 55,644 Total: 330,290 122.9 58 5 189,574 Golden Valley I 20,3911 10.51 21,865/ 6 . VENDOR LIST Dispatch Consolidation Feasibility Study Craig Rapp Craig Rapp Consulting, Inc. 3208 W. lake St. #100 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Paul A. Reaume The PAR Group 100 N Waukegan Rd. Ste 211 lake Bluff Il 60044-1694 Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 . J. Jeffrey Nelson PSC Alliance 4921 Fifth Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55409 '. Springsted & Associates 85 East ih Place Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55101 Paul Unnee Vice President Communications GeoComm 605 West St. Germain St. St. Cloud, MN 56301 APCO and NENA RFP Web Posting Service Letter of Intent Dear City of St. Louis Park: It is the stated intent of the City/County of to participate in the preliminary feasibility study for the consolidation of public safety dispatching services for which the City of St. Louis Park is currently conducting a request for proposals. I understand that, at the completion of the RFP process, the City of St. Louis Park plans to enter into an agreement with the selected consultant for the purpose of conducting the study. It is our intent to concurrently enter into an agreement with St. Louis Park to participate in the study and pay our city's proportionate share of the cost of said study. The person designated to represent our city in the consultant selection, the business issues related to participating in the study and coordinating the efforts for the study process is: Name: Address: Phone: Email: Sincerely, Steve Mielke, City Manager City of Hopkins 1010 1 St S Hopkins, MN 55343 .