CR 2000-73 Approve Preliminary Design Services, Minnetonka Boulevard Improvements
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April 13, 2000 Council Report 2000-73
Approve Preliminary Design Services, Minnetonka Boulevard Improvements
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move that Council authorize the
Mayor and City ManaQer to enter into an aoreement with Biko Associates. Inc. for
preliminarv desian services reQardino Minnetonka Boulevard corridor improvements.
The CSAH 73/5 intersection improvement task force recommended that certain
conditions be included with their support for improvements to this intersection. City
Council subsequently adopted resolution 99-116 which listed these conditions. One of
the conditions was that Hennepin County, City of Minnetonka, and City of Hopkins
diligently pursue enhancements to Co. Rd. 5. These enhancements would include:
roadway improvements such as streetscape amenities, trails, landscaping, and defined
. roadway edges in order to improve aesthetics and reduce speeds through Hopkins.
These improvements are to be considered an integral part of the intersection approval
process. Staff is requesting approval of an agreement with Biko Assoociates to develop
a Minnetonka Boulevard corridor plan. The proposed fee for these services is $20,300
- see attached Biko memorandum.
Primary Issues to Consider.
. Scope of design services under proposed agreement
. Preliminary design schedule
SupportinQ Information
. Biko Memorandum - April 4, 2000
. P showi Minnetonka Blvd corridor
Steven J. Stadler
Public Works Director
Financial Impact: $ 20,300 Budgeted: ..l!Q.. Source: Municipal State Aid
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
e Notes: Minimal impact to MSA account
Council Report 2000-73
Page 2
Analvsis of Issues
. Scope of design services under proposed agreement
The scope is clearly defined within the attached memorandum. It generally includes
identifying the unique features and requirements along the corridor, meeting with a
neighborhood group, City of Minnetonka and Hennepin County throughout the concept
design process and preparing a Hopkins corridor improvement plan. The scope also
includes a broader corridor masterplan considering City of Minnetonka input.
. Preliminary Design Schedule
e Biko states in the agreement that the project will be completed within four months of the
notice to proceed.
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. Memorandum
Dale: April 4, 2000
To: Steve StBdler
From Tim Griffin
Subject: Minnetonka Boulevard Corridor Plan
The putpoH of this memorandum is to pmcmt: a proposal for Biko Associates to prepare a
Minnfiooka Boulevard Corridor Plan. for the City of Hopkins. The proposal is organized in the
fbllowio,g mumer:
. Project UDdencanding
. Scope of Services
. Stamns
. Fee
The MDmetorlka Boulevard Corridor Plan is a coordinated effort by the Cities of Hopkins and
Minn~ to CAlld.e a maltetplan for future improvements to Minn<<onka Boulevard through the
two communities. Biko Alloeiate:s will be responsible for developing Ip~ifie reconunendaticms
. for the Hopkins segment of the corridor. The Hoisington-Koegler Group will be worlcing 00 the
eastem and wtlStem segments in Minnetonka. Periodically, the conidor will be looked. at in its
entirety to insure a oonsisteGt strategy. Early in the process a joiDt framework of issues, needs
and opport1B1ities will be develq>>ed. At the conclusion, a COtqlrcO.ClflSive eorridOl" pian will be
drawn IUd clelc:ribod. The Hopkins plan wi)) begin with the work done last year by Biko
Associltes to enba1ce the design oftbe CSAH 73 and 5 intersectioo.
Bueo Associates will perform the following services;
1. ProJcct l"iIit1IIort. Prior to beginning work, the consultant will meet with city staff to begin
the project. The purpose of this meeting will be to: a) finalize the work program and
schedule; b) dGfine the role and composition of the citizen steering c:ommittee~ c) collect base
lDIpping from the City; end d) discuss the City's expectation. for the corridor plan.
2- CfItrritlor Forces. The consultant will summarize the forces and issues aft8c:ting the
Mirmetoulra Boulevard conidor through Hopkins and Minnctonb. The consultaDt will meet
wih City Staffmd the Hoisington Koegl,"" Group to inCOlJlOlllte the key forces affecting
1beir work. A forcet diagram and description will be prepared for pres8lltat:ioo to the citizen commitree.
J. ~iI:eM ~ The cmsultant will identify issues, needs and opportUnities specifie to
the Hopkins segment of the corridor. Stonn water drainage, land use and development,
traffic and cireul8tiCIII. aDd design and appearance concerns and COIlceptl will organized and
. Doted.
02/17/2000 13:24 5129288488 _~. . '__"',_ .. __On ...------. ~._._---
. 4. !IIwrM, C~.._Altl~ Medbtg No.1. The CiOOSUltant win meet with the steering commitl8e to
d:iJcuu and nvi8VI the couidor framework and the Hopkins segment ftarnvwork. The
pu.rpaee of the meetinS will beta reach consensus an the key iuues needs and. opportunities
fiacing the corridor IDd the Hopkins segment.
.f. hUrt c""u,;" M<<tIItg No. 1. The CODSUltant will meet with Hopkins and Minn<<mka city
JUff IUld the <<her CODIUlI:ants to review and discuss corridor-wide issues, needs and
apportuDitiea. The pwpose of this meeting is to establish a corridor-wide framework plan.
6- COlI"" CoordIIIIIIImt Mr:ethtg No.], 'The consultant and Hopkins city staft"will meet with
Hatepin County to discuss and review the corridor framework and the HC4)kins segment
1- C"",tIor PlMleiIJ, & De3ip PtVtcipID. Bued OG the ~ and NgIIlent issues, needs.
ud opportunities, the consultant will develop a list of principles to guide and evaluate
aJtemative desip for the corridor.
&. s.e.~ A~ The consu.It:aot will develop altematiw design trealments for the
Hapkiu l8gldClUt. The plans will include storm water management systems., rmdway
~, Jandsc:lping, MOI.'lumeatatioo and building p1acemeot policies.
9. ~ Cf...._-*<< Metbrg No.2 The cOOBultant will me<< with the steering oonunittee to
diKuss md review the corridor framework and the Hopkins Mgment framGWork. The
pwpose aithe meeting will be to 18lu:h consensus on the key issues needs and opportwrities
. facing tho corridor and the Hopkins segment.
If}. J-.z CmrUIor Medin, Na 1. The consultant will meet with Hopkins and Minnetonka city
sWf md the other CODIUltants to rev:i.ow and specifi" segmont recommendations The pwpose
ofthil meeting is to establish the parameters of a conidor.wide master plan.
11. C".,1Ity CDOrtIlntlllotr Mmiltg No. 2. The consultant and Hopkins city staff'will meet with
HemMpin County to to revift and specific segment reoommenduions The purpose afthis
meeting ia to establilh the parameters of a corridor-wide master plan and to obtain conceptual
approva) from the county on the design direction for the CDJridor.
12 Dot:M~ The consultant will prepare draw[ngs and a tcdmical report describing the
pn~f'elldd corridor improveIllClDts.
13. Oty COIIttdl WtN'l SatIloN'PublJc Hl!fIrlng The COD8Ultanu will participate in a city council
wOJ:k __on. where the plan will be nMev.r discussed and adopted.
14. Rnhe Documt!ld (If ,.-ftlJ. Based an the comments lit the city council work session,
c:hages may be made to the corridor materials.
15. C"",;,dor MlIIIk1pltlll all""""', The CODsuhant will work with the Minnetonka c:ansultants
to develop a conidor muter plan summary. This document and illustrations will be used for
implementation discussicm with Hennepin County.
02/17/2000 13: 24 512'3288488 TH'l GRIFFIN PAGE 05
. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign below and retum one copy for our files.
Accepted lor the City of Hopkins, Minnesota
13:24 51292:3848U TH'1 GRIFFIN PAGE 04
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E"d ProdM,* The eon&ultaut will produce the following'
. Seale dr8winp of Corridor-wide cooditions
. Corridor wide M.uterpJan
. Specific ConditiGll PreliInioary Design Engineering Plans
I SectianI
. p<<tpvdive- Owacter Sketches
. NarmJ~ lUIport
The. work will be done by Tim. Griffin and Bill Smith- ~ will be assisted by other Biko Aseoci:riH.'
tecbQicaI R:aff
ttE .. SCJIEDlTLt:
Biko A1~C8 win ptepaR the MinnelOnka Boulevard Corridor Plan for a fee of $20,300.00.
The project win be completed within four m.onths of nctificatiQl1 to proceecL The following tabk
breaks down the fee by individual taak.
1 Project In'' . 1400
. ~~
. 2. Caridor POI'aII 2100
3. Sean'" flJllMWOr'k 2100
4. Steering Conanillee Meeting: No.1 700
5 _ Joint Corridor Mectina: No. I 700
6. County CoordiruItian Mee6na No. 1 700
7. Corridor PlmninS 4 lMiga Principles 1400
8. SOJII*Il Alternatives 3~OO
9. Suwmg Committee Meting No.2 700
10. Joint Corridor Meeting No.2 700
11. County CuO.din..6on Meeting No. 2 700
12. DoeumcatItiOll 2100
13, City Council Work SeuionlPublic Hearmg 700
14. Revise Document (if needed) 1400
IS. Corridor MIl.. Plan Smunary 1400
Total $20300
Expenns will be invoiced It cost to the City. Expemes include, but are IlCIt limited to printing,
film. processing. delivery dwges and trawl at 31c:lmile. Expenses should not ex.ceed $2,000,00
Bileo Anociatel will ."voice the City of Hopkins monthly for services performed. Additional
services CIb be provided at dle client's request. These services will be charged at Bika
A.ssociatM' ItaDfbrd billing
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