Memo - Excelsior Bulevard Reconstruction Memorandum . Public Works Department To: From: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Steven J. Stadler, Public Works Director ~ Date: March 22, 2001 Subject: Excelsior Boulevard Reconstruction, Phase II . Staff would like to publicly announce a delay in the construction start for the subject project. The revised construction start date would be April, 2002. At the February 27 worksession, staff mentioned that the cl!rrent project design and right of way acquisition status allows for a con~truction start no earlier than mid-July to mid-August, 2001. Benefits in delaying the construction start are: -Allow Excelsior Blvd reconstruction and construction of the new intersection (Medica redevelopment) under the same contract -- prevents two contractors from working in the same' corridor with separate, possibly conflicting, traffic control schemes and other conflicts --reduces cost by requiring just one mobilization, one traffic control plan and larger project economy of scale savings ' - , --shortens the construction schedule (vs two contracts) thereby redu'cing the impact on the adjacent b~sinesses, neighborhood and traveling public - --reduces cost by not having to remove an~ replace the transition zone area where the two improvement areas interface . -allows construction start earlier in the construction year permitting restored traffic .flow prior to winter shut-down Hennepin County concurs with the Excelsior Blvd construction schedule change. Staff would like to send a letter to the project stakeholders (Harley Hopkins neighborhood, Excelsior Blvd businesses, Blake School) explaining the project delay. . This mailing could also mention the Medica redevelopment intersection/roadway plans and an upcoming public meeting (o/a April 25). This meeting would coincide with the city review period for the Medica project ' 'draft AUAR (Alternative Urban Areawide Review). The AUAR documents include analyses of project specific factors including traffic and environmental impacts. The Zoning & Planning Commission and Ci.ty Council are scheduled to review/approve the AUAR on May 29 and June 5, respectively. The city would proceed with the new intersection design and other Medica- related roadway design after AUAR approval. Design would be completed by October, 2001 for advertis,ing and bid .Ietting in December, 2001. \.