Memo-HBCA Local Business Survey e PLANNING & ECONONfiCDEVELOPMENT Memorandum To: City Council ~ "I From: Jim Hartshorn, Economic Development Coordinator ,\ , Date: September 20, 2000 Subject: HBCA Local Business Survey Attached is a copy of an HBCA Local Business Survey. The results will be discussed at the Council Work Session, September 26. Herman Strauch, Vice President of the HBCA, will be on hand to discuss the survey results and what the HBCA plans to do with the information. . . memofonn Hopkins Business & Civic Association Local Business Survey I .lrvl'Y i~: t1c,~lglll:d ru ,tddrt,~s or'ccific [oLa[ business umcc:'IIS to h<~ne: lIndersumd lucal mmkeL ,]~sues, The,:;urvey is cClnfidt'nti~d and I:" , ,II11J(lrnl;lI.It'n I:; \\nly asked ro ensure cOlllplcre mfOrmal.lon In formlllg:1 collecllve d~ltab~lse, [hank you tor yuur time and mu:ntlr)n !!l lI,i, 1l1:Il:1'n, ,~.......c.~~_~..............-.-_ ______ _ __ _...._ ~ jn__,n___ ,__._____nn___ _'. I UENERAL L\rFORMATION (Confidential) ){;rPr[ -..s ufuc-' ilS ,<u rJ , '\ '.. -, I..J ,1, vl,.. " ('[:;:' 7 "\ h""I"liHlellt N:ll1\c (p[dcr Uwncr ,,1' SCI1IU! M:lwl~cr): ~__w ,____LLL7( Pr_.IY~.z,f...;::5...._n_-'...:=" <'-,.d~ ___m'_______n_,'_,_,___ I ~ . .' / ) ." I , _." .........,... , -I ill,,: _________u" --,----_,,__./1/ if,' il.JllilM1l1f::.J'JlIz~ ~ cV --______n_____ II ' " .--, Ii [)1l:'il1(,,":' Name: ---,. --..,--., ~ -.,--'----, "---, --..-v'--"'--U bli.LL.;..LI\ , ( Ic1---.-___..__________m. l~lIsiJ Ie,;, Addrl's:" ,_________" _~______,~~___..__ _,..______ '_~ ___'___________ ~_~~~___ 1 1,..:iIY, ~1:llr', I..[j' C",I,": ---m--___.._n_~'__n~n__,_.._..,' ____'__,__, ..,_'_______u..___~__ ~ kit: )h"ll1:: ~. I _m_-:-_,__un _=n:~--,...,-:=------~_'--~- ,"_-'~~'-.---' ____:;-:-__m. ~I 1\1'" ,,( 1\II,in('::,: L n ..__ om~'(' ..~~_L__.. Rct:lil 'r) \XIarehollsing ___:J__ Clllmnen:ial ;___LJ)_lneJ\lslrLiI ___n.. ~?.I~' ~clvic" ::1 I" I u'tJ",o 1 (1.- 1<'.1 0 ,J (USu...'C r - Lf i: N'ln1 1('J' "I' 1',!lIp 1\\'('('.0: ~ , f! '\ ) ~ .. i ~ . (} ^ _., I l/,__U,i__n_ i -; ,) 7,~ 1(1 _ 7~'~ III 'i __ / C', 26-1 OU ____ tJ _ 100+ f-.JQ AN'~ (.>_,r;. [ (.I ,c !tJ f t-\:; I' II l'J'lJviplc r'r(ldlln"IISCrv!cc' __m___,_.._ ._..n____.___,..u__.. ..n' _....,_...., ,,_, I ' I ' , L'";...:~i~:.~~' 1', t "h=~:=:=-_u .. " __-===--__ __ _ -----=-.'~~n~~ .._'-~--'----==~~.... __ ~ J \\ihTh {;l'_II'r~ rnflllt'llCed \,"IJr clecbiol1 to I()c~~t(' Y(Jur husiness in Ilopkinsl (Check aU 111m aNl/)') _unL__.. j'lIhllc Sf'rvices __,i')';:J Crc()graphic I()cmion __/!i2....... T!elTlllgraphics ..- ,,-- - ' ..:7 2um ('Ipse 1'" rc~sidpIl(T .._. ~ Z QUCllil'y of llfc _~ Lnr::11 cr!ucntinn " , / In,{:!___ FIVt )r:IHe fL"])1 ': '_", Z C, l:Jndjfacility sp;1Ce .'j Lab(lr ~vailHbi I icy -:J '~ ,ClIsI"'mn h~JSl" ~l...L_ Trallspnrwtiul1 , ,1-/ T-'rupnty lax,:.) " ,'111' f.., , , '), .J' 'I /.,," I' , : I, (-) I' , . - / ~) 'J' I" {{ l ? " '-.f__ LUl::d CC()IIC'jllY ____2':-=-_ Other (2LL.'~"~~U~F\"' r-,L\'I!Uc.1 ,)C\?_~~~~.)L)tJ,l')f:2-'..i:./~' L c.' Ii '- -.!:.L' ~ -) r/ (\J(--(d (-"or co,") 'C.CfZu,r(<" J /:;IC10 CD 0rhCruf(<,. ~ 'f-,t'0f,c\ \\'h;,"h IIi ill[' 1\,ILI\\in!~ J" Y"lIllSt' in ]-f"pkins) (USi llil tl1M lIPfll)') , .....-l-CZ>u_ !\n'ullntilli.~' __..2..12...... Advcrllsing __L Architects '-' L' , , "I '7 , ' 7 'J , , ..__;":.._{_u A I 1.1 '1'\ ll'y/LI'r.;:lll ,(llll)Sel ~,_r'::- __ L,lI1l(jllr~ ___~_~2_ C:1HTll1r~ ? 1..,-..- (,k;l1!il1!,:!J"~litr.lri:d __ ..~" C~leric:,j, ,.,~ CUllltllllniC:Ll:i'Hl Fqllljll1\Cl1t ,__.JJ......, (mnl'lIlt'l ;:;erVlCCS / .) C,msu 1IL1 11.11.1 _ ,~~ Uenld ! Cr' , / c. 1c I ' ( I ] , 'I J':;~uL, .. ~lil('I!:llIlJll\:])t ~?,L_ r (\flSls- .. "t'('lg II __!L./. [l:ml\\"II'C ~_, U,__ InlhJSlri:ll Eq, &. Supplies ~'m_ lnsurallCC _,_,__L2._.., III n"SIIlH'nt:, -1..1:__,. LaW\lUlIT/Lmdscaping ___3_,_ l\'k,1 i~lticm S\:T\-in's ?;~ !,\,krllcll __"~~ M"lds/J-lolcls _~ _~!_ Chfic\' :-:l1l'l,]iG; i{ f ,l'llllllhin!~/) leaUllg!C:o,,)illg ___,_1_l Prillting II n.. RC<ll(nr:; Cf C lZC"I-lIur;ml'S I 2. SrUml,ll: I I Tmvel I' ", -. , ''- ,,' e-, __} ,__.l..S_.. \V:Irt~III\lI:;l' _,..'5< Udwr'VI'J+-C!,Ff!..'1,~~I"-'(~\C(ocE'r'I(3), elL-"'" O'~(.i) I t'u(L(,~ 1\ '11111lI'nl" fk..LJJ;>'li, ,--,_1..1~..__J{ln lJ S c-l:!uj~()JhuL&..~lli!'_'iS'( "-T- J.1 {:':,. b,c,!,~ ",,-.. k....L.ct.::u_aJ !'-NF,j+ C,I"" p.,19 :} &h US {. I (I 0 d.: '.J 17:1 'h 1-...) ,; Which ,,{ 111<: jollnwing d" Villi 11111 \lSl' ill Hnpl~in~? (l!\I, all tl1m afl/'l)) , /! I' ('C:> d " i/- '0- AC\.I JlI1Hlng ~'LI.) /\ \'crl'ISIl1!~ /j Arch\te,:u; &"",_ /\tt"'lTl<:'\'/L<:,~~ll (\'ll1l::l.j )~? Banking ,____5r> .. Cltc'ring (..;-l__. (,Jc:lIling/!:l1lile'l i:d '] J Clnit:<tl ,_~_ CI'ltLlII1UniGIU()n Equipment _...0..\.,,:_,_, C<JlllPU1U SClvi,:", t,q- C()1lSITlICI illll ",_ & "_-..., Dental '~~ [iHCIl,lillllll'I1L ,_-.22,:_. f.1(Jris[s , ~-'-__ Flt'igllt . . jl H:U\:1W:ij'(' _,...Jp ?-:, Inclusrri:l! Ell- "'" ~l1pp!leS h.d..__lnsuIClllce .r; !i--- rnvcsrment, 043 L3\VllcarclLmdsGlpillg -b!l--- Medi:ltilln SI'rvic('s &'::'- -- M",]ic:d (.; Lr )V[ute Is/Hote I 0 _,Jf1_~.. Office Surplil'~ _..__..tj~~l 1']'IIIi!'lllg/[-k;\l.illg/( :\)(Jling _.,70 Printing _b..'J_ RelltoT.\ e'l .. P,,-'>I:II\rllll~i --.lL,}~ Slllrage _1~ '11'<11'\'1 'ij V: {';' 'J:hri,:htlll'l' __L~ I Other t 'j l]! ~,ll t'111.,~, ...______~_,._ __ _____ _..,____ , .~___.__,___,_~___ -------,...~>_______~.,__,.~_.._. __.__u _ ____ ____.. ---. --. --.- -. OG/27/2000 08:48 5129389272 PAGE 02 -1 HRve yQll had any specific clifHcull:y with any of the following services? (Check all that afJPly) ,_.-L3~~ Electric .;{ Gas /.) Police _n_.2.~,-ic-- Street ,.~-~~_ Zoning 0 Fire ....1.'--1 .~ Permits Rnd Licenses _..L-~ Sewer 3 Water --~ Odwl' '7) '-.. . . If other, please explain: facLJlqJ~:1S5fr:S I /); pUmIT"::> s;.,.j IIV ('PS ,~ .(;.' 'Pi ,:;> s i-T{. ([-~E.'i'LLl[S._l_~,1/(;s.:.LJf!JJ ~bU11 fumiPDl-"':'i~:'?.vt~~,>~r~<-!""dCi('/~~P,!.:k::f,.d)lf'1'Sj/ll:tl~:r:> 0) ,~ Sl~l(,,':l ~!{-(' ptk, d/i.JI~t:.1 iI),,'r-(.'(;~cI,'.M'.)-f~ L( ,"{ I~ I +,L c- p.lvJ.\l - J\ I L I,. ' , \h.J Ie L.u_,_,.L,:::~ c :J"-' <~(. (1 I ,[-'iF <hE' 1J,' . j I ~ ""eCj (: ()(11 \ Cf' U.0i c( 1(' <JCI Ii . ") Ie. l'J flJ i r ~ {)(.'l(j ',) I' /; h' (l Ix:; fl' J ) I I } , -~_. I 5J; U {loa ,71<M '1 (C' (Ltili Ie' -(--I-) / dJ;.) ;r f-'\) 0/((:: r () f <, . 5 'J h,,- ,',re ~ (,7 CeA.; Ala If.. o6u:.'''' s.- /? f" ~\~c YOl.l3W3l'e that thc City oC Hopkins offers 8 low interest commercifll rehabilitation progrmn for qualified sJmH businesr.er.? __HI. yes.-._k::l.L_ no I'Jo dtJSu...: r:: (" _.!:I~ G, In g'cneral, how is yOllr business outlook for the next one to two years? (CirciR 1I resl}onse) A, Excellent W B. Guml 1,,~ C. F8ir I J D. Poor Z /J () ? J.) ) I.V~ r If 7, At YDur faCility, what do you plan to do in the next two years? (Cirde one for each resj)ome) A- Change your mix of gooch and service~ Yes 31 t.j. . -- ) 1"\ No :;.; N/A (!\ r/ 15, Add pwduction or product line Yes 2~ No 5? N/A tl c. Inctease productioll or prodllc:t capabillty Yes if I No23 N/A Jq D, Mok other capitClI i.tnprovements to building ete. Yes 30 No61", N/A i~ E. Expand research and devdopmcnl spending Yes f.p No6~ N/A z 5 f Increase empk'yment Yes 'i f) No3! N/A I \,3, DCCJ.l~a:;e employment Yes! Noq" N/A 7 1. EX[18nd elsewhere Yes / () No 4> ( N/A 0 J, RdoCfllC 811 or pan of your operation elsewhere Yf.S (1 No/P?; NfA '5 . Cd: () f-I fU :. ~~I f'.k: 8 \/h31: hqsiness aSSlSiance would you hke to see Lhe city or the USll1ess COltllIlllniLy provide! "-~~--~------"" n___<<n -~---~~. --.--...-.------- ~--------_. .~~ '-.--- _..._...~.-.---~~_r. _ _~__._~.~n'_~___ ~.._- - ~_.~ ~---- ..._---_.._-..."~ -- ..~.__.- -~_.._.. _"'_n (), Would y{)u he int~reSled in meeting with ;l replesemarive nom (he city or business cumrn)c!pity concerning some o[ the issues laised in , , 7 ,) y { I N < 1 'J '~ )" r r .-1..1; Ihis ~urvey? 'H,.L__.L:.::._ es y', 0 I'~,_ r ,'. -," .,'-' ',_ _ ~."__ I (1, How long h<l\.-e yOll been in bushl ess i 11 H ol,kl11s? (J -7- I t'J f.c':'U:) 2:; I' /<iLj 'I I ..,1 I -- ~ f /(",.ze." L Zoo t i It,.' . .' '" ' ' r j - - -) jlJO d/\t_'L'.J~~ ci,/:} , ....c ( - , 2 9 - {) ~I .~, (;;. s-- -' (-::. I_I I- .,- .1 J , / , '1 ,- , /" II, Do you uv:t\ a commercial building or rent! (Cirde one) I:) () I tl(~. ,:J ,L; (J " ,u::-' c., (,_ [~:, What do you like ClhoLlt the City of Hopkins? .~~ .--.- rr.'....._... -- -- ..--,-- _._ u_____ i 1 Wha, don't ynu liJ,(~ about the C:ity of Hopkins?___ - .n ~~~._ c _~~_._._._,.~. ..-..- _.- . O'C__ ,~. -~,._.. - ---.---.... l/,}. Are yO~l ;J member uf n Civic or Busilless Organization? Yes No Which oncs?.11}3C i~ - 3:2 7;"",,,I,,_}(,,J- 72. (", I ..- iJ,5....:.:_L~_~ NO (7!J" I.~.( l ,- / ~ S"/ i.{() /:,(.1 t;1(.Li - c1 ,2. fl .,; .I'/;'fc.:t-,i - I'.{ '0 n~("e. - 1(,;> 1). Do you feel that I he City ha~ 'Ill ow'rall positive bmincRs c1imarc?__..__.._n_ If !lot, how could it hE' improved 1 ---~,--,~- ~~.'-'.'~~~ ",-~,.._.- ~---_.------ 16. Other COlTllrH'n\s: _L_.._~ ...~. - _~_-u.,_"" ,......-............... ......__..._..__~_.".____'_____..u__ "._~._~___ .____ -_.,._-~... ...-----.--- ,_...._~ Thank You Hopkins Business & Civic Association Local Business Survey III i; 'il.lrVq i~' lk,;ignu 1 r,) JHrc~~s specific: locClI lousiness CU\1cerns tu hener understand lc)cal market issues, The survey i:; c, 'nfic1enti,J! ell_ !,:c'lwlal inJ('rm;lli'\I\ j~ \)nly ;1-kc,J to enSul'l' cumplete in(ornl(ltl('ll j,n forming a collective dmab,loc', Thank Y"ll Jur y()u\' time ~m,l anenti'- i,. I 1111.' 111;'Il'1 l:r, Ir-'o'~~-;':L f;\JFORMATION (Confidential) -:..;c'II:,,(_ S'u(OC us ~!..? rl -- -'1 I:, , - ' ' -, , I I 'j ~: '1 ,] , - r: 7 ~I ~: [""il"_,n,knl :'';'JIIIC lJ.'rr'kr U\I'l1(I' (,r ~"1110I' \bn;'ger): ___~ __, ,~.!:'~jnt? r/. ') ~",<~:---",---~ '--------- -'....-------- !I ':lli': "",,__,____....__ _~~_______,__ _,,__!.:~/~:-'(1, jL:J5l1lJ.fjfl:>jt~l:_~~'~_Y1,______ "'------~- II :::::::~::: ~::;:'",===-~~__ ==---=- -~~~'; ^"" - 'L:!]=_ ===--==_~= I i I :lrl.'~ St:1.I"C, 7ir' l.,L.),I,_"'; ...________. ~..___ ..____. _ __~__~~~~~_..~_ ._...___L___ ~--- i .:. 1"k''!,ll'll'': Ii "',, -----u--:-~lmH..'-'~..,~ 7 -~.._~-~-. -'~-:.~_..- I I ~ ~---~~':~-.. ~~"--;;;:-.~ ~ ~[ I 'il"'" ,,[ J 'iI'l1'I I::,,: 1'", ' (,llil, c ,_'c::,...L Rd;1I1 ____.L:::. \X:Jrdli1u'll1g ----"J ~_,__ ljHnmerCl~11 __,'...,~.) Indll;'ITi,,] __ ~~:..'<~ ~cr\'l( l' ::1 "J I f J " j 0+-1..,,0 ( c) ,- 1'-\ U J ,"J~~U_'(- ,. .. 4 iil"ll:"":'" 'lir"'\':I'~ '{, c_/ ' ".:...' , ~ ., ,,' -- ' ',!' L/ I" i (,ii" ,_......,~11-:'.S !~2h-l,X) ,:~' lOCh i,-'Oi1f'Jc,~".r,{o:'- !,.JI!'~ ;, I:i ~I ~::..I';~"l:ld~::,I'::::I:;',,:: ':':~~"l:r~~:'(:~_==~---- ~__-=--__ .~=- , _~=~~=--=___-=~ ~~===--- \!\,;:;:::;:;;;::.~,..;-~~~...:~...."",,,_...........--~~;,~__ __ _._."" ___c..~~ ~_._ _M_. _~.. .-... _;..... \\ hid, t:I,,'I', ',"' il1l1lll'l1lcil YUlIr decisi(1J1 In lUG1l(' yuur businos in [Iurkin,7 (Check nU ,hilt ajllJ1y) __,,/.L__,_ hd,]!'., .'~(-]'\'I~l" _t:)i~'__ (.ie(l!.!r:i~,hic 1,'C,'ll1'-'11 u~_,_ lJelllugraphic; "?:;..__.._ (.']"',1' 11' n:,i,knct ,~_~ .? ~ QIJCllilY ",f Ide _~~_ Luc81 e,JllcntIL)!'1 . . ) l,...-t: "'" / ; ," .. .,....... .. ,_ _1,_-'___ ["I\'i 'l~d,k Il'nl~ ____~~ v'..--. LJwljt:lcdllv spcl' ___~__, L:d~c>r ;IV;Jl!:lhd,l\ /1) "1 I' 'T' ' i, ' __ ;J ~_ .. C.,I lsrl",rn ~_~1 "i;l:lt' _~_J..~__ ran~p(~rL;Jrl'.ln, 1 . ___f:::L__ I n'lpen y 1 ;n:.\~':-' ," j) ,/', ... ,):, I ,/. ] I: I.. - I (.) /' " , 1_) /) .)/"'ti'('" ; ,,' L~ It':l \~C\ 'Iic.rny n___~'__ ()[ lcr (-)/-!..t~'~~L~~d{f-':'\ ~ ~-,,< _ ~ ~ I/\j{j ....), ',-::'. _~~Y.2.L-}!:lIf)f-') J_~~:...'- /:..{~ ....;.. / c. ~o' ) I "'1 ./ ~ , /\)(:1:::'C;) (-,_,' I L '0, 's '':(' Cu,c(C S l /':- lei,; c.), (If tor (',...Jr(. ~- f (;C-:, f,'rc\ \\'!,id1:>1 Ihl' I; ,ill '\\:111" ,L, Yo,'\) IISC' in j-f"l,kin< (US! ,dl rl1m ,i[,ph) . ~ ' /' ___J_'-f;2_.. , :\c, "llmi 1 Ii' ..2_1:2... ;\d\'ertisin~ 'U_ ,I\rdutect:: " C i ' ,iL l' I /) '7 [' I' '] '.I. (" ' n_n';"_'-, /\\II,nl('\,/ [,'g;1 \_IHIlISf ~_ {}.__ ,;iILdllg __~_ ,alerrrq~ Z___L... ('k;lllill!~!J:)))ill\rd ~~_ (:ll"riCll _~~_; CO/HllI\lJ1ic:'\ti'Hl EqlJipmu't ,_..._LL_ I ,:, ,I 11111 111~r :~crviu :; _~~~~ C :nll.'trlldioll __ciJ...__, Dcnul Ie [' " , I L' ) 'j , I I F~' I u_" ,"'__..'.., "I'll'rl,:IIIHIIt:llt ~ I 'O\'lolS nn~'~' 'rt'lg II ,9_L___ j hd\\';JJl' _....U_~ InJuSIJi;l! 1-:, I, i':': ')ul)[,lic:i '~ (. Imur:lllce l.~__,__ hl\',-qlI1I'n1:> __l-i~ 1_:'I\\'IK::\re(I,:lnd'c;jl'illj~ ~3_ ,\kdi:IIIOil Sl'rvicc:s ?>.~ \L,:ck:l1 ~,J~ ~j<'I~HHi)1T1'; ,......;.. c', _ l.Jr{i~'L' Slq,'pH,;c, ,___ ,!~ ~-l Pltlmh !t::-tUllg;C\)I.'ling ,___1,1- Prinring __Jl__ Rf'alt(lf5 :-f ,> lZe,ldur;mi,i i 2- Sl\ 11':'1",. 1 I Travel ' , ...____'_.~ ___ _.~ - t:.'". ~ 1" ., J,~~__.._ "Xi tll'h, 'll';C '''u --<~<_ U,Ile'\, 'D I'c+,:' , (: 1':'",'0, I"-'e \ G ['I.;JCE (-! {; ) I ell)' (I, O-el :> I (,..( '- ( '? ) i', t\ "'-1' ,- ,I / '. (') (1:>. 1 I' - Ill- i r \ - \ , r , " )lll rn (., n i "_t1iLLt!T.~"..~.L~_)_l_-~..._ '" /_~_"='-_ ?_(_--1!:.L:..._ :J..0:.:itJ-I-----.-J'~~::.J~~\~S~~_t_1 r.O-:.. t?J 'J r .:y.C::~L~:[ .' (J/I~_.+2~Jlf~Q...~L (~:2- \c-_~L_L_?~~~,_ .. I I r'IO,.\...,...;t.;J...vI<..J ';, \\lLi,'ll "I ,];i,C h>!ll',"\ing d" :':<'11 nill i1~e in I1(Ij'killS) (U"'11/ rl1ornt'llh'! ~ ~-S-J- A':I.'IIUill'IIl,C: c,:5-_1~ i\.-JnTtisll1L;" m_ 'l ?J ~ Architects _ (';' "~I __ /\il,-'rnr-'v/L('g.d Cuunscl,? 2_ B;mking ~~ C;1tering _,J..:' Z~_n_ 1".'I(~:iI'liTl:Jl:lI1it('ri"l _JJ~ Clerical 7?-1 Cmllllwnk'llic'n Equipment _..L_L~,... (:(1'111'111(:1' St'J'\'ice:' ~f.r.Y_ C\IIISLr\lcli(1n &0~_ Dellt~d ,__,..1,(..'_ EnLClT,Jmil,('1lt ~'Z,2- F\(!li,r, ~ Freight: . _ _,,"J H:1n]\';,IIT ~_G 1::, __ Indusrrial Eq, & :-;\lpjJlies _n~__ Insurance _d :::'___ ~ll\'(',mll'll\:; ~ Cr~ l.:1wllc~n:i[_:11IJ,c:lping ---1:12...,.-- ~1cdjat:(m 5'"1'\'IC<:'; ..__,0.,~,,-_.., 1III'dl[;" ...J?-J:--lvloldsf!1o\'P\<; ~~ Ufflcc Supplies , I . f 1 I '[ I - ['IV' ) C ,).. '~r..':'... r ',IID,jn::;1 e"rin~~ICI_") Lng ____i..2... 1 rinlin!1 ~J.._ Recd\(m; _.._, "~j,, F ':,\;lUr:ll1 j"; ~?;_ St(i]';\j~e __n_ TrJvd _,_I>2_J.... \V:lr"h'lIl;C ~ C:i.... OdH:r 1,::I>lnJl)L'1l1",__,_~,_..____,___....,,__ _,___~ _____ ..__~_..~_'" _'" -____.__, ~~.'______ ...__,____ . PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Memorandum To: City Council 9 7 ' From: Jim Hartshorn, Economic Development Coordinator ( , Date: September 20, 2000 , Subject: Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program Update As previously requested, staff was asked to provide an update on the activity of the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program. So far this year, there have been no commercial rehabilitation loans processed, Two applications were sent out but not returned. The first applicant commented that he felt the legal fees were too high, and the second applicant stated that the bank was willing to provide all the funding and he no longer needed the loan. Attached is a copy of the program. The HBCA will also review this program at the next HBCA Economic Development Committee meeting and make recommendations at a later date. . Possible reasons for the low number of applicants include: . Interest rates through private lending institutions have been favorable all year . The facades of many of the commercial buildings have now been upgraded and there may not be a need . The program needs additional marketing (brochures were sent to all banks and real estate professionals and advertised in the HBCA newsletter several times throughout the year) Possible alternatives for the program: . Extend the boundaries. Staff would not recommend this alternative based on the fact that there is limited dollars and the oldest commercial buildings are located in the immediate caD . Possibly tie the Commercial Rehabilitation Program to the Property Owner's CBD Inspections Program as a matching grant program, which would still be used only for facades . Leave the program as is. There will probably be more need for this program once interest rates increase. This program is funded through the economic development fund, which has limited dollars. If there is a willingness as has been demonstrated over the last few years, for property owners to upgrade there buildings with private financing this would seem to be a logical approach to continue. . Drop the program. . memofonn PROCESS SUMMARY FOR THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM ***************************************************************** This program is designed to provide low interest financial assistance to businesses to upgrade and improve the exteriors of commercial properties in the city of Hopkins. Summarized below is a list of steps to be completed to process the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program application, Attached are copies of the guidelines and application forms, 1) Applicant meets with City staff to discuss the proposed project. 2) Applicant submits preliminary draft plans and sketch drawings, which are to be completed by a registered architect or design professional. 3) If a lending institution is to be the primary lender, during the review of plans the applicant is to meet with the lending institution to arrange for preliminary financing approval. The bank is to work in cooperation with City staff throughout the approval process. . 4 ) Applicant submits completed application along with $150.00 to City staff to conduct an analysis of the applicant's ability to repay the loan. 5) Drawings, plans, and specifications will be reviewed by the City of Hopkins Building Inspections department, planner, and other City staff. If necessary, written recommendations will be made by City staff for modification of the proposed plans. 6) An inspection of the building will be completed by the City of Hopkins Building Inspections department, Written comments will be provided to the applicant based upon this inspection. 7 ) Private financing must contribute no less than 50 percent of the total project cost, Proof of private funding approval is to be obtained before approval of Commercial Rehab Loan. 8 ) Applications will be evaluated and considered by City staff for final approval, . 9) Upon receipt of necessary approvals, staff will provide a letter to bank and applicant. - 1 - ,IHI REHI\Bg ~ A 10 ) Document Preparation - If matching funds are being . provided by a lending institution, a commitment letter is to be provided to the BRA indicating amount of loan, interest rate, security and collateral, and repayment term. 11 ) Applicant is to secure necessary building permits and any other applicable permits. 12) Closing Costs - Applicant is required to pay all closing costs along with an up-front origination fee, which is due at the time the application is submitted. 13) Work begun prior to final approval will be ineligible for financing under the guidelines of this Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program. 14) Repayment of principal and interest 1S to begin on a month and date agreed upon by applicant, City, and bank, at the time of closing, but no longer than one month after completion of the improvements. Please fill out entire application and send to: Jim Hartshorn, Economic Development Coordinator . City of Hopkins 1010 First Street South Hopkins, MN 55343 612-939-1359 ..2- . ,1HI REHAB9~A ---- COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION LOAN . PROGRAM APPLICATION Applicant's name: Home address: Home phone: Business name: Business address: Business phone: Tax J.D. # Form of business organization: Description of business: Date established: . Current number of employees: Number of employees after expansion: Name of bank providing matching funds (if applicable): Name of Loan Officer: Phone # Name of other resources providing funding: Name of contact: Phone # Name of Insurance Company: Name ofInsurance Representative: Phone # Name of Attorney: Phone # Name of Accountant: Phone # . JHfR,HI\B9QI\ Comm. Rehab. Loan Application - Page 2 . L Attach a document (scope of work) detailing the work to be completed, estimated costs, and any other supplemental information necessary for adequate review of the project. 2. Have you or any officers of your company ever been involved in bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings? Yes No , If so, please provide the details as a separate exhibit. 3. Are you or your business involved in any pending lawsuits? Yes _ No If yes, please provide the details as a separate exhibit. 4. Do you or your spouse or any member of your household, or anyone who owns, manages, or directs your business or their spouses or members of their households work for the Community or hold an official position with the community? Yes _ No If so, please provide the name and address ofthe person and what department employed, Employee Name: Department: Employee Address: I!WE CER TlFY that all information in this application is true and complete to the best of my/our knowledge and are submitted to the lIRA so that the HRA can decide whether or not to grant the . loan. Vwe agree to pay for or reimburse the HRA for the cost of surveys, title or mortgage examinations, appraisals, etc., performed by non-City personnel provided Vwe have given my/our consent. Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date . JH/REHI\B94A COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM . I. Loan Terms and Conditions: A. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority (lIRA) loan (maximum $24,999) will be matched by private funds on a dollar-far-dollar basis. Example: lIRA Commercial Rehab. Loan $ 24,999 Private funds $ 24.999 Total improvements $ 49 998 B. Loan Maximum - No loan shall exceed 80 percent of the market value of the property upon completion of the rehabilitation (based upon proposed cost of improvements), less the outstflnding balance of any prior encumbrances, The maximum amount of any loan will not exceed $24,999. C. Loan Minimum - The minimum amount of any loan will be $10,000, D. Interest Rate - The interest rate on loans provided through this program will be 3 percent . below prime rate compounded on an annual basis. Interest rate will be based upon the prime rate on the day of closing as published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. E. Term - The maximum term cannot exceed 10 years, The City of Hopkins staff will determine the appropriate term based upon the amount of the loan and a pro-forma analysis of the project. F. Collateral - The BRA will determine the appropriate collateral based upon the following parameters: * The HRA lien position will usually be subordinate to a bank. * Liens will generally take the form of a mortgage on the improved property * Building tenants are required to provide evidence that the building owner agrees to provide a mortgage as collateral for the lIRA loan. Otherwise, tenants are required to provide collateral in an amount and type which is deemed acceptable to the HRA G. Late fees will be imposed based on a percentage ofthe loan amount. H Approval Process - All loan requests will be evaluated and considered for approval by City of Hopkins staff, unless special circumstances dictate otherwise. . 1. Environmental Assessments - The HRA reserves the sole right to deterine whether Phase I and Phase n environmetnal assessments are required, - 1 - A mortgage document will contain an indemnification provision to protect the HRA . against any potential undiscovered environmental and/or hazardous waste contamination of the property. II. Elieibilitv Criteria: A. Building/Applicant: 1) Building must be located within the boundaries identified on the map attached to this document Exhibit A. 2) Building must contain sman or medium sized commercial or retail businesses, and have a principal commercial or retail character. 3) Building must not be one that is identified by the HRNCity for possible acquisition as part of a pending or proposed redevelopment project. 4) Building and businesses within the building must be "conforming uses" under the Citis Zoning Ordinance. 5) Plans and specifications submitted must be in conformance with the Uniform Building Code, all Hopkins City codes, and subject to review and approval by the Hopkins Chief Building Inspector, Improvements to the building must comply e with all applicable code, permit, and license requirements. 6) An eligible applicant must either be a building owner or tenant within the approved program boundaries, 7) Applicants must be an acceptable credit risk as determined by the City of Hopkins staff and be able to demonstrate the ability to repay the loan, The following information must be provided by the applicant: * Balance sheets and profit and loss statements for the last three fiscal years * Past three years of business and personal tax returns '" Personal financial statements on all borrowers * Commitment letter and credit analysis from lending institution when applicable '" Environmental review when applicable 8) Applicants must certify that the building is insured for full replacement value throughout the term of the loan. 9) Applicants are required to wait a period of 3 years prior to submitting a second Commercial Rehab, Loan application. . - 2 - R Costs: . 1) Exterior Improvements: >I< Improvements to the front, rear or sides of a commercial building. >I< Cleaning, painting and staining of exterior surfaces. >I< Masonry repairs. >I< Repairing or replacing of cornices, entrances, doors, windows, decorative details and awnings. >I< Sign removal, repairing or replacement, >I< Building identification, >I< Other items that are viewed necessary to complement exterior. * Repair of parking lots, including lighting, surfacing and landscaping. (no new construction) >I< Other miscellaneous improvements to the exterior as determined appropriate. 2) Miscellaneous (to be paid by applicant): '" Attorney fees related to proposed project >I< Appraisal fees >I< Credit reports * Abstract and filing fees . >I< Mortgage registration fees * Title insurance premiums >I< Service charges >I< Fees for credit approval >I< Building permit fees and inspections * Environmental surveys * Architectural and engineering * Enerb1J' audits * Architectural design services for plans and specifications Staff will provide approval of exterior design plans. 3) Ineligible Items: The following are ineligible costs under the City's Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program: * Roof improvements * Interior improvements * Additions and expansions >I< Refinancing >I< Non-fixed improvements >I< Working capital . >I< Inventory * Sweat equity (applicant's own labor and performance in completing construction or improvements) '" Improvements completed prior to loan closing - 3 - ------ ill" Contractin!!: and Construction: . A. Staff and the HRA may request additional supplemental information necessary for adequate review of the loan request. In addition, the applicant will also grant permission for City staff to conduct a complete inspection of the property to which the improvements are to be made, B. Contractors and all sub-contractors providing work under this program are to be licensed, and must meet the insurance and bonding requirements of the City of Hopkins. The contractor and/or sub-contractors are to be responsible for quality and workmanship, proper conduction of business practices, and financially capable of completing the required work items, C. The quality and progress of the work is to be monitored throughout the term of the contract by the loan recipient, general contractor, and City staffwhen appropriate. D, Payment requests (partial or full) cannot be made by the contractor until a written request for payment is made by the loan recipient and City staff has accepted the eligible improvements in writing, Periodic draws will only be allowed on a monthly basis, and will be limited in amounts to the value of materials furnished and/or services performed up to the time of request. All payments may be subject to 10 percent retainage which will be used to correct unsatisfactory work and/or defray costs to obtain a replacement contractor . to complete the required improvements. E. Contractor is required to furnish lien wavers at the time a payment is made by the HRA. F. Change orders are required to be approved by the bank, lIRA, and owner. G. All necessary permits and approvals of appropriate agencies are required to be fulfilled, H. All improvements are required to be inspected by the City of Hopkins Building Inspections department in order to ensure conformance with appropriate codes, and must be verified for proper completion by City staff prior to final payment. Final inspection cannot be scheduled until all permits have been signed off by field inspectors, 1. Contractors and sub-contractors are required to provide a 12-month warranty from the date of completion on all improvement work. Warranty is required to cover the quality of materials and workmanship, The BRA is not a guarantor of the proiect and. as such. is not responsible for complaints of unfinished or defective workmanship or products. IV. Loan Closin!!: A Documents: . The following loan documents are to be executed by the borrower as a condition to funding the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan, In appropriate instances, certain loan documents may be waived, but at the sole discretion of the HRA. All loan documents - 4 - shall be prepared by legal counsel for the HRA and shall contain such terms, conditions, . and provisions as are required by the HRA and its counsel. The borrower shall pay all attorneys' fees incurred by the HRA in connection with the approval. processing and closing of the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan: 1- Promissory Note. A Promissory Note in the full amount of the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan. 2. Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement. The Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing statement shan contain an environmental warranty and indemnification agreement whereby the borrower indemnifies the HRA from any and all liabilities associated with hazardous substances, contamination or environmental concerns affecting the secured property, 3. Assignment of Leases. (optional) An Assignment of Leases assigning all leases affecting the secured property as collateral for repayment of the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan. 4. Estoppel Certificate, Subordination Agreement ( optional). Estoppel Certificate(s) and Subordination and Attornment Agreement(s) from each tenant of the subject property. These documents show that the lease is current and that there are no other leases before the HRA's, . 5. Guaranty Agreement. A Guaranty Agreement from each required Guarantor of the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan. 6. lntercreditor Agreement. If the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan is to be subordinated to any prior mortgages, the borrower, prior mortgage holder and the lIRA shall execute an Intercreditor Agreement or Subordination Agreement containing such terms and conditions as shall be required by the HRA including, but not limited to, the prior mortgage holders' consent to the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan and such other provisions as shall be requested by the HRA to protect the security of the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan. 7. Dee Financial Statements. Uniform Conunercial Code Financing Statements perfecting the security interest granted to the HRA in any personal property to be pledged as collateral security for the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan, 8. Security Agreements. If the collateral for the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan is personal property, a Security Agreement granting the HRA a valid first security interest in such collateraL 9. Landlord's Agreement. If the collateral for the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan . is personal property located on the premises owned by a party other than the borrower, borrower shall be required to provide a Landlord's Agreement from the - 5 - property owner acknowledging the lIRA's rights in the collateral, including the . right to enter the property on which the collateral is located for the purpose of assembling and repossessing such collateral. 10. Other Documents. Other documents may be requested as the lIRA feels necessary. B) Origination Fee: The applicant is required to pay an Origination Fee of $150.00 at the time the application is submitted. This amount helps the City of Hopkins cover administration costs. The applicant is required to pay all additional closing costs at the time of closing, For more information and an application, please contact Jim Hartshorn, Program Coordinator, at 612-939-1359, . . - 6 - IH/REHAIJ97 -I --:-: \ I I--Lii0L r --..::z.~~ ~, \'~ W! G1yll-=-l' .r\ 8tiLi W ,~~~\~~,~. : nil. i L)i /' ;t ( ~ ~ " '; llifIlIIIlI[) W' III -. '- T _. _ \\\\\ _' __ '-- "',-J-.J ~ u- 'I l&\\\ ~ \n T ..r.;: - -J\ \ _ ~ '/ r-- ~ IY ;F.: ~f..-' '_ I " - 0 > ..Er L J v .- '<. Ld ~ <--.J..', . '..:., _ . -= ~\ '. bil'::'l r 71-( J f~ ~ "-~~ (\~ _ f- . ~ 'C0- ,lj m "[ I:::: - )ll~\\~ -,' \ ~ , "', "'TUvl TT /IT r W I r2 --t:: =::1.,1 I:" ~ \\~ _: ' ! L ~'n 'i UUJ.JV [ n Tll r . 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