CR 2000-021 1999 Budget, Carryovers and Additions
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January 28, 2000 ~ Council Report 00-021
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. 1999 Budget Reallocations, Carryovers and Additions
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the recommended budget
reallocations in 1999, to carryover budgets into 2000 in order to complete proiects originally
budgeted in 1999 and to increase the general fund revenue and expenditure budgets by unbudgeted
revenues received by the Activity Center and Elections.
Adoption of this motion will result in the reallocation of the] 999 budget to offset actual costs, carry
over budget into 2000 to complete projects budgeted in 1999 and increase the budget by new
revenue sources. The various budget allocations, carryovers and increases are described in the
The preliminary 1999 year-end figures conclude that the general fund budget is currently under
budgeted expenditures by approximately $81,000 and that revenues exceed expenditures by about
$30,000. The City of Hopkins Charter states that the city council may authorize the transfer of sums
from unexpended balances to other purposes.
Primanr Issues to Consider
. Actual general fund expenditures are under budget by approximately $81,000.
. Purchases made in the various departments were authorized purchases.
. Authorization to transfer budget is an in-house cleaning item that is being done to
follow city charter and to facilitate accurate year end reporting.
. The Activity Center and the Election department have increased revenues by
providing additional services.
Finance recommends increasing the Activity Center revenue and expenditure budgets' by $43,500
each, which is a net zero effect. Increase the elections' revenue and expenditure budgets by $6,000
each, which is a net zero effect. Reallocate the 1999 budget to actual expenditure items. Carry over
requested amounts from the 1999 budget into the 2000 budget to complete planned projects.
Supporting Information
Detail Budget Reallocations and Carryovers
Section 7.06 and 7.07 from City Charter
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Council Report 99-021
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Requested budget carryovers, reallocations and additions
. Preliminary results of year-end operations conclude that the general fund budget is under projected
expenses by approximately $81,000. This authorizes the city to carryover unspent budget amounts
from 1999 into 2000 to complete specific projects that for various reasons, were not completed in
Carrvovers Requested
. $5,000 from the Public Works budget to pay for consulting for the brick rehabilitation on Main
. $2,000 from Elections capital budget to be used in the year 2000 for purchasing a color printer
that handles heavy card stock for covers, brochures and id badges and $4,000 for temporary
part-time individual to assist with scanning permanent records into electronic storage.
. $13,750 from the Storm Sewer fund budget to complete the storm water management plan
. $12,300 from the Cable TV budget for the purchase of camera and related equipment for use in
the council chambers.
e . $97,412 from the Housing Rehabilitation fund for the completion of the Valley Park Condo
. $172,229 from the Housing Rehabilitation fund for the completion of the Patio Homes II
The above carryover requests will reduce the associated budgets in 1999 and increase those same
budgets in 2000. The total amount of carryovers requested from the general fund are $7,000. This
leaves the unspent general fund budget balance at approximately $115,000 after all adjustments.
Budget Reallocations Requested
. Reallocate $2,500 of budget to the Finance department (41300) to cover unbudgeted furniture
. Reallocate $6,000 of budget to the Finance department to cover a reduction of internal charges
to other funds.
. Reallocate $15,000 of budget to the Police department to cover additional equipment
maintenance costs.
. . Reallocate $6,000 of budget to the Fire department to cover higher insurance costs and
additional uniforms needed for new volunteers.
. Reallocate $37,175 of budget to establish the Information Services department.
Council Report 99-021
Page 3
. . Reallocate $3,500 of budget to the Recreation department to cover additional costs of the shared
recreation program with the City of Minnetonka.
The above budget reallocations will come from the contingency budget. These adjustments do not
increase the cities overall general fund budget they merely reallocate the 1999 budget.
Additional budget needs
The Activity Center increased its' overall revenues by $43,500 and at the same time incurred costs
associated with the increase in revenues. A budget adjustment in both revenue and expenditures is
required for this additional activity.
The Elections program increased its' revenue by $6,000 with charges to the school district for
election processing. There is a request to carry forward $2,000 of this additional revenue to
purchase a color printer that would allow the city to produce its' own brochures, covers and badges.
Tax increment fund district 1-1 (downtown) requires a budget adjustment for the prepayment of
debt - $330,000 and $1,000 in additional construction costs.
Tax increment fund district 1-2 (Entertainment Complex) requires a budget adjustment for
e unbudgeted interest expense.
Tax increment fund district 2-1 (R.L. Johnson) requires a budget adjustment for a higher note
payment of $25,000 and a unbudgeted payment to the school district of $22,000.
Tax increment fund district 2-8 (Thermotech) requires a budget adjustment of $2,700 for a higher
note payment.
Tax increment fund district 2-9 (Oaks of Mainstreet) requires a budget adjustment of $39,000 for a
transfer to the debt service account and $20,000 for administration charges.
The Housing Rehabilitation fund requires budgets for the approved housing projects of $1 ,565,000
for Valley Park Condo's and $3,238,000 for Patio Homes II. The consulting budget requires an
increase of $1 ,500.
Attached is a detailed list of all the budget adjustments, carryovers and additions.
City Council $ 9],010 $ - $ 9 1,010 $ 90,467 543
Health & Welfare 19,500 - 19,500 19,500 -
Admin istrative Services 276,519 - 276,519 275,862 657
Finance ] ]0,862 8,500 ] ]9,362 ] 18,390 972
Legal ] ]9,0]0 - ] 19,010 1] 8,548 462
Municipal Building 75,236 2,000 77,236 76,392 844
GENERAL GOVERNMENT 692,]37 10,500 702,637 699,] 59 3,478
Police 2,778,426 15,000 2,793.426 2,79],926 1,500
Fire 575,205 6,000 581,205 579,789 ],416
PUBLIC SAFETY 3,353,631 21,000 3,374,631 3,37],715 2,916
Planning & Economic Dev. ]49,842 - ]49,842 137,845 1],997
. Community Services Administration 86,525 19,600 ]06,125 105,688 437
Infonnation Services 37,175 37,175 36,472 703
Assessing 206,087 (8,700) 197,387 ] 96,524 863
City Clerk 29,024 (2,600) 26,424 22,]42 4,282
Ejections 26,787 (7,800) 18,987 18,281 706
Inspectons 342,702 3,500 346,202 345,627 575
COMMUNITY SERVICES 69],125 41,175 732,300 724,734 7,566
PUBLIC WORKS 1,650,325 (5,000) 1,645,325 1,6] 2,352 32,973
Activity Center 22] ,245 41,500 262,745 250,454 12,29 ]
Park Operations 277,743 3,500 281,243 280,194 1,049
RECREA TION 498,988 45,000 543,988 530,648 13,340
UNALLOCA TED 160,000 (70,175) 89,825 23,876 65,949
TOT AL OPERA TING 7,196,048 42,500 7,238,548 7,100,329 138,219
OTHER FINANCING USES 9,045 - 9,045 8,258 787
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 7,205,093 $ 42,500 $ 7,247,593 $ 7,108,587 139,006
bud transfers
. Explainations for General Fund Transfer Requests
Over estimated charges to other departments from Finance $6,000
Egonomically correct furniture needs for Finance department $2,500
Under-budgeted equipment maintenance in Police department $15,000
Under-budgeted Insurance costs in the Fire department $5,000
Additional uniform needs in the Fire department $1,000
Establish Information Services department $37,175
Increased shared cost for Recreation program with Minnetonka $3,500
Offset against contingency account -$70,175
The other transfers are within departments and do not require council approval.
Page 1
Acct. No. Amount
101-40100-670 (70,175)
101-41300-750 2,500 office furn.
101-41300-699 6,000 reduced charges
101-41500-500 2,000 salaries
1 0 1-41560~500 (2,000) salaries
101-41600-500 19,600 salaries
101-41610-500 (B,700) salaries
101-41630-500 (2,600) salaries
101-41620-500 (7,800) salaries
101-41640-503 3,500 salaries
Information Services
101-41603-500 20,000 salary & benefits
101-41603-524 150 salary & benefits
101-41603-525 1,000 salary & benefits
101-41603-526 1,500 salary & benefits
101-41603-527 2,300 salary & benefits
1 01-41603-540 2,750 supplies & materials
101-41603-542 1,500 supplies & materials
. 101-41603-563 170 maintenance
101-41603-586 450 maintenance
101-41603-630 1,700 training
101-41603-635 45 training
101-41603-639 1,000 subscriptions
101-41603-750 3,450 furniture
101-41603-535 1,160
101-40100-582 (37,175) unallocated expenditures
602-44100-490 (2,500) transfer in to cover computer purchase for IS
602-44100-760 2,500 computer
101-42200-500 50,200 salaries
101-42100-500 (36,000) salaries
101-42300-500 (14,200) salaries
101-42200-640 5,000 police reserves
101-42400-665 (5,000) miscellaneous
101-42500-500 29,000 salaries
101-42600-500 (29,000) salaries
101-42500-527 6,000 salaries
. 101-42600-527 (6,000) salaries
101-42500-636 2,000 conferences
101-42100-636 (2,000) conferences
101-42700-652 1,500 insurance
101-42400-652 (1,500) insurance
101-42500-563 5,000 maintenance of equip.
101-42700-563 10,000 maintenance of equip.
101-40100-670 (15,000) contingency
101-42800-651 5,000 insurance & uniforms
101-42800-541 1,000 uniforms
101-40100-670 (6,000) contingency
101-43350-699 34,000 intergovernmental charges
101-43600-607 (34,000) seal coating
101-43300-658 1,025 insurance
101-43500-658 (1,025) insurance
101-43300-583 2,000 contracts
101-43500-583 (2,000) contracts
101-43300-531 5,000 salaries
101-43500-531 (5,000) salaries
. 101-43300-500 8,000 salaries
101-43500-500 (8,000) salaries
101-43400-500 20,000 salaries
101-43500-500 (20,000) salaries
101-43400-501 3,500 salaries
101-43500-501 (3,500) salaries
101-43400-527 6,000 salaries
101-43500-527 (6,000) salaries
101-43400-503 1,000 salaries
101-43500-503 (1,000) salaries
101-43400-525 2,500 salaries
101-43500-525 (2,500) salaries
101-43400-526 1,500 salaries
101-43500-526 (1,500) salaries
101-43400-556 2,000 materials
101-43500-556 (2,000) materials
101-43400-524 500 salaries
101-43500-524 (500)
101-43400-500 37,000 salaries
101-43600-500 (37,000) salaries
. 101-43350-500 1,000 salaries
101-43600-500 (1,000) salaries
101-43650-500 1,000 salaries
101-43600-500 (1,000) salaries
101-43700-500 7,000 salaries
101-43600-500 (7,000) salaries
101-43700-525 2,000 salaries
101-43600-525 (2,000) salaries
101-43700-526 3,000 salaries
101-43100-526 (3,000) salaries
101-43700-527 6,000 salaries
101-43600-527 (6,000) salaries
101-43700-531 2,000 salaries
101-43600-531 (2,000) salaries
101-45100-583 3,000 contracts
101-40100-670 (3,000) contingency
Activity Center
101-41550-400 (10,500) chgs.
101-41550-442 (6,750) donations
101-41550-449 (26,250) misc. chgs.
(43,500) add'j revenue
101-41550-542 8,000 supplies
101-41550-582 33,500 professional services
101-41550-662 2,000 refunds
101-41630-400 (6,000) add'[ revenue
101-41630-760 2,000 computer
1 01-41630-503 2,000 temporary employee
. 208-46510-930 330,000 operating transfer for prepayment of debt
208-49708-616 1,000 adj for construction costs
211-46518-830 23,000 1998 interest expense
213-46345-581 320
213-46345-582 76,650
213-46345-583 130,000
213-46345-616 1,277,855
213-46345-840 75
213-46345-850 6,600
213-46345-930 73,000
213-46345-588 500
1,565,000 budget for Valley Park Condo's - carry forward
$97,411.56 into 2000
213-46365-582 210,000
213-46365-588 6,000
213-46365-616 2,930,700
213 -46 365.9 30 91,300
3,238,000 budget for Patio Homes \I - carry forward
. !Ill I/!I Ii Ii !I' if
213-46335-582 1,500 rehab loan administration
221-46536-690 25,000 higher note payment
221-46510-662 22,000 refund to Hopkins School District
228-46528-690 2,700 higher note payment
229-46510-960 39,000
229-46522-622 20,000 budget for TIF 229 activity
602-44100-680 292,579 depreciation budget
703-48250-622 1,000 intergovernmental
703-48220-535 9,500 paid leave
703-48220-604 29,000 electricity
703-48240-500 10,000 salaries
703-48240-567 5,000 maint.
703-48250-500 6,000 salaries
. 707 -48410-563 6,000
707 -48430-567 (6,000)
717-48915-500 1,000
717 -48910-500 (1,000)
747-48730-533 8,000 benefits
747-48730-581 1,000 advertising
747-48735-500 2,500 ice salaries
750-48530-530 6,000 benefits
750-48530-542 7,000 supplies
750-48530-565 7,000 maint.
750-48530-581 7,000 advertising
750-48530-582 43,000 services
750-48530-588 4,000 legal
750-48530-604 15,000 electric
Additional costs for programs
. Section 7.06. ENFORCEMENT OF THE BUDGET. Except as set forth in
Section 7.16, the City Manager or the City Council shall not approve any
expenditure uncovered by the budget. The City Council may approve
expenditures uncovered by the budget if there is sufficient unexpended
balance left after deducting the total past expenditures and the sum of all
outstanding bills, orders and encumbrances. No employee of the City shall
place any orders or make any purchases except for the purpose and to the
amounts authorized in the budget. Except as in this Charter otherwise
provided, any obligations incurred by any person in the employ of the City
for any purpose not authorized in the budget or for any amount in excess of
the amount therein authorized shall be a personal obligation upon the person
incurring the expenditure.
Section 7.07. AL TERA TIONS IN THE BUDGET. Except as set forth in
Section 7.16, after the budget shall have been duly adopted, the Council
shall not have power to increase the amounts therein fixed, whether by the
insertion of new items or otherwise, beyond the estimated revenues, unless
the actual receipts shall exceed such estimates, and in that event not beyond
such actual receipts. The sums fixed in the budget are appropriated at the
beginning of the fiscal year for the several purposes named therein. The
Council may reduce salaries or the sums appropriated for any other purpose,
. or authorize the transfer of sums from unexpended balances to other