CR 01-17 Contract - Transportation Study February 2, 2001 \ \ , . OPK\~ CONTRACt=-=-TRANSPORTATION STUDY Council Report 2001..17 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a contract with LSA Desiqn Inc. in an amount not to exceed $39.000. Adoption of this motion will allow staff and a task force of transportation providers and recipients to study various transportation systems in the Hopkins School District. Overview The City of Hopkins and the Hopkins School District submitted a grant request to the Board of Innovation and Cooperation with the goal of analyzing the school's transportation systems and the public's transportation systems to see if there were ways in which to create efficiencies and shared use of resources that could result in a better overall transportation system. The approved grant calls for the hiring of a consultant knowledgeable in transportation planning to work with school, city, and private transportation providers and recipients in looking at various ways of better providing transportation systems. There are few examples in a suburban setting, of public and school transportation systems working together. The goal of the study is to find out if there are methods in a suburban setting that can be effective. Staff is recommending LSA Design Inc. to conduct this study, in that they are the consultants who ~erformed the initial three-city transportation system study for Hopkins, Minnetonka, and St. Louis ~ark, and they are familiar with the transportation needs in Hopkins. They also have demonstrated to the committee's satisfaction their knowledge and ability to look at systems throughout the United States in order to find examples of potential ways in which the system can be improved in Hopkins. Primary Issues to Consider What is the time frame for this study? It is anticipated that the study will take from six to nine months to complete. Is the contract within budget? The grant called for up to $40,000 to be used in a consultant contract. The proposal falls within that budgeted amount. Supportina Information Draft contract dated January 30,2001 Financial Impact: ~- _. $39.000 Budgeted: Y/N No Source: State Grant elated Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): N/A Notes: Administration dollars available within the grant to offset staff cost AlA Document B155 - Electronic Format ,I 0 i;1~':~ v Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Archifect for a Small Proj~.~t " ' 1993 SMALL PROJECTS EDITION \ I"~ This AGREEMENT is made: January 30.2001 (Date) BECAUSE THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING" IT. SOME STATES MANDATE A CANCELLATION PERIOD OR REQUIRE OTHER SPECIFIC DISCLOSURES, INCLUDING WARNINGS FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS, WHEN A DOCUMENT SUCH AS THIS WILL BE USED FOR WORK ON THE OWNER'S PERSONAL RESIDENCE. YOUR ATTORNEY SHOULD INSERT ALL LANGUAGE REQWRED BY STATE OR LOCAL LAW TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS AGREEMENT. SUCH STATEMENTS MAY BE ENTERED IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW, OR IF REQUIRED BY LAW, ABOVE THE SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES. AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USINq AlA DOCUMENT D401. , , "t~f"~ ,,'.;,y~ ^y" " " Copyright @ 1993 by The American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue;N.W.;Washington, D.C., 20006-5292. ','Reproduction of the material herein or substant~al quotation of its provisions without the written permission of the AIA~tiol~t~2 ,~~e copyright laws ofJhe .pnit~d ,States and will subject the violator to legal prosecutIon it . .i'. ."; " , ., i: " ,e, "? ~'7'/''''>>' f.~;^ : ~.: .&~~1i~~;~ljt~~~11;~;~~f:t~J~:~' BETWE E N the Owner: City of Hopkins 1010 First Street Hopkins. MN 55343 -A and the Architect: LSA Design Inc. 250 North Third Avenue. Suite 600 .inneapOlis. MN 55401 for the following Project: City of Hopkins/School District Transportation Study The Owner and Architect agree as follows. The Architect shall provide including normal structural, professional skill and care. -hl 4 *,ic;i'3iJ: '::~:i~';; ;~",~}4>" J~f~~~s,: ,:~'?~~\::,~~'~?':' i, ':': << .3 ttp6ft-Hte Ov;ncr's apprO'tTal-ef-Hte~ S~h.ltiJn::ip:rep~!s:,~OH:~t~~~V6n Documents indicating rcquirements-fef cOHstruction- of the pro!ec:~~ ';". . :;~~i'~'c '<~V" ' " '. : ;t:.,:;t:,:~'~t~{( .4 assist the: O:,~~d: lIt ftlirig dOClllnc.hts ~cqr;iied for the approyal of governmental authorities; and ,~;:.~' '> < :.', '5,? ~?"~;,~~:tl;~Y~' 1~~~~~~t~~;:?:;"3;} {~j~/~;~ 'l';~,~:K/~;~~~!ff~;;~~" d assist th{o~i~ctin obtainiNg' pr6p6sals',~n"d,~.;..~id}:~nt,racts for construction. ~(~~J!f0:~~}j}' ~ j?~,~ ,~ "';~{{}~ ~~~~:: v:J:b(:~~7,_ vi'~; r c, . , , ~ ~~~(~/~:,"';; 1993 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006-5292. AlA DOCUMENT 8155 - OWNER-A'RCHITECT,AGREEMENT--SMALL PROJECTS EDITION'~'AIA@ '- WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecutior()his document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license/'without violation until, the dateo(expiratic).n as nOJed below. User Document: b 155 contract for services -- 1/30/2001. AlA license Number 1008053, whi~h e?<pit~S .on. 8/3112001. '~.:[!'~ ;'{:~:,"r . Ci ':; . ';. ':~'~;"~S~:f.:J,i' ,,\';, /', '::"::~;'{'f, 'i',. ' Electronic Format 8155-1993 5{;ji:.:u, : ~, ';,,' 1 ",,,:?::i.i ,:. H ~ -Hle Construction -Pftase.; 4e ..'\rchitect -sflall-aa -as -Hle O'NIler's ref'resentativc -aREl provide administration -ef 4e- Contract betv;:een the O',VIler and Centractor. The extent of the Architect's authority &lHI responsibility during construction is described ffi -this ..^..:grcement -aRd -in -AlA: Document -Azej, Ceneral Conditions -ef -Hle Centrac(...fef Coiistruction -ef -a -Small Project. -YRless - .=:~::= =~:;~~~B::~~~ c~~:;;~~,certifyiBg l'aymeBto. reviewing the ARTICLE 2 ~l~~~1;\j:~~;~i!~r:',~_': >'-~;,h{..~. , " OWNER'S RESPONSIBllITlES~>,':,': ~" :',,'< .':, " "::;:._ ~2' _,;:.:. _-- <- The Owner shall provide full information about the objectives, schedule, constr3.h1~~d existing co~ditions of th~ proj~~t, and ~haIl establish a budget with reasonable contingencies that meets the project requirements.' The Owner shall furnish surYcyfug~' geo~echnical- , engineering -aRi:i en';ironmcntal-test4ftg services information as listed on the attached B 163 upon request by the Architect:" ~ O....'11cr shall employ a contractor to perform the constructien 'N{)rk and to proyi.d~ _~ost estimating services. The Owner shall furnish for the benefit of the project all legal, accounting and insurance counseling s~Mces: "'~~~'i' AR T I ClE:~~:1~~r~;~~(~~: ,}' USE OF ARCHITE~~;j~~gg~UMENTS )3~~;'I~P; Documents prepared by the Architect are instruments of service for Tl~e;s'oIely with respect to th1~' project. The Architect shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including t~~~'c~n)yright. The Owner,'sha~ 'tiot reuse or permit the reuse of the Architect's documents except by mutual agreement ill writing~t~Wi1;.)~\~ .... ."'{;~~;J'~f~f~.. TERMI NATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANbqNIVI~~~' "c';,'~ ~~':~;-"~~~_~~I:~~i;P;:~:?~:,_c'r' In the event of termination, suspension or abandonment of the project, the Architect sh~ll:' be "~~~itably i~~p~~~ated for services performed. Failure of the Owner to make payments to the Architect in accordance with this Agreement shall be considered substantial nonperformance and is sufficient cause for the Architect to either suspend or terminate services. Either the Architect or the Owner may terminate this Agreement after giving no less than, .seve~",day~',..,~itten)lO~!ce)fthe, other,; pan..Y ~ub~t_a~tially fails to perform in accordance ffiili ilie terms of ~ Agreement. ~;;~~f~fft.~~1i'II5~~~~i:.~iff;"~~!fj~lt!~~%,? .. MIStEllANEOUS PROVISIONS "::{:~.~<t;' , - -<~~~I~\:~"~ ~ ~/'~;~?,::{i:~:~j'""~~~~~;':~~l;~~:.-p~ ~~: >, ; 4_,~,~ _>,: _,~ ::';' }: 5.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the law of th~ i~~~~iQii:'gf:t4~'pt:pjt;,~!~X~,:~;~D;~~f ^" 0 ;~1:;~1 , ?;:~;j#': S.;~~:~f?;:;~!~'~~,:~~~1 5.2 Terms in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as tliose~~~ i\tA-Docunient A205, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction of a Small Project, current as of the date of this Agreement:'"';~t}~i:{l2::i:{j~:f;~~~r0rf~~~:';;~~"",..,. 5.3 The Owner and Architect, respectively," pind,_themselves, their partnert,';~utces~or~;,,'as~igns and legal representatives to this Agreement. Neither party to this Ag~e~Irient' ~ha~ ~ssign th~/~ontract as a whole without~ittep:' consent of the other. ~,~~~), / :;~:~"~~~~;~;J~-+~:~~ ':~:~r ; :,~/ '; '\-:,' .:~,': - ~_r'l~:~ 0:)' '.., ~~ ,~~;i~~$ 5.4 The Architect and Ar~~,~i~~t'{~?nsuItani~'~hfl!t,,~av~<ino responsi~w.ty/or_<t4,~)4~'ntification, discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of, or exp~~yt,~~'2rp~jsons to, hazar~9iis mater!,~l~i~,>~J;1i foinj~~f1he;project site. J~~f.;~~r ~ . ~RT~~,,_~~~;;Z~i;~i "~,~~r~:~~;,7'h:f:.PA YMENTS A NP:, CO~P~NSATIO~tTO THE ARCHITECT ~~:;~;;~fl~~~~lt~iJ~~E,~60.cq,." 0%" Total Compensation for the project is (NOT TO' EXCE~9),'~o~~.q9..9}~~luding expenses. The fee shall be charged by Phase as fOIl~;;f;:~~:r~~~;jrik~f;;;'1?,f"'~ ~,'- ;S"":::t:'Jjij"fl Phase I .,:::~.,., $1,~.04~: Ph II ,>..., <-, d'15 600 ase _ ',' ,,',ri:'~~C \]) . . '''<. Phase 1II.~:~:<9"J $" 6.240 Phas:~~~y~~;/ ' 3,120 c 1993. THE- AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NE"V_'yO~K.AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006-5292. AlA DOCUMENT B155 - OWNER;;~J\!l~IiITEC,r,~~REEMEf\JJ~-SMALL PROJECTS EDITlqr\.(~~~i~~' - WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subjecJ f6~ legal pr~s:e,ctJti6n';:}~i(ao~umen,~" was electronkalN- produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license' without violci,tio,l''imtil: thEi ~da~e":Of expiJati.on~:~~j"!oted below. User Document: b155 contract for services -- 1/30/2001. AlA License Number 1008053, which exp\t~~~~~i'~~21~1~~j~~~\"~~1~i.J;!~l Electronic Format B155-199~ ---; - ," .!.::- ~~ -~ ;~ ,,;~... . ~-- : of which an initial payment retainer of zero dollars ($ .Q) shall be paid upon execution of this Agreement and shall be credited to the final payment. ..2 The Architect shall not be reimbursed for expenses incurred over or above the Tota'l Compensation for the project as tated in Article 6.1 except the following:in the interest of the project, plus an administrative Je~,pK percent ( %) (Ljst rejmbursable jtems.) ,':'\.;{\':Ir,;'i..ft,?,. H, . If the OWNER decides to do a survey of High Population Areas (listed as Future Phases 'Linder Phase'l work) the OWNER will cover the costs of additional postage and expenses. " ,i. /:':<" ' " ~'~:,,~ :l!L',,~'i' 6.3 If through no fault of the Architect the services covered by this Agreement have not been complet~d with'insix ' (6) months of the date hereof, compensation for the Architect's services beyond that time shall be' appropriately adjusted. 6.4 Payments are due and payable upon receipt of the Architect's invoIce: Amounts unpaid thirty (30) days after invoice date shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate of ten ( ~rin:the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing at the principal place of business of the Architect. ARTICLE 7 OTHER PROVISIONS at the Owner's and Archjtect 's (Usury laws and requkements under the Federal Truth jn Lending Act, pnndpal places of bUSineSS, the location ofthe Project and elsewhere may affect 6.5 Architectural Services not covered by this Agreement budget. The Architect shall be paid additional fees for performed. to changes in the scope, quality or hourly rates when the services are (Insert desCliptions of other servkes and modjficatjons to the terms ofthjs Agreement.) This Agreement entered into as of the day and yearJir:sr~itt~n' (Ifrequjred by law, insert cancellation period, djsclosures or othe~}Vail1' '<state.' OWNER (Signature) ,,,/ ?~~'1,~:~:'({?t;~~~,~~~r~~t'~y~~~;W~, (Pnnted name, title and address) 1993 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006-5292. AlA DOCUMENT B155 - OWNER-ARCHITECT ,:AGREEMENT--SMALL PROJECTS EDITION - AIA@ - WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecutiof).' This document was electronically'produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced in accordance with your Iicensewithou'(violatio'l' until the date~, ~f expiratipn)s,note? below. User Document: b155 contract for services -- 1/30/2001. AlA License Number 1008053, whi~.h expire's on 8/3112oo1~~d;:~:::~;i~'~'~~~,:;;~.;~:,:<l . .'. ' ';,~" . " "~~>'~i~ ':::;'>:(~<:~~~~~;i~': ' ' Electronic Format B 155-199; '-. (~" " '" " ARTICLE 1.1: SCHEDULE OF DESIGNATED SERVICES PROJECT: Phase I HOPKINS/SCHOOL DISTRICT Phase II TRANSPORTATION STUDY Phase III Phase IV Future PROJECT # 00-16 2 Months 2 Months 1 Month 1 Month Phase DATE: RESPONSIBILITY: C = City, SO = School Dist. LSA = LSA . c so lSA C so lSA C so lSA C so lSA 1 Determine Recipients of Survev Transit Providers Transit Recipients - -= High Population Areas ~ .~. - 2 Develop Surveys PHASE I 3 DevleloP Representative Sample for Survey All Service Providers/Recipients -= - Population Areas i - 4 Perform Surveys 5 Begin Discussions w/ Transportation Providers Determine Needs and Wants ~ 6 Begin Discussions w/ Transportation Recipients Determine Needs and Wants '~ OWNERS SIGN OFF ON PHASE I ti* -. PHASE 1- 180 Hours @ $78/Hour - $14.040 ~:~~~~~~~:~~:~:~:~:~~:;:~:~~:~:~:~: :~:~~~:~:~~:;:~~~:~:~:~:~:~:~~:~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~~:~:~:~:~:~:~~:~:~:~:~~:~:~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~~;:~~:~:;:~;:~;:~~:~:;:;:;:;:;:;. ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:~:;:;:~:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:~ . ~:;:;:;:::;:;:~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;: : ~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~; : ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;: : ;:~;:;:;:;:;:;:~;:~~;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:~;:;:;:; : :-:~.-:.. 7 Review, Analvze,Summarize Survev 8 Cont. Discussions w/ Transportation Providers Determine Oppportunitiesllssues PHASE II 9 Cont. Discussions w/ Transportation Recipients Determine Oppportunitiesllssues . ~ 10 Summarize Feedback from Providers/Recipients .~, 11 Prepare Report 12 Present to Design Team :~~:?::; . ~ OWNERS SIGN OFF ON PHASE II :. PHASE II 200 Hours @ $78/Hour - $15.600 ~~::::~~~::~~~::~~~~~~~~:::: :~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~::::::~~::::~::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~~~::::::::::::::::~::~~::~::::~::::~~~::~::~::::::~~::::~::::::::::~~::::::: ::::::~::::~::::~::::::::::::~~::::::::::::: . ::::::::~::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~~:::::::::::: ::::::::::~::~~::::::::~::~:::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::~::::~::::::::::::~::::~::::~~::: : 13 Create Draft of Transportation Plan ~ Recommended Phases of Implementation PHASE III Determine Methods of Measurina Outcomes Determine Funding Sources for Imclementation 14 Submit to Design Team for Review '-J .:..:::.::~ OWNERS SIGN OFF ON PHASE III ~ Phase III - 80 Hours @ $78/Hour - $6.240 :~:~:~~:::~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~:;:~:~ ~:~:;:~:~:~:::;:;~:~:~:;;~:;:;:~:~:~:~:;:;:;:;:~:~:~:~:~:~:;:~:~:~~~:~:~:~~~:~~:~:;:;:;:~~~:;:~:~:;:;:;:~~:;:~:~:~:;:~:~:~:~~~:;:~~~:;:~:;:~~~:;:~~:~:~~~~~:::;~:~~:~:~:;:;:~:;: ; ~:;:;:~:~:~ :~:~:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:~ :;:~:;:;:~:~:~:~: :~:;:~:~:~;~:;:;:;:~:;:;:~:;;~~:;:~~:~:~:~:~:~ ~ ;~::~:~:~:~:;:~:::;:~:;:;:~:~:~:~~:;:;:;:;~~: :;:~:~:;~:;:;:;::~:;:~:;~~:;:;:;:;:~:~~:~:~ ~ :;:~:~:~:~:::~:~:;~:;~:~:~:~:::~:~~:~:;:~:;:;; : I 15 Review Feedback on Draft Plan ~. ::-....~.. PHASE IV 16 Revise Transportation Plan 17 Submit to Design Team - Final Review OWNERS SIGN OFF ON PROJECT COMPETION ~ ~ .:::l Phase IV. 40 Hours @ $78/Hour - $3.120 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT. $39.000