CR 97-92 Citizen Request For Parking Change Reconsideration 1 Y o May 2, 1997 ~ -So " o P K \ ~ Council Report 97-'72 Citizen Request for Reconsideration of Parking Change - 17th Avenue North ProDosed Action. Staff recommends that if Council wishes to reconsider the March 4, 1997 decision, ordering no changes to current parking restrictions, that Council adopt the following motion: Move that Council reconsider the 17th Avenue Parking restrictions at a future City Council meeting. This motion and second must be made by members of the Council who voted with the majority at the March 4th Council meeting. If a motion and second is made, then all members of the Council would vote on whether or not to reconsider. Staff recommends that City Council not reconsider the March 4th decision. Overview. Mr. Lloyd Hockel, 101 17th Avenue North has requested reconsideration of the March 4th Council decision to not change parking restrictions on 17th Avenue North. He believes that upon receipt of the MnDDT parking variance that "City Council had what it requested and the buck should have stopped there." Staff believes that Council's ultimate action to deny parking changes was based on the results of an orderly process which followed Council direction, allowed ample opportunity for public input and considered the citizen input which was received. Primary Issues to Consider. . Detailed Background . Staff recommendation SUDDorting Information. . Mr. Lloyd Hockelletter dated April 8, 1997 . City Manager letter re onse dated April 28, 1997 T Steven J. Stadler, Public Works Director Council Report 97-72 Page 2 Analvsis ofIssues. . Detailed Background . June, 1996: Petition requesting parking on the east side of 17th Avenue North presented to City Council. The petition was signed by 23 east-side 17th Avenue residents. . July 2, 1996 City Council Meeting: Council directs staff to seek a MnDOT variance to allow parking on both sides of 17th Avenue North with restrictions during peak traffic periods. Further, Council directs staff to contact all 17th Avenue residents to inform them of the decision (to seek a parking variance) and to point out that all residents will have an opportunity to express their views before a parking change is made. . July 8, 1996: Staff sends letter, as described above, to 17th Avenue residents. . December 3, 1996 City Council Meeting: Council approves resolution requesting State Aid parking variance. . December 12,1996: Staffattends State Aid Variance Committee meeting and receives committee approval of parking variance. . January 7, 1997 City Council Meeting: Staff seeks Council input on parking issue prior to meeting with 17th Avenue residents. Staff reemphasizes concern of parking on both sides during the winter months when the effective street width is narrower. Council directs a public meeting be held to consider and discuss parking options and provide an opportunity for City staff to hear resident's concerns and answer questions. . January 23, 1997: Letter is sent to all 17th Avenue residents announcing February 13th public meeting, listing many different options for parking, explaining staff concerns and mentioning the staff recommendation. . February 13, 1997: Public Information Meeting is held - only six residents (representing 5 properties) attend. Three are against changing the parking and two approve of additional parking. Those opposed to additional parking cite traffic volume, speed, and visibility as key safety concerns. . February 14 and 18, 1997: Staff conducts telephone poll of 17th Avenue residents. Six east side residents and lOwest side residents are contacted. West side residents are opposed to changing parking and half of the east side residents prefer parking to remain as-is. . March 3, 1997 City Council Meeting: Staff reports results of public information meeting, telephone poll and other public input to Council. There appeared to be little public interest in changing 17th Avenue parking. This was based on low turnout at the public meeting and the results of the telephone poll. On a 4-1 vote, City Council orders no change to current parking restrictions. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends that Council not reconsider its March 4th decision. Parking on both sides increases the risk of accidents to moving vehicles, parked vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. Additional parking provides very little benefit to abutting properties and there appears to be very little public interest in additional parking. Uyru~r~1 UO;~~ rAA O~~ ~~y ~O~~ '-'LLI. vr nvC"1\.1.1'l.:) l.f!:JUUol:;r U,LU Date: April 8, 1997 To: Hopkins City Council From: Lloyd Hockel Subj: 1 ~ Avenue Parking Please refer to Mayor's letter from March 3, 1997 (Council has copies). I request review of the Council's decision on the March 4th (1997) meeting, based on the following letters and from the original request. Please refer tq Council Report 96-192 dated November 21,1996 (attached). Staff approved council issued resolution 96-97 (attached) requesting variance. Refer to letter dated December 2, 1996 (attached) to Mr. Stine of the State Aid Office. I went with Mr. Stadler to the committee meeting on December 12, 1996, and he made an eloquent presentation and answered ail questions positively. The committee OK'ed the variance. 5Q Refer to letter dated December.20, 1996 (attached) from Mr. Cohoon of the Department of Trans po nation granting the variance. At this point the Hopkins City Council had what it requested and the buck should have stopped there. Instead, Mr. Stadler reported to Council 1 0 reasons why the variance should not go through. Also basing the reasons on a "one in a century" snowfall from letter dated January 23, 1997 (attached) contrary to what he told the Variance Conunittee on December l21h, The original request was based on fairness and equality and should be reviewed by the Council. We should not have to defend our request. For the Council's infonnation, 17m Avenue is plowed curb to curb by 5 a.m. after every snowfall plus follow-ups. Lloyd Hockel ;(~J"ld~ U<l/U'/t'f uo;~~ rhA O~~ ~~~ ~Q~~ \"J.J.]. ur nur.n,u'l<) Ii'.J UU'I UU,," City of 1fopfjns 1010 'EitstSttlet South. :J(upfi.jns. 9tf!N 55343-7573 . rpfioTIJI: 612-935-8474 . 'Ea;r;; 612-935-1834 April 28, 1997 Mr. Lloyd Hockel 101 -17th Avenue North Hopkins, MN 55343 f Re: Request for Reconsideration-17th Avenue Parking Dear Lloyd: The Mayor has shared with me your request for reconsideration of the 17th Avenue parking decision by the City Council. I have placed this request on the May 6 agenda. At that time the City Council will receive your letter and will be asked to decide whether or not they wish to reconsider their decision. Should the Council vote affirmatively to reconsider the item, the topic would then be placed on a future agenda. In order to reconsider an item, the motion and second to reconsider must be made by members of the Council who voted with the majority the last time the issue was considered. If a motion and second is made, then all members of the Council would be eligible to vote on whether or not to reconsider. The Council meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Council chambers. I would estimate that this item would appear before the Council toward the beginning of the agenda, and while I cannot be precise, my guess is that it would be heard between 7:30 and 8:30 on May 6. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the process or the information in this letter. Sincerely, r~ ~ Steven C. Mielke City Manager hockel17avepark }frt iE.ql.llJ(Oppol1urri,y'E""pli?ytJ'