Memo - Police/Fire Space Study-Site Discussion
Administrative Services Department
Office of the City Manager
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Steven C. Mielke, City Manager
March 9, 2001
Police/Fire Space StUdY-Site Discussion
Last year an analysis was presented to the City Council indicating a space deficit for
both the Police Department and the Fire Department. Between the two spaces, it was
determined that the existing City Hall site was no longer adequate to house the POlice
Department, Fire Department, and city offices.
At the conclusion of the study, it was recommended that the City Council hire a
consultant to review potential space locations for the Possible construction of either a
police or fire facility in a location other than City Hall. The City Council asked that the
staff attempt to locate alternative sites to accommodate a potential new structure.
Since that time, a variety of staff meetings have been held to discuss Potential
locations. It is feasible for either police or fire to be located away from the City Hall
location, although it was determined to be the least expensive to move the fire station
to a new location.
In trying to determine the location for a new fire hall, access to the site became primary.
as well as location within the city. The parameters listed by the Fire Department were
that the site must be generally centre" to the community. but west of 169 and on a major
access route.
After searching for such a site, the only identified site was the placement of a new
structure between the pavilion and pUblic works, on the current parking lot. A review of
that location has been preliminarily accomplished.
PUblic Works/Central Park Site
/f a structure were to be constructed, it Would straddle the open area between the
current public works building on the west and the side of the paVilion on the east. The
structure would face toward Exce/sior Bou/evard with drive-thru access from 17~
Avenue into the back of the bUilding and through to Excelsior Boulevard as a front door
The site, based upon review by the Police, Fire, and PUblic Works departments has
indicated that the site may, in fact, work as a location for the Fire Department, but not
without some potential impacts on the surrounding uses.
At the Work Session, I will review more of the pros and cons as identified by the
various departments.
Based upon input from all three departments, I am recommending that the Council
authorize a detailed review of this potential location. The review would involve hiring
an architeCUspace planner, to work with all three departments to address the issues
that have been identified.
I want the Council to know that the discussions ofthis potential site have tested the
relationships between Public Works and the Fire Department. A decision on this
location, regardless of its outcome, will not be easily accepted by some in both of the
departments. It is my opinion that this non-biased third party review of the site in
working with all of the departments, will lead to the best potential outcome for a
decision. I would expect the cost of this stUdy to be $5,000 to $10,000, although
quotations have not been taken for this Work.
I want to express my appreciation to the department heads for all three departments for
their patience and professionalism in handling what is becoming a difficult issue.
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