CR 2000-01 Designate the Official Newspaper for 2000
December 29, 1999
Council Report 2000-01
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to name the Hopkins
Sun Sailor as the 2000 official newspaper for the City of Hopkins.
The Hopkins Charter requires that the City Council designate the official newspaper
for the year at the first regular Council Meeting of the year. The official newspaper
is the newspaper that publishes all of the legal notices for the City.
Primary Issues to Consider
There are two local newspapers that could be designated as the official. The
Hopkins Sun Sailor is delivered to the individual homes; the Lakeshore Weekly is
not. The Sun Sailor has submitted a bid for $15.50 per column inch with eleven
lines per inch. That cost per line is $1.41. In 1999, the cost was $1.30 per line
with a total expenditure to date of $ 9,127. The new bid cost is 9% hIgher and the
expenditure for 2000 with the same level of advertisements will cost $9,948.
The Lakeshore Weekly bid $1.05 per line. This represents a $ .36 or 26% decrease
over the Sun Sailor proposal. The estimated cost of advertisements for 2000 with
the Lakeshore Weekly is $7,361 or $2/587 less than estimated for the Sun Sailor.
Even with the cost difference, staff is recommending the Sun Sailor because more
residents will see the legal notices in a delivered newspaper.
1. Designate the Sun Sailor as Hopkin's Oficial Newspaper
2. Designate the Lakeshore Weekly as the Official Newspaper