CR 2000-124 Appointment Of Election Judges For 2000 Primary Election '-.. "':4.':: :~~.'.."i' -. July 21, 2000 Council Report 2000-124 APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES FOR 2000 PRIMARY ELECTION Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to appoint the attached list of persons (attachment A) to serve as Election JudQes for the State Primary Election to be held on September 12,2000 and set the waQe at $7.75 per hour for Chair JudQes and $7.25 for Election JudQes. Overview State Statute requires that Election Judges for precincts in a municipality be appointed and their wages be fixed by the governing body of the municipality. State Statute also requires that a balance of major parties be represented in all partisan elections. The Chair Judges have served as election judges previously and have been chosen for their experience, In most cases they have submitted the names of those whom they will work with. Training is provided for all appointed election judges. . The number of judges posted in each polling place is determined by the number of registered voters in the precinct and the history of new registrations in the precinct; State Statutes require a minimum of four judges in precincts where the optech machine is being used. Living Waters was combined last year with Blake School. Because of the size and newness of the situation, I have put six election Judges in that precinct. Primary Issues to Consider It has been two years since the election Judges have received an increase in compensation. The compensation in 1998 and 1999 was $7.00 for judges and $7.50 for the chairs. The increase was included in the 2000 budget. Election judges begin at 6:00 a.m. and work until between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. During the day, the majority of them do not leave the precinct. Supporting Documents . A copy of Minnesota Election Laws is available for review in the City Clerk's office. . A list of persons to be appointed to the position of Election Judge is attached (Attach ) . .. . -- -.., .---.. '..:.. .-,. :: T;:_ A TT ACHMENT A . ELECTION JUDGES FOR 2000 STATE PRIMARY ELECTION PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 6 Carol Maier - Judge Chair R Mary Shirley - Judge Chair R Galdys Walcker R Marge Campbell R Doris Stacey D Louise Hemker D Joan DeCosse 0 Kathy Lorentzen D PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 7 Albert DeCosse - Judge Chair D Irene Studenski -Judge D Robert Porte R Kieth Carstens R Marjorie Carstens R Viola Johnsoton D Dorothy Phelps D Lu Porte R Verna Lundee R George Kerber D PRECINCT 3 PRECINDT 8 Carol Frane - Judge Chair R Charles Dranginis - Judge Chair D Fran Dranginis D John Frane R . Diane Albrecht D Dee Holschuh 0 Pat Bell I Glorine Rasinski R PRECINCT 4 ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD Clifford Robinson - Judge Chair D Evelyn Kerber D Omer Holschuh R Betty Rathbun R Francis Jasper D Jack Vesovich R PRECINCT 5 Myrtle Glynn - Judge Chair R Polly Charnstrom R Pat Smith D Carlton Running D AL TERNA TE Betty Schumack R .