Memo- Evaluation Feedback . -. . . Administrative Services - Office of the City Manager Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Steven C. Mielke, Hopkins City Manager Date: May 23, 1999 . Subject: Evaluation Feedback - Future Actions Development of Mission/Goals/Objectives: The following is an outline of a planning process that I believe would set the course for the City for the next 2-4 years. I have tried to break out the process into managable chunks of time to make the process more feasible and without attempting to do the process through a retreat . setting. I believe it essential that a consultant be hired to assist the effort. A consultant will keep us on track, allow full participation by the City Manager, and provide an unbiased look at the process and the results. First, some definitions; Mission: A statement of purpose for the organization - Why is the city doing what it does. Vision of Success: A statement of what the organization should look like as it successfully implements its strategies and achieves it's full potential. Strategic Issue: A fundamental policy choice affecting an organizations mandates, mission, values, product or service mix, clients or users, cost, financing, organization or management. Next, the process~ Step Action Involvement Responsible Timeframe 1. Selection of Consultant Council/C.M. Mayor/Council June . 2. Meeting 1 Orientation CouncillKey Staff Consultant June - July (4-5 hOurs) History and Present ~ --, . Stakeholder Analysis " Mission Statement 3. Summary Report Manager ConsUltant/C.M. Before Step4 4. Meeting 2 SWOT Analysis Council/Key Staff Consultant July - August (2~3 hours) Strategic Issues 5. Summary Report Manager Consultant/C.M. Before Step 6 6. Develop Strategies Key Staff! C.M. Consultant/C.M. August 7. Meeting 3 Review Steps 5 & 6 CounciI/Key Staff Consultant August - Sept. 8. Draft Plan (mission, Key stafIi'C.M. City Manager Sept. - Oct. services, staffing, finances, facilities, implementation, ) 9. Meeting 4 Review Draft Plan CounciI/Key Staff Consultant October (2 hours) 10. Public Review Boards! Conunissions City Manager Oct. - Nov. 11. Summary Report Manager Consultant/C.M. Before Step 12 12. Meeting 5 Adoption of Plan City Council City Manager December . Vision of Success City Departments City Manager Boards/Conumssions Key Staff Public 13. Review Progress City Council City Manager June 2000 Finally. a consensus to proceed. Reporting to the Council The evaluation suggests that I may be holding back information or sharing it only with some on the counciL I first want to assure you that I don't purposely hold back or selectively share information. I attempt through the Update to give out as much relevant information as I can. It is often difficult to determine what is desired and what is overload. I try to ere on the side of too much information. I am unsure that the document is as effective as it could be because I usually do not receive requested feedback from the counciL I would appreciate hearing specific situations where it seems that I have held back or selectively provided information. I would also appreciate any ideas on how to improve communications with . individual members of the counciL I would be willing to set aside additional time to meet or talk ..-... r~ . with council members if that would help. While I meet weekly with the Mayor to update him on current and administrative activities, I want all of the council to feel informed. Fiscal Management Lori Yager and I are working on the Program Based Budgeting. This is a major adjustment within the organization, but I believe the staff is up to the task. Please provide feedback if this effort is not meeting your expectations. Continuing Education I Professional Development The need exists to continue to grow as a person and as a professional. I will develop a personal development plan that leads toward improving my skills and aptitudes. I will inform the council of my decisions, be they continuing education or pursuit of a higher degree. e . .,:... . DRAFT #1 Community of Hopkins DRAFT #1 Design Team Proposed Results and Agenda Proposed Design Team Results: (by the end of the four evening sessions, the design team will have accomplished the following objectives) 1. Development of proposed vision, mission, and goals. 2. For the large two evening community dialogue in September: - Agreement on a design. - Commitment to a recruitment plan. Proposed Design Team Results - by session: 1. April 25, 2000 session: (6:30p.m.-9:00p.m.) - Mutual understanding of participants' personal histories. - Development of preliminary concepts for proposed vision. - Evaluate proposed design team results, agendas, and ground rules. 2. Apri127, 2000 session: (6:3Op.m.-9:00p.m.) - Mutual understanding of common ground and key differences regarding diversity and multifamily residents. - Development of possible community goal statements. - Appointment of diverse sub group of design team that can develop a proposed city government mission and second draft vision and goals. . 3. May 9, 2000 session: (6:30p.m.-9:00p.m.) - Evaluate proposed city government mission and second draft vision and goals. NOTE: Large scale staff meeting to be held between May 9 and May 15 session to provide feedback to design team regarding its work to ihat point. 4, May 15,2000 session: (6:30p.m.-9:00p.m.) - Development of final draft vision, goals, and mission for evaluation in September. - Evaluate proposed design for September community dialogue. - Evaluate proposed recruitment plan for September. - Commit to next steps. NOTE: 1. Large scale stirlr participation hoped for in September community dialogues. 2. It is recommended that staff interview people of diversity and multifamily residents during summer months. Proposed Ground Rules For Sessions: 1. Listen for understanding. Agreement is not necessary. 2. Participants speak one at a time, in turn, around the circle. 3. As listeners, participants notice tendency to agree or disagree, and continue to listen for understanding. 4, Council members and staff speak last in each circle. . 5. For first session only _. council members propose to their circle whether or not they will speak at all, and participants in circle evaluate that proposal. . Page 2 Proposed Agenda fol' April 25 Session: DRAFT #1 NOTE: Participants will receive items in advance and be asked to review them: - Consultant's executive summary, proposed vision, and the detail input of all focus groups. - Proposed session results and agenda. Room set up in circles of chairs - 6 chairs to a circle. As people enter, they are counted . offby the consultant and asked to sit in pre~numbered circles. 6:30p.m.-7:00p.m. Welcome. Oven1ew. Introductions. - Mayor and city council members welcome people. - Consultant overviews role and agendas. - Introductions. One at a time, in turn, around the circle. (no more than 2 minutes each) -- Name I how long resident? -- How are you tonight "really"? - How do you feel about participating in this design team? - Council members propose to each circle whether or e not they will speak during this session. Circle members quickly evaluate proposal. - Sign up sheet for the group is passed around so that participants can be assigned to these same groups each time. 7:00p.m.- 8:00p.m. Mutual understanding of personal histories One at a time, in turn, around the circle. (no more than 5 minutes each - select timekeeper and recorder) - What are some key moments in your life when you felt really connected to a larger community of people? - Who in that community influenced you? - What role, if any, have the people of Hopkins played in those key moments? - What experiences in your interactions with others in Hopkins, if any, have left you feeling cautious and concerned? Together, the circle identifies common themes and 'records on flipchart. (15 minutes) Recorder reports small group's themes to larger group, as time allows. (10 minutes) . Post flip chart sheets on wall before break. -- . Page 3 (Proposed agenda for April 25 session - conti11lled) DRAFT #1 8:00p.m.- 8:15p.m. Break. (NOTE: prior to break, consultant posts list of items from proposed vision statement from his report. During the break: - Participants can choose to add items to the list by post it notes. - Participants prioritize items by posting 5 colored dots. .. During break, chairs are reassembled into one large circle of chairs) 8:15p.m.- 8:45p.m. Development of key concepts for proposed vision. (Large circle of chairs) - What do the concentration of colored dots tell us about the proposed vision for the community of Hopkins? - Done in random dialogue fashion - repeat what the prior person said before speaking - prior person e confirms whether or not they feel understood. 8:45p.m.- 9:00p.m. Evaluation of session and proposed agendas for design team. Go around the circle.. one person at a time, in turn. ". .. . - ---------- -- -----