Memo- Changes to Legislative Poilcy #8-B, Roadway Improvements Public Works Department Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Through: From: Steve Mielke, City Manager Steve Stadler, Public Works Director COa7 Date: April 3, 1997 Subject: Changes to Legislative Policy #8-8, Roadway Improvements This item was presented for City Council consideration at the March 18th Council Meeting. City Council disagreed with portions of the proposed policy language changes, were unclear to the meaning of other portions, and felt more detail was needed. The decision was to table the item and refer it to a future Council Work Session. Staff understands that it is City Council's desire to change the existing legislative policy such that a neighborhood may elect to have its streets reconstructed without concrete curb and gutter. Staff has revised the policy language to read that concrete curb and gutter would continue to be the preferred street design, but an exception could be made if the majority of the "affected residents' petitioned against it. (There will be more on "affected residents' later in the memo). Staff has added words to clarify that if a valid petition is received, the street would be reconstructed in such a way that the current appearance of the street (prior to reconstruction) would be maintained. This also means that the policy would allow the City to replace raised asphalt edging on streets that currently have a raised asphalt edge. There is existing raised asphalt edges on very few streets - see attached map showing streets with no curb and with raised asphalt edges. The policy also states that concrete curb and gutter will be installed on a local street when it is reconstructed if the predominance of streets in the same defined area have existing concrete curb and gutter. Looking at the map, an example of this might be the section of Oxford Street and Murphy Avenue where there is currently no concrete curb and gutter. Staff is proposing that if a reconstruction project were warranted in this area, that these streets should have curb & gutter to match the prevailing street design of the area. Now, regarding "affected residents': The proposed policy revision allows street reconstruction matching current conditions if a petition of 55% or more of the affected residents is presented stating opposition to concrete curb & gutter. Staff feels that the definition of "affected residents' is subjective and would prefer that City Council consider staff recommendation of the boundaries on an individual project basis. Staff believes it is clear that Interlachen and Belgrove neighborhoods should be considered as two distinct "affected areas'. It would be preferred to have a consistent street design throughout these neighborhoods. Example 1: If we were to reconstruct just Loring Road, the street design would include installing concrete curb & gutter unless a neighborhood-wide petition requesting no curbs was signed by at least 55% of the Belgrove residents. The results of that petition would determine the street design for all of the Belgrove neighborhood, Le., curbs or no curbs. There would be no need for another petition on the next reconstruction project. The next design would be consistent with the Loring Road design. Example 2: Consider 20th Avenue South. Staff may contend that curb and gutter should be installed under the proposed policy as the predominance of central Hopkins area has curb and gutter. If City Council disagreed, should the affected residents be only those along 20th Avenue? Or, should it also include residents on 18th and 19th Avenues South? In any case, staff doesn't feel the decision needs to be included in the legislative policy. Staff has removed the originally proposed policy language calling for 100% assessment of costs for construction necessary to maintain pavement edges and drainage if curb and gutter is not installed. Staff believes that the proposed policy allows neighborhood majority decision regarding curb and gutter while maintaining curb and gutter as the standard where it makes sense to do so. 7. MAJOR STREETS 7.01 Major streets are considered by the City of Hopkins to be collector and thoroughfare streets. Streets of this variety generally service local traffic as well as traffic from other . areas and therefore are designed in accordance with standards of a higher road capacity. Major streets within the City of Hopkins are constructed with a minimum capacity of9 ton per axle. The primary source of funding for major roadways is special assessments and MSA funds. 7.02 Major new and reconstructed streets shall be constructed with curb and gutter. Street width shall be determined by existing conditions, traffic counts and patterns, and, if applicable, MSA standards. 8. LOCAL STREETS 8.01 Local Streets are generally streets which service a small area and do not typically involve a movement of traffic between areas. Local streets typically connect two collector streets or county roads. Streets of this type include local streets, cul-de-sacs, and service roads. Local streets within the City of Hopkins are constructed with a minimum capacity of 7 tons per axle. The primary source of funding of local streets is special assessments. 8.02 New local streets shall be constructed with curb and gutter. When re6enstruetiag streets oonerete etiFb Bfld gutter shall be iaatallea where elu'featly in use, and in ether areas uBless the f1eighborhood preseats a petitien of not less that fifty ihe per.eeHt (55%) ef the affeeted prej3effy e7IRers reqtlesting raised a5flhalt edge. Raised asphalt edge shall be inatalled \':herever eoner.efe elire lIiid gHtter is f10t Iised. Desiga fIiodifieaUofls shall be established as apflrepriate te addreas drainage and mamt6flanee e6aeems. When reconstructing streets concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in the following instances: 1. All streets with existing concrete curb and gutter or existin~ vertical asphalt curb. 2. All Municipal State Aid streets 3. Local streets without curb and gutter in a defined residential area where the predominance of existing streets have concrete curb and gutter 4. Other local streets without curb and gutter unless the neighborhood presents a petition of 55% or more of the affected residents against concrete cnrb and gutter. If a Detition is Dresented. the street shall be reconstructed in snch a way that the current appearance of the street (prior to reconstruction) is maintained. 8.03 New local street minimum unobstructed street width, (face-face of curb) is 30 feet. The standard unobstructed street width for reconstructed streets shall be 26 feet. Streets which do not meet this requirement shall be reconstructed at current width (unless a wider street is desired by the affected residents) but not less than twenty feet (20') unless the Council finds that: A twenty foot (20') width would adversely affect trees or other significant or desirable physical features; and A reduced width would not constitute a distinct hazard to life or property. Factors to be considered shall include, but not be limited to safe access of emergency vehicles, snow storage requirements, availability of parking and aesthetics. 8.04 Streets which are twenty-six feet (26') or more in width will have parking allowed on both sides. Streets less than twenty-six feet (26') in width may be subject to parking restrictions on an "as needed" basis. Parking restrictions could be established at. the time of street projects or at any future date based upon general City parking requirements. Factors to be considered shall include, but not be limited to, staff report regarding safety and emergency vehicles access and neighborhood input. Where streets are less than twenty-six feet (26') in width, the staff shall assist the neighborhood in identifYing areas where existing street width can be increased to provide additional parking. 9. ALLEYS 9.01 Alleys are minor roadways which service parcels of property along the rear property line. The primary source of funding of alleys is special assessments. 9.02 All alleys shall be concrete construction. Alley width is generally 10 feet in residential areas and 12 feet in commercial areas. 10. ASSESSMENT POLICIES 10.01 When assessments are levied for roadway improvements, the assessment will be calculated in accordance with the fonnulas set forth in the section on Assessment Fonnulas, using either the adjusted front foot method or per lot unit method. The adjusted front foot method will be used for assessment purposes unless the per lot/unit method is requested , by petition by at least 55% of the assessed property owners and/or it is determined that the aJI:ected lots have received equal benefits. The City Council shall have final authority on the type of fonnula to be used. 10.02 The total project cost for streets constructed or reconstructed in any given project shall be equal to the actual construction cost, plus associated costs such as legal, bonds, administrative and engineering. 10.03 When the city CONSTRUCTS A NEW LOCAL OR MAJOR STREET. 100% of the total project cost, including all utilities, will be recovered by assessing the benefiting property for actual benefit received. A new street shall be defined as a roadway including curb and gutter which had not previously existed. 10.04 When the city RECONSTRUCTS AN EXISTING LOCAL OR MAJOR STREET. 70% of the total project cost will be recovered by assessing the benefiting property for benefit . ," '. " " ",' 1,/,';, '" ;'\;;': :J;,'.' ,:~ '! :~!; NIN>ltTON1<A ." "" -""" ~' ( I I l_: r---- ~ @ " " " " t,H>lNETONKA I, ,. , " e---,..--J !' .. , ,. --, *" . ," l"" h"'" ..' "'" Oil" ~~.. "-" . i : , I I I I I I I I I I ! 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