Agenda HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL FINAL AGENDA . January 4, 2000 7:30 p.m. THIS FINAL AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL THE START OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Schedule: 7:15 pm - Oath of Office, Gene Maxwell, Diane Johnson, Karen Jensen 7:25 pm - HRA Meeting 7:30 pm - City Council meeting Work session at conclusion of City Council meeting I. CALL TO ORDER II. OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERNS (Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person) III. REPORTS - COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS . 1. Zoning and Planning Commission 2. Chemical Health Commission IV. CONSENT AGENDA 1. December 21, 1999 regular City Council meeting minutes 2. December 14,1999 City Council work session minutes 3. Ratification of prior month's disbursements 4. Approve miscellaneous license applications 5. Approve official newspaper, (CR2000-01) - Obermaier 6. Approve American Legion gambling premises permit, (CR2000-02) - Obermaier 7. Resolution declaring a vacancy in the Hopkins City Council, (CR2000-03) - Obermaier 8. Approve wine and beer license, Jack Yee's restaurant, (CR2000-06) - Obermaier Vote: Jensen Hesch Johnson Maxwell v. NEW BUSINESS . 1. Approve final design, authorize bids, Moline water tank paint project, (CR2000- 05) - Stadler Vote: Jensen Hesch Johnson Maxwell QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CALL THE RAZZLE LINE - 939-1421 (The Razzle Line is the City of Hopkins voice message system) e e . 2. Approve final design, authorize bids, Elmo water treatment plant improvements, (CR2000-04) - Stadler Vote: Jensen Hesch Johnson Maxwell 3. Adopt year 2000 meeting calendar, (CR2000-07) - Mielke Vote: Jensen Hesch Johnson Maxwell VI. ADJOURNMENT