CR 2000-161 Final Plat-Supervalu
e September 27,2000 Council Report 2000-161
ProDosed Action.
Staff recommends the following motion: Move to approve the final plat for the SuperValu
perishable site subject to approval by Hennepin County.
The applicant, SuperValu, with the construction of the addition to the perishable building,
will be combining two parcels into one. The fonner County Club warehouse building will be
combined with the perishable site. This is needed because building code will not allow a lot
line going through a building.
The new lot will also combine one-half of the vacated Sixth Avenue.
The final plat will be delivered to the City on Monday and distributed to the City Council at
the meeting. If there are any changes from the preliminary plat the staff will detail the
changes in a memo.
. Primarv Issues to Consider.
. What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan
designated the subject site?
. Do the lots meet the zoning requirements?
. What are the specifics of the plat?
. Does the proposed plat meet the subdivision requirements?
. Will a park dedication fee be required?
. Has the final plat changed from the preliminary plat?
SUDDortin!! Documents.
. Analysis of Issues
. Preliminary Plat
Nanc S. Anderson, AICP
Financial Impact: $ N/A Budgeted: YIN - Source:
. Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Page 2
. Primarv Issues to Consider.
. What is the zoning of the property, and how has the Comprehensive Plan
designated the subject site?
The zoning ofthe property is 1-1, Industrial. The Comprehensive Plan has designated the site
as industrial. The zoning and the land use comply with the proposed use.
. Do the lots meet the zoning requirements?
A lot in the 1-1 district is required to have a minimum size of 10,000 square feet. The lot will
meet the minimum lot size.
. What are the specifics of the plat?
The existing perishable site and the former Country Club warehouse lot will be combined
into one parcel.
. Does the proposed plat meet the subdivision requirements?
The plat as proposed meets the subdivision requirements.
. . Will a park dedication fee be required?
A park dedication of$110,665 will be required.
. Has the final plat changed from the preliminary plat?
The final plat will be delivered to the City on Monday. To the staff's knowledge the final
plat has not changed from the preliminary plat.
1. Approve the final plat. By approving the final plat, the SuperValu will be able to plat the
property as proposed.
2. Deny the final plat. By denying the final plat, the SuperValu will not be able to plat the
property as proposed. If the City Council considers this alternative, findings will have to
be identified that support this alternative.
3. Continue for further information. If the City Council indicates that further information is
needed, the item should be continued.
p~~-;i 1; TRACT B:
Thot port of lot 7, .AlIDlTOR'S SUBDm$lON NUMBER HI
t~~: ~: ~ 3, ~d1i: ~~~~9:~D, 21, 22. 23 cmd 21, Blade 52: . . W~terly (If the Westeny right-o'-woy line of 7th "\"eO
recorded plot 01 Yot:ST MINNEAPOUS and its Northerly.
Thot port 0' the Wc:'>t 1/2 of ""Xl':lted 9th "_nue I,.;o,g between e..tenSllJOlI ocross It of the which liell Southerly cnd Southeaster1y of 1;1 I;"e de$cri~
Nortl'\w~terJy line of BlOCk .39 Gnd the North line of 810d; 52: E..cept thOse ports of the ObOW! described p
That part of the East 1/2 of vacated 10lh Allenue l)'ing between edensions across it of the Southeoster1y of a line described os folloows:
Nortt-. and South lin~ 0' Brock 52; Beginning at the intersection of the c~tcrtir
That port of loUeatcd Roilw'Oy BCff,.levord ',..,q befween edl!f1si011s oems'll it of the centerline of 7th Avenue South os dedicated
centertine of 9th Avenue and the North line of Block 52: MINNEAPOlIS~ thent:e Wl!Stl!l'1y along the We~
That port of 'Y'Ocated 5th Street South lying between edl!f1sions oCf~ it of the West line $oid 5 th Street Sooth, 0 drstanCt! of 127.0(
of 9th Allenue ond the (Q3tt:tiy line of Roiwoy BouleYDrd; 576.0J feet alOl'tq I;( (ange:nt/a/ curve conca,"
lots 1. 2. J, 4, 5. 6, 7, B, 12. 13, l4, 15, 16, 17, lB. 19 ond 20, Block 5.3; B35..19 feet and 0 eentrol ongle Qf .39 deqrll
That part of the vacated aUey in Blodl; 5.3 lying bat..een ~d.en'Sions oc:ro$S it of the SQUth South"I'l:ster1y. 0 distance of 255.54 feo:t cia
line of Lot 15 and the Northwesterly line of lot 20; Southeo3t.hovinq 0 radiu" af 56.3.48 leet 01
That part of the West 1/2 of the vacated olley in Br~ 53 lyinq between extensions minutes, 00 secondS; lhCl'lce Southwesterly,
across it of the Soulh lirte of lot 12 and the Soulh lne of lot 15; Q alSllJn~ of 116.85 feet; thenCe Southwest
That part of Ihe West 1/2 of vacated 10th Avenue, lying betw~ es:tensions ocrOSSl it of CJlao9 Q tangential turve concow to the NOl"
the South line of lot 8, Block 53 and the North lirte of Block 52; feet and Q Cenlrot angle Qf 65 d~ 26
That port of the vocah:d Roawoy Boulevard l~g between eKlcnsions oero" it of the Eost there terminating..
line of 11th Awenue: and the NOI'th lina of 8Ioelc 52;
All in WEST MINNEAPOliS, aCCording to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, LEGAl. DESCRIPTION CONTAINED WlllirN TITI..E: CQMI.lIl'ldEI
Thai port of tal 7, AUDITOR'S SUBDIViSION NWfJtR rg
Easterly of the Northerly edension of the Westerty righ
Lob 5, 6, 7. B. 9, 13, 14. 15 and 16. Block 52. the ~cuted of1~y in Block 52 J)'inq PROPOSED VACATED 6TH AVENUE LEGAL DESCRIPTION
betwcen ed~sions QCrOn it 01 the North and Soul" rones of sa,d Block and that port of
the West Hair of VQeated 9th A\o'enue I~ng between _extensions oeross it of the North and That port of the West'HCJI' of 6th AW:nue South, lying
South lines of, Block 52. all in WEST MrNNEAPOLIS, accordn,g to the record~ plat of the Northerly riqht of lI'Oy of 51h SIn'cl Scuth os c
thereof, Hennepin County, Minne3ota. VlEST MrNNEAPOUS. Hennepin County. MinnC$Ota, and I)
&cept those ports of th~ oboW! described pro:m~ whick lie Saytherly and extension of the NorthWesterly line of Lot 7, AUDlTOO'~
Southeasterly of 0 line describ~ os follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerhne of 5lh Slr~t South and the
centerline of 7th A't!:f1ue Soulh as d~icaled in the recorded plot of "'(ST
MINNEAPOlIS. thence Westerty along the Westerly exlension of the centerline
of said 5th Street South. Q distance of 127.00 'eet; then.::e Westerly 0 distanct: of
576.0J feet Dlong a tangential curve concave to the South. ho..nnq 0 radius of
635.19 feet and a ccntnJl angle of 39 deqrel':!$ .31 minutes 00 :1\~'Conds: thenc'e
SouthWCS'terly, Q distance af 255.54- feet clang Q compound CUrvt: canctJ.-e to the
Southt:ast. hOWlg 0 rodiu~ of 563.48 'I:1!t and 0 centro! angre of 25 de:grees. 59
minutes 00 second!>>; thence Southwesterly, tangent to (hll last described cuf""\re. a
d"l1ItOnt:~ of 176.85 feet; thence Southorresterly. 0 distance of 209.78 leet oIan9 Q
tangential CUl'Ye concave to the Northwcst, having 0 rudius of 163.69 fed and 0
central em!]le of 65 degrees:, 26 minules. 00 sect)Od3 and said line there
terminotinq.. '---
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