CR 2000-041 1999 Budget Carryover . . . March 2, 2000 1 y \ 0 ~.'..~.""'> '" ....;:...~r!lif!,;;,;,./..:;,...-" -S- 'Co o P K \ \;l- Council Report 2000-41 1999 Budget Carryover Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the recommended budget can'yover into 2000 in order to complete proiects ori~illally budgeted in 1999. ^doption of this motion will result in the carryover of budget into 2000 to complete projects budgeted in 1999. The various budget carryover is described below. Overview The pre I ini i nary 1999 year-end figures conclude that the. Poli ce computer system budgeted uriginally in 1998 was not completed in IlJlJlJ. The system is being installed and implemented in the year 2000. The budget remaining in ] 999 is $] 95,OO(). We request that this entire amount be carried over into 2000. Primary Issues to Consider . The funds are available and were carried over from 1998 into the 1999 budget. for expenditure in 1999. . . The project is Ut1derwL~y and \vill he completed in the year loon. . Authorization to transfer budget is an in-house cleaning item that is being done to rollow city charter and to facilitate accurate reporting. Recommendation Finance recommends increasing the budget by $195.000 for the police recorder system in 2000 and reducing the hudget by this same amount in 1999, \vhich is a net zero effect. .~ d--- Lmi K. Yager Finance Director Financial Impact: $] 95,000 budget increase in 2000 Budgeted: Yes, 1998 into 1999. Source: Equipment Replacement Fund Related Documents: Equipment Replacement Plan 1998 Notes: This budget transfer is to fa~_ilitate completion of the p~'ojecL e PI TBLlr' 'lTflRvC' DEPAIR'T'l\ .n:::'l'..I'T' ) L VV \j '-1....~} . 1 lVIL-l "l ! lVle 111 Oral1dlll11 TO'('"lh, Count"l"I AJI.:::omher., , .-...., ", I '\..II nil....... IS"'" t~ FROM: Ray Vogtman; Supt. Parks & Forestrl D,t.,TE: February 29,2000 SUBJECT: ,'t.mending City Code 830, re; alcohol and tobacco products, Second Reading Background: City staff and the Hopkins Park Board have recommended that alcohol and the use of tobacco products be restricted 'within the Hopkins park system. Council Report 99--174 \-vas submitted and reviewed by council, \vith the finrC't r<>ad,' nn- approved at th<> rlctnb<>r" f 909 r;tv roUD"il me<>tl1' n'~ A C;tv I........... 12.6 v '- " .... "0,..1 V ,-,II.....J, -'" .....~.1. ] '-" ..........1.1. "I..t. ......1. 1.5' ~ 'L ... J Council work session on December 14, 1999 discussed concerns on signs, enforcement and impacts to residents. . Issues to consider: Some of the primary issues discussed included the follovling; *Impacts to softball teams at Centra! Park *Rn-C'nrcement "ODeem" eC'necl'allv '~1t'th tnb"'cco at l\,{aet7nlrl FI'<>ld ~ .d'Lr l.- '" L J. u~ uy LI} 't'T L 1.\...1...... "L".1 ~L..oV.L'Y- "",,.I:. *Consistency for aH user groups City staff member Ray Vogtman ; Supt. Parks and Forestry was given the direction to \vork \vith the Hopkins-~.1i.nlletonka Recreation Department to find a \vay that would aHow softball teams to request and receive a permit for the entire season, for the use of alcohol at Central Park. fi~ copy of this permit form has been developed by H~.1RD and is ready as requested. Softball teams have been notified that changes in this policy are pending in registration materials that have been mailed. Requiring a permit at Central Park of all user groups, including softball teams would make for a more consistent policy. Leaving this park open for uncontrolled use of alcohol could lead to fhture problems at this park similar to those experienced at other park sites the last few years. Requiring a permit of all user groups, including softball teams, allmvs for an ordinance that is easier to enforce and does not open the City up to charges of discrimination. This change would not affect the v,.'Ording in the amendment to the park city code, just make the use consistent with the proposed policy change. The wording on the use of tobacco products at Maetzold Field have been deleted from the amendment. The Park Board revie\ved and discussed these items at the January 24, 2000 meeting. This ordinance \vi11 be published on .March 15,2000; with an effective date of }i~pril 4, 2000. . Attachment: Ordinance 99~832 Alcohol Permit Application e .\ CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota ORDINANCE 99-832 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 830 OF THE HOPKINS CITY CODE RELATING TO THE USE OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO IN CITY PARKS THE CITY COUNCL OF THE CITY OF HOPK1NS DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Hopkins City Code Section 830.26 is hereby added to the city code as follows: 830.26 Tobacco Products. The use of tobacco products is prohibited within Shady Oak Beach. Section 2. The Hopkins City Code Section 830.27 is hereby amended to read as follows: 830.27 Alcoholic beverages. Subdivision 1. Prohibition. Except as provided in this section the possession of alcoholic beverages and the drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in a park. Beer and wine may be consumed in Central Park, Shady Oak Beach, Burnes Park and Valley Park in areas designated by the director by permit only. The term "alcoholic beverage" has the meaning given by Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A. 101, Subdivision 2. Section 3. This Ordinance is effective on April 4, 2000 First Reading: Second Reading: Date of Publication: Effective Date of Ordinance October 5, 1999 March 6, 2000 March 15,2000 April 4, 2000 Eugene 1. Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: Terry Obermaier, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY . City Attorney Date . . . ALCOHOL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF HOPKINS PARK SYSTEM (MULTIPLE DATE REQUEST) PURPOSE By ordinance, alcohol is prohibited within the City of Hopkins park system without obtaining a permit in advance through the Recreation Services Department. Permits can be obtained for single or multiple date requests. Multiple date requests will only be approved for adult sports teams participating in City sponsored softball leagues offered through Recreation Services. AppHcants issued an alcohol use permit will be allowed to consume wine and/or beer. Glass bottles, "kegged" beer, and alcohol other than wine and beer are strictly prohibited within the Hopkins park system. The following information is required in order to process this application: Applicant's Name: Team Name: Date: Home Phone: Work: Zip: Sport: Address: Requested date period: Beginning: As the individual representing the above application, I understand that alcohol is prohibited within the Hopkins Park system without a permit issued in advance through Recreation Services. If approved, the permit I am requesting allows players of legal age who are included on our teams playing roster to consume permitted beverages during scheduled games played at Central Park. I further understand that the sale at alcohol is strictly prohibited and that I am fully responsible for the actions of those players included on our official roster maintained by Recreation Services. S~n~uffi Da~ Please return signed application along with a check for $ to: Recreation Services City of Hopkins, 1010 - 1st St. South, Hopkins, MN 55343. Upon receipt of your application, a permit will be issued prior to the start of your season. G:dave/hopalcohol