Memo- Citizens Academy
Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council
Bobbie Hartfiel
March 10, 2000
Citizens Academy
Enclosed is a draft of the outline for the 2000 Citizens Academy. The chosen agenda items
were a collaborative effort by superintendents, department heads and myself. I will be
discussing the concept at the March 14th work session. Please take a look at the outline and
bring your questions to the work session.
Session I:
Our City Government
Police Department
September 6, 2000
Location: ?
Agenda T~
1. W elcomel Academy Orientation
II. The Governing Body
Police Department
I. OvervIew of PD
PowerPoint presentation
Tour of PD
Walking tOllf ofPD
Use of Force Issues
Minute Issues talk
IV. F.A.T.S.
Shooting simulator with Academy Students experiencing video scenarios w/force
issues "Shoot don't Shoot"
Session II
Septelnber 20, 2000
'l ' ?
. location: ,
Agt~d11- TOf'ics
Community Services
r nspections
Why we inspect
C\)mmon Permits
Property Assessment
.What does the assessor do
Does the assessor determine market value
'What causes property values to cbange
I-Jow does the work of the assessor effect the property taxes
Pr"pedv Taves
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How are they determined
Hopkins pOlilOl1
How actions of the City <dIeet the property tax
Shadv Oak Heach Construchon/operatlOL1
" .
Pro gra 111 s
Limited budget challenges
ilL Fmance
Tax Lev:-i and Budget Process
Y Dur home value and your property taxes
Hmv is your dollar spent
Financial planmng and forecastmg
Managing debt and issuing bonds
"\;Vhat is tax increment financmg and how does It effect my taxes
Overvlew of fund accounting...govern111ental and proprietary fund types
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! will work. Citizens Academy is an educational program sponsored by the City of Hopkins. The
! program is designed to provide an interactive fO!l!ll1 for the residents of Hopkins. It is an ideal way
11 tor the members ot'the communitv to become more L11l1t1 iar with all aspects of Cltv government
Ii . . ~
Session III
Public Works
October 4, 2000
Location: Public Works Facility
A2enda TOM
1. Department Overview
II. Specific services
Snow emergency response
Solid waste services - what happens to our waste?
HI. Water and sanitary sewer services/SCADA system demo
IV. Tour of Elmo Treatment Plant or Moline Wellhouse
V. Infrastructure Management
Pavement Management Program
Excelsior Blvd Reconstnlction Phase II
Stormwater improvements
VI. Equipment Demonstrations
.....~;;e time we spend with citizens, ex~laining the process and listening, the better the system will work.
-l C Cii~tiizz~ens Academy is an educational program sponsored by the City of Hopkins. The program is designed to
provide an interactive forum for the residents of Hopkins. It is an ideal way for the members of the community
to become more familiar with all aspects of City government.
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Session IV'~
Planning and Economic
Development .
(yctober 18, 2000
Location: Dow Towers
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1. Zonmg
II. Plmmlng
HC Econ Development
Hopkins Busmess Center
F fana & Sons
IV. Suhsidlzmg I-lousing Programs
Public I-lousing
Section 8
V. " . \.. .
. .l-:Iollsmg f.ctlVJtles
\/1. Roles of I-LRA and Z8zP
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The more time \ve spend with citizens, explainmg the process and listening, the better the system
will work. Citizens Academy is an educational program sponsored by the City of Hopkins. The
program is deslgned to provIde an lI1teractive fbrum for the residents of Hopkins. It is an ideal
way for the members of the community to become more familiar with all aspects of City
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Session V:
Fire Department
N overnber 1 ~ 2000
Location: HFD Classroom
A2enda TQI!!Q.
L Structure of FD Cost, Efficiency, Recnliting
II. Facilities Tour
III. Prevention activities and goals
IV. Operations Suppression Training and Equip Demonstrations
HFD and the rest of the world
The more time we spend with citizens, explaining the process and listening, the better the system will
work. Citizens Academy is an educational program sponsored by the City of Hopkins. The program is
designed to provide an interactive forum for the residents of Hopkins. It is an ideal way for the
members of the community to become more familiar WIth all aspects of City government.
Session VI
Vision of Tomorrow/Graduation
-Novel11ber 15~ 2000
Location: ?
t.:l!IAI!IIii- P : :JIR!'I,
A~enq1! Topics,
I. rrOLlr
H. FOCllS Group Results ~ ViSlO11
III. Completion celebration
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The more timt;we spend ""lith citIzens, explall1ll1g the process and listening, the better the system will
. work. CItizens Academy is an educational program sponsored by the City of Hopkins. The program is .
i desIgned to provide an interactive forum for the residents of Hopkins. it is an ideal way for -the
~ members of the community to become more familiar with all aspects of City government.
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