Memo- Strategic Plan for Community Development
. I City Manager's Department r
To: Mayor Charles Redepenning
Council Members Fran Hesch, Karen Jensen, Diane Johnson,
Gene Maxwell
City Manager Steve Mielke
From: Jim Parsons
cc: n.a.
Date: Nov. 5, 1998
Subject: Strategic Plan for Community Development
In June, the City Council discussed the Hopkins Strategic Plan for Economic
Development, and made a number of suggested changes. Since then, staff has
discussed the plan and also made suggestions. Attached is a revised summary of the
plan, with these suggestions highlighted (boldface for Council, italics for staff)_
Although time has passed since the June discussion, it may be worthwhile at this time
for the Council to revisit the plan summary and to direct staff regarding a revision and
up-date to the Strategic Plan. A draft revision would then be brought back to the
Council for approval at a subsequent meeting.
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Status code: Comp.=Completed Prog.=Progressing to completion
. Ltd.=Limited activity Cont.=Continuous activity
Overall, the City of Hopkins' performance in the last three years, when compared with its strategic plan
for economic development, has been very successful.
L Business Retentionl 1_ Encourage full-service business sector Cant
Recruitment 2_ Work with large employers to expand Prog_
A. F oster stability/growth 3. Inventory contaminated sites Ltd.
of existing businesses 4. Maintain loan/grant programs for business ConI.
5_ Promote training opportunities Staff support of welfare-to-work_ Cant
6. Work with banks, DIED, SBA Cant
7. Landscape commercial/industrial areas Cant
8_ PUblicize update to the strategic plan Update will be sent to media. Prog_
9. Access and signs during construction ConI.
B. Induce targeted business 1_ Assess the markel's perception of Need up-dated market analysis ConI.
to locate in Hopkins Hopkins; determine types of businesses
needed; determine sites for same_
2_ Expand the leasing guide city-wide_ ConI.
3_ Provide incentives to create skilled jobs. Ltd_
4_ Up-date city council and staff on broad ConI.
economic trends and opportunities
e 5_ Recruit businesses that have a relation- ConI.
ship to existing businesses
6_ Support arts-related busi nesses_ Cont.
7. Foster communication between City, HBCA newsle<<er, staff liaison with Cant.
HBCA, owners/managers of C/I properties HBCA and CII owners and managers_
B. Examine commercial area at Hwy. 7 Cant.
and Hopkins Crossroad.
C. Redevelop property along 1. Explore redevelopment of Super Explore development types_ ConI.
Excelsior Blvd. Valu north annex.
2. Work with County on improvement plan_ Cant.
Consider light rail transit
3_ Communicate with businesses, property Newsle<<ers, press releases, and Prog.
owners, and residents about the project meetings are happening_
4_ Provide access and signage for shops ConI.
affected by construction_
5. Assess relocation of convenience -
store/gas station for East End.
6. Examine redevelopment of East End .
commercial area north of Excelsior Blvd.
7. Examine existing commerciaf/industrial -
development, address SUbstandard sites.
8_ Work with Super Valu, other developers
to re-develop sites near Super Valu_
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_I. Business Retentionl 1 _ Work with area banks to recommend Ltd_
Recruitment incentives for redevelopment financing
D. Developfimplemenl new 2_ Work with banks to establish incentives Transit development incentive, SBA Cant
financing programs for with existing City programs for redevelop- Low-Doc program, state financing
redevelopmenUrehabilitation ment and rehabilitation programs publicized by staff.
3_ Monitor state legislation on changes to Staff monitors TIF and other legislation, Cant
economic development tools; encourage and advocates for TIF, transit incentive,
new state programs that benefit local NSP incentives.
economic development initiatives
E. Retain business and attract 1_ Attract specialty retaiVdestination uses, Focus on east end of Mainstreet; Prog_
new businesses eg _ arts, entertainment, recreation expand on Glenrose project.
on Mainstreet; monitor and family-oriented uses_
business climate downtown. 2. Offer financial incentives to retain/attract Prog_
3_ Promole Mainslreet via special events_ Cant
4_ Maintain leasing guide; inventory and work Cant.
to fill vacant buildings.
5. Encourage adoption of uniform hours, Cant.
consistent management to improve service_
6_ Continue police monitoring esp_ in Cant.
entertainment areas_
II. County Road Improvements
e A. Improve traffic on Excelsior 1_ Work wilh County on improvement plan_ Work with County continues; Phase I Prog_
Blvd_ and its link to Consider light rail transit of construction is underway_
Mainstreet 2_ Set a uniform design theme on streets Ltd.
connecting Excelsior Blvd_ and Mainstreet.
3_ Complete a foot and bike trail system along This is part of Excelsior Blvd_ project. Prog_
Excelsior Blvd.
4. Create safe pedestrian crossing of Overpass? Prog_
Excelsior Blvd. near 169.
B. Enhance Shady Oak Road, 1_ Work with County, Minnetonka, businesses_ Ltd_
Excelsior to Mainstreet. 2_ Enhance pedestrian access_ Ltd_
C. Enhance appearances via 1_ Improve landscaping along Excelsior Blvd__ Will be done with Excelsior Blvd_ project Prog.
landscaping, screening, 2_ Maintain/enhance entrance signage_ Cant
tree planting, signage_ 3_ Improve landscaping along Shady Oak Road_ Ltd.
III. Mainstreet: Public Infrastructure
A. Maintain improvements to 1. Operatefimprove parking system downtown_ Cant
Mainstreet; connect it to 2. Improve bicycle parking facilities/racks. Cant.
Excelsior Blvd_ 3. Enhance connections to Excelsior at 5lh, Prog_
8th, and 11th Avenues_
4. Improve lighting in alleys, parking lots, Cant.
5_ Evaluate need for more parking spaces_ Ltd_
6. Seek funding for parking system main. Cant
e 7. Enhance pedestrian safety on 11th Ave_ south of Mainstreet Ltd_
via possible traffic calming.
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.IV. City-wide Image
A. Maintain a positive perception 1 _ Retain and enhance arts, entertainment, Prog_
of the city of Hopkins_ recreation, and family-oriented uses_
2. Improve appearance of en!ries to city. Excelsior Blvd_ project underway_ Prog.
3. Maintain/improve all public infrastructure. Numerous projects_ Cant.
4_ Support civic groups, Staff and Council liaisons; financial Cant.
community service organizations_ support.
5_ Examine impact on city's image when Cant.
changing services, ego clean-up program_
6. Implement 1993 fooUbike trails plan. Working with Hennepin Parks_ Prog_
7_ Enforce commercial maintenance codes_ Cant.
B_ Maintain buffer between new commercial Excelsior Blvd. phase II planned. Prog_
a nd residential properties_ Super Valu plan_
9_ Improve Hopkins' special events/festivals_ Cant.
10. Continue landscaping awards, rehab On-going. Cant.
awards for single-family properties_
11_ Inform public of retail and recreational Cant.
12. Use volunteers to improve city's appearance, Prog.
eg_ Adopt-a-Park, garden clubs, etc_
13. Enhance Hopkins' image as bike-, Enhance facilities, incl. signage. Prog.
pedestrian-, and transit-friendly. Park-and-Ride planned_
14. Emphasize customer service, feed- Cant.
back including Razzle.
15. Minimize customers' negative Cant.
. experiences, ego towing vehicles.
16_ Send Hopkins Highlights to all residents Cant.
6 times per year_
17. Maintain affordable housing at current Per Livable Communities plan_ Cant.
level (# of units).
B. Develop/implement a public 1. Work with groups to develop public Prog.
relations strategy_ relations strategy: City, HBCA, Twin West, Cant.
HAAA, school district, AMA, Jaycees, etc_
2_ Emphasize positive aspects & opportunities Cant.
in Hopkins_
3_ Gauge outsiders' perception of Hopkins_ Ltd_
4_ Gauge residents' perception of Hopkins_ Ltd_
5_ Get the good word out via media, ads, direct mail, etc_ Cant.
V. Neighborhoods
A. Strong and well-maintained 1_ Review zoning standards to Foster rehab Was addressed by Z & P; needs Prog_
neighborhoods foster a of non-conforming structures/uses, further examination.
positive economic develop- eg., porches, additions.
ment climate_ 2_ Meet special housing needs and maintain Cant.
owner-occupied housing_
3_ Proaclively improve buffers between Buffer planned on Excelsior Blvd_ Cant.
incompatible uses_
4_ Improve public infrastructure; preserve Cant.
. green space.
Page 3
.V. Neighborhoods (cont.) 5. Improve, enforce and educate on housing Cant.
maintenance codes_
6. Monitor Truth-in-Housing ordinance ror
effectiveness_ Ltd.
7_ Expand housing programs_
8_ Continue police support for neighborhood Cant.
watch groups and neighborhood officer program _ Cant.
9_ Work with ApI. Mgrs. Assoc. to improve
image of multi-ramily housing_ Cant.
10. Address blighted residences. Research funding sources.
B. Foster communication and 1. Maintain neighborhood outreach and Comp_
cooperation among City, advisory board. Maintain a relationship
neighborhoods, schools, with HBCA.
and businesses. 2_ Examine impacts on neighborhoods of Cont.
any changes in City services_
3_ Send new resident packets via schools, Police, fire reps at neighborhood events_
realtors, apartment managers_ Cont.
4_ Foster communication among City, HBCA,
schools, and business people_ Cont.
5. Promote and organize neighborhood associations. Cant.
6_ Support alternative neighborhood Cont.
organizing approaches in north Hopkins_
VI. Youth/Family
e A. Foster awareness of impar- 1. Create a youth advisory committee to advise Ltd_
tance of youth to the the City Council.
community. 2_ Encourage hiring of youth ror jobs. Cont.
3_ Examine impact on youth or changes in Tobacco, liquor ordinances, compli- Cont.
City services. ance checks.
4_ Communicate/cooperate with school Prog.
district to achieve goals, e.g. youth
5. Encourage businesses to mentor youth. Prog_
6. Add youth to boards and commissions. Cant.
7. Examine recreational alternatives, cant.
eg., skate park, and programs to meet
needs or youth and ramilies_
8. Work with and support youth-owned ConI.
businesses through Hopkins schools
9_ Continue Recreation scholarship fund_ Helps low-income youth/families_ Cant
B. Support ramilies_ 1. Promote volunteerism. Cant
2. Promote family involvement in Cont.
community activities.
3. Improve intergenerational exchange ConI.
through programming. ego, arts, safety. neighborhoods_
4. Make programs more inclusive. Ltd_
5_ Support ramily resource center with ConI.
. human and financial resources_
6_ Examine support for minority families. Involve Human Rights Commission_ Ltd.
(Boldface items were suggested by Council.)
(Italicized items were suggested by staff) Page 4 END
--..---..- .---..
. Hopkins Strategic Plan for Economic Development
Nov. 1998
Major Proposed Changes
Commercial/Industrial Redevelopment Areas
. Highway 7 & Hopkins Crossroad
. Super Valu north annex
. Super Valu spin-off
. East End north of Excelsior Boulevard
. East end of Mainstreet (Glen Rose spin-off)
. Shady Oak Road: Excelsior to Mainstreet
. Substandard structures: scattered sites
. Excelsior Boulevard pedestrian overpass
. . Bicycle, pedestrian, and transit system user-friendly enhancements
. Bicycle parking racks
. Recreational alternatives
. Parking system downtown
Residential Areas
. Revise zoning standards in north Hopkins
. Address blighted residences
. Promote and support neighborhood associations
. Public relations strategy
. Youth on boards/commissions
. Promote volunteerism
. Promote family involvement
. Improve intergenerational exchange
. . Make programs more inclusive