Memo - OverPass Skate Park Rates ~ '. Facilities Division Memo To: From: Honorable. Mayor.and Members. of the City Council Jay Strachota,.. Facilities Director Steve Mielke,.. City Manager Steve Stadler, Public Works Director KathleenTaber, Depot/Overpass Manager 03/22/01 Overpass. Skate Park Rates 2001 cc: Date: Re: During the Council's discussion of the reciprocal. rate agreement with S1. Louis Park forthe Overpass Skate Park at the February 6, 2001 council meeting, council members expressedconcemabout the cost of admission to the Skate Park.. Since that meeting staff has reviewed. the admission rates history, . how rates are currently meeting the financial needs of the Skate Park, how rates and . attendance. will affect the Skate Park in the future. This memo will detail the information from these discussions and outline the strategies for the 2001 season and .an admissions. rate adjustment option forthe City Council to consider. Backaround The original Overpass. Skate Park rates were recommended and approved by both the .Park Board. and. the.. City Council in April. of 2000. The. recommended rates .were the results of work by a task force and staff. The taskforce induded a representative from the Hopkins/Minnetonka.. Recreation Department, Park. Board Members, . city staff and several areayouth~The task force reviewed . local rates of skate park . facilities, considered projected. attendance figures and estimated facility. expenses to arrive at the recommended rates. Attendance, expenses, and revenues all came in very close to projections for the 2000 season. In April of 2000, the City Council also approved the Overpass Skate Park as an Enterprise Fund. Costs of operation where projected to be offset by the revenues produced from sales of memberships,. daily. admissions and concessions. Page 1 Current rates and Skate Park financial needs The. Skate Park budget for 2001 projects excess in revenues over expenses of $2,164. The revenue projection is based on an attendance increase of 150AJ, and a $10.00 increase in the annual membership fee (daily admissions rate unchanged). In general, attendance during. the "prime time" hours was at. a manageable level during the 2000 season. Many participants would stay for 6 hours or more, and visit the park up t07 days a week. Estimated capacity of the park is about 80 participants at anyone time. At 80 participants and below, skaters are able to move about the park safely and are able to use the equipment without having to spend much time waiting. There is capacity to increase participation by 15% during prime time hours. The expense side of the budget includes the addition of an on site drinking fountain, storage lockers for skater's belongings, a computer for admissions record keeping, and a drop safe for keeping of daily admission fees. These are necessary improvements for safety and to lower administrative costs. Future attendance and rates The first year of operation for the Skate Park was. an exciting year that created a Ilbuzz" on the street as the Skate Park received a tremendous amount of publicity in metro wide publications and broadcast media. The Overpass. Skate Park is one.of a kind and this is the message that people received. Without a dollar spent on advertising the Skate Park. attracted people from throughout the metro area and beyond. This · also raised the attention of other . community officials. Staff receives regular inquiries from other communities exploring the possibility of building a Tier 2 park for skaters in. their. community. Numerous. communities (including Minnetonka) are installing tier t skating areas in their parks. Competition will increase and free publicity will decline, as skate parks become more commonplace. In speaking with the Facility Manager of the John Rose Oval, he stated that their skate park facilities have felt the impact. of increased competition in the past few years. With less than a year of Overpass operations completed, competition on the horizon, and only $2, 164 in excess . revenues budgeted, staff believes it is best to stay with the current rate structure as established by the skate park task force. Any discounting of rates should be implemented in the current rate format. . . Page 2 J . . Strateqies for the 2001 Skate Park season. Informational Meeting Staff plans to engage the public by inviting Hopkins residents to an "Overpass Skate Park Informational meeting". The. meeting will take. place at the Depot Coffee House. The agenda will include: ' Summer 2001 - Summary of opening date, special events, forms completion. Rates . . Railroad crossing update Park etiquette Volunteer program The meeting will be advertised. by a direct.. mailing to. Hopkins residents on.. our admissions records, Sun Sailor, Cable TV . Bulletin board, etc. Participants, parents, Park Board, Council, Jaycees, HPD, will all be invited to attend. The goal of the meeting is to . hear concerns and communicate important Skate. Park information to the parents, participants and vested parties. Those who cannot attend the meeting wiH be encouraged to write or telephone in their input. End of Day Rate Discount A half price admission discount will be available to those who want to enter the park two. . and one-half hours before. closing. The closing. time varies ... with the time. of sunset. . This rate discount was. implemented last season by. staff to be fair to those who entered the park late in the day. Volunteer Program This program is.. to assist the. skate park attendants in supervising the park. Volunteers will monitor and report certain activities, to pick up litter, and assist with the orderly operation of the Skate Park. By working two shifts a week volunteers receive a free membership and unlimited free skating privileges. Suggestion Box and periodic distribution of participant questionnaires A suggestion box will be installed at the Skate Park to encourage input from the participants. Staff will distribute questionnaires to all. visitors on specific days during the season. The goal of this questionnaire will be to gather information on participant and parental opinion on safety, rates, hours of operation, customer service,etc. Page 3 Admissions rate adiustment ootion Knowing it is the. desire of the City Council to make the Skate Park more affordable the following options are available: Keep membership. cost at $30.00, instead of increasing membership cost to $40.00. . There were 152 memberships sold in 2000. The $10.00 increase translates into $1,520 in additional membership.fees. There is room under the projected excess revenues to not increase membership rates and absorb the lost revenue. . Create a Resident Non-Member category in the rate schedule. This rate would be $7.00 per visit. Rate Schedule Resident member $5.00. per visit Non-Resident Member $6.00 per visit *Resident Non-Member $7.00 per visit Non-ResidentNon-Member $9.00 per visit * New category Using the 2000 season figures of $52,000 in. gross admissions revenues, and an average admission rate of $7.00,we calculate that there were approximately 7,400 paid admissions last season. A$1.00 across the board reduction in fees would result in a decrease in gross revenues of approximately $7,400. Demand may increase as costs go down I but each $1.00decrease in rates across the board has potentialJor a significant impact to revenues. In contrast, because Hopkins residents makeup approximately 10 % of the . users, each $1.00 reduction in the Non-Member rate to these users represents approximately a $1,000 reduction in gross revenues (assuming Hopkinsresidents have more visits per user). A $2,000 reduction in revenues can be absorbed into the budget with cost reduction measures. Cost reduction measures:.... Do not purchase computer for on site registration administration. Staff would continue using printouts from off sight registration processing. Cost savings $1,500. . Page 4