III.1. Adopt a Proclamation Recognizing November as Native American Heritage Month; Imihy Bean CITY OF HOPKINS City Council Report 2023-123 To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members Mike Mornson, City Manager From: PeggySue Imihy Bean, Special Projects and Initiatives Manager Date: November 14, 2023 Subject: Adopt a Proclamation Recognizing November as Native American Heritage Month _____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDED ACTION MOTION TO Adopt a Proclamation Native American Heritage Month. OVERVIEW The City of Hopkins sits on the ancestral lands of the Dakota peoples, and is also home to the Anishinaabe peoples. Minnesota is home to 11 federally recognized tribes, and the name of our state, Minnesota comes from the Dakota word ‘Mni Sóta’ meaning meaning slightly cloudy waters or waters that reflect the sky. The Dakota people, and Indigenous Americans across the United States have suffered great injustice since the time settlers reach America. Including the forced displacement from their lands, treaties which were not honored by the United States, and the forced removal and assimilation of Indigenous children through the boarding school system.Despite these challenges, many Indigenous traditions, celebrations and people thrive. Starting first as a single day to honor indigenous people across the U.S., Native American Heritage Month was first celebrated in 1990. This month recognizes and celebrates the invaluable contributions of Native peoples that have shaped our country and honor the hundreds of Tribal Nations who continue exercising their inherent sovereignty. Earlier this month, City Staff along with other members of the Hopkins Race and Equity Initiative (HREI) took an afternoon to celebrate Indigenous food, culture and art. Members visited the Indigenous Food Lab at Midtown Global Market for lunch and then visited the Minneapolis Institute of Art to explore the exhibit, In Our Hands: Native American Photography, 1890 to now. These rich experiences demonstrate the grief, joy and perseverance of Indigenous Peoples. For those interested in learning more about how to celebrate and honor the Indigenous community this month, experiences like these are a great place to start. Tonight, the City recognizes Native America Heritage Month, and acknowledges the meaningful and important contributions of Indigenous community members and Staff. SUPPORTING INFORMATION  Proclamation Recognizing Native American Heritage Month Administration A Proclamation Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month WHEREAS, the Indigenous People of the Wahpekute (northern) bands of the Dakota Nation have lived upon and travelled the land of modern-day Hopkins since time immemorial; and; and WHEREAS, the Wahpekute People of the Dakota Nation were subject to ethnic cleansing and displaced from their homeland through coerced acceptance of land cession treaties, particularly those of 1837 and 1851, which were inequitable from the start and ultimately executed in bad faith by local and federal government entities; and WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins strives to eliminate systemic racism and discrimination towards Indigenous Peoples, to celebrate and honor Indigenous People to better honor their experiences and to hold in esteem their roots, history, and contributions to our culture; and to dedicate to this effort a month of intentional reflection; and WHEREAS, November is recognized as National Native American Heritage month; and WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins recognizes the month of November 2023 as Native American Heritage Month to promote authentic appreciation, tolerance, reconciliation, understanding, friendship, and continued partnerships among all of its people and the Indigenous Peoples of this land; NOW THEREFORE, I, Patrick Hanlon, Mayor of the City of Hopkins in the State of Minnesota, along with my fellow Council Members, recognize, adopt, and proclaim the month of November as Native American Heritage Month in the City of Hopkins, and urge all residents to accept and honor each person’s uniqueness, seeing it as a natural and beautiful part of human diversity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota to be affixed this 14th day of November 2023. _______________________________________ Patrick Hanlon, Mayor