CR 2000-129 Preliminary Plat-Supervalu
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- \. - ..... CITY OF
. July 27, 2000 Council Report 2000-129
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends the foHowing motion: Move to approve Resolution 2000-52. approving a
preliminary \,lat for the SuperValu perishable site.
At the Zoning and Planning meeting, Mr. Thompson moved and Ms. Allen seconded a
motion to approve Resolution RZOO-7, recommending approval of a preliminary plat for the
SuperValu perishable site. The motion was approved on a 6-0 vote. Mr. Szuba abstained.
The applicant, SuperValu, with the construction of the addition to the perishable building,
will be combining two parcels into one. The old County Club Warehouse building will be
cOmbined with the perishable site. This is needed because building code will not allow a lot
line going through a building.
The new lot will also combine one-half of the vacated Sixth Avenue.
Primarv Issues to Consider.
. . What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan
designated the subject site?
. Do the lots meet the zoning requirements?
. What are the specifics of the plat?
. Does the proposed plat meet the subdivision requirements?
. Will a park dedication fee be required?
. What was the discussion at the Zoning and Planning meeting?
SUDPortim! Documents.
. Analysis of Issues
. Preliminary Plat
. Resolution 2000-52
Financial Impact: $ N/A Budgeted: Y/N Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
. Notes:
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. Primarv Issues to Consider.
. What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan
designated the subject site?
The zoning of the property is 1-1. Industrial. The Comprehensive Plan has designated the site
as industrial. The zoning and the land use comply with the proposed use.
. Do the lots meet the zoning requirements?
A lot in the I-I district is required to have a minimum size of 10.000 square feet. The lot will
meet the minimum lot size.
. What are the specifics of the plat?
The existing perishable site and the former Country Club warehouse lot will be combined
into one parcel.
. Does the proposed plat meet the subdivision requirements?
The plat as proposed meets the subdivision requirements.
. . Will a park dedication fee be required?
A park dedication will be required.
. What was the discussion at the Zoning and Planning meeting?
Staff reviewed the preliminary plat with the Commission. A resident asked why SuperValu
wants to be on this property, Ms. McGlinch stated that the new building will meet all the
required setbacks and that having the facilities close together makes logistical sense.
1. Approve the preliminary plat. By approving the preliminary plat, the Applicant will be
able to plat the property as proposed.
2. Deny the preliminary plat. By denying the preliminary plat, the Applicant will not be
able to plat the property as proposed. If the City Council considers this alternative,
findings will have to be identified that support this alternative.
3. Continue for further information. If the City Council indicates that further information is
needed, the item should be continued.
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Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, an application for Preliminary Plat SOODOO-l has been made by SuperValu.
WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows:
1. That an application for a preliminary plat was made by SuperValu on March 31, 2000;
2, That the Hopkins Zoning and Planning Commission, pursuant to mailed and published
notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on April
25,2000; May 30,2000; and July 25,2000: all persons present were given an opportunity
to be heard;
3. That the written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and
. 4. A legal description of the subject property is as follows:
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 39:
Lots 1,2,3,4, 17, 18, 19,20,21,22,23, and 24, Block 52:
That part of the West %: of vacated 9th Avenue lying between extensions across it of the Northwesterly
line of Block 39 and the North line of Block 52;
That part of the East ~ of vacated 10th A venue lying between extensions across it of the North and
South lines of Block 52;
That part of vacated Railway Boulevard lying between extensions across it of the centerline of 9th
Avenue and the north line of Block 52;
That part of vacated 5th Street South lying between extensions across it of the West line of 9th Avenue
and the Easterly line of Railway Boulevard;
Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, and 20, Block 53;
. That part of the vacated alley in Block 53 lying between extensions across it of the South line of Lot 15
and the Northwesterly line of Lot 20;
That part of the West 1/2 of the vacated alley in Block 53 lying between extensions across it of the
South line of Lot 12 and the South line of Lot 15;
That part of the West 1/2 of vacated 10th Avenue, lying between extensions across it of the South line of
Lot 8, Block 53 and the North line of Block 52;
That part of the vacated Railway Boulevard lying between extensions across it of the East line of 11th
Avenue and the North line of Block 52;
. All in WEST MINNEAPOLIS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota.
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. Parcel 2:
Lots 5,6,1,8,9,13,14,15 and 16, Block 52, the vacated alley in Block 52 lying between extensions across
it of the North and South lines of said Block and that part of the West Half of vacated 9th A venue lying
between extensions across it of the North and South lines of Block 52, all in WEST MINNEAPOLIS,
according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Except those parts of the above described premises which lie Southerly and Southeasterly of a line
described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of 5th Street South and the centerline of 7tlt A venue South
as dedicated in the recorded plat of WEST MINNEAPOLIS; thence Westerly along the Westerly
extension of the centerline of said 5th Street South, a distance of 127,00 feet; thence Westerly a distance
of 516.03 feet along a tangential curve concave to the South, having a radius of835.19 feet and a central
angle of 39 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds; then Southwesterly, a distance of 255.54 feet along a
compound curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 563.48 feet and a central angle of 25
degrees, 59 minutes, 00 seconds; thence Southwesterly, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of
176.85 feet; thence Southwesterly, a distance of 209.78 feet along a tangential curve concave to the
Northwest, having a radius of 183.69 feet and a central angle of 65 degrees, 26 minutes, 00 seconds and
said line there terminating.
That part of Lot 7, AUDITOR'S SUBDMSIONNUMBER 195, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying
Westerly of the Westerly right-of~way line of1th Avenue South as dedicated in the recorded plat of
. WEST MINNEAPOLIS and its Northerly extension, except that part thereof which lies Southerly and
Southeasterly of a line described as follows:
Except those parts of the above described premises which lie Southerly and Southeasterly of a line
described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of 5th Street South and the centerline of Th A venue South
as dedicated in the recorded plat of WEST MINNEAPOLIS; thence Westerly along the Westerly
extension of the centerline of said Sth Street South, a distance of 127.00 feet; thence Westerly a distance
of576.03 feet along a tangential curve concave to the South, having a radius of83S.19 feet and a central
angle of 39 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds; thence Southwesterly, a distance of 255.54 feet along a
compound curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 563.48 feet and a central angle of 25
degrees, 59 minutes, 00 seconds; thence Southwesterly, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of
116.85 feet; thence Southwesterly, a distance of 209.78 feet along a tangential curve concave to the
Northwest, having a radius of 183.69 feet and a central angle of65 degrees, 26 minutes, 00 seconds and
said line there terminating.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for Subdivision SUBDOO-l is
hereby approved based on the following Findings of Fact:
1. That the proposed plat meets the subdivision requirements of Minnesota Statutes and the
Hopkins Code of Ordinances.
2. That the proposed lot meets the zoning requirements.
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. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that application for Subdivision 8OODOO-l is hereby approved
subject to the following conditions:
1. That the conditional use permit is approved and the applicant satisfies all conditions and
requirements for such conditional use permit.
2. That the Applicant satisfies all conditions and requirements for and obtains final approval
of the plat of the subject property.
3. Applicant obtains the proposed height variance and satisfies aU conditions and
requirements for such variance.
4. That the vacation of Sixth Avenue is completed and the Applicant satisfies all conditions
of such vacation.
Adopted this 2nd day of August 2000.
Eugene 1. Maxwell. Mayor
. Terry Obermaier, City Clerk
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