CR 2000-022 Approve Budget for Purchase Of Network Server ., y \ 0 (, <<- January 28, 2000 ~ Council Report 00-022 .y '" oPK\Vo . APPROVE BUDGET FOR PURCHASE OF NETWORK SERVER Proposed Action StafI recommends adoption of the following: Move to approve a budget adiustment of $10.000 in the Equipment Replacement Fund to purchase a network server. Adoption of this motion will result in staff moving forward with the purchase of a network server and adjusting the equipment replacement plan document to include this equipment. Overview Cun'ently the data storage capacity of the server is inadequate. We also lack processing power for running programs and printing. The new server would resolve these issues and provide additional services. Primary Issues to Consider . One solution is to combine three years of network budgets to provide enough funds to purchase the server. This solution may leave us ShOli on funds in future years for network needs. . Another solution is to increase the 2000 budget by $ I 0,000 to provide the funds to purchase the server. The overall affect on the equipment replacement plan is very small. . Currently the working capital in the equipment replacement fund is $1,435,000, which is triple the amount of average yearly expenditures. In reviewing the future uses of this fund and the revenue sources, I have determined that there would not be a need for a change in the planned charges. We like to maintain a higher working capital balance in the equipment replacement fund to enable us to react to unforeseen expenditures. The additional cost for the network server could be funded from undesignated equity in the equipment replacement fund. Staff Recommendation Finance recommends the second solution, which includes the network server in the replacement schedule for future years. Approve a hudget adjustment of $1 0,000 in the Equipment Replacement Fund, to purchase a network server this year, using available equity in that fund. Supporting Information . Staff disscussion . Five Year Equipment Replacement Plan Expenditure Summary IBudget adjustment - $10,000 EqUIpment Replacement Fund 602-44100-7601 I . , J '/ .~ . (--~ r----. Lori Yager Finance Director . Staff Discussion In reviewing our needs we have determined that an appropriate server would cost approximately $15,000. This new server will support new improved, resource-intensive software programs. Provide optimal performance and reliability. Minimize downtime in the case of disaster. Provide space for data storage and protection. Have internal expandable storage and performance capacity to grow with our work environment, thereby eliminating the need for a new server purchase each year. Support for effective Dial-up connections from external city offices. Provide faster execution and printing of employee programs, thereby improving efficiency (Govern, City of Hopkins Internet/Intranet Website). This will also reduce the number of network platforms needed, which promotes better software compatibility. . . CAPITAL E()lllPMENT REPLACEMENT PIAN . PROGRAM FIVE YEAR EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FUNDING CATEGORY PROJECT TITLE SOURCE 2.!illQ 2.QQl 2QQ2. 2.QQJ. 2illM C-l Luverne Pumper E.R. 318,500 (-2 Fire Vt:hicle E.R. 20,900 (-3 Breathing Appuratus E.R. 100,000 C-4 Copier E.R. 7,400 C-5 Marked Patrol Vehicles (11) E.R. 91,200 62,800 65,800 34,200 142,400 C-6 Utility 4x4 E.R. 29,700 C-7 Administration Vehicles (5) LR. 19,100 \9,800 20,300 2 I. 000 21.500 C-8 Radio System E.R. 417.000 ('-10 Police Copy Muchine E.R. 14,200 C-I r 4X4 One Ton Truck E.R. 32,000 (-12 One Ton Dump Truck (2) E.R. 30,500 C-13 Single Axle Dump TJ"Llck E.R. 78,000 SO.OOO (-14 Grader LR. 80,000 C-15 Swceper E.R. 115,300 C-[6 Rollcr E.R. 36.200 C-17 Striper E.R. 10.1 OU C-l!! Engincring Van E.R. 14,300 C-19 !l2 Ton Pickup t.R. 20,300 ('-20 3/4 Ton 4X4 Trucks E.R. 53.200 C-21 Tmctors F.R. 32,700 34,700 C-22 T ruckster (3) E.R. 14,300 15,600 \ C .23 Riding Mowers (2) F..R. 15,000 15,00U e (-24 Gang Mower [.R. 42.300 ('-25 Turf Sweeper E.R. 10.9nO C-26 Brush Chipper E.R. 19,100 (-27 Public Works Radio System E.R. 47,200 C-27 Public Works Radio System W.F. 50,000 C-27 Public Works Radio System S.f. 50.000 ('-27 Public Works Radio System R.f. 50,000 (-28 City Hilll Main Copy Machine E.R. [5,000 15,000 17.000 17.000 17,000 ('-29 City Hall Small Copy Machine LR. 20,000 ('-30 City Hall Micro Network Upgrade E.R. 5,000 5.000 5,000 5,000 5,000 C-31 Computers E.R. 30.000 3D,OOO 30,01l0 30,000 30,000 C-32 finance Computer System E.R. 150,000 C ....--- Telephone System E.R. 102,700 -.1.) C-33 Telephone Systcm W.F. 8,000 ('-33 Telephone Systcm ST. 8JlOO (-34 4X4 3/4 TOil Dump Truck \V.F. 21.900 C-35 Air Compressor W.F. 17,700 C-36 Public Works Copy Machine W.F. 9,100 C-37 let Vactor S.F. 100,000 C-3!! Rodding Machine 5.1'. 31,400 C-39 Rcfuse Truck R.I'. 148.000 ('-40 4x4 112 Ton Truck HRA 22.800 TOTAl. ('APITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 479.400 352,200 685,90U 799,100 991,500 FlJNDING: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND (LEVY) 370.300 330.300 (,52.200 776.300 6(,2.100 e ENTERPRISE FUND 109.1 00 2L90() 33,700 329.400 HRA 22.800 B