VII.1. Resolutions Approving Planned Unit Development Agreement, PUD Site Plan Review, Preliminary and Final Plat Review for 325 Blake Road; Krzos CITY OF HOPKINS City Council Report 2024-014 To: Honorable Mayor and Council Members Mike Mornson, City Manager From: Ryan Krzos, City Planner Date: February 13, 2024 Subject: 325 Blake Road – Planned Unit Development Amendment, PUD Site Plan Review, and Preliminary and Final Plat Review. _____________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDED ACTION A COMBINED MOTION TO: 1) Approve Resolution 2024-007 Approving the Planned Unit Development amendment and a First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning property within the 325 Blake Road Redevelopment. 2) Approve Resolution 2024-008 Approving the PUD Site Plan for Site B. 3) Approve Resolution 2024-009 Approving the PUD Site Plan for Site C. 4) Approve Resolution 2024-010 Approving the PUD Site Plan for Site D. 5) Approve Resolution 2024-011 Approving the PUD Site Plan for the Blake Road Townhomes. 6) Approve Resolution 2024-012 Approving the Preliminary Plat for Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes. 7) Approve Resolution 2024-013 Approving the Final Plat for Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes. OVERVIEW The applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), requests: 1) A Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment and rezoning. 2) Four PUD site plan approvals – respectively for Sites B, C, D, and the townhomes. 3) Preliminary and final plat approvals for the townhome site. The land use requests are necessary to facilitate revisions and modifications of the applicant’s plans for the next phases of redevelopment of the subject property. The overall redevelopment contemplates a mixed-use, commercial and residential transit- oriented development across Blake Road from the future Blake Road light rail transit station. The PUD Amendment request would recognize the revisions to the overall project and rezone Alatus’ portion of the development property from MX-TOD Mixed-Use Transit- Oriented District (TOD) Center with a planned unit development, to RX-TOD, Planning & Development Residential-Office Mix Transit-Oriented District (TOD) Center with a planned unit development. The PUD amendment allows departures from the underlying zoning requirements in exchange for a development that is of higher quality, exceeds some minimum standards, and delivers public benefits. The PUD site plan review requests for buildings B, C, and D would amend and supersede the site-level approvals previously granted. The townhome PUD site plan request and preliminary and final plat requests would allow that component of the project to move forward as well, not having prior approval at the site-specific level. Based on the findings in this report, staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of these requests subject to the conditions detailed in the attached resolutions for each respective request. Should the City Council approve the first reading of the PUD rezoning ordinance, a second reading and authorization to enter into an amended PUD Agreement will be scheduled for the February 20, 2024 meeting. BACKGROUND In December of 2021, Alatus received approval for the overall Planned Unit Development, Site Plan Review for Buildings A, B, C, and D, and a subdivision application to facilitate the redevelopment. Meeting materials and minutes, and project plans are on the City’s website for the 325 Blake Road project. The City prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the development pursuant to State Statute. The EAW identified areas where the potential for environmental effects exists but concluded that appropriate measures have or will be incorporated into the project plan and/or permits to reasonably mitigate these impacts. Accordingly, the City Council approved a resolution making a negative declaration of need regarding an environmental impact statement for the redevelopment also in December 2021. It should be noted that to date, the EAW contemplated a greater number of residential units than have been considered within the PUD and site plans up for consideration. In June of 2022, Alatus received approval for an amendment to the PUD for Building A to allow an increase to the number of units to 116, a decrease of the parking to 77 spaces, adjustments to the building setbacks, and modifications to the primary exterior building materials. Construction is now complete on Building A, now known as Chorus Apartments. Additional project background outlining the events and process that occurred prior to Alatus receiving initial zoning approval is available on the City’s website: 325 Blake Road Planning Background. The overall site plan associated with the 2021 PUD approval is included as an attachment for reference. Additionally, the previously approved Site Plans for Building A (Link), Building B (Link), Building C (Link), and Building D (Link) are on the City’s website. The current proposal is generally consistent with the previous plans, with the principal differences being: • Reduced building height and unit count for Building B • Three additional stories in Building D primarily comprised of structured parking. • Updated exterior materiality and architectural design. • Minor modifications to building layouts. Project Summary The attached Applicant’s Project Narrative provides a detailed summary of the components of the 325 Blake Rd redevelopment project that are subject to this request. Generally, Alatus intends to redevelop approximately 12.75 acres of the nearly 17-acre site with the remaining property to be retained by the MCWD for stormwater management and creek restoration. Alatus proposes on their portion of the property a mixed-use development oriented to the future Blake Road light rail transit station. The project consists of a three-phased redevelopment with 823 housing units targeted to owners, renters (both affordable and market rate) and seniors in both multiple unit buildings and townhome units. The specific development types and phases are outlined in the 325 Blake Road Development Summary table below. Features of the development include an overall design focus to connect both residents and the public with the Minnehaha Creek, a mix of housing types and affordability levels, a mix of residential and commercial uses at densities that support the future Blake Road light rail transit station, an enhanced public realm intended to activate public spaces, enhance social connection, and promote pedestrian and bicycle activity, sustainability components, enhance stormwater management, and shared parking. 325 Blake Road Development Summary Phase Site/Building EAW 2021 PUD Approval 2022 PUD Amendment Proposed 2024 PUD Amendment 1A A - Chorus 144 units 112 units 116 units Parking 114 spaces 124 spaces 77 spaces 1B B - Artessa 130 units 112 units 65 units Parking 183 spaces 184 spaces 96 spaces 2 C - Crescendo 380 units 389 units 395 units Commercial 8,000 sf 9,000 sf 8,960 sf Parking 482 spaces 520 spaces 608 spaces 1B D - Duet 188 units 187 units 215 units Parking 276 spaces 277 units 441 spaces Townhomes 33 units 33 units 32 units Parking 66 spaces 66 spaces 64 spaces 3 Commercial pad 9,000 sf 8,900 sf 9,000 sf Parking 48 spaces 43 spaces 0 spaces 1B Spine Road, Public Infrastructure, Stormwater treatment 22 spaces 39 spaces 37 spaces Residential Total 875 units 833 units 837 units 823 units Commercial Total 17,000 sf 17,900 sf 17,900 sf 17,960 sf Parking Total 1,191 spaces 1,253 spaces 1,206 spaces 1,323 spaces Community Engagement and Comment The application for any significant development project requires a neighborhood meeting hosted by the applicant. The intent of the neighborhood meeting is to expand and enhance the dissemination of information to the residents of the City and to encourage involvement by residents in the planning process. The applicant’s neighborhood meeting was held on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 43 Hoops Academy. A summary of the meeting is included as an attachment. The land use approval requests require a public hearing, which was conducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their January 23, 2024 meeting. The City published notice of this public hearing in the official paper and mailed notices directly to 1,151 addresses encompassing all of the property owners and residents within 500 feet of the subject property. Signage informing the community of a pending development proposal was also displayed on the site. The City received one comment on this item – an email from Amy Friesen which is attached to this report. During the presentation of this item to the City Council Staff will provide an update on any public comments received since the public hearing. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted the required public hearing and reviewed the requests at their January 23, 2024 meeting. No members of the public spoke during the public hearing. The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed public safety, sustainability features of the development, and price points of the residential units. Following discussion, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the requests. ANALYSIS Planned Unit Development Amendment and Rezoning A planned unit development (PUD) allows for flexibility from traditional development standards in return for a higher quality development. The Development Code establishes two types of PUDs: small-scale PUD and large-scale PUD. Small-scale PUDs are optional for projects three acres in area or less, and mandatory for projects above that threshold. Since the affected parcel is greater than three acres in size, the large-scale PUD requirement applies. Large-scale PUDs are meant to promote master- planned development of large parcels with a system of streets, blocks, and open spaces, and a mix of zones to create new, walkable neighborhoods. This being an amendment to the previously approved PUD overlay and individual site plans, the required review process follows the procedures of a new PUD request. The PUD review process includes approval of a PUD overlay rezoning, and a PUD site plan approval. The PUD overlay establishes an overall zoning plan and specifically authorizes the development to deviate from the underlaying zoning regulations. Typically, the City looks for an applicant to exceed zoning standards, building code requirements or meet the goals and vision of the Comprehensive Plan. In this case, the underlying zoning is proposed to be changed (rezoned) from the existing MX-TOD zone designation to the RX-TOD zone which more closely aligns with the building types and uses proposed. The amendment to the existing overlay zone is necessary to reflect the updated and revised elements of the overall project, principally modifications to the number of units in each building. PUD site plans specifically approve the detailed plans for building and site design for the one or more properties within the development reflective of the flexibility granted by the PUD overlay. Site Plan Approval previously granted for sites B, C, and D would be superseded by the current site plan requests. In making decisions regarding approval of PUDs, the City must consider at least the following factors: a. Whether the proposed PUD development plan and zoning map amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan and any other adopted plans for the subject area; b. Whether the PUD development plan complies with the PUD overlay zone provisions of Section 102-440 of the Development Code; c. Whether the proposed development will result in public benefits that are greater than or at least equal to those that would have resulted from development under conventional zoning regulations; and d. Whether appropriate terms and conditions have been imposed on the approval to protect the interests of surrounding property owners and residents, existing and future residents of the PUD and the general public. Legal Authority Decisions on PUDs are considered a legislative action. When considering a legislative action, the City is assigning zoning classifications or creating development standards to regulate the types of uses and/or structures. Under the law, the City has wide flexibility to create standards that will ensure the type of development it desires; however, these regulations must be reasonable and supported by a rational basis relating to promoting the public health, safety, and welfare. Criteria Evaluation Staff has evaluated the PUD amendment request and offers the following findings: Criterion a - whether the proposed PUD development plan and zoning map amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan and any other adopted plans for the subject area: Rezoning the subject properties from MX-TOD with a planned unit development (PUD) to RX-TOD with a PUD is consistent with the Activity Center Future Land Use as guided in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Activity Centers surround and support the planned Blake Road and Shady Oak light rail stations along the Southwest Light Rail Transit (LRT) Green Line Extension. These areas are planned to include moderate to high-density mixed-use development designed to complement and enhance the existing development pattern in these areas and support the public investment in transit. The Activity Center areas are expected to experience significant reinvestment and redevelopment to absorb a substantial portion of the city’s anticipated future growth. Development in the Activity Center areas is expected to be medium to larger scale neighborhood and regional uses with an approximate mix of 75% residential and 25% commercial. Densities in these areas are envisioned to range from 20-60 units per acre, with 75-150 units per acre within ¼ mile of an LRT station platform. The applicant’s plan proposes an overall residential density of 79 units per acre, which is within the Activity Center category standards for areas close to an LRT station; however, it falls short of the commercial space percentage guideline. Staff finds that the departure from the commercial guideline is warranted given the context of the site and proximity to existing commercial nodes. The applicant’s narrative identifies goals from the Comprehensive Plan that support the proposed development. Staff concurs with their assessment, and as such finds that this criterion is met. Criterion b - whether PUD development plan complies with the PUD overlay zone provisions of Section 102-440 of the Development Code: Staff conducted an analysis of the proposed master development against the PUD section of the Development Code. Generally, this section regulates the design and layout of zones, lots, blocks, streets, and civic spaces. The proposed master site plan remains largely unchanged from that which was approved with the original PUD in 2021. Building A – Chorus Apartments, was constructed per that original site layout. Nonetheless, with few exceptions, the master site plan complies with the applicable development standards that are now prescribed in the zoning code. Accordingly, staff finds that this criterion is met. Criterion c - whether the proposed development will result in public benefits that are greater than or at least equal to those that would have resulted from development under conventional zoning regulations: The requested deviations for this project are outlined in a site level Development Analysis and described in the applicant’s narrative. In exchange for the requested deviations, the applicant pledges the items listed below. • A mix of housing types and affordability levels. • An overall design focus to connect both residents and the public with the Minnehaha Creek. • A mix of residential and commercial uses at transit-supportive densities. • An enhanced public realm intended to activate public spaces and promote pedestrian and bicycle activity. • Sustainability components including rooftop solar on Sites A & D, a green roof on Site B, and LEED certification for Site C. • Enhanced stormwater management. • Shared parking. • Privately owned and maintained open space that will be open to the general public. • Public Art. Staff finds that these benefits and features create a higher quality development than could not have otherwise occurred adhering to the underlying zoning regulations, and as such finds this criterion to be met. Criterion d - whether appropriate terms and conditions have been imposed on the approval to protect the interests of surrounding property owners and residents, existing and future residents of the PUD and the general public. Staff’s recommended conditions of approval are reflected in each of the seven resolutions pertaining to the requests. In general, the recommended conditions require revisions to the plans to adhere to Development Code standards. A number of the conditions relate to specific building design details that are typically shown on construction drawings and not necessarily at the level of detail presented. The development analyses attached to this report note the standards that conditions are associated with or those that will be deviated from as part of the PUD. A traffic study by Kimley-Horn and Associates was conducted in 2021 in conjunction with the preparation of the EAW and the initial PUD approval. The current number of units proposed is less than those associated with the study, and conversely the number of parking stalls proposed has increased. The overall development plan accounts for the recommendations in the study, particularly regarding turning movement lanes at the two entrances into the development. Furthermore, vehicle traffic generated from the proposed use can be supported by the existing roadway network and no vehicular capacity improvements are needed at this time but will be monitored on an ongoing basis. In addition to vehicular traffic, the overall design also prioritizes bicycle and pedestrian linkages and circulation. Lastly, the proposed stormwater treatment facility and Minnehaha Creek enhancements on the MCWD’s portion of the property not only provide natural amenities for residents of the development and surrounding neighborhood, but also serve as a buffer for the adjoining lower density neighborhoods. Staff finds that this criterion is met. PUD Site Plan Review PUD site plans are the detailed plans for building and site design for the subject property that carry out the vision of the PUD development plan. Approval of a PUD site plan must occur before any building permits are issued for the PUD. Amendments to approved PUDs must be processed as new planned unit development applications. The applicant is requesting PUD site plan amendments for Buildings B, C, and D, and a new PUD site plan for the townhomes site. In making recommendations and decisions regarding approval of PUD site plans the City must consider the sole criterion of whether the site plan, as proposed, complies with the regulations of the Development Code and all other applicable regulations. The individual site plan narratives and plan documents are linked below: Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for Site B Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for Site C Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for Site D Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for the Townhomes Site Legal Authority Site Plan Review is considered a quasi-judicial action. For this type of application, the City is judging whether the applicable Zoning regulations and approval criteria are or will be followed. Generally, if the applications meet these requirements they should be approved. The City may impose conditions as long as said conditions are reasonably related to the impacts of the use or structures in question. Criteria Evaluation Staff has evaluated the four PUD site plan requests and offers the following findings: Criterion - whether the site plan, as proposed, comply with the regulations of the Development Code and all other applicable regulations: The four respective site plan submittals are in compliance with the Development Code except where otherwise deviating from the standards as allowed through the PUD process. A detailed assessment of the four sites against each of the applicable standards is included in an analysis linked in PUD review criterion c above. Provided the conditions of approval are complied with, staff finds this criterion is met. Preliminary and Final Plat A subdivision is requested to create the 32 individual lots for the for-sale townhomes. An association would own and maintain the common areas within the townhome parcel. The subdivision process consists of City review of a preliminary plat and a final plat. The preliminary plat is a document that indicates the proposed layout of the subdivision to be submitted that demonstrates compliance with the comprehensive plan and the Development Code and includes required supporting data. The final plat is a document that is submitted for recording with the County recorder to effectuate the subdivision. In making recommendations and decisions regarding approval of a preliminary plat, the City must consider whether said plat is consistent with the comprehensive plan and complies with all applicable regulations of the Development Code. In reviewing the final plat, the City is to consider whether the final plat is in conformance with the approved preliminary plat and with all applicable Development Code regulations. Proposed Preliminary for Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes Proposed Final Plat for Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes Legal Authority Subdivision Review is considered a quasi-judicial action. For this type of application, the City is judging whether the applicable Development Code regulations and approval criteria are or will be followed. Generally, if the applications meet these requirements they should be approved. The City may impose conditions as long as said conditions are reasonably related to the impacts of the subdivision in question. Criteria Evaluation Staff has evaluated the preliminary and final plat requests and offers the following findings: Preliminary Plat Criterion - whether the proposed preliminary plat is consistent with the comprehensive plan and complies with all applicable regulations of the Development Code: The proposed subdivision would be consistent with the proposed overall Planned Unit Development plan and the PUD site plan specific to the townhomes site. Staff’s recommendation for approval includes a condition that an existing easement for utilities and drainage be vacated because of conflicts with building layout. New easements for these purposes will be dedicated with this plat, and a separate request for vacation of the existing easement will need to be processed. Final Plat Criterion - whether the final plat is in conformance with the approved preliminary plat and with all applicable Development Code regulations: Provided the PUD amendment and PUD site plans are approved for the townhome site, this criterion is met. ALTERNATIVES 1. By motion, vote to approve the planned unit development amendment and first reading of the rezoning; site plans; and preliminary and final townhome plat for 325 Blake Road. 2. By motion, vote to deny of all or some of the requests for the amended planned unit development, site plans, and preliminary townhome plat for 325 Blake Road. Should the City Council consider this option, it must also identify specific findings that support this alternative. It should be noted that the applicant is currently entitled to construct buildings B, C, and D in accordance with the 2021 approvals. 3. Continue for further information. If the City finds that further information is needed, the items should be continued. It should be noted that the application was deemed complete as of January 3, 2024 meaning the initial 60-day deadline for agency action ends March 3, 2024, but may be extended to May 2, 2024 with written notice to the applicant. SUPPORTING INFORMATION • Ordinance 2024-1206 • Resolutions 2024-007, 2024-008, 2024-009, 2024-010, 2024-011, 2024-012, and 2024-013 • Master Development Analysis and Site Level Development Analysis • Applicant’s Narratives • Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for Site B • Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for Site C • Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for Site D • Narrative, Site Plan, and Architectural Plans for the Townhomes Site • Proposed Preliminary for Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes • Proposed Final Plat for Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes • Neighborhood Meeting Summary • 2021 Overall Master Plan • Public Comment 1 CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE 2024-1206 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THE PROPERTY WITH THE 325 BLAKE ROAD REDEVELOPMENT (WITH PIDs 19-117-21-14-0015, 19-117-21-14-0014, 19-117-21- 14-0013 & 19-117-21-14-0019) FROM MX-TOD, MIXED USE TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) CENTER TO RX-TOD, RESIDENTIAL-OFFICE MIX TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVLEOPMENT (TOD) CENTER WITH A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the zoning classification of MX-TOD, Mixed-Use Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Center with a Planned Unit Development Overlay, upon the following described premises is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof, said premises is hereby zoned RX-TOD, Residential-Office Mix Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Center with a Planned Unit Development (PUD). 2. The properties to be rezoned, addressed as 325 Blake Road N, 1221 2nd Street NE, 1222 2nd Street NE, and 1225 2nd Street NE, are legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 2, Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, and Outlot D, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County, Minnesota First Reading: February 13, 2024 Second Reading: February 20, 2024 Date of Publication: February 29, 2024 Date Ordinance Takes Effect: February 29, 2024 ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-007 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND APPROVING A FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 2024-1206 REZONING PROPERTY WITHIN THE 325 BLAKE ROAD REDEVELOPMENT FROM MX-TOD, MIXED-USE TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) CENTER WITH A PLANNED UNIT DEVLOPMENT (PUD) TO RX-TOD, RESIDENTIAL-OFFICE MIX TRANSIT-ORIENTED DISTRICT (TOD) CENTER WITH A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD), SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), initiated a Planned Unit Development Amendment application for the 325 Blake Road Redevelopment for properties addressed as 325 Blake Road N, 1221 2nd Street NE, 1222 2nd Street NE, and 1225 2nd Street NE with PIDs: 19-117-21-14-0015, 19-117-21-14-0014, 19-117-21-14-0013 & 19-117-21-14-0019, and WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 2, Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, and Outlot D, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County, Minnesota WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the above stated application was initiated by the applicant on December 22, 2024; and, 2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on January 23, 2024 and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; and, 3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, 4. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission review this application during their January 23, 2024 meeting and recommended approval by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the above stated application based on the findings outlined in the staff report dated February 13, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves a resolution approving an Amended PUD Development Plan and a first reading of Ordinance 2024-1206 rezoning the property with PIDs 19-117-21- 14-0015, 19-117-21-14-0014, 19-117-21-14-0013 & 19-117-21-14-0019 from MX-TOD, Mixed-Use Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Center with a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to RX-TOD, Residential-Office Mix Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Center with a Planned Unit Development (PUD), subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. Pavement markings at pedestrian crossings shall be provide along 2nd Street within the development. 3. Additional long-term and short-term bicycle parking facilities shall be provided. 4. Accessibility ramps shall be installed at pedestrian crossings along 2nd Street and pedestrian crossings at driveways. 5. The applicant will work with City staff to explore measures around public safety. 6. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. 7. Approval of the development by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and conformance with all related conditions. 8. Payment of all applicable development fees including, but not limited to SAC, park dedication and City Attorney fees. Adopted this 13th day of February 2024. ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-008 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PUD SITE PLAN FOR 1221 – 2ND STREET NE, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), initiated site plan review application for 1221 - 2nd Street NE (325 Blake Road - Site B) with PID 19-117-21-14-0015, and WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 3, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County Minnesota WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the above stated application was initiated by the applicant on December 22, 2023; and, 2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on January 23, 2024 and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; and, 3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, 4. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed this application during their January 23, 2024 meeting and recommended approval; and, WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the above stated application based on the findings outlined in the staff report dated February 13, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves the PUD site plan application for 1221 – 2nd Street NE, subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Approval of the associated Planned Unit Development Amendment application and execution of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. Conformance with all applicable standards of the RX-TOD district and approved planned unit development agreement. 3. Additional design details shall be provided around Blake Road entryway which may include canopy and/or sidelight and transom windows. 4. Each block face requires trash receptacle and must be shown on the plans. 5. Addition of lintel details around windows inset on brick surfaces. 6. Short-term bike parking shall be provided in streetscape 7. Alternative paving pattern shall be provided in plaza to complement sites C & D. 8. Additional Street Trees shall be provided to met requirements along 2nd Street. 9. Provision of a landscape security equal to 1.5 times the cost of all plantings and streetscape improvements in a form acceptable to the City Attorney prior to issuance of a building permit. The City shall hold this security until all streetscape improvements have been installed and all plantings have survived at least one full growing season. 10. The applicant shall designate an on-site location for trash pickup. Trash pick- up shall not occur within the public right-of-way. 11. Submission and approval of exterior lighting and photometric plans prior to issuance of a building permit. 12. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that 70% of all street facade upper story windows are operable. 13. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that commercial grade quality doors, windows, and hardware are used. 14. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that shadow lines delineate changes in materials with a thickness that is greater than 1.5 inches. 15. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. 16. Approval of all necessary permits from the Building, Engineering and Fire Departments. 17. Approval of the development by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and conforms with all related conditions. 18. Payment of all applicable development fees including, but not limited to SAC, park dedication and City Attorney fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval supersedes and replaces the site plan approval granted through Resolution 2021-080. Adopted this 13th day of February 2024. ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-009 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PUD SITE PLAN FOR 325 BLAKE ROAD (SITE C), SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), initiated site plan review application for 325 Blake Road N (Site C) within PID 19-117-21-14-0014, and WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows: Lot 3, Block 2, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County Minnesota WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the above stated application was initiated by the applicant on December 22, 2023; and, 2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on January 23, 2024 and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; and, 3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, 4. That the City of Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed this application during their January 23, 2024 meeting and recommended approval by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the above stated application based on the findings outlined in the staff report dated February 13, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves the PUD site plan application for 325 Blake Road N (Site C), subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Approval of the associated Planned Unit Development Amendment application and execution of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. Conformance with all applicable standards of the RX-TOD zone and approved planned unit development agreement. 3. The Development Code requires facilities to be in building unless they are not able to function. If located outside, said equipment would need to be screened, with fencing and landscaping per Code. 4. Details on the proposed garage door facing the street shall be provided. 5. Provision of a landscape security equal to 1.5 times the cost of all plantings and streetscape improvements in a form acceptable to the City Attorney prior to issuance of a building permit. The City shall hold this security until all streetscape improvements have been installed and all plantings have survived at least one full growing season. 6. The applicant shall designate an on-site location for trash pickup. Trash pick- up shall not occur within the public right-of-way. 7. Submission and approval of exterior lighting and photometric plans prior to issuance of a building permit. 8. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that 70% of all street facade upper story windows are operable unless otherwise restricted by the building code. 9. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that commercial grade quality doors, windows, and hardware are used. 10. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that shadow lines delineate changes in materials with a thickness that is greater than 1.5 inches. 11. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. 12. Approval of all necessary permits from the Building, Engineering and Fire Departments. 13. Approval of the development by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and conforms with all related conditions. 14. Payment of all applicable development fees including, but not limited to SAC, park dedication and City Attorney fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval supersedes and replaces the site plan approval granted through Resolution 2021-081. Adopted this 13th day of February 2024. ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-010 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PUD SITE PLAN FOR 1222 2ND STREET NE (325 BLAKE ROAD SITE D), SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), initiated site plan review application for 1222 2nd Street NE (325 Blake Road Site D) within PID 19-117-21-14-0013, and WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 2, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County Minnesota WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the above stated application was initiated by the applicant on December 22, 2023; and, 2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on January 23, 2024 and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; and, 3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, 4. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed this application during their January 23, 2024 meeting and recommended approval by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the above stated application based on the findings outlined in the staff report dated February 13, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves the PUD site plan application for 1222 2nd Street NE (325 Blake Road Site D), subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Approval of the associated Planned Unit Development Amendment application and execution of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. Conformance with all applicable standards of the RX-TOD district and approved planned unit development agreement. 3. The Development Code requires facilities to be in building unless they are not able to function. If shown equipment is located outside, said equipment would need to be screened, with fencing and landscaping per Code. 4. Modification of driveways to increase fire vehicle access around the building. 5. Provision of a landscape security equal to 1.5 times the cost of all plantings and streetscape improvements in a form acceptable to the City Attorney prior to issuance of a building permit. The City shall hold this security until all streetscape improvements have been installed and all plantings have survived at least one full growing season. 6. The applicant shall designate an on-site location for trash pickup. Trash pick- up shall not occur within the public right-of-way. 7. Submission and approval of exterior lighting and photometric plans prior to issuance of a building permit. 8. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that 70% of all street facade upper story windows are operable. 9. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that commercial grade quality doors, windows, and hardware are used. 10. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that shadow lines delineate changes in materials with a thickness that is greater than 1.5 inches. 11. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. 12. Approval of all necessary permits from the Building, Engineering and Fire Departments. 13. Approval of the development by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and conforms with all related conditions. 14. Payment of all applicable development fees including, but not limited to SAC, park dedication and City Attorney fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval supersedes and replaces the site plan approval granted through Resolution 2021-082. Adopted this 13th day of February 2024. ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-011 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PUD SITE PLAN FOR 1225 2ND STREET NE (BLAKE ROAD TOWNHOMES), SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), initiated site plan review application for 325 Blake Road North Site D within PID 19-117-21-14-0002, and WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows: Outlot D, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County Minnesota WHEREAS, the applicant has also requested to subdivide the property legally described above to facilitate development on Outline D, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek and that plat proposes to assign Outlot D to Lots 1 through 9, Block 1, Lots 1 through 9, Block 2, Lots 1 through 7 Block 3, Lots 1 through 7 Block 4 and Outlot A, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes; and WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the above stated application was initiated by the applicant on December 22, 2023; and, 2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on January 23, 2024 and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; and, 3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, 4. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed this application at their January 23, 2024 meeting and recommended approval by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the above stated application based on the findings outlined in the staff report dated February 13, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves the PUD site plan application for 1225 2nd Street NE (Blake Road Townhomes), subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Approval of the associated Planned Unit Development Amendment application and execution of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. Conformance with all applicable standards of the RX-TOD district and approved planned unit development agreement. 3. Approval of the associated preliminary and final plat applications for Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes and conformance with all conditions of approval. 4. Vacation of the existing easements conflicting with the proposed building locations. 5. Additional windows on side of southern most unit on building D. 6. Additional plantings to screen garage door on northern most unit on building C. 7. Staff is authorized to approve rooftop decks for individual units provided the visual impacts of additional building area is minimized to the greatest extent possible. 8. Submission of the draft Townhome Association documents for review by the City Attorney. 9. Provision of a landscape security equal to 1.5 times the cost of all plantings and streetscape improvements in a form acceptable to the City Attorney prior to issuance of a building permit. The City shall hold this security until all streetscape improvements have been installed and all plantings have survived at least one full growing season. 10. The applicant shall designate an on-site location for trash pickup. Trash pick- up shall not occur within the public right-of-way. 11. Submission and approval of exterior lighting and photometric plans prior to issuance of a building permit. 12. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that 70% of all street facade upper story windows are operable. 13. Submittal of building plans that demonstrate compliance with the requirement that shadow lines delineate changes in materials with a thickness that is greater than 1.5 inches. 14. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. 15. Approval of all necessary permits from the Building, Engineering and Fire Departments. 16. Approval of the development by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and conforms with all related conditions. 17. Payment of all applicable development fees including, but not limited to SAC, park dedication and City Attorney fees. Adopted this 13th day of February 2024. ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-012 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MILE 14 ON MINNEHAHA CREEK TOWNHOMES WHEREAS, the applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), initiated preliminary plat application to subdivide the property at 1225 - 2nd Street NE with PID 19-117-21-14-0019, and WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows: Outlot D, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County Minnesota WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the above stated application was initiated by the applicant on December 22, 2023; and, 2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on January 23, 2024 and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; and, 3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, 4. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed this application at their January 23, 2024 meeting and recommended approval by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the above stated application based on the findings outlined in the staff report dated February 13, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves the Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes preliminary plat to subdivide the property at 1225 - 2nd Street NE with PID 9-117-21-14-0019, subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Approval of the associated Planned Unit Development Amendment application and execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. Approval of the associated final plat and conformance with all related conditions. 3. Payment of all applicable development fees including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees and park dedication. All development fees except park dedication shall be paid prior to execution of the planned unit development agreement. Park dedication fees shall be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The existing utility and drainage easement conflicting with proposed building layouts shall be vacated by separate formal action. 5. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer. 6. Conformance with all requirements of Hennepin County. 7. Approval of the development by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and conformance with all related conditions. 8. Submission and review of a title commitment by the City Attorney and adherence to conditions. 9. Additional easements shall be recorded as required by the City Attorney. Adopted this 13th day of February 2024. ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2024-013 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT FOR MILE 14 ON MINNEHAHA CREEK TOWNHOMES WHEREAS, the applicant, Alatus, LLC on behalf of the property owner the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD), initiated final plat application to subdivide the property at 1225 - 2nd Street NE with PID 19-117-21-14-0019, and WHEREAS, this property is legally described as follows: Outlot D, Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek, Hennepin County Minnesota WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the above stated application was initiated by the applicant on December 22, 2023; and, 2. That the Hopkins Planning & Zoning Commission, pursuant to published and mailed notice, held a public hearing on the application and reviewed such application on January 23, 2024 and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard; and, 3. That written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; 4. That the Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed this application at their January 23, 2024 and recommended approval by the City Council. WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the above stated application based on the findings outlined in the staff report dated February 13, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves the Mile 14 on Minnehaha Creek Townhomes final plat to subdivide the property at 1225 - 2nd Street NE with PID 9-117-21-14-0019, subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Approval of the associated preliminary plat and conformance with all related conditions. 2. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Adopted this 13th day of February 2024. ________________________ ATTEST: Patrick Hanlon, Mayor __________________________ Amy Domeier, City Clerk 1 Attn: Mr. Ryan Krzos City Planner City of Hopkins 1010 1st Street S, Hopkins, MN 55343 Applicant: Alatus LLC Sub-Applicants: Artessa/Lifestyle Communities, Ron Clark Construction & Design Application: 325 Blake Road N Amendment to PUD / Re-Zoning / Planned-Community Re-Introduction PROJECT OVERVIEW The 325 Blake Road N project (the “Project”) is the redevelopment of 16.84 acres if infill suburban land located at the intersection of the Cedar Creek Regional Trail, as maintained by Three Rivers District, and Blake Road N, a recently enhanced major north-south arterial roadway in Hopkins, MN. Alatus LLC and its assigns (“Alatus”) are proposing a three-phased development proposal consisting of 823 housing units of different designations, 17,960 sqft of retail and commercial use pads, and public and private realm infrastructure tied into the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (“MCWD”) revitalization of the Minnehaha Creek, just to the northeast of what will be the parcels ultimately owned by Alatus. The project will serve as a tremendous complement to the Trilogy Real Estate Group project located at the intersection of Blake Road N and Excelsior Boulevard and will also seek to enhance the existing and pending infrastructure improvements already made by the City of Hopkins, Three Rivers District, and the Met Council as well as the pending infrastructure improvements that MCWD has committed to making in the regional stormwater facilities. Furthermore, the project has been designed in close compliance with numerous planning efforts made to date including: East Hopkins Land Use & Market Study (2003), Blake Road Corridor Small Area Plan (2009), Blake Road Corridor Study (2015) and the Blake Road LRT Station Area Development Guidelines (2015). STREETSCAPE AND PUBLIC REALM The development team has approached this site as a unique opportunity to create a water-centric development that capitalizes on the site’s adjacency to Minnehaha Creek, the Blake Road LRT station, and the Cedar Lake Regional Trail. The proposed 325 Blake Road N development project will transform the former cold storage site with a rich variety of green open spaces and streetscape design improvements. Proposed open spaces and streetscapes are designed to not only provide safe and convenient connections to the creek, regional trail, and LRT station, but to create a rich outdoor environment for future residents, visitors, and community members. Gateway Plaza and Cascade Central to the open space network are a series of plazas, water features, stormwater treatment features, and landscaped gathering areas, reaching from the project entry at Blake Road N to the Central Plaza located next to future restaurants and the Minnehaha Creek Greenway. The primary vehicular and pedestrian entry at Blake Road N features gateway plazas on either side of the entry road. These will include water features, special paving, lighting, and seating areas. The central water cascade feature, located adjacent to the entry road/parkway, provides a water channel designed to manage stormwater. Stormwater will be pumped from the future MCWD stormwater pond to the west-end of the water cascade feature, providing the ability to create a water feature that not only provides an amenity for the development, but also filters and delivers cleaner stormwater back into the pond. It is designed to provide places for people to gather and stroll along the waterway. Native plant materials, special paving and lighting, site furnishings, and native stone elements will be incorporated to create an environment that will reconnect people to local and regional landscape experiences. 2 Central Plaza and Greenway Commons The plazas and restaurant deck spaces, located at the east-end of the water cascade, will provide outdoor gathering spaces and connect people to the future stormwater pond adjacent to Minnehaha Creek. The Central Plaza, located to the west of the future restaurants, will feature a large area for people to gather, outdoor seating, plantings, and a pergola. It is designed to provide places for people to interact with the restaurants and the water cascade. The pocket plaza between the future restaurants and deck spaces outside the restaurants will provide opportunities for outdoor dining, and the ability to engage with and view the pond and creek. The Central Plaza and Greenway Commons will feature special paving, native plantings, native stone elements, and site lighting to create an inviting outdoor environment. Blake Road Plaza The plaza area located to the west of Crescendo Apartments provides ideal opportunities to connect the proposed development to the Cedar Lake Regional Trail and the future Blake Road LRT station while also providing an outdoor gathering area and dining spaces adjacent to the ground-level restaurant in the building. The plaza design incorporates a significant public art opportunity at the corner of Blake Road N and the Cedar Lake Trail, a designated plaza space for bike parking adjacent to the regional trail, special paving, native plantings, seat walls, site lighting, and site furnishings. Building loading and utility areas are screened from the plaza with decorative fencing. Woonerf The drive located between Crescendo Apartments and Duet Apartments is designed to be a pedestrian- oriented woonerf while providing important vehicular access to Duet Apartments and fire access to both buildings. The driving surface will incorporate decorative permeable pavers. Parallel parking spaces are provided along the west side of the drive. While the entire woonerf is designed to be pedestrian-friendly, sidewalks are provided along the west-side of the driving/parking surface and on the eastside of the drive at the north end/entry to Duet Apartments. At the south-end of the woonerf, pedestrian and bike facilities will connect people to the Cedar Lake Trail. A pergola at this terminus provides a focal element drawing people to the trail. Materials will include permeable paving, native plantings, site lighting, pavement markings, wayfinding, and bollards. North/South Pedestrian Spine The site is designed to provide a pedestrian walkway between Chorus Apartments (Building A), Artessa (Building B), and Blake Road Townhomes (3-Story Townhomes). Artessa and the East Hopkins Townhomes will connect to a central walkway with front stoops/walks from individual residential units. The central walkway, running north/south, is designed to include permeable pavers and stormwater treatment planting areas to provide this area with stormwater infiltration. Native plantings include shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Pedestrian-scaled site lighting and wayfinding will provide a safe and convenient pedestrian environment. East/West Pedestrian Spine and Courtyard An east/west pedestrian walkway is located between Chorus Apartments and Artessa and the Blake Road Townhomes, connecting people from Blake Road N to the Minnehaha Creek Greenway. The corridor is anchored at the west-end with a small plaza and public art to invite people off Blake Road N. At the center of the corridor a courtyard is provided, featuring a small gathering area with a lawn area and patio with pergola. Chorus Apartments and Artessa, as well as the Blake Road Townhomes will connect to the central walkway with front stoops/walks from individual residential units. The walkway, running east/west, is designed to include permeable pavers and stormwater treatment planting areas to provide stormwater infiltration. Cutouts for site furnishings/seating are provided along the central walkway. 3 Native plantings include shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Pedestrian-scaled site lighting and wayfinding will provide a safe and convenient pedestrian environment. Cedar Lake Trail Connections Three opportunities to connect with the Cedar Lake Regional Trail are provided – at the Blake Road Plaza, the Woonerf, and promenade that connects the Central Plaza and Greenway Commons to the future trailhead designed by MCWD. The goal is to provide safe and convenient connections to the regional trail from the proposed development, encouraging people to walk, bicycle, and utilize public transit, and to invite trail users to visit the amenities provided within the development at 325 Blake Road N. Streetscapes The primary roadway through the site is designed as a tree-lined parkway, delivering people from Blake Road N through the site to development parcels, parking garages, open spaces, the Minnehaha Creek Greenway, and eventually connecting to Lake Street. The parkway will include turf boulevards, street tree plantings, pedestrian-scaled street lighting, site furnishings, and wayfinding signage. On-street parallel parking and detached sidewalks will provide a safe environment for pedestrians. Raised benches are designed to provide traffic calming measures and safe pedestrian crossings where pedestrian spines cross the parkway. ADA compliant concrete sidewalks will be provided for pedestrian movement throughout the site, providing connections to open spaces and trails for everyone. BUILDING DESIGN Blake Road creates an exciting, high density, mixed-use development oriented towards pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation. It offers not only its’ residents, but the neighborhood and the regional network in its entirety, a place to live, work and play. Chorus Apartments and Artessa both offer one or two levels of mostly below grade podium parking and five stories of wood frame residential construction above those. Crescendo Apartments, comprises both a concrete 15-story residential structure and a 5-story wood frame residential building wrapping around a 6-level concrete parking structure. Of note, the concrete mid-rise will offer amenities for the whole development such as a 6,168 sqft gym, lounge, and remote work facilities on top of a publicly accessed roof deck bar with outstanding citywide views in three directions. Duet Apartments is to be constructed as a wood-frame building, 5-story Type III podium top above a 3- story parking structure. The project seeks to minimize the externalities created by surface level parking and maximize the density and pedestrian configurations for an urban experience in an otherwise suburban location. The site plan has significant design characteristics that will make public transportation, multi- modal sharing, and access to the Green Line Blake Road LRT Station a comfortable and intuitive experience to encourage alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles and corresponding trips. This could only be done with the tremendous infrastructure improvements that the City of Hopkins, Three Rivers District, and Met Council have already invested in. The proposed townhome neighborhood, Blake Road Townhomes, will have 32 three-story townhomes, the site will have access to walking trails along a newly constructed creek bed, wetland complex and nature areas being created by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Each home will have a 2-car garage accessed off the rear alley and will have guest parking on the adjacent public street as well as in the adjacent Duet Apartments parking ramp. The project also proposes another set of amenities open to the public with restaurant retail pads open to the creek and to a newly developed pond and water cascade area via generous outdoor decks with direct access to the adjacent waterflows. Architecturally, the project proposes a contemporary but timeless architecture. Designed for human scale and with the pedestrian at top of mind, the Project offers a distinct base on all buildings including ground 4 floor access to many of its units, and a clear top level with distinct materials and color palette. While all buildings follow this format, each one has its own character and individually unique characteristics. The design looks for individuality without sacrificing contextuality within the overall development project. All dwelling units will support the latest in technology while striving to provide a sustainable living experience. Housing units, common areas, and amenities incorporate high-efficiency and Wi-Fi controlled appliances, low-flow water fixtures, low-VOC paints, building-wide recycling practices and solar panels for electricity generation. Acoustical performance between units will exceed Building Code requirements for resident comfort and privacy. Select buildings within the Project will also seek LEED Certification and commissioning. Exterior materials used are a combination of brick, cast-stone, metal and glazing to ensure durability and quality for a generational development asset. Conceptually, lower levels use a combination of brick and cast stone as primary materials at the base, corners, building entries and garage entries. Metal, in various forms, is used mostly on upper levels and above the pedestrian scale that will be encountered. Intermediate levels are a combination of these two materials mentioned plus different cementitious panel solutions with multiple façade aesthetic options. An enhanced and energy efficient HVAC variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system ensures that building facades are uninterrupted, rather than the common solution that presents louvers into the façade design for a sometimes-unsightly exterior aesthetic. TRANSPORTATION – Parking and Traffic Generation A comprehensive traffic study has been completed for the project as an accompanying report for the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (“EAW”). It should be noted that the most substantial deviation from the current EAW report and is the total amount of parking paces offered in the development. The current Site Plan proposes 1,314 total parking spaces allocated amongst residential, retail, and commercial uses. The EAW contemplates 1,143 with a majority of the additional parking spaces in the current Site Plan being realized in Duet Apartments for public retail uses and development visitors. While the total parking stall count has increased, the traffic analysis considered a larger unit count and intensity of up to 875 residential units for the entire Site Plan when Level of Service iterations were computed. For comparison, the current Site Plan has only 823 residential units across all proposed buildings. It should also be noted that the phasing described in the Proposed Site Trip Generation is slightly different than the material in this application, however it does not impact the trip generation for either the 2025 Horizon Year of the 2040 Horizon Year. DEVELOPMENT PHASING Commencement of construction of the various phases is dependent upon market conditions now and into the future as well as other external factors relating to the various entities and stakeholders that will be working through the redevelopment effort for the site located at 325 Blake Road N. Subject to those conditions, the development team currently anticipates the following construction start dates for the various phases: Phase 1A: Chorus Apartments – Completed – December 2023 Phase 1B: Q2 2024 – Spine Road, Public Infrastructure, Stormwater Treatment, Artessa, Duet Apartments, Blake Road Townhomes Phase II: Latest Q4 2024 – Crescendo Apartments CITY APPLICATIONS/APPROVALS  Amendment to PUD – 325 Blake Road N Development  Site Plan Approval(s) for Artessa (Building B), Crescendo Apartments (Building C), and Duet Apartments (Building D)  Amended Preliminary & Final Plat – Outlot C (Blake Road Townhomes) 5 PROPOSED DEVIATIONS FROM RX-TOD ZONING STANDARD Please refer to the Applicant’s Amendment to PUD / Re-Zoning Application – Exhibit A for detail surrounding deviations from the RX-TOD zoning standards. SUPPORT FOR PROPOSED DEVIATIONS The applicant believes the development, as proposed with deviations from zoning code ordinances, is a high-quality proposal for the City of Hopkins and aligns with overall Comprehensive Plan goals. To ensure a high-quality development, the applicant is proposing the following enhancements in support of the proposed deviations: Site Access Improvements A new network of publicly accessible streets and pedestrian corridors divides the site into pedestrian- scaled, walkable quadrants and connects the surrounding context to the Blake Road LRT station, Minnehaha Creek, and the Cedar Lake Regional Trail. The new tree-lined parkway becomes the crucial spine from which stems primary building entries, active uses, and a series of common open spaces. The East/West and North/South pedestrian spines further break down proposed development sites, improving pedestrian circulation and creating a tree-lined pedestrian ways and walk-up residential units. As described under the ‘Streetscape and Public Realm’ section, the project vision includes extensive pedestrian improvements for the area, including sidewalk connections through the site that do not exist today. The street trees, parallel parking zones, and raised pedestrian crossings provided along the parkway will help to calm traffic and provide a safer environment for people, bikers, and drivers. The pedestrian zone along the proposed parkway supports public street amenities including benches, bike racks, street lighting and planting beds. Building setbacks provide comfortable buffer zones between street right-of-way and the building edges. The proposed setbacks offer a balance of enough distance to create green zones without compromising the more urban goals of transit-oriented development. This balance of ample though not excessive setbacks prioritizes pedestrians and human activity in and around the site. Exceeding Stormwater Standards The applicant is exceeding the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and City of Hopkins’ minimum standards for stormwater treatment. Runoff from this site will be conveyed to the proposed 325 Blake Road N regional stormwater treatment facilities via a combination of proposed storm sewer, the Lake Street Diversion and recirculation of pumped stormwater through the Cascade. The previous Cold Storage facility had large impervious area of both rooftop and pavement that flowed untreated to Minnehaha Creek. The proposed project reduces the amount of impervious surface and provides rate control, treatment, and volume control through the use of permeable pavements, filtration, infiltration, underground storage and cycling of pumped stormwater through the Cascade to provide biofiltration, infiltration and storage. The pumped stormwater will flow through Cascade in a series of pools and riffles and end in a waterfall into the upper cell of the MCWD pond, then flow over a weir to the lower cell, where the water will be drawn up at the Pavilion, screened of floatables and pumped through a forcemain to the west-end of the Cascade to start the cycle over. The pump will have a base flow to keep water flowing through the Cascade continuously, then will be throttled up during stormwater events to engage the upper portions of the Cascade storage and overflow into the underground stormwater chambers under the skating plaza. This pumped system allows for water level control and continuous infiltration that is not feasible with a traditional gravity system. This is a substantial improvement from the Cold Storage site condition that was primarily impervious surface with stormwater that ran off without any treatment or attenuation. A total existing (previous) 6 assumed impervious for the site was 10.57 acres, the proposed impervious is 9.75 acres, a reduction of 0.82 acres. The required infiltration of the 1-inch event requires volume control of 0.8125 acre-ft. The infiltration systems as proposed provide 0.689 acre-ft of volume at a conservative 0.45 in/hr infiltration rate. The soil infiltration rates will be confirmed and adjusted to actual rates using Double Ring Infiltrometer testing. The remaining 0.124 acre-ft will come from the Cascade and the pumping system, the proposed design displaces approximately 12,000 cf of treatment volume = 0.275 acre-ft. MCWD requires proposed runoff rates to be equal to or less than the existing condition. Total proposed site runoff rates will be reduced significantly, by approximately 25% in all rainfall events from the existing condition. The system also takes on offsite drainage from the Cedar Lake Trail that would otherwise go untreated. The majority of the new/reconstructed site area will be dedicated to roof drainage, which is assumed cleaner than pavement runoff. This will further reduce pollutant loadings discharged from the site. Enhanced Landscaping The deviations in setbacks offer yards that are both deep enough for landscaping and green space and reasonable for creating a "street wall" for the pedestrian experience. The deviations also help to implement a comprehensive plan goal of creating a ‘positive relationship to the street’ by proposing appropriate setbacks for the residential density guided by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan (75-150 units per acre within ¼ mile of an LRT station platform). High Quality Common Open Spaces As previously mentioned under ‘Streetscape and Public Realm,’ the master plan includes a series of high quality common open spaces for residents, visitors, and community members to gather, recreate, and connect to nature. They also provide important opportunities to reduce urban heat island effect and stormwater runoff, while improving water and air quality. Multi-Modal Opportunities With immediate access to the Minnehaha Creek Greenway, Cedar Lake Trail, and Blake Road LRT station, proposed pedestrian and bike facilities will promote the use of multiple modes of transportation for residents and patrons to and from the project site. The proposed project includes additional bike facilities such as bike pump/repair stations, trail maps, seating for trail users and wayfinding signage. Support of Comprehensive Plan Goals The project supports and further advances a number of goals outlined in the City’s 2040 Cultivate Hopkins Plan. See summary of these goals below within the PUD statement section. AMENDED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT Per Hopkins, Minnesota, Code of Ordinances, Part III – Land Development, Chapter 102 – Planning and Zoning, Article XX. – Planned Unit Development, Sec. 102-680, (e), (6), the applicant is responding to the following:  A written statement generally describing the proposed PUD and the market which it is intended to serve and its demand showing its relationship to the city’s comprehensive plan and how the proposed PUD is to be designed, arranged, and operated in order to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable regulations of the city. 7 Market Project goals and public benefits envisioned for the development site at 325 Blake Road N are as follows:  Environmentally and Fiscally Sustainable – the project will not create negative environmental externalities while also fiscally supporting itself due to dense, usable infrastructure with a significant tax base to benefit projects outside of the MCWD development project for years to come. The process of ensuring that the project makes the space better than it was before will culminate with a state-of-the-art regional stormwater infrastructure installment in and around a dense, vibrant housing development, that will add vitality to the already vulnerable Minnehaha Creek Watershed District.  Spectrums of Housing & Affordability – Market-rate, mixed-income, and low-income rental opportunities partnered with townhome living arrangements in for-sale product mean that a diverse demographic and socioeconomic population can live here and enjoy the same quality of life. The concept of the “15 Minute City” will further enhance affordability for residents, nearby residents, and the public alike by reducing dependency via the tax that is vehicular ownership, maintenance, etc. thanks in no small part to multi-modal connections with the Green Line LRT and Cedar Lake Regional Trail bike and pedestrian corridor. The Alatus has also included a large fitness, wellness, and remote work facility to be shared by all residents of the community to facilitate the creation of a true neighborhood center.  Progressive Sub-Urban Design Concepts – High quality housing, retail, and infrastructure improvements, along with a pedestrian and bicycle first infrastructure scope, that will be a baseline benchmark for future development projects in the city of Hopkins and in the larger Twin Cities region, at a minimum.  Inclusivity of Natural and Man-Made Resources for All – Too often natural resources in urban corridors are only eligible to the privileged able to afford a “lake” or “waterfront” private parcel. By inviting residents of Hopkins to enjoy the substantial investment from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District into this regional corridor, this natural resource will remain a public attraction and amenity for all to enjoy for years to come in a multitude of ways. The nature of the proposed development is concentrated on creating a spectrum of opportunities for community members of all different backgrounds. The proposed housing mix will include the creation of a 15-story mid-rise for views unlike any seen in the west-suburban market, interspersed with low-rise market-rate developments, a low-income housing tax credit property with 30, 50% and 60% AMI rental and income restrictions, and for-sale townhome / condominium offerings. The Site Plan estimates the following unit types and counts for housing options on the development site:  Chorus Apartments / Building A (COMPLETED): Applicant – Alatus LLC; 5-story, 116- unit low-income housing tax credit development (30%, 50% and 60% AMI rental and income restricted units) with 75 underground parking stalls  Artessa / Building B (PROPOSED): Applicant – Alauts LLC; Sub-Applicant – Artessa / Lifestyle Communities; 5-story, 65-unit for-sale senior co-op development with 96 underground parking stalls  Crescendo Apartments / Building C (PROPOSED): Applicant – Alatus LLC; 15-story, 231-unit multi-family market-rate Type I development of which up to 15% of the units will be designated hotel units for shorter-term stays complete with elevated hotel and hospitality services; 5-story, 164-unit multi-family market-rate development; 8,960 sqft of retail; 602 above-ground parking stalls 8  Duet Apartments / Building D (PROPOSED): Applicant – Alatus LLC; 8-story, 215-unit multi-family mixed-income development (43 of the units we be designated at 60% AMI) with 446 above-ground parking stalls; some stalls available for flexible commercial space parking  Blake Road Townhomes / Townhome (PROPOSED)s: Applicant – Alatus LLC; Sub- Applicant – Ron Clark Construction & Design; 3-story, 32 townhome units with variable pricing; 64 attached garage parking stalls The commercial space envisioned for the property, currently at approximately 17,960 sqft, is envisioned to be community oriented with an eye toward attracting the existing residents of Hopkins that enjoy the density of their Downtown Hopkins and also for the bike or pedestrian commuter stopping through on the public infrastructure tied into the backbone of the project. The impact of the Green Line Southwest LRT will be compounded with the proposed development improvements. The Project is expected to have a mixture of locally sourced restaurateurs, brewery, and distillery opportunities with indoor and outdoor experiences for optimization of space in both the summer and winter, as well as more affordable commercial space leasing options for the relocation of existing Hopkins community retail locations that are having to make decisions about their upcoming leasehold interests. Alatus will deliver an incredibly important development node along Blake Road N, as envisioned in numerous planning documents, including the East Hopkins Land Use & Market Study, Blake Road Corridor Study and the Blake Road LRT Station Area Development Guidelines. This project will be an important link between the LRT station and the Minnehaha Creek Greenway and continued momentum for development in the area. Many of the development recommendations outlined in the station area development guidelines are being realized within the proposed project. Here are just a few of the stated goals that will be supported by the project’s site and building design: Site Design:  Create a connected, walkable, mixed-use, sustainable neighborhood, with a pedestrian-oriented and human-scaled streetscape, and a vibrant public realm.  Improve safety and security with strategies such as “eyes on the street”, improved lighting, and other practices such as CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design).  Support transit-oriented development by providing site design features that enhance multi-modal access, provide bicycle accommodations (racks, lockers, trail maps, signage, etc.) for businesses and residents, and improve pedestrian and bicycle connections to the future Blake Road LRT Station and the Cedar Lake Regional Trail.  Provide high quality common open spaces that offer places for residents, visitors, and community members to gather, recreate, and connect with nature.  Utilize landscaping and streetscape amenities to create a pedestrian-friendly environment.  Limit surface parking with new development by incorporating underground or structured parking. Neighborhood Diversity:  Provide for a range of housing types and price points to meet the needs of people in all stages of life, with the design flexibility to accommodate changing lifestyle needs.  Utilize universal design principles that can respond to changing demographic needs and anticipate in innovative ways to address the dynamic and changing needs of residents.  Strengthen the vitality of the area through increased density and a mix of retail/restaurant and residential uses.  Promote high-quality design.  Enhance a sustainable neighborhood by promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy. 9  Create opportunities to live, work, learn, play – the spectrum of elements for a healthy community.  Engage with diverse communities to develop opportunities for public art, interpretation, and wayfinding. Sustainable Design:  Improve water and environmental quality.  Incorporate sustainable development practices into new construction projects.  Utilize native plantings to conserve water use and reduce maintenance needs.  Incorporate best practices for stormwater management. Neighborhood vitality and livability:  Multi-family housing amenities that provide work-from-home opportunities and shared spaces for larger gatherings.  Medium to high-density residential that preserve green space and enhance street-level amenities.  Ground level uses that enhance the public realm.  Enhanced connections to Minnehaha Creek.  High quality open spaces that provide places for outdoor gathering, recreation, and healthy living.  Increased opportunities for residents of all ages to live and work in the area.  The potential for commercial uses that enhance rather than compete with downtown Hopkins Mainstreet vitality.  Potential to support small cultural businesses that serve the community.  Convenience services (e.g. pet maintenance areas, bike repair, etc.).  Welcome developers and businesses that operate with equity principles of hiring and wages. Comprehensive Plan The 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update – Cultivate Hopkins – guides this property as Activity Center. Activity Centers surround and support the planned Blake Road and Shady Oak light rail stations along the Southwest LRT Green Line Extension. These areas will include moderate density to high-density mixed- use development designed to complement and enhance the existing development pattern in these areas and support the public investment in transit. The Activity Center areas are expected to experience significant reinvestment and redevelopment to absorb a substantial portion of the city’s anticipated future growth. Development in the Activity Center areas is expected to be medium to larger scale neighborhood and regional uses with an approximate mix of 75% residential and 25% commercial. Densities in these areas will typically range from 20-60 units per acre, with 75-150 units per acre within ¼ mile of an LRT station platform. The proposed project illustrates a residential density that is consistent with the Activity Center guidance, but it falls short of the 2040 guidance for commercial space percentage. Crescendo Apartments will provide 6,660 sqft of retail/restaurant space fronting Blake Road N, 6,168 sqft of health club space shared by the residents, 2,800 sqft of co-working space shared by the residents, and 2,300 sqft of roof top bar with public access. The free-standing restaurants located near the MCWD stormwater pond will provide 9,000 sq ft of retail/restaurant space open to the public. The applicant believes strongly that multi-family residential is highest and best use for this location. The constraints of the site are prohibitive to adding traditional retail space to the development. 10 The Applicant is responding to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan with an overall development project that supports the following stated goals:  Encourage transit-oriented development (development that emphasizes pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and a broader mix of uses at densities that support transit) in areas with high quality transit service, especially within a quarter mile of light rail stations or high-frequency bus routes.  Plan for appropriate amenities, high-quality design, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and open space in high growth areas, particularly in the Neighborhood Center, Activity Center, and Downtown Center future land use categories or other areas in close proximity to transit.  Improve pedestrian and bicycle access throughout the community, particularly in the Centers future land use categories as defined and designated in the comprehensive plan or other areas in close proximity to transit.  Engage the community to explore how to increase the mix of housing types near transit corridors, parks, and the Centers future land use categories as defined and designated in the comprehensive plan.  Encourage all new projects to have a positive relationship to the street by orienting main entrances to the front of the property, connecting the front door to the sidewalk, and reducing parking between the building and the street as much as possible.  Promote the development of high-density transit oriented mixed-use development around planned Green Line Extension light rail stations.  Establish strong identities for emerging Centers and Districts as defined and designated in the comprehensive plan. Their identities should evolve from unique features of the area.  Design streets, parks, and open spaces to encourage pedestrian activity, public gathering, and art in its various forms.  Encourage creative placemaking throughout the city, particularly in the Neighborhood Center, Activity Center, and Downtown Center future land use categories as defined and designated in the comprehensive plan.  Support community events hosted in public parks and facilities to help foster a sense of community and celebrate Hopkins’ distinct character and diversity.  Use urban design elements, building massing, land use strategies, and public realm improvements to provide appropriate transitions between developments – particularly those of different scale and intensity.  Encourage pedestrian and bicycle continuity and connection between established and developing areas of the city.  Carefully manage vehicular access and parking to minimize its impact on individual developments, the public realm, and the overall fabric of the community.  Encourage all development projects to be durable and environmentally responsible.  Encourage all developments to incorporate common spaces (interior or exterior) that help enhance the public realm and sense of community.  Assist adults and kids in maintaining healthy, active lifestyles by providing a range of recreational facilities and programming that are accessible and convenient.  Support development in areas that are or will be served by transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure to reduce dependency on automobiles for travel.  Support greener development patterns through stormwater management and landscaping of sites.  Encourage the use of drought-tolerant plantings, promote irrigation systems that utilize reclaimed water, and incentivize systems that collect rainwater for reuse.  Implement and encourage the use of stormwater Best Management Practices to reduce the speed and impact of stormwater runoff.  Incorporate permeable paving, bioretention cells, buffer strips, swales, and other strategies that address stormwater runoff, where applicable. 11  Support a reduction in vehicle emissions by improving travel efficiency and promoting non-auto modes of transportation, including walking, biking, and public transportation alternatives. Designed, Arranged, Operated This project will not impede improvement of surrounding properties, and the amended PUD is designed and arranged to permit the orderly development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable regulations of the City. The organization of the parcels within this development is specifically intended to create a walkable, bikeable, transit-oriented urban community in a suburban location. The height and associated density of the project will provide housing to help meet City goals for increasing housing options in Hopkins along transit corridors. The Project has intentionally focused density on the southwest portion of 325 Blake Road N closest to the Southwest Green Line LRT station at Blake Road N. The proposed housing density as one travels to the northeast tapers to better align with surrounding densities in existing neighborhoods and to minimize the visual impacts on the Minnehaha Creek Greenway. The proposed residential and retail uses are compatible with and will enhance the existing character of the Blake Road Station area. High-density, mixed-use redevelopment of this site is consistent with City goals and, by being responsive to the land use policies for this area, the project will promote the orderly development of the Blake Road Corridor. The contemporary, high-quality building design will be an attractive addition to the built environment along Blake Road N and the Cedar Lake Regional Trail and the mix of uses will improve and activate the pedestrian realm along Blake Road N but also provide an improved experience for pedestrians wishing to access the Minnehaha Creek Greenway. The proposed development will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare, and approving the PUD will allow a transit-oriented, mixed-use development that is consistent with the goals of City’s comprehensive plan. Redevelopment of this once industrial site will have a positive effect on the health, safety and vitality of the area. The new construction will comply with all building, health, and site development codes. -1325 Blake Road N Development Zoning Code Analysis & Proposed Amended PUD Provisions UNDERLYING ZONING UNDERLYING ZONING ANALYSIS PROPOSED PUD TO MEET THE SPIRIT OF THE BLDG A BLDG B BLDG C BLDG D TWNHMS RETAIL/ENTERT. Project Names Chorus Apts Artessa Coop Crescendo Apts Duet Apts Ron Clark –no name yet Food Hall? REGULATIONS RX-TOD Allowed Principal Use Classifica�ons  Household Living, 1+ units to 5+ units  Group Living, Small  Lodging  Office  Retail & Entertainment (<25% of footprint)  Parks & Open Space  Liquor Sales, Off-Sale (limited)  Tobacco Sales Establishment (limited)  Manufacturing, Ar�san (limited)  College  Community Assembly  Cultural Facility Household Living, 5+ units Household Living, 5+ units Household Living, 5+ units Household Living, 5+ units Household Living, 5+ units Not Permit ed by RX-TOD All Underlying Uses Plus:  Retail & Entertainment Up to 25,000 sf main floor footprint  Brewpub (not limited) Allowed Building Type s General Building; Row Building General Building General Building General Building General Building Row Building General Building As allowed by RX-TOD Front Streetwall (% with build-to line, excluding side setbacks) GB: 80% min. RB: 80% min Complies Complies Not complied (0%) Not complied (0%) Complies Alterna�ve design review Front Street Setback 7.5 � min.; 15 � max 10 �. min; 25 �. max (35 � max for courtyard facades) Not complied (37’-119’) Not complied (67’-175’) Variance to 5 � min GB: 10 � min.; 175 � max RB: 6 � min; 15 �. max Non-Front Street Setback 5 �. min.; 15 � max 18’ Not complied (22’-63’) Complies (12’) 5 �. min, except for 4 units not near rear line 5 �. min. Side Setback GB: 5 � min. RB: 12 � min.; 12 � between buildings 11’ Complies (26’) Complies (14’) Complies As allowed by RX-TOD Rear Setback GB: 0 at min.; 20 �. alley or rail r.o.w.; 20 �. min. RB: 20 �. 9’ Complies (16’) Not complied (14’-24’) 0 � min to Alley Outlot GB: 0 at min.; 10 �. alley or rail r.o.w.; RB: 10’ Impervious Site Coverage GB: 80% max. RB: 70% max 90% Complies (82%) Complies (80%) Complies (81%) 90% max Addi�onal Semi- pervious Coverage +15% +10% +10% +10% +10% As allowed by RX-TOD Parking & Driveway Access GB: Off alley or non-front street; if no alley or non- front street exists or is planned, off front street is allowed Max. 22 �. Not Compliant Complies Complies Complies – off Alley – but our alley has 2 access points Up to 2 access points off alley or non-front street. width at sidewalk without median Max. 1 access per development per street RB: Off alley or non-front street; if no alley or non- front street exists or is planned, off front street is allowed; Max. 12 �. width at sidewalk without median; Max. 1 access per development per street At ached (Podium) Parking Loca�on GB: 20 �. min. behind front facade in rear of building RB: Rear of building, min. 15 �. behind front facade 0’ Complies Complies N/A 0 � min. with façade screening consistent in composi�on with other non-screening facades Garage Door Loca�on GB: Rear, interior side, and side facades RB: Rear; not visible from a front street and screened from non-front streets Complies – interior side(s) Complies -side facade Complies -side facade Complies - rear façade – will install some landscape screening where back bldg. garage door is visible at North access As allowed by RX-TOD Surface Parking Loca�on Rear Yard Complies Not complied Not complied (on side yard) No surface parking except on public Street Rear & Side Yard Street Setback No closer to lot line than principal building Complies Complies Complies Complies As allowed by RX-TOD Non-Street Setback 3 �. min. Complies Complies Complies Complies As allowed by RX-TOD Building Height GB: 2 stories min; 10 stories max RB: 2 stories min., 3 stories max. CB: 1 stories min.; 24 �. min Complies - 5 stories Not Complied - 15 stories Complies – 8 stories Complies – 3 stories GB: 2 stories min; 15 stories max Ground Story Height 9 �. min.; 14 �. max 9 – 14 � ceilings 21’-4” ceilings 9’ ceilings 9’ ceiling GB: 9 �. min.; 22 �. max RB: 9 �. min.; 14 �. max Upper Story Height 9 �. min.; 14 �. max 9 �. ceilings 9 �. ceilings 9 �. ceilings 9 � ceilings As allowed by RX-TOD Roof Types GB: Flat, Parapet, Pitched Parapet Flat/ Parapet Parapet Flat As allowed by RX-TOD Tower Feature GB: Allowed RB: 1 per unit; max width 12 �. N/A Complies N/A N/A As allowed by RX-TOD Transparency: Front Façade – Ground Story 20% min Complies - 42.2% Complies (80%) Complies (21%) Complies (30%) As allowed by RX-TOD Blank Façade Segments GB: No bays or 15 �. wide sec�ons of any story may be without transparency. Complies Complies Not complied Complies Alterna�ve design review. No bays or 50’ wide sec�ons of any story may be without RB: No bays or 10 �. wide sec�ons of any story may be without transparency. transparency or material changes. Transparency: Front Façade – Upper Story 20% min Complies (29%) Complies (53%) Complies (33%) Complies (30%) As allowed by RX-TOD Transparency: Non- Front Facades GB: 18% min Complies Complies Complies Does not Comply (~10%) 10% Building Entrance Loca�on GB: One per every 120 �. on front façade RB: One per unit on front facade except 1 per every 3 units may be located off a courtyard. Complies Complies Not complied Complies – one per unit One per every 240’ Entrance Transi�on Type GB: Stoop RB: Porch or Stoop Complies Not complied Complies Complies – porch or stoop Porch or awning Ground Story Eleva�on Between 18 in. and 30 in. above grade or between 30 in. and 4 �. with a visible basement, except in floodplain loca�ons. GB: 3 – 5 � without visible basement Not complied Not complied 2 � to 5 � GB: 6” – 5 � without visible basement Horizontal Divisions with Shadow Lines GB: One within 3 �. of the top of any story between the basement and 3rd RB: One between any basement, ground story, and One within 3 � of the top main floor, only on one Front Streetwall eleva�on Complies Complies Complies One within 3 � of the top of main floor only on one Front Streetwall eleva�on the top of the ground story Ver�cal Divisions with Shadow Lines One per every 120 �. of street facade Complies Complies Complies Complies As allowed by RX-TOD Front Streetwall Excep�ons: Courtyards One courtyard may count towards Front Streetwall when abu�ng the setback zone. Courtyard facades must be treated as front frontage per facade regula�ons for the building type and any design regula�ons in Ar�cle 7. Covered garage access doesn’t meet defini�on of courtyard facade N/A N/A N/A Structures covering vehicular circula�on that separate a courtyard from the front streetwall are considered to be the “courtyard façade” provided they are of consistent style and material present on other areas of the building Vehicular Parking 1.2 (enclosed) per dwelling units. For non-residen�al use, it may not provide parking in excess of 125% the min. motor vehicle parking ra�o. Complies Complies Complies Complies – 2/unit enclosed - rest on Street or in shared ramp GB: Min. 1.2 (enclosed) per dwelling unit. May not provide parking in excess of 1.7 (enclosed) per dwelling unit. RB: min. 1 (enclosed) per dwelling unit. May not provide parking in excess of 2.0 (enclosed) per dwelling unit. Bicycle Parking (Long term) 1.1 per unit. Min. 90% Long-term. Be located with direct access by the bicycle rider, with no more than 50% of the required spaces requiring Not Complied Not complied Not complied Garage will have space for 1-2 long- term bikes to be stored 0.5 -1 per unit, Min. 75% Long-term. Be located at the same spot of assigned vehicular parking the use of stairs or elevators Bicycle Parking (short term) Short-term bicycle parking spaces must be located within 50’ of a building entrance. Complies Complies Complies Complies - space at their front entrance walk As allowed by RX-TOD Building Design A shadow line must be located within 2’ of the top of the uppermost story Not Complied complied complied Not complied Alterna�ve design review Flat roof-eaves must have a depth of at least 14”, and min. 6” thick. Complies (parapet) Complies NA Complies (parapet) Alterna�ve design review Façade Materials- 1. Allowed major façade materials must be applied to a min. of 65% of all street or other front facades. Other front facades include those facing civic space. 2. A single major façade material must be used for each building façade segment, 60’ or larger. 3. A max. of 35% of each street or other front façade surface may be composed Not Complied Not complied Not complied Complies Allowed major façade materials must be applied to a min. of 65% of front street or other front facades. “Front facades” to include those facing a public/common space. Major materials include thin brick, Metal panel and Specialty Wood-tone Siding. of minor façade materials. Other front facades include those facing civic space. 4. Interior side and rear (none-street) facades along any rail line and along any trail must be faced in a major façade material, a minor façade material, or materials allowed in table 7-3 Edge of waterBIKETRAIL+899'+897'BLAKE ROAD N LAKE ST . NEMinnehahaWETLANDCEDAR LAKE r e g i o n a l t r a i l Creek32 units14´25'-0"24'F IRE ACCESS20'-0"Bldg C608 spacesBldg A77 spacesTownhomes garages64 spacesshared Surface parking37 spaces1,323 spaces3-levels podium6 levels + basement Parking countsBldg D441 spacesBldg B96 spacesBldg E - Restaurantsin bldg.D12'-6"1 0 ' - 0 "29'-8"26'-8"1 6 ' - 4 " 4 6 ' - 5 " 110'-7"26'-3"62'-8"6 S h o r t T e rmBi k e P a r k 8 S h o r t T e rmBi k e P a r kTRASHPICK UP BUILDING DPROPERTYLINEEASEMENTLINEBUILDING D 5 story above3-level podium215 units694 s.f.BUILDING C15 story797 s.f.BUILDING B5 story above1-level podium1-level basement65 units1,415 s.f.2,015 s.f.BUILDING A5 story above1-level podium116 units 900 s.f.GARAGE PARKING - 3 levels- 441 spacesGARAGE PARKING - 1 level-75 spacesTownhome garages- 64 spacesGARAGE PARKING - 2 levels- 96 spacestownhomes3 story231 units164 units843 s.f.5 storyLONG TERM BIKE PARKING- 58 spacesSHORT TERM BIKE PARKING- 6 spacesSurface parking- 2 spacesLONG TERM BIKE PARKING- 37 spacesSHORT TERM BIKE PARKING- 4 spacesSHORT TERM BIKE PARKING- 20 spacesLONG TERM BIKE PARKING- 109 spacesSHORT TERM BIKE PARKING- 12 spacesBuilding116 units32 units5 story over 1 level podium3 storyUnitsStoriesTownhomesBuilding ABuilding C-TowerBuilding C-WrapBuilding DBuilding B65 units215 units5 story with basement15 story over 6 levels podium +basementTOTALS231 units164 units823 units5 story over 1 level podium + basement5 story over 3-level podiumGARAGEENTRYGARAGEENTRYACCESSACCESS910'908'GARAGE PARKING - 7 levels-602 spacesSurface parking- 6 spacesLONG TERM BIKE PARKING- 198 spaces395 unitsTotal Courtyard 5-story 15-story 6-storypodium BUILDING C Pool 5-story above1-level podium CourtyardGARAGEENTRYDEL I V ER Y 1 0 ' x 2 5 ' D E L IVER Y 1 0 ' x 2 5 '917' 5-story above1-level podium Clubhouse 1-levelpodium20'-2"15'-10"GARAGEENTRY BUILDING A BUILDING B BUILDING E1-level podium1-level podium+basement5-story above3-level podiumRESTAURANT14'-5" 1 3 ' Xref X-BLDG-D-P L A N . d w g 22'-0"37'-5"119'-4"1 3 ' - 7 "26'-4"1 - s t o r y l e a s i n gRAMP DOWNLOADING PoolLONG TERM BIKE PARKING- 32 spacesPavilion1600 sf68'-8"174'-5"4 6 ' - 1 0 "26'-8"SHEET CONTENTS:Revisions:License #:Printed name:Signature:Date Plotted: #SHEET NO.DATE COMMENTSThese drawings are forpreliminary coordinationonly and not to be usedfor regulatory approval orconstruction.21180GREGORY FAULKNER4019912/21/2023DALLAS · ST PE TERSBURG · CHICAGO · NEW ORLEANS COS TA MESA ·ORLANDO · SCOTTSDALE · CHENNAI · MON TEVIDEO · HOUSTONwww.humphreys.comARCHITECTS, L.P.HUMPHREYS PARTNERS5339 ALPHA ROAD · SUITE 300 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75240(972) 701 - 9636 · (972) 701 - 9639 FAXI hereby certify that thisplan, specification, orreport was prepared byme or under my directsupervision and that I ama duly licensed architectunder the laws of theState of Minnesota.310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522325 BLAKE ROADMASTERPLANHOPKINS, MINNESOTA112-21-2023PUD ADMENTMENTARCHITECTSDEVELOPERSLANDSCAPECIVILWHITTENASSOCIATESRON CLARKARTESSA LIFESTYLECOMMUNITIESNARQUITECTURAL SITEPLANARQUITECTURAL SITEPLANA201SCALE: 1" = 60' - 0" 0'60' 120' 240'(30"x42" SHEET)   2486low 24710high 2467high 24523high 24416medium 24343medium 24221medium 23615high 23512high23415medium 2339medium2327high 2315high 23030medium 2297low 22833 2276medium 2265high 2256low 2247medium 22331high 2215medium 2205low 2196medium2185high 2174medium2164high 2159high 2144medium 2138high2124high 2115high 2104high 2094high 2088high 2074high 20624medium 2054medium 2046high 2034high 20232medium 20115medium 2005medium 19916medium 19813high 1977medium 1964high 19515high1947high1936medium 1927medium 19120high 19011medium18917medium1884low1877medium 1864high1855medium 1846high 18314high 1824high1818low 1805high 17916medium 1784high 1777high 17621medium 1754high 1744high 17320medium 17211medium 1714high 1706high 1696low 1685high 16715medium 1669high 1654high 1645medium 16320low 1624high1619medium 1606high 15913medium 15821high 1576low 1564medium 15525medium1546high 1539medium 1524high 1515medium 1506high 14927high 14833high 14722high 1465high 1454medium 14418medium1435medium 14210low 1417high 1407medium 13918low 1387medium 1376medium1364medium 13513medium 13416medium 13312medium 1328medium 13116high 13010medium 1295medium 1288medium 12711high 1265high 12510high 12411medium 1238medium1227medium1214medium 1208medium 1199medium 11817medium 1175low 11614medium 11513medium 11416medium 11313medium 1125medium 11117low1109medium 10914medium 10810medium 10716low 1069low 1058medium 10416high 10325medium 10215low 10112medium 10018medium 996low 9828medium 9741medium 9617medium 9515high 9413medium 9311high 9213low 9112medium 9012medium 8914low 8811low 8718high 864medium 8514medium 8410high 835high 825high 814low 808medium7910medium 784medium 776high 7613medium759high 748low 7311medium 7211medium 719medium 7019high 698medium 687medium 675high665medium 6517medium 6414medium 636high 626medium 6115high 604medium 5919low 589low 5714medium 565medium 554low 5413high 536medium 527low 518high 507medium 495high 4810high 479medium 4610high 458high 448medium 435medium 429medium4138high 4025medium398medium 3817medium 3713high 3613medium 3512high 348medium 3322medium 3222medium 314high 304medium 2919high 2825medium 276medium 265medium 255medium 246medium 235medium 225medium 216low 204low 1920medium 1822medium 179low 1611medium 159medium 1413medium 138medium 1216medium 1111high109low 913low 818medium 76low 66medium 510medium 47high 36high 210high 14high APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C1-1 Existing Conditions-Full SitePlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 1:21 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT N SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1-1TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0% 972.5 EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND THIS DRAWING SET IS PRELIMINARY AND NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT-TYP REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE-TYP REMOVE WATER SERVICE TO VALVE REMOVE BRICK PAVERS TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND PUSHBUTTON CROSSWALKS TO BE SALVAGED AND REINSTALLED REMOVE 36" RCP AND APRON REMOVE EXISTING TREES-TYP REMOVE HYDRANT & VALVE AND SALVAGE REMOVE FENC REMOVE FENCE REMOVE POWER POLE REMOVE POWER POLE REMOVE POWER POLE REMOVE POWER POLE REMOVE POWER POLE REMOVE POWER POLE REMOVE OVERHEAD POWER TREES TO BE REMOVED AS PART OF MWCD STORMWATER PROJECT, VERIFY LIMITED TREES TO BE SAVED APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT 0.6%4.6% 4.6% 6.92 7.81   LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C1-2 Demo Plan-Full SitePlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 1:22 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT N SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 DEMOLITION PLAN C1-2TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0% 972.5 REMOVE EXISTING CURB & GUTTER, RETAINING WALLS, FENCE, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLES, POWER POLES, LIGHT POLES, BOLLARDS, PARKING METERS, SIGNS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING, SIDEWALKS, ETC. REMOVE EXISTING TREES REMOVE EXISTING UTILITIES REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVING DEMOLITION LEGEND: EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND LIMITS OF TREE REMOVAL THIS DRAWING SET IS PRELIMINARY AND NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT 5 TRAV MAG 912.55 6 TRAV MAG 914.15 HIGHRISE SECTION DASHED LINE 8.0' 9.0' 9.0' 8.0' 19.0' 24.0' BUILDING B BUILDING A COMPLETED COURTYARD BUILDING C BUILDING D CURRENTLY UNDER DESIGN. LOCATION AND OUTER EXTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CURRENTLY UNDER DESIGN. LOCATION AND OUTER EXTENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PROPOSED RESTAURANT CURRENTLY UNDER DESIGN. LOCATION AND OUTER EXTENTS TBD. CURRENT LINEWORK SHOWN FROM PREVIOUS DESIGN BOATHOUSE AND PUMPHOUSE: PREVIOUS LOCATION SHOWN. FUTURE LOCATION AND SIZES TBD AFTER RESTAURANT LOCATION FINALIZED. TRAIL CONNECTION TO BE FINALIZED BY LANDSCAPE ACHITECT TOWNHOMES P2120 G P2120 G P 1900 P2120 G P2120 G P2000 P2120GP2120GP2120GP2120GP2120GP1800GD1900GD1900GD1900GD1900GD 1900GD1900G1850GGGPP25002500PGGP1900 G 1850 G G P P 2500 P 1900 G P D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G 0+00 1+002+00 3+00 4+00 5+006+007+008 + 0 0 9+ 0 0 10+ 0 010+99.69 E 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+0 0 11+0 0 G T CON CAB NO PA R K I N G PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 919.5 (1ST FLOOR) EFE = 915.0 (ENTRY) GFE = 903.0 (COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL)10% RAMP U P 916'AD A AD A TRANSF O R M E R S ADAADALOBBY TORESTAU R A N T MAINTE N A N C E 914'12% RAMP U P 916'909'ELEC.915'909'909'loading34' x 17'DOG SP A GENERAT O R SHORT T E R M BI K E P A R KI N G, 12 SPAC E S LEASING OFFI C E BIKE PA R KI N G PUBLIC ART LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C2-1 Site Plan-Full SitePlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 1:53 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT N SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 SITE PLAN OVERALL C2-1 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0% 972.5 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND AREAS: LOT 1, BLOCK 1 = 5,144 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 0.12 +/- ACRES LOT 2, BLOCK 1 = 40,920 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 0.94 +/- ACRES LOT 3, BLOCK 1 = 111,532 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 2.56 +/- ACRES LOT 4, BLOCK 1 = 150,397 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 3.45 +/- ACRES LOT 1, BLOCK 2 = 63,359 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 1.45 +/- ACRES LOT 2, BLOCK 2 = 58,306 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 1.34 +/- ACRES OUTLOT A = 112,896 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 2.59 +/- ACRES OUTLOT B = 66,695 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 1.53 +/- ACRES OUTLOT C = 69,070 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 1.59 +/- ACRES RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION AREA = 56,736 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 1.30 +/- ACRES CREEK AREA = 23,305 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 0.53 +/- ACRES NET PROPERTY AREA = 655,014 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 15.04 +/- ACRES TOTAL PROPERTY AREA = 735,055 +/- SQUARE FEET OR 16.87 +/- ACRES. NOTE: 1) SEE ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANS FOR ZONING AND PARKING INFORMATION. SITE DATA THIS DRAWING SET IS PRELIMINARY AND NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES SITE NOTES 1. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE DETAIL SHEET(S) AND STATE/LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. 2. ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES SHALL BE PROVIDED PER CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND LOCAL/STATE REQUIREMENTS. 3. ALL CURB DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. BITUMINOUS IMPREGNATED FIBER BOARD TO BE PLACED AT FULL DEPTH OF CONCRETE ADJACENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURES AND BEHIND CURB ADJACENT TO DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS. 6. BITUMINOUS PARKING STALLS AND DRIVE ISLES TO BE HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS 7. SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR SITE LIGHTING 8. SEE ARCHITECTURE FOR SITE USE TABULATION. P2120 G P2120 G P 1900 P2120 G P2120 G P2000 P2120GP2120GP2120GP2120GP2120GP1800GD1900GD1900GD1900GD1900GD 1900GD1900G1850GGGPP25002500PGGP1900 G 1850 G G P P 2500 P 1900 G P D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G9089 1 6 915 913 895897898904893 895 896 899 902 9099109 0 9 911905910 903904906907908909 16.00 915911912913 914915915912913914 913910909 910909911 912 9059069079089099 0 6906 9 0 6 906 907 908 909 90 7 910 909911912913914 911 913915 910908909911890892893896898901904915 915 912 913 914 916913915911911912912913914 906 906 90 6 90 7 903 904 9009069079 0 1 9 0 2 914 9069069069 0 0 902911911 915 914 1.6% 916 16.00 16.67 16.33 9079 0 7 15.30 15.30 5.39 5.15 14.56 E 7.16 G T CON CAB NO PA R K I N G 15.00 15.00 14.80 14.80 15.00 14.80 15.50 15.27 15.48 15.87 15.72 15.39 15.39 15.38 15.35 15.34 15.32 15.59 3.0%2.6%0.0% 0.9% 1.2% 0.5% 0.5% 0.9% 1.8% 1.4%1.0%1.4%0.2%1.8% 0.3%0.7%2.7%2.7%1.9%3.3%12.00 12.00 12.88 13.44 11.95 12.49 12.49 11.95 13.65 14.59 14.59 13.98 14.39 12.00 12.00 14.37 14.38 14.66 14.66 13.11 12.63 11.78 11.46 10.45 10.80 09.80 08.79 09.13 08.61 08.26 08.61 09.23 09.27 07.9007.64 07.29 05.86 06.07 06.33 07.09 15.81 15.77 15.00 14.83 15.14 12.05 908.5 909.0 908.5 908.5 909.2 909.0 909.7 909.9 910.4 909.9 910.6 911.1 911.1 910.4 911.3 912.5 912.5 913.2 913.7 914.4 913.9 913.9 914.4 913.9 913.9 913.7 914.4 914.4 914.4 915.1 915.1 909.0 9 10 915 91590 6 90 690 6 907 908 9 0 9 911912912913913 914914 910 907 907 908 909 911 912 91391 3 914 914915913913 914 916 917 910 909 911 912915913 914 9169 1 0 91 1 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 919.5 (1ST FLOOR) EFE = 915.0 (ENTRY) GFE = 903.0 (COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL)10% RAMP U P 916'AD A AD A TRANSF O R M E R S ADAADALOBBY TORESTAU R A N T MAINTE N A N C E 914'12% RAMP U P 916'909'ELEC.915'909'909'loading34' x 17'DOG SP A GENERA T O R SHORT T E R M BI K E P A R KI N G, 12 SPAC E S LEASING OFFI C E BIKE PA R KI N G FFE=921.0 GFE=901.0 FFE=916.0 P1=905.0 FFE=914.5 GFE=903.5 NORTH POND NWL=896.0 HWL=901.0 SOUTH POND NWL=897.0 HWL=901.0 POND OVERLOOK (TOP OF FILTRATION VAULT) AT ELEVATION 910.5 APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT          BUILDING C ORIGINAL DESIGN CURRENTLY UNDER NEW DESIGN BUILDING D ORIGINAL DESIGN CURRENTLY UNDER NEW DESIGN RESTAURANT ORIGINAL DESIGN CURRENTLY UNDER NEW DESIGN BUILDING A (COMPLETED BUILDING) LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C3-1 Grading Plan-Full SitePlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 1:56 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT N SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 GRADING PLAN C3-1 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0% 972.5 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.16 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT WALL GRADE TRANSITION, AND "BW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 6. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 7. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 8. SEE UTILITY PLANS FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 9. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 10. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FINAL SITE STABILIZATION. 11. PLANS ARE SHOWN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF BUILDING A - CHORUS APARTMENTS THIS DRAWING SET IS PRELIMINARY AND NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND 1.0%9089 1 6 915 913 895897898904893 895 896 899 902 9099109 0 9 911905910 903904906907908909915911912913914 915915912913914 913910909 910909911 912 9059069079089099 0 6906 9 0 6 906 907 908 909 90 7 910 909911912913914 911 913915 910908909911890892893896898901904915 915 912 913 914 916913915911911912912913914 906 906 90 6 90 7 903 904 9009069079 0 1 9 0 2 914 9069069069 0 0 902911911 915 914 1.6% 916 0+00 1+002+00 3+00 4+00 5+006+007+008 + 0 0 9+ 0 0 10+ 0 010+99.699079 0 7 4.1%3.8%1.8%0.9%0.9% 4.0%2.7%1.5% 1.0%1.0%0.6% 1.9% 1.4% 1.1% 1.1%1.0%1.0%1.0%1.0%1.0%1.0% 1.0%0.6%1.0% 15.00 15.00 14.80 14.80 15.00 14.80 15.50 15.27 15.48 15.87 15.72 15.39 15.39 15.38 15.35 15.34 15.32 15.59 3.0%2.6%0.0% 0.9% 1.2% 0.5% 0.5% 0.9% 1.8% 1.4%1.0%1.4%0.2%1.8% 0.3%0.7%2.7%2.7%1.9%3.3%12.00 12.00 12.88 13.44 11.95 12.49 12.49 11.95 13.65 14.59 14.59 13.98 14.39 12.00 12.00 14.37 14.38 14.66 14.66 13.11 12.63 11.78 11.46 10.45 10.80 09.80 08.79 09.13 08.61 08.26 08.61 09.23 09.27 07.9007.64 07.29 05.86 06.07 06.33 07.09 15.81 15.77 15.00 14.83 15.14 12.05 9 10 915 91590 6 90 690 6 907 908 9 0 9 911912912913913 914914 910 907 907 908 909 911 912 91391 3 914 914915913913 914 916 917 910 909 911 912915913 914 9161.0%1.0% 2.1% 1.4%4.8% 4 . 8%2.7% 2.0% 3.5%1.0% 1.5%1.0% 1.1% 4.2%2.8%4.6%4.8% 1.3%3.0% 2.0% 1 . 4%1.5%1 . 4% 2 .2% 2.6%5.0% 5 . 1%2.5% 1.6 %2.2% 1.5 % 1.7% 3.4% 1 . 8%2.3%3.5 % 3.2% 3.5% 9 1 0 91 1 3.3%2.0%0.5% 0.5%1.9%2.0%0.5%0.5%0.0% 0.1% 0.1%0.3%2.7%1.0% 2.3%2.0%2.2%1.0%1.0%0.5% 1.0%1.0%1.0%1.0%1.1%1.3%1.0% 1.0% 1.0%1.0% 1.7% 12.44 12.47 13.27 13.87 16.45 13.95 13.55 15.47 15.70 8.72 8.75 8.67 6.86 7.507.43 9.90 14.78 14.04 9.93 16.40 15.57 15.50 15.81 15.8515.62 16.22 15.81 15.51 14.54 14.89 14.85 14.15 14.11 15.54 15.59 15.8515.48 8.88 8.42 8.82 9.74 10.01 11.32 8.74 15.85 11.24 8.70 8.93 8.34 8.80 8.66 8.64 13.98 14.49 14.80 14.1614.06 13.64 14.4814.50 14.4814.60 14.41 14.57 15.00 14.82 15.00 14.47 14.42 14.36 14.55 14.93 14.91 14.67 14.23 12.94 12.62 11.95 12.49 12.49 11.95 14.91 14.76 14.55 14.77 14.76 14.81 15.00 15.00 15.06 14.70 16.50 16.50 16.50 13.73 14.41 13.84 12.91 12.65 12.6512.52 12.77 11.90 12.44 12.05 12.51 9.56 9.31 6.36 8.02 8.20 8.80 9.70 11.10 12.30 12.10 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 11.89 12.00 12.65 12.62 13.16 13.11 8.20 15.00 14.80 15.00 15.00 14.06 13.95 15.48 15.4115.26 15.19 15.04 14.97 14.82 14.75 14.63 14.53 14.38 14.31 14.16 14.09 15.10 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE = 919.5 (1ST FLOOR) EFE = 915.0 (ENTRY) GFE = 903.0 (COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL) 16.50 15.00 16.50 15.30 10% RAMP U P 916'AD A AD A TRANSF O R M E R S ADAADALOBBY TORESTAU R A N T MAINTE N A N C E 914'12% RAMP U P 916'909'ELEC.915'909'909'loading34' x 17'DOG SP A GENERA T O R SHORT T E R M BI K E P A R KI N G,12 SPACES LEASING OFFI C E BIKE PA R KI N G2.9% APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT FFE=921.0 P1=909.0 NORTH POND NWL=896.0 HWL=901.0 SOUTH POND NWL=897.0 HWL=901.0 INLET PROTECTION TYP-SEE DETAIL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL SILT FENCE TYP-SEE DETAIL CRUSHED CONCRETE SOIL STOCKPILE 25.0' 25.0' 153.0' 18.0'9.0'17 STALLS14 STALLS12 STALLS8 STALLS4 STALLS TEMO R A R Y P A R KI N G TEMO R A R Y P A R KI N G APPROXIMATE WESTERN LIMITS OF MCWD REGIONAL STORMWATER PROJECT SEE MCWD PLANS FOR SILT FENCE LIMITS ALONG CREEK MAINTAIN USE OF EXISTING TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN, PRIOR TO EXCAVATION OF CASCADE. RESHAPE BASIN AS NEEDED FOR CASCADE OR POND EXCAVATION AND TO MAINTAIN AT LEAST 3,808 CF BELOW THE OUTLET FOR VOLUME CONTROL AND RETAIN 100-YEAR STORM EVENT, MODELING REQUIRED EACH TIME POND NEEDS TO CHANGE FOR LOCATION OR CHANGE IN DRAINAGE AREA OR IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ROUTED TO IT. STORE ALL MATERIALS IDENTIFIED IN SECTION 12 OF THE NPDES/SDS PERMIT, INCLUDING BUILDING PRODUCTS, LANDSCAPE MATERIALS, PESTICIDES, AND SIMILAR IN CONTAINERS UNDER COVER (E.G., PLASTIC SHEETING OR TEMPORARY ROOFS) IN THIS AREA, OR AN ALTERNATE LOCATION APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PROVIDE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT FOR ALL HAZARDOUS CONCRETE WASHOUT IN THE AREA IF NECESSARY, OR AN ALTERNATE LOCATION APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER   INSTALL 250' - 8" @ 0.4% SINGLE WALL HDPE TEMP. PIPE (INV 904.0 TO 903.0) OR SURFACE SWALE TO TEMPORARY BASIN IF SITE MOVEMENTS ALLOW. FROM OCS TO TEMP. POND, BULKHEAD PRIMARY OCS ONCE ONSITE STORM IS CONSTRUCTED AND REGIONAL PONDING IS NOT. STAGE 1 SILT FENCE AT BUILDING A CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SILT FENCE TYP-SEE DETAIL TEMPORARY STORMWATER DRAINAGE LOCATION FOR USE PRIOR TO UNDERGROUND STORMWATER SYSTEM INSTALLATION. TEMPORARY DRAINAGE DITCH FROM SOUTH BUILDING A DRAINAGE TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN. SEED AND ADD EROSION BLANKET. INSTALL 2-40' SINGLE WALL HDPE TEMPORARY CULVERTS FOR SITE HALL ROAD TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION TRAP BEFORE OUTLETTING TO SWALE VIA OVERFLOW WEIR BIO ROLLS ALONG SWALE INSTALL 250' - 8" @ 0.2% SINGLE WALL HDPE TEMP. PIPE (INV 904.5 TO 904.0) FROM CBMH TO OCS, BULKHEAD PRIMARY OUTLET ONCE ONSITE STORM IS CONSTRUCTED AND REGIONAL PONDING IS NOT.909908906907905 906905DURING CONSTRUCTION, PROVIDE DEPRESSIONS AS NEEDED TO ALLOW RUNOFF TO STAY ON PROPERTY AND INFILTRATE. WHEN RUNOFF IS TOO MUCH, ROUTE TO THE TEMPORARY STORMWATER DRAINAGE AREA. TEMP. POND BOT=903.0 HWL=905.02 OVERFLOW= 906.25 MAIN SOUTH ROOF LEADER TO GRAVITY DRAIN TO SWALE UNTIL STORMWATER SYSTEM IS CONSTRUCTION. PUMP AS NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION, INV= 908.95 2ND SOUTH ROOF LEADER TO GRAVITY DRAIN W/BACKUP OR PUMP TO SWALE UNTIL STORMWATER SYSTEM IS CONSTRUCTION. PUMP AS NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION, INV= 905.35 ADD ROCK WEIR AT NATURAL EX. OVERFLOW. MOVE OVERFLOW WEIR AND ADD SWALE TO THE NORTH WHEN REGIONAL BASIN CONSTRUCTION STARTS. BULKHEAD PRIMARY OCS ONCE ONSITE STORM IS CONSTRUCTED AND REGIONAL STORM SEWER IS NOT. OPTION 2: SURFACE SWALE TO CREEK FOR TEMPORARY OVERFLOW IF REGIONAL SITE WORK MOVEMENTS ALLOW AND WATERSHED APPROVES. 1 LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C3-2 SWPPP-Full SitePlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 1:59 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT N SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 SWPPP PLAN C3-2 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0% 972.5 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND SWPPP LEGEND INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE EXISTING DRAINAGE PATTERN PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERN EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BIO ROLLS TEMPORARY PONDING VOLUME BUILDING A TEMPORARY PONDING REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS: 3,808 CF 2023 OPTIONS * REGIONAL POND ONLINE BEFORE BUILDING B CONSTRUCTED, POND VOLUME 3,808 CF * REGIONAL POND NOT ONLINE BEFORE BUILDING B CONSTRUCTED, POND VOLUME INCREASED TO 7,892 CF * REGIONAL POND ONLINE, BUILDING A DONE, BUILDING B ONLY, POND VOLUME 4,084 CF * RE-EVALUATE NEEDS IF BUILDING C CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS IS STARTED BEFORE REGIONAL PONDS ONLINE. (ADDITIONAL 6,171 CF POSSIBLE) LOCATION CURRENT TEMPORARY PONDING LOCATION AND OUTLET PIPE. VERIFY INVERTS AND VOLUME. 2023 OPTIONS * BEFORE REGIONAL POND WALL CONSTRUCTION, POND REMAINS AS SHOWN * REGIONAL POND WALL CONSTRUCTION STARTED, MOVE TEMPORARY POND WEST/SOUTHWEST OUT OF WALL CONSTRUCTION. OUTLET TO BE REROUTED SOUTH AND THEN EAST TO AVOID WALL CONSTRUCTION. * RE-EVALUATE LOCATION WHEN BUILDING C AND D CONSTRUCTION INTERFERES WITH LOCATION. * RE-EVALUATE OUTLET PIPE WHEN REGIONAL TRAIL CONSTRUCTION BEGINS ** PIPE UNDER TRAIL TO BE BURIED AND ABANDONED OR REMOVE AND PUMP AS NEEDED TO CREEK ** REGIONAL PONDS ONLINE, REROUTE OUTLET TO REGIONAL PONDS LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C3-3 SWPPP NotesPlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 1:46 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT SWPPP NOTES C3-3 1.THE NATURE OF THIS PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF CONSTRUCTING ONE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. ASSOCIATED SURFACE PAVEMENTS, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND UTILITIES. 2.THE PROJECT INCLUDES A PART OF PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT FOR THE ALATUS 325 BLAKE ROAD MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT.CONCURRENT WORK ON THE PUBLIC REALM IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE MCWD 325 BLAKE REGIONAL STORMWATER WITHADDITIONAL SWPPP. INTENDED SEQUENCING OF MAJOR CONSTRCUTION ACTIVITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: FALL 2022a. INSTALL VEHICLE TRACKING BMP b. INSTALL SILT FENCE AROUND SITE c. INSPECT AND CLEAN EXISTING TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION OUTLET d. CLEAR AND GRUB SITE e. STRIP AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL f. REMOVE PAVEMENTS AND UTILITIES g. RELOCATE OR EXPORT EXISTING STOCKPILES OF CRUSHED CONCRETE AND BITUMINOUS h. REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM TEMPORARY BASIN, ENSURE INFILTRATION VOLUME OF 3,793 CF i. INSTALL SECONDARY SILT FENCEAND BIOROLLS AROUND PILES AND STORMWATER j. ROUGH GRADE SITE k. IMPORT CLEAN FILL AS NEEDED FOR REPLACEMENT AND BALANCE l. INSTALL TEMPORARY STORM PIPE TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN m.INSTALL UTILITIES n. INSTALL BUILDING FOUNDATIONS SPRING 2023 o. INSTALL UNDERGROUND STORMWATER SYSTEMS (KEEP OFF LINE UNTIL SITE ESTABLISHED) p. INTSTALL TEMPORARY OVERFLOW SWALE FROM UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. CONNECT TO TRUNK SEWER THAT IS ROUTED TO REGIONAL POND WHEN COMPLETE q. ROOF GOES ON BUILDING r. INSTALL CURB & GUTTER s. FINAL GRADE SITE t. INSTALL PAVEMENTS AND SIDEWALKS u. INSTALL LANDSCAPING v. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM STORMWATER SYSTEMS WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED, REMOVE SILT FENCE AND RESTORE ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL 3. SITE DATA: AREA OF DISTURBANCE:1.5 AC PRE-CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.80 AC POST-CONSTRUCTION IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1.045 AC GENERAL SOIL TYPE: SEE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT 4. THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED MUST BE IDENTIFIED WITH FLAGS, STAKES, SIGNS, SILT FENCE, ETC. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 5. ALL EXPOSED SOILS MUST HAVE EROSION PROTECTION/COVER INITIATED IMMEDIATELY AND COMPLETED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS. ALL DISTURBED GROUND LEFT INACTIVE FOR SEVEN (7) OR MORE DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED BY SEEDING OR SODDING (ONLY AVAILABLE PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 15) OR BY MULCHING OR COVERING OR OTHER EQUIVALENT CONTROL MEASURE. 6. ON SLOPES 3:1 OR GREATER MAINTAIN SHEET FLOW AND MINIMIZE RILLS AND/OR GULLIES, SLOPE LENGTHS CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN 75 FEET. 7. ALL STORM DRAINS AND INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED UNTIL ALL SOURCES OF POTENTIAL DISCHARGE ARE STABILIZED. 8. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROL AND CAN NOT BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATERS OR STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF SILT, CLAY, OR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS ARE EXEPMT EX: CLEAN AGGREGATE STOCK PILES, DEMOLITION CONCRETE STOCKPILES, SAND STOCKPILES. STOCKPILES MUST HAVE EROSION PROTECTION/COVER INITIATED IMMEDIATELY AND COMPLETED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAY. 9. TOPSOIL MUST BE STOCKPILED PER TEMPORARY STOCKPILE REQUIREMENTS AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY. SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION. 10. A WETTED PERIMETER OF THE LAST 200 LINEAR FEET OF DITCHES MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER OR PROPERTY LINE. 11. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES OR SWALES THAT ARE BEING USED AS A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER NO LONGER BEING USED AS A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM. 12. SEDIMENT LADEN WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IF NOT POSSIBLE, IT MUST BE TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMP'S. 13. DIRECT DISCHARGE FROM BMP'S TO VEGETATED AREAS, UNLESS INFEASIBLE. 14. INFILTRATION/FILTRATION: FILTER MEDIA MUST NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS CONSTRUCTED AND FULLY STABILIZED, UNLESS RIGOROUS EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS (E.G., DIVERSION BERMS) ARE PROVIDED TO KEEP SEDIMENT AND RUNOFF COMPLETELY AWAY FROM THE FILTRATION AREA. 15. INFILTRATION/FILTRATION AREAS TO HAVE SILT FENCE INSTALLED EARLY TO PREVENT VEHICLE TRACKING AND COMPACTION. UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION WILL NOT BE EXCAVATED UNTIL NECESSARY AND LARGE EQUIPMENT MUST BE KEPT OUT OF ANY INFILTRATION AREA. IN THE EVENT OF COMPACTION IN THESE AREAS, OVER EXCAVATION OF THREE (3) FEET MINIMUM IS REQUIRED. 16. SOLID WASTE MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY AND MUST COMPLY WITH MPCA DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. 17. EXTERNAL WASHING OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST BE LIMITED TO A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. RUNOFF MUST BE PROPERLY CONTAINED. 18. NO ENGINE DEGREASING IS ALLOWED ON SITE. 19. THE OWNER WHO SIGNS THE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION IS A PERMITTEE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. THE OPERATOR (CONTRACTOR) WHO SIGNS THE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION IS A PERMITTEE FOR SECTION 3, 4, 6-22,24 AND THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN SECTION 23 OF THE NPDES PERMIT AND IS JOINTLY RESPONSIBLE WITH THE OWNER FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE PORTIONS OF THE PERMIT. 20.TERMINATION OF COVERAGE-PERMITTEE(S) WISHING TO TERMINATE COVERAGE MUST SUBMIT A NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) TO THE MPCA. ALL PERMITTEE(S) MUST SUBMIT A NOT WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET: A. ALL CONDITIONS LISTED IN SECTION 13 ARE COMPLETE. B. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP AS DESCRIBED IN THE PERMIT. 15. INSPECTIONS A. INITIAL INSPECTION FOLLOWING SILT FENCE INSTALLATION BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE IS REQUIRED. B. EXPOSED SOIL AREAS: ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS FOLLOWING A 0.5" OVER 24 HOUR RAIN EVENT. C. STABILIZED AREAS: ONCE EVERY 30 DAYS D. FROZEN GROUND: AS SOON AS RUNOFF OCCURS OR PRIOR TO RESUMING CONSTRUCTION. E. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED FOR 3 YEARS AFTER FILING OF THE NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND MUST INCLUDE: DATE AND TIME OF ACTION, NAME OF PERSON(S) CONDUCTING WORK, FINDING OF INSPECTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION, DATE AND AMOUNT OF RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD. 26. POLLUTION PREVENTION A. BUILDING PRODUCTS THAT HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO LEACH POLLUTANTS MUST BE UNDER COVER TO PREVENT DISCHARGE OR PROTECTED BY AN EFFECTIVE MEANS DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE CONTACT WITH STORMWATER. B. PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDES, FERTILIZERS, TREATMENT CHEMICALS, AND LANDSCAPE MATERIALS MUST BE UNDER COVER. C. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND TOXIC WASTE CONTAINMENT MUST BE PROVIDED TO PREVENT VANDALISM. D. SOLID WASTER MUST BE STORED, COLLECTED AND DISPOSED OF IN COMPLIANCE WITH MINN. R. CH 7035. E. PORTABLE TOILETS MUST BE POSITIONED SO THAT THEY ARE SECURE AND WILL NOT BE TIPPED OR KNOCKED OVER. SANITARY WASTE MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINN. R. CH 7041. F. DISCHARGE OF SPILLED OR LEAKED CHEMICALS, INCLUDING FUEL, FROM ANY AREA WHERE CHEMICALS OR FUEL WILL BE LOADED OR UNLOADED SHALL BE PREVENTED USING DRIP PANS OR ABSORBENTS. SUPPLIES SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES TO CLEAN UP DISCHARGED MATERIALS AND THAT AN APPROPRIATE DISPOSAL METHOD MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR RECOVERED SPILLED MATERIALS. 27. MINIMUM MAINTENANCE A. SILT FENCE TO BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, SUPPLEMENTED WHEN NONFUNCTIONAL, OR 1/3 FULL; WITHIN 24 HOURS B. SEDIMENT BASINS DRAINED AND SEDIMENT REMOVED WHEN REACHES 1/2 STORAGE VOLUME. REMOVAL MUST BE COMPLETE WITHIN 72 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. C. SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM SURFACE WATERS WITHIN (7)SEVEN DAYS D. CONSTRUCTION SITE EXITS INSPECTED, TRACKED SEDIMENT REMOVED WITH 24 HOURS. E. PROVIDE COPIES OF EROSION INSPECTION RESULTS TO CITY ENGINEER FOR ALL EVENTS GREATER THAN 12" IN 24 HOURS 17. THE SWPPP, INCLUDING ALL CHANGES TO IT, AND INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS MUST BE KEPT AT THE SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY BY THE PERMITTEE(S) WHO HAVE OPERATIONAL CONTROL OF THE SITE. 18. OWNER MUST KEEP RECORDS OF ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT, THE SWPPP, ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE, PERMANENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS, AND REQUIRED CALCULATIONS FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. THESE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED FOR THREE YEARS AFTER FILING NPDES NOTICE OF TERMINATION. 19. SWPPP MUST BE AMENDED WHEN: A. THERE IS A CHANGE IN DESIGN, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, WEATHER OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS THAT HAS A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON DISCHARGE B. INSPECTIONS INDICATE THAT THE SWPPP IS NOT EFFECTIVE AND DISCHARGE IS EXCEEDING WATER QUALITY STANDARDS. C. THE BMP'S IN THE SWPPP ARE NOT CONTROLLING POLLUTANTS IN DISCHARGES OR IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT. 19. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA A. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PREFABRICATED CONCRETE WASH-OUT CONTAINER WITH RAIN PROTECTION PER PLAN. B. CONCRETE WASH-OUT TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH SIGNAGE STATING "CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA DO NOT OVERFILL". C. CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER NEEDS TO BE PUMPED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF STANDING WATER IN WASHOUT AREA. 20. IN THE EVENT OF ENCOUNTERING A WELL OR SPRING DURING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR TO CEASE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AND NOTIFY ENGINEER. 21. PIPE OULTETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. 22. PERMANENT STORMWATER TREATMENT BMP'S MUST BE INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED ONCE INSTALLED. 23. FINAL STABILIZATION FINAL STABILIZATION REQUIRES THAT ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACVITIVITIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND THAT DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILIZED BY A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH 70% OF THE EXPECTED FINAL DENSITY, AND THAT ALL PERMANENT PAVEMENTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. ALL TEMPORARY BMP'S SHALL BE REMOVED, DITCHES STABILIZED, AND SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM PERMANENT CONVEYANCES AND SEDIMENTATION BASINS IN ORDER TO RETURN THE POND TO DESIGN CAPACITY. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR FINAL GROUND COVER. 24. RESPONSIBILITIES A. THE OWNER MUST IDENTIFY A PERSON WHO WILL OVERSEE THE SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION AND THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE: CONTACT: __________________________________ COMPANY: __________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________ B. THE OWNER MUST IDENTIFY THE A PERSON WHO WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LONG TERM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: CONTACT: __________________________________ COMPANY: __________________________________ PHONE: __________________________________ 24. THE WATERSHED DISTRICT OR THE CITY MAY HAVE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTIONS OR AS-BUILT DRAWINGS VERIFYING PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF THE BMPS. SWPPP NOTES ESTIMATED QUANTITIES DESCRIPTION UNIT TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA SILT FENCE (STANDARD)LF INLET PROTECTION EA QUANTITY 2 6,600 38 SITE VICINITY MAP CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER SPECIAL WATERS SEARCH MAP PROJECT SITE N N SILT FENCE PRE-ASSEMBLED OR MACHINE SLICED FLO W 6" 6" NOTES: 1. PLACE BOTTOM EDGE OF FENCE INTO 6 IN DEEP TRENCH AND BACKFILL IMMEDIATELY. 2. POSTS SHALL BE: ·6 FT MAX. SPACING. ·2 IN X 2IN HARDWOOD, OR STANDARD STEEL T-TYPE FENCE POSTS. ·5' MIN. LENGTH POSTS, DRIVEN 2 FT INTO THE GROUND. 3. ATTACH FABRIC TO WOOD POST WITH A MIN. OF 5, 1 INCH LONG STAPLES. 4. ATTACH FABRIC TO STEEL POST WITH A MIN. OF 3 ZIP TIES IN TOP 8 INCHES OF FABRIC. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC PER MNDOT 3886 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC PER MNDOT 3886 DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 3000LOUCKS HARD SURFACE PUBLIC ROAD 2' MINIMUM 1" TO 2" WASHED ROCK 50 ' M I N I M U M AS R E Q UI R E D4:1 4:1 6" MINIMUM ROCK ENTRANCE TO CONSTRUCTION SITE NOTES: 1. ROCK SIZE SHOULD BE 1" TO 2" IN SIZE SUCH AS MN/DOT CA-1 OR CA-2 COURSE AGGREGATE. (WASHED) 2. A GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MAY BE USED UNDER THE ROCK TO PREVENT MIGRATION OF THE UNDERLYING SOIL INTO THE STONE. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 3004LOUCKS INLET PROTECTION - EXISTING STORM STRUCTURES HIGH-FLOW FABRIC CURB DEFLECTOR PLATE OVERFLOW 1-CENTER OF FILTER ASSEMBLY OVERFLOW 2 - TOP OF CURB BOX POLYESTER SLEEVE MANHOLE COVER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY 27" 27" SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER 2'X3' SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER ROAD DRAIN HIGH-FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN, OR APPROVED EQUAL DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 3011LOUCKS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP CL MNDOT 3601 CLASS II RIP RAP EMERGENCY OVERFLOW (SEE DETAIL BELOW) L = 2W 6' MIN. DRAINAGE WAY PLAN VIEW 1.5' DIRECTIO N O F SURFACE F L O W NOTE: D=3' MIN., 5' MAX. W=10' MIN., 25' MAX. W(FT) = 10 X DRAINAGE AREA (AC.) OVERFLOW DETAIL EMERGENCY OVERFLOW SECTION A-A 2 1 2 1 A WA W + 2'DMNDOT 3733 TYPE III GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 1% MIN. REVERSE GRADIENT DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 3019LOUCKS 2 1 EMERGENCY OVERFLOW- CLASS 2 RIP RAP OVER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AS SPE C I F I E D 6' MI N. BASIN OVERFLOW TOP OF BERM OVERFLOW ELEVATION AS SPECIFIED PONDING AREA PROTECT SLOPE WITH RIP RAP & FABRIC. AS SPECIFIED DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 3010LOUCKS P2120 G P2120 G P 1900 P2120 G P2120 G P2000 P2120GP2120GP2120GP2120GP2120GP1800GD1900GD1900GD1900GD1900GD 1900GD1900G1850GGGPP25002500PGGP1900 G 1850 G G P P 2500 P 1900 G P D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G D 1900 G E 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+0 0 11+0 0 G T CON CAB NO PA R K I N G 908.5 909.0 908.5 908.5 909.2 909.0 909.7 909.9 910.4 909.9 910.6 911.1 911.1 910.4 911.3 912.5 912.5 913.2 913.7 914.4 913.9 913.9 914.4 913.9 913.9 913.7 914.4 914.4 914.4 915.1 915.1 909.0 10% RAMP U P 916'AD A AD A TRANSF O R M E R S ADAADALOBBY TORESTAU R A N T MAINTE N A N C E 914'12% RAMP U P 916'909'ELEC.915'909'909'loading34' x 17'DOG SP A GENERA T O R SHORT T E R M BI K E P A R KI N G, 12 SPAC E S LEASING O FFI C E BIKE PA R KI N G CONNECT TO EXISTING WITH 8"X8" TEE MAIN VALVES (TYP) SERVICE VALVES (TYP) FIRE HYDRANT FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF EX. 12" X 8" TEE AND GATE VALVE, CONNECT TO EXISTING EXISTING HYDRANT 8" X 6" TEE WATER SAMPLING STATION SANITARY STUB INV=904.00 SANITARY STUB INV=902.43 SANITARY STUB INV=900.46 SANITARY STUB INV=899.45 SANITARY STUB INV=894.74 CORE DRILL AND CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE AT INV. 902.65                s 8" X 6"TEE 6" GATE VALVE HYDRANT 8" GATE VALVE 4" DOMESTIC SERVICE 6" FIRE SERVICE CORE DRILL AND CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT SANMH 30 RIM=908.12 INV=897.38-SE INV=896.38-NE 137 LF 12" PVC SAN @ 0.23% 88 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.28% 76 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.28% 75 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 74 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 58 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 83 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 88 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 58 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 90 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 59 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 190 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% 88 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 6.14% 129 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.00% 18 LF 6" PVC SAN @ 1.97% 154 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.30% 57 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 2.35% 6 LF 6" PVC SAN @ 1.83% 47 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.75% 58 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.70% 87 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 2.00% 42 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.00% 63 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 2.00% 74 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.97% 54 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.91% 10 LF 6" PVC SAN @ 9.29% 35 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.00% 137 LF 10" PVC SAN @ 0.40% SANMH 40 RIM=913.67 INV=898.53-SE INV=898.53-N INV=898.53-W SANMH 35 RIM=914.25 INV=903.77-N INV=903.67-SE SANMH 13 RIM=915.05 INV=897.72-SW INV=898.29-SE INV=897.62-NE SANMH 60 RIM=915.98 INV=899.58-NW SANMH 11 RIM=914.44 INV=897.38-SW INV=896.05-NW INV=897.28-NE SANMH 50 RIM=914.41 INV=900.07-NE INV=898.07-NW SANMH 41 RIM=913.77 INV=899.52-SE INV=899.52-NW SANMH 42 RIM=913.76 INV=900.35-NE INV=900.35-NW SANMH 14 RIM=913.40 INV=898.58-S INV=898.48-NE SANMH 10 RIM=912.52 INV=896.73-SW INV=896.73-SE INV=903.17-NW INV=896.63-NE SANMH 34 RIM=913.33 INV=904.12-N INV=904.02-S SANMH 32 RIM=909.90 INV=902.10-SE INV=901.10-NW SANMH 51 RIM=912.78 INV=902.07-SE INV=902.07-SW SANMH 9 RIM=911.34 INV=896.27-SW INV=896.17-N EX SANMH RIM=911.13 INV=891.82-NE SANMH 8 RIM=910.13 INV=895.82-S INV=896.79-E INV=895.72-N SANMH 31 RIM=908.86 INV=899.84-SE INV=898.84-NW SANMH 6 RIM=909.02 INV=895.16-S INV=894.32-NE INV=895.06-NW SANMH 7 RIM=909.33 INV=895.49-S INV=895.39-N SANMH 5 RIM=907.17 INV=894.73-SE INV=894.63-NW SANMH 4 RIM=906.36 INV=894.33-SE INV=894.23-NW SANMH 1 RIM=907.68 INV=892.37-SE INV=892.14-SW SANMH 2 RIM=907.37 INV=892.72-SE INV=892.62-NW SANMH 3 RIM=906.70 INV=893.93-SE INV=895.36-SW INV=892.93-NW 31 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 1.07% SAN STUB INV=896.38 45 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 0.40% SANMH 33 RIM=912.30 INV=904.30-S SANMH 32A RIM=910.99 INV=903.01-NW 45 LF 8" PVC SAN @ 2.04% LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C4-1 Utilities (Sanitary And Water)-Full SitePlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 2:1 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT N SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN OVERALL C4-1 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0% 972.5 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT , AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. 2. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 3. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC UTILITIES. 4. ALL STORM SEWER , SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 7.5 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 7.5 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED. 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: WATERMAIN CL 52 DIP 6" TO 8" DIAMETER SANITARY SEWER PVC SDR 35 & SCH 40 6" TO 8" DIAMETER STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 15" DIAMETER PVC SDR 35 8" TO 15" DIAMETER 9. ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715.2820 10.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715.0700). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 11.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715.0540: a. PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. b. PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. c. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. d. WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. 12. CONTRACTOR AND MANHOLE FABRICATOR SHALL SUMP (LOWER) ALL STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN CASTINGS WITHIN PAVED AREAS 0.16 FEET OR 2-INCHES BELOW THE RIM ELEVATION DEPICTED ON THE UTILITY PLAN. 13.ALL STREET REPAIRS AND PATCHING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE ESTABLISHED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MMUTCD) AND THE CITY. THIS SHALL INCLUDE ALL SIGNAGE, BARRICADES, FLASHERS AND FLAGGERS AS NEEDED. ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE OPEN TO TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES. NO ROAD CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED AUTHORITY OF OF THE CITY. 14.THE CITY SHALL OPERATE ALL GATE VALVES. 15.CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE MADE BY CORE DRILLING THE MANHOLE AT THE PROPOSED INVERT ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLING A RUBBER BOOT. GROUT IN THE BOOT AND AN INVERT FOR THE NEW SEWER LINE. 16.PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN ON THE PLAN INCLUDE THE APRON SECTION. 17.WATERMAIN PIPE SHALL BE DIP CLASS 52, INSTALLED WITH 7.5 FEET OF COVER TO TOP PIPE. FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPACT TYPE. PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL HAVE A CEMENT MORTAR LINING. CONDUCTIVITY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY WELDED STRAPS ACROSS EACH JOIN.T 18.TRENCH COMPACTION SHALL BE 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY IN THE AREA FROM THE PIPE ZONE TO WITHIN 3 FEET OF FINISHED GRADE AND 100% IN FINAL 3 FEET OF THE BACKFILL TO FINISH GRADE. UTILITY NOTES EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND THIS DRAWING SET IS PRELIMINARY AND NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES 10% RAMP U P 916'AD A AD A TRANSF O R M E R S ADAADALOBBY TORESTAU R A N T MAINTE N A N C E 914'12% RAMP U P 916'909'ELEC.915'909'909'loading34' x 17'DOG SP A GENERAT O R SHORT T E R M BI K E P A R KI N G, 12 SPAC E S LEASING OFFI C E BIKE PA R KI N G 36" RCP 37 LF-21" HDPE @ 1.0% 154 LF-6" HDPE DRAINTILE@ 1.0% 16 LF-12" HDPE @ 1.0% PUMP WET WELL RIM: 903.5 (BFE) HWL ~902.0 PUMPS OFF GRAVITY OVERFLOW TO INTAKES 886.5 SUMP: 883.5 DOMESTIC MAKEUP WATER FEED FOR ADDING TO CLOSED LOOP CASCADE DURING DROUGHT SEE DETAILS FOR PUMP SIZE AND MODEL GRIT CHAMBER I INV: 898.16 507' - 72" CMP INFILTRATION PIPE SYSTEM INV PIPE: 903.0 INV ROCK: 902.5 MH 44 RIM=914.15 INV(NE)=908.0 INV(DT)=911.0 SUMP=904.0 775 LF - 60" CMP INFILTRATION PIPE SYSTEM INV PIPE: 907.5 INV ROCK: 907.0 615' - 60" CMP INFILTRATION PIPE SYSTEM INV PIPE: 903.0 INV ROCK: 902.5 TRENCH DRAIN 4 RIM=915.6 INV=914.0 BOT. OUTLET INTO SYSTEM PRIMARY 6" PVC FORCEMAIN FROM PUMPHOUSE TO WATER FEATURE AT TOP OF CASCADE. PVC FORCEMAIN FROM PUMPHOUSE TO WATER FEATURE AT TOP OF CASCADE, SIZE TBD TRENCH DRAIN 1 RIM=915.0 INV(N)=913.0 8 LF-8" HDPE @ 2.0% MH 24B RIM=915.1 INV=905.89 SUMP=899.89 TRENCH DRAIN 3 RIM=915.5 INV(N)=913.5 8" HDPE BOTTOM OUTLET TO PIPE SYSTEM BOX CULVERT W/CUSTOM HEADWALLS TYP. CONSPAN PREFAB BRIDGE O324 W/CUSTOM HEADWALLS TYP. CONSPAN PREFAB BRIDGE O321 W/CUSTOM HEADWALLS TYP. TREE TRENCH CB RIM: 913.95 WEIR: 913.28 SUMP: 909.95 8" OUTLET: 910.28 22 LF-8" PVC @ 1.0% INV: 910.06 25 LF-8" PVC @ 1.0% INV: 910.00 25 LF-8" PVC @ 1.0% INV: 909.08 15 LF-8" PVC @ 1.0% INV: 906.05 21 LF-8" PVC @ 1.0% INV: 908.14 WATER FEATURE @ PLAZA, TBD SECONDARY 6" FORCEMAIN TO PLAZA WATER FEATURE SUMP VAULT AT BASE OF CASCADE RIM: 903.0 PRIMARY WEIR FOR WET WEATHER FLOW TO UPPER POND 902.0 SECONDARY WEIR FOR DRY WEATHER FLOW TO 12" PIPE TO PUMPHOUSE: 901.0 WEST EDGE FOR INCOMING CASCADE FLOW: 900.0 12" PE OUTLET PIPE TO PUMPHOUSE: 890.0 SUMP FOR SEDIMENT STORAGE: 888.0 4X8 PUMP INTAKE W/INTERNAL WEIR FOR FLOATABLES AND EXTERNAL TRASH GUARD WITH ANTI-VORTEX BAFFLE. LOCATED UNDER END OF PROMENADE WITH ACCESS RIM: 903.5 INTERNAL WEIR: 895.0 INLET: 892.5 OUTLET, 12" DIP: 887.2 SUMP FOR SEDIMENT: 885.2 POND PUMP INTAKE 70 LF-12" DIP @ 1.0% W/VALVE INV: 886.5 OPEN FOR WET WEATHER FLOW(ABOVE 885.5) CLOSED FOR DRY WEATHER FLOW CASCADE BYPASS PUMP INTAKE 350LF-12" PE DR11 FUSE JOINT PIPE @ 1.0%, BURIED @ TOE OF WALL, 2' MIN. COVER INV: 890.0 W/12" VALVE FOR WINTERIZATION SHEET PILE WEIR STRUCTURE W/CONCRETE CAP W/CORTEN C-CHANNEL OVERFLOWS AT 897.0, TOP OF SECTIONS AT 898.0 FOR HIGHER FLOWS, END SECTIONS AT 902.0 TO PREVENT SCOUR 12" PE PIPE W/ VALVE INV: 886.5 CLOSED FOR WET WEATHER FLOW, OPEN FOR DRY WEATHER FLOW (POND BELOW 895.5) POND EOF @ ~ 902.0 LOCATION TBD SECONDARY FORCEMAIN TO PLAZA WATER FEATURE CBMH 54 RIM=909.5 INV=903.5 SUMP=898.5 TRUNK STORM SEWER BYPASS PIPING AND STRUCTURES BY OTHERS TRUNK STORM SEWER BY OTHERS, SEE HDR PLANS FOR MCWD PROJECT PAVILION AND PUMPHOUSE POND FILTRATION SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF PUMP INTAKE, DUAL JELLYFISH FILTERS MODEL JPFD0808 WITH FOREBAY AND CANAL GATES FOR CYCLING FILTER CELLS RIM=910.5 FILTER DECK=894.2 INV=887.7 30 LF-12" PVC @ 1.0% CASCADE DRY WEATHER BYPASS PIPE DIRECTLY TO LIFT STATION (DOES NOT GET FILTERED) 10'X25' VAULT 5 LF-10" PVC ROOF LEADER 9 LF-10" PVC ROOF LEADER INV= 905.65 OUTLINE NARRATIVE OF STORMWATER ROUTING THROUGH PUMPED CASCADE A.DURING WET WEATHER FLOW (NORTH POND ABOVE 895.5) 1. PUMP INTAKE FROM NORTH POND WITH TRASH GUARD AND SKIMMING FOR FLOATABLES 2. POND INTAKE JELLYFISH SYSTEM CANAL GATES ALTERNATIVELY OPEN 3. CASCADE BYPASS VALVE CLOSED 4. TWO PUMP SYSTEMS IN PAVILION PUMPHOUSE AND SEPARATE FORCEMAINS TO SERVE UPPER AND LOWER WATER FEATURES IN CASCADE, TO ALLOW FLEXIBILITY IN DESIGN AND OPERATION 5. UPPER AND LOWER WATER SOURCES FLOW TO BOTTOM OF CASCADE 6. CASCADE OVERFLOW AT 902.0 TO SOUTH POND NWL AT 897.0 7. SOUTH POND OVERFLOW WEIR AT 897.0 8. RETURN TO NORTH POND FOR REPEATED PUMP CYCLE 9. IF STORM EVENT AND/OR WATER ABOVE 896.0, PIPED GRAVITY FLOW TO CREEK VIA PRIMARY OUTLET 10. IF LARGE STORM EVENT AND WATER ABOVE 902.0, GRAVITY FLOW TO CREEK VIA EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PIPE 11. POND WATER ELEVATIONS WILL HAVE DIRECT CONNECTION TO THE PUMPHOUSE B.DURING DRY WEATHER FLOW (NORTH POND BELOW 895.5) 1. PUMP INTAKE FROM CASCADE BYPASS 2. POND INTAKE JELLYFISH SYSTEM CANAL GATES CLOSED 3. CASCADE BYPASS VALVE OPEN 4. TWO PUMP SYSTEMS IN PAVILION PUMP HOUSE AND SEPARATE FORCEMAINS TO SERVE UPPER AND LOWER WATER FEATURES IN CASCADE, TO ALLOW FLEXIBILITY IN DESIGN AND OPERATION 5. UPPER AND LOWER WATER SOURCES FLOW TO BOTTOM OF CASCADE 6. CASCADE OVERFLOW AT 901.0 TO CASCADE BYPASS TO PUMPHOUSE FOR PUMP CYCLE 7. IF PUMPHOUSE WET WELL RUNNING DRY DUE TO EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, ADD DOMESTIC MAKEUP WATER IN PUMPHOUSE 8. SOUTH POND AT OR BELOW 897.0 9. NORTH POND AT OR BELOW 895.5 10. POND WATER ELEVATIONS WILL NOT HAVE DIRECT CONNECTION TO PUMPHOUSE. C.WINTERIZATION 1. POND INTAKE JELLYFISH SYSTEM CANAL GATES CLOSED, LEAVE WATER IN PIPE, PROTECTED FROM FROST BY BURY DEPTH. POND WATER WILL NOT HAVE DIRECT CONNECTION TO PUMPHOUSE. 2. CASCADE BYPASS VALVE OPEN 3. TEMPORARY TRASH PUMP INSTALLED AT BOTTOM OF CASCADE, DISCHARGE TO SOUTH POND 4. RUN PUMPS UNTIL CASCADE BYPASS PIPE IS EMPTY 5. CASCADE BYPASS VALVE AND WINTERIZATION VALVE CLOSED 6. DRAIN FORCEMAINS INTO WET WELL 7. USE TRASH PUMP TO DRAIN WET WELL INTO POND         FROM EX. STMH 01 TO STMH 50: ADD ALTERNATE FOR TRUNK STORM SEWER TO BE INSSTALLED BY BUILDING A CONTRACTOR TO SIMPLIFY SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION 86 LF 42" RCP @ 0.30% 62 LF 15" PVC @ 1.00% 27 LF 12" @ 1.00% 36 LF 12" PVC @ 1.00% 94 LF 42" RCP @ 0.30% 51 LF 21" CMP @ 1.36% 18 LF 18" RCP @ 0.98% 9 LF 36" RCP @ 1.01% 28 LF 12" PVC @ 1.49% 43 LF 15" RCP @ 1.01% 51 LF 30" RCP @ 0.81% 72 LF 42" RCP @ 0.30% 8 LF 18" CMP @ 1.72% 36 LF 42" RCP @ 0.26% 17 LF 42" RCP @ 0.97% 13 LF 15" RCP @ 3.94% 24 LF 15" RCP @ 1.00% 66 LF 12" PVC @ 0.76% 10 LF 21" CMP @ 4.05% 95 LF 42" RCP @ 0.31% 42 LF 15" RCP @ 1.00% 56 LF 21" PVC @ 0.50% 97 LF 21" RCP @ 0.51% 96 LF 21" RCP @ 0.56% 128 LF 24" RCP @ 0.50% 114 LF 27" RCP @ 0.50% 48 LF 27" RCP @ 0.50% 78 LF 27" RCP @ 2.52% 82 LF 27" RCP @ 0.50% 123 LF 30" RCP @ 0.46% 27 LF 12" RCP @ 1.00% 45 LF 12" @ 1.00% 36 LF 12" @ 1.00% 28 LF 12" PVC @ 1.00% 67 LF 12" RCP @ -1.00% 10 LF 18" PVC @ 1.00% 72 LF 18" RCP @ 1.00% 25 LF 12" @ 1.00% 56 LF 15" RCP @ 1.08% 92 LF 21" RCP @ 0.98% 48 LF 21" PVC @ 1.00% 22 LF 21" PVC @ 0.50% 40 LF 12" PVC @ 1.01% 29 LF 12" PVC @ 1.00% 28 LF 12" PVC @ 1.41% 69 LF 12" PVC @ 1.01% 95 LF 18" PVC @ 1.00% 67 LF 18" PVC @ 1.00% 68 LF 18" PVC @ 1.01% 84 LF 18" PVC @ 1.00% 53 LF 18" PVC @ 1.53% 115 LF 21" PVC @ 1.55% 47 LF 18" PVC @ 1.61% 57 LF 36" @ 0.33% 49 LF 36" @ 0.33% 16 LF 12" PVC @ 1.00% 26 LF 15" RCP @ 2.00% 51 LF 36" RCP @ 1.00% 26 LF 15" PVC @ 1.00% 51 LF 12" PVC @ 0.88% EX STMH 01 RIM= 908.00 INV=897.85 (42") NE STMH 50 RIM= 908.01 INV= 897.63 (42") SW INV=897.63 (42") SE CBMH 51 RIM= 906.68 INV= 897.37 (42") NW INV= 902.12 (15") SW INV=897.37 (42") E CBMH 2 RIM= 906.95 INV= 902.36 (15") W INV= 903.84 (15") SE INV=902.36 (15") NE STMH 2A RIM= 907.13 INV= 902.88 (15") SW INV=902.88 (15") E STMH 2B RIM= 908.49 INV= 903.49 (15") SW INV=903.49 (15") NE CBMH 40 RIM= 909.00 INV=912.50 (12") SE CBMH 41 RIM= 909.00 INV= 912.10 (12") NW INV= 912.10 (12") SE INV=912.10 (12") NE CBMH 42 RIM= 909.00 INV=912.50 (12") NW CBMN 32 RIM= 914.80 INV= 908.00 (18") NE INV=908.00 (18") SW CBMH 33 RIM= 914.80 INV= 907.33 (18") NE INV=907.33 (18") SW CBMH 34 RIM= 914.80 INV= 906.65 (18") NE INV=906.65 (18") SW CBMH 35 RIM= 914.80 INV= 905.81 (18") NE INV=905.81 (18") SW OCS 20 RIM= 915.81 INV= 904.50 (21") S INV=905.00 (21") N CBMH 12 RIM= 913.59 INV= 902.08 (27") SW INV= 909.75 (12") NW INV=901.98 (27") NE CBMH 30 RIM= 915.27 INV=909.64 (12") SW MH 24B RIM= 915.60 INV= 905.89 (21") N INV=905.89 (21") S STMH 3 RIM= 914.67 INV=910.72 (21") NE OCS 46 RIM= 914.59 INV= 909.00 (18") SE INV=909.50 (18") N CBMH 50 RIM= 913.60 INV= 909.34 (12") S INV=909.34 (12") N CBMH 13 RIM= 914.70 INV= 902.75 (24") SW INV=902.65 (27") NE CBMH 51B RIM= 912.10 INV= 908.89 (12") S INV=908.89 (12") NW STMH 4 RIM= 914.04 INV= 910.02 (21") SW INV=910.02 (21") NE CBMH 14A RIM= 913.60 INV= 909.49 (12") NW INV=909.49 (12") SE CBMH 14 RIM= 914.02 INV= 903.49 (21") SW INV=903.39 (24") NE OCS 1 RIM= 912.36 INV= 904.50 (18") SW INV=904.50 (12") NE CBMH 15 RIM= 912.88 INV= 904.13 (21") SW INV=904.03 (21") NE CBMH 25 RIM= 912.64 INV= 908.20 (12") NE INV=907.50 (15") S CBMH 24 RIM= 912.17 INV= 906.89 (15") N INV=906.79 (21") S CBMH 9 RIM= 911.39 INV= 899.68 (27") SW INV=899.58 (27") N CB 7 RIM= 908.62 INV=904.60 (12") NW CBMH 6 RIM= 908.26 INV= 898.51 (30") S INV=903.91 (30") NW CBMH 8 RIM= 910.34 INV= 899.17 (27") S INV=899.07 (30") N CBMH 2F RIM= 909.92 INV=906.00 (12") SE MH #197 RIM= 909.11 INV=898.35 (36") W CBMH 4 RIM= 908.20 INV= 904.52 (12") SE INV=904.52 (12") N OCS 2 RIM= 908.19 INV= 900.82 (18") SE INV=901.50 (15") NE CBMH 2E RIM= 908.00 INV= 905.15 (12") E INV=904.66 (12") NW CBMH 2C RIM= 908.00 INV= 903.85 (12") SE INV=903.75 (15") NE CBMH 2D RIM= 908.00 INV= 904.21 (12") SE INV=904.21 (12") NW STMH 5 RIM= 907.97 INV= 903.49 (30") SE INV= 901.07 (15") SW INV=900.65 (36") NW MH #198 RIM= 907.58 INV= 898.16 (36") E INV=898.16 (36") W STMH 53 RIM= 907.28 INV= 896.80 (42") NW INV= 900.00 (36") S INV=896.80 (42") E CBMH 3 RIM= 908.02 INV= 904.36 (12") S INV=904.36 (15") NW CBMH 53A RIM= 906.74 INV= 900.13 (36") SE INV=900.09 (36") N CBMH 52 RIM= 905.86 INV= 897.09 (42") W INV= 901.04 (15") SW INV=897.09 (42") SE CB 52A RIM= 905.86 INV=901.46 (15") NE STMH 54 RIM= 902.59 INV= 896.42 (42") W INV=896.16 (42") S FES H RIM= 896.74 INV= 898.00 (36") E FES 54 RIM= 896.94 INV= 895.99 (42") N CBMH 10 RIM= 912.64 INV= 901.74 (27") SW INV= 910.16 (12") NW INV= 908.78 (18") S INV=901.64 (27") NE CB 12A RIM= 912.70 INV=910.00 (12") SE CBMH 19 RIM= 915.99 INV= 904.72 (21") S INV=904.62 (21") NE CBMH 31 RIM= 914.80 INV= 908.95 (12") NE INV=908.95 (18") SW CBMH 14B RIM= 913.60 INV=909.77 (12") SE CBMH 36 RIM= 915.00 INV= 905.00 (18") NE INV= 905.00 (18") NW INV=905.00 (21") W 235' - 60" CMP INFILTRATION PIPE SYSTEM INV PIPE: 900.0 INV ROCK: 899.5 26 LF 12" @ 1.00% CB 51 RIM= 913.60 INV=909.60 (12") N CB 4C RIM= 909.70 INV=905.70 (12") NW 60 LF 12" @ 1.00% 33 LF 12" @ 1.00% CB 4A RIM= 908.20 INV= 904.77 (12") SE INV=904.77 (12") NW LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C4-2 Utilities (Stormwater)-Full SitePlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 2:4 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT N SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 UTILITY PLAN STORM SEWER OVERALL C4-2 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0% 972.5 TOLL FREE: 1-800-252-1166 TWIN CITY AREA: 651-454-0002 Gopher State One Call CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT , AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION. 2. ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 3. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC UTILITIES. 4. ALL STORM SEWER , SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 7.5 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 7.5 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED. 7. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. PROPOSED PIPE MATERIALS: WATERMAIN CL 52 DIP 6" TO 8" DIAMETER SANITARY SEWER PVC SDR 35 & SCH 40 6" TO 8" DIAMETER STORM SEWER DUAL WALL HDPE 12" TO 15" DIAMETER PVC SDR 35 8" TO 15" DIAMETER 9. ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715.2820 10.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715.0700). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 11.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715.0540: a. PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252. b. PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306. c. ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212. d. WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES. 12. CONTRACTOR AND MANHOLE FABRICATOR SHALL SUMP (LOWER) ALL STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN CASTINGS WITHIN PAVED AREAS 0.16 FEET OR 2-INCHES BELOW THE RIM ELEVATION DEPICTED ON THE UTILITY PLAN. 13.ALL STREET REPAIRS AND PATCHING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE ESTABLISHED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MMUTCD) AND THE CITY. THIS SHALL INCLUDE ALL SIGNAGE, BARRICADES, FLASHERS AND FLAGGERS AS NEEDED. ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE OPEN TO TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES. NO ROAD CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED AUTHORITY OF OF THE CITY. 14.THE CITY SHALL OPERATE ALL GATE VALVES. 15.CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE MADE BY CORE DRILLING THE MANHOLE AT THE PROPOSED INVERT ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLING A RUBBER BOOT. GROUT IN THE BOOT AND AN INVERT FOR THE NEW SEWER LINE. 16.PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN ON THE PLAN INCLUDE THE APRON SECTION. 17.WATERMAIN PIPE SHALL BE DIP CLASS 52, INSTALLED WITH 7.5 FEET OF COVER TO TOP PIPE. FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPACT TYPE. PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL HAVE A CEMENT MORTAR LINING. CONDUCTIVITY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY WELDED STRAPS ACROSS EACH JOIN.T 18.TRENCH COMPACTION SHALL BE 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY IN THE AREA FROM THE PIPE ZONE TO WITHIN 3 FEET OF FINISHED GRADE AND 100% IN FINAL 3 FEET OF THE BACKFILL TO FINISH GRADE. UTILITY NOTES EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND THIS DRAWING SET IS PRELIMINARY AND NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C8-1 Detail SheetPlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 2:4 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT DETAIL SHEET C8-125' MIN.CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE AMINIMUM OF 6 INCHES (6") THICK AT ALLDRIVEWAYS.4" OR 6"CONCRETESIDEWALKNO SMALL UTILITIES OR IRRIGATIONPIPES SHALL BE PLACED IN THEROADWAY STRUCTURAL SECTION.R/WR/WRESIDENTIAL STREET SECTIONGRADES ON MINOR STREETS SHOULD PROVIDE AN AREA OFNOT MORE THAN A 3% GRADE AT INTERSECTIONS WITHSTREETS OF A HIGHER TRAFFIC PRIORITY.2% CROSS SLOPE TYP.VARIABLEVARIABLE3%3%6"5'1'1/2:112"(TYP.)DETAIL APAVEMENT SECTION BASED ONGEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY _____, DATED_____,20__MINIMUM SECTIONDETAIL A4" OR 6" PERFORATEDDRAINTILE (TYP.)3" (PLUS) CUSHIONUNDER CURB (TYP.)1/2:1 1-1/2" BIT. WEAR COURSEMN/DOT 2360 TYPESPWEA240B OR SPWEB240B2357 TACK COAT2-1/2" BIT. NON-WEAR COURSEMN/DOT 2360 TYPE SPNWB230B8" AGG. BASE CLASS 5 OR 2 MN/DOT 313812" SELECT GRANULAR MN/DOT 3149.DGEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC TYPE V MN/DOT3733.2 (IF REQUIRED)APPROVED SUBGRADEDRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2004LOUCKS STANDARD GUTTER 8"12" 6" 13.5" 1 2" RAD. MIN. OF 4" AGG. BASE UNDER CURB (IF TOTAL THICKNESS OF SECTION ALLOWS) 3/8 " LIP 3" RAD. 1 3 3" RAD. AGG. BASE VARIES SLOPE GUTTER TO MATCH PARKING LOT DRAINAGE (3/4" PER FT. TYP.) TIP GUTTER OUT AS REQ'D B6-12 STYLE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER MINIMUM 1' BEHIND BACK OF CURB 7" SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2009LOUCKS 8"12" 6" 48" 1 2" RAD. MIN. OF 4" AGG. BASE UNDER CURB (IF TOTAL THICKNESS OF SECTION ALLOWS) 3/8 " LIP 3" RAD. 1 3 3" RAD. AGG. BASE VARIES PAVEMENT SECTION VARIES SEE PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL SLOPE GUTTER TO MATCH PARKING LOT DRAINAGE (3/4" PER FT. TYP.) TIP GUTTER OUT AS REQ'D B6 STYLE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER / WALL MINIMUM 1' BEHIND BACK OF CURB 7" SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2009ALOUCKS GRADE AT BASE OF CURB FLAT CURB AND GUTTER (12") DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2012LOUCKS SLOPE GUTTER TO MATCH PARKING LOT DRAINAGE TIP GUTTER OUT AS REQ'D PAVEMENT SECTION VARIES MIN. OF 4" 3/8 " LIP AGG. BASE UNDER CURB (IF TOTAL THICKNESS OF SECTION ALLOWS) 7" 12"8" AGG. BASE VARIES 1/2" RAD. 20" SPECIFICATION NOTES: 1. UPON COMPLETION, CURBING SHOULD BE SPRAYED WITH A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND PER MNDOT 3754. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS AT MAX. SPACING OF 200'. 3. CONSTRUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2531. CONCRETE SIDEWALK- WIDTH & SECTION VARY REFER TO SITE PLAN NO PARKING FIRE LANE 5' 0"12"18"FIRE LANE SIGN NOTES: 1. "NO PARKING FIRE LANE", R7-22 OR APPROVED EQUAL. SIGN MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 12" X 18", ALUMINUM PLATE, .063 MIN. THICKNESS, HIGH INTENSITY SHEETING, INSTALLED AT A HEIGHT 5' ABOVE GROUND, WITH RED LETTERING ON WHITE BACKGROUND (STANDARD). 2. THE SIGN SUPPORTS WILL BE A U POST. 3. THE SUPPORTING POSTS SHALL BE SET BACK A MINIMUM OF 12" BUT NOT MORE THAN 36" FROM THE CURB ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FIRE LANE. 4. ALL SIGNS SHALL FACE THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL AND BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE LOCATIONS IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY ON THE APPROVED SITE PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2026LOUCKS BOLLARD 1/2" CROWN 1" CROWN 3'-6"3'-0"6"24" DIA. 4,000 PSI CONCRETE 6" DIP, CONC. FILLED, PAINTED OSHA YELLOW DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2039LOUCKS 2" BIT. WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPWEA240B TACK COAT, MN/DOT 2357 2" BIT. NON-WEAR COURSE, MN/DOT 2360 SPNWB230B 6" AGG. BASE, CLASS 5 OR 2 MN/DOT 3138 APPROVED SUBGRADE FINISHED GRADE 24" SELECT GRANULAR, MN/DOT 3149.D HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC TYPE V, MN/DOT 3733.2 DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2032LOUCKS CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION 4" CONCRETE WALK MN/DOT 2521 4" GRANULAR MATERIAL MN/DOT 3149 DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 2034LOUCKS FLOW SECTION A-A SECTION B-B NOTES: VARIABLE THICKNESS HDPE ADJUSTING RINGS AS REQUIRED. MIN. OF 4" ADJUSTMENT AND MAX. OF 12" ADJUSTMENT. USE LARGER ADJUSTMENT RINGS TO MINIMIZE THE NUMBER OF JOINTS. INCLUDE ONE 2" RING IMMEDIATELY UNDER THE CASTING. USE TAPERED RINGS TO MATCH CASTING TO STREET GRADE. APPLY BUTYL SEALANT BETWEEN ALL THE JOINTS. CONCRETE RINGS SET IN A MORTAR BED ARE ACCEPTABLE. ADJUST CASTING TO 14" - 12" BELOW FINISHED GRADE, TYPICAL FOR ALL CASTINGS IN PAVEMENT NOTE: ALL CONNECTIONS THROUGH MH SHALL HAVE A RUBBER BOOT. ANY FIELD ADDED OPENING FOR PIPE SHALL BE CORE DRILLED AND AN ELASTOMERIC RUBBER BOOT INSTALLED.OFF ROAD MARKERM H INSTALL WHEN M.H. IS PLACED OUTSIDE OF THE ROADWAY. BENCH SLOPE STANDARD SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE MANHOLE CASTING AND COVER, NEENAH R-1642 OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH TWO (2) CONCEALED PICK HOLES. 1. WHERE WATER MAY STAND, TOP OF MH SHALL BE 2 FEET ABOVE GROUND, AND/OR 2 FEET ABOVE THE 100 YEAR STORM WATER LEVEL. 2. ON MANHOLES 8' DEEP AND GREATER A ONE FOOT FOUR INCH (1'-4") PRECAST SECTION SHALL BE PLACED IMMEDIATELY BELOW CONE SECTION. 3. WHEN MANHOLE DEPTH IS LESS THAN 8', A TOP SLAB SHALL BE USED IN PLACE OF THE CONE. TOP SLAB SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR AASHTO HS20 HIGHWAY LOADINGS. THE SLAB SHALL BE SET ON A MORTAR BED. 4. ALL JOINTS BETWEEN SECTIONS SHALL HAVE RUBBER O-RING GASKETS. 5. MINIMUM BASE SLAB THICKNESS, 6" TO 14' DEPTH. INCREASE THICKNESS 1" FOR EACH 4' OF DEPTH GREATER THAN 14'. STEPS 16" O.C. ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE. EXTRUDED ALUMINUM OR STEEL REINFORCED COPOLYMER PLASTIC. 20" TO SPRING LINE (MAX.) SLOPE 2"/FOOT 7" 27" 48"4'1'-4"A B B A AS NEEDEDDRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4000LOUCKS NOTE: GRANULAR MATERIALS FURNISHED FOR USE IN FOUNDATION, BEDDING, ENCASEMENT, OR BACKFILL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: ·FOUNDATION MATERIALS SHALL HAVE 100% PASSING THE 1 1/2" SIEVE AND A MAXIMUM OF 10% PASSING THE No. 4 SIEVE. NOT LESS THAN 50% OF THE MATERIAL RETAINED BY THE No. 4 SIEVE SHALL HAVE ONE (1) OR MORE CRUSHED FACES. HARD, DURABLE CRUSHED CARBONATE QUARRY ROCK MAY BE USED FOR FOUNDATION MATERIALS. ·BEDDING AND ENCASEMENT MATERIALS FOR FLEXIBLE PIPE SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MNDOT SPECIFICATION 3149.2B1, GRANULAR BORROW, EXCEPT THAT 100% SHALL PASS THE ONE INCH (1") SIEVE. ·BACKFILL MATERIALS SHALL CONSIST OF SUITABLE EXISTING TRENCH MATERIALS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE DEFINED AS A MINERAL SOIL FREE OF FOREIGN MATERIALS (RUBBISH, ORGANICS & DEBRIS), FROZEN CLUMPS, OVERSIZE STONE, ROCK, CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS CHUNKS, AND OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS THAT MAY DAMAGE PIPE, PREVENT THOROUGH COMPACTION, OR INCREASE THE RISKS OF SETTLEMENT. PLASTIC PIPE BEDDING PLASTIC PIPE 18"18"PIPE WIDTH ENCASEMENT BEDDING FOUNDATION (MAY NOT BE REQUIRED) 12" 6" BACKFILL COMPACTED AS SPECIFIED EXCAVATED TRENCH WIDTH DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4008LOUCKS ADJUST CASTING TO 14" - 12" BELOW FINISHED GRADE, TYPICAL FOR ALL CASTINGS IN PAVEMENT OFF ROAD MARKERM H INSTALL WHEN M.H. IS PLACED OUTSIDE OF THE ROADWAY. STANDARD STORM SEWER MANHOLE WITH CONE SECTION FLOWAS REQUIRED1'-4"2" 0"-8" 2" 27" 48"4'CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS, MIN. 4" - MAX. 10" MANHOLE CASTING FRAME AND COVER-NEENAH R-1733 OR APPROVED EQUAL. INCLUDES SOLID LID & "STORM SEWER" LETTERING. RUBBER GASKETS BETWEEN EACH JOINT IN MANHOLE SECTIONS. 1. WHERE WATER MAY STAND, TOP OF MH SHALL BE 2 FEET ABOVE GROUND, AND/OR 2 FEET ABOVE THE 100 YEAR STORM WATER LEVEL. 2. ON MANHOLES 8' DEEP AND GREATER A ONE FOOT FOUR INCH (1'-4") PRECAST SECTION SHALL BE PLACED IMMEDIATELY BELOW CONE SECTION. 3. WHEN MANHOLE DEPTH IS LESS THAN 8', A TOP SLAB SHALL BE USED IN PLACE OF THE CONE. TOP SLAB SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR AASHTO HS20 HIGHWAY LOADINGS. THE SLAB SHALL BE SET ON A MORTAR BED. 4. ALL JOINTS BETWEEN SECTIONS SHALL HAVE RUBBER O-RING GASKETS. 5. MINIMUM BASE SLAB THICKNESS, 6" TO 14' DEPTH. INCREASE THICKNESS 1" FOR EACH 4' OF DEPTH GREATER THAN 14'. 6. ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLE SHALL BE WATERTIGHT. NOTES: STEPS 16" O.C. ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE. EXTRUDED ALUMINUM OR STEEL REINFORCED COPOLYMER PLASTIC. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4300LOUCKS KOR-N-SEAL OR APPROVED FLEXIBLE CONNECTION PREFORMED OR CORE DRILLED HOLES REQUIRED FOR SUBDRAIN CONNECTIONS. GROUT INSIDE AND OUT AROUND SUBDRAIN. TRIM DRAIN TILE BACK TO WALL. DOGHOUSES SHALL BE GROUTED ON BOTH THE OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS, MIN. 4" - MAX. 10" 2'x3' CATCH BASIN (MAX. DEPTH 4.0') (NEENAH CASTING NO. R-3067 WITH TYPE DR, DL, OR TYPE V GRATE OR APPROVED EQUAL)DIRECTION OF MAJOR FLOW (TYPE DL GRATE) NOTES: 1. EXPANSION MATERIAL TO BE PLACED IN FIRST CURB JOINT, BOTH SIDES OF CATCH BASIN. 2. RECESS CATCH BASINS 2" BELOW GUTTER GRADE LINE. 3. FOR SURMOUNTABLE CURB, PROVIDE FACE OF CURB TRANSITION EXTENDING 10' ON EACH SIDE OF CATCH BASIN TO MATCH CASTING. 5" PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE IF STRUCTURE BASE IS LESS THAN 48" BELOW FINISHED GRADE, PLACE GRANULAR MATERIAL UNDER STRUCTURE, FOR A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. NOTE: USE 4 FOOT DIAMETER CATCH BASIN MANHOLE WHEN DEPTH EXCEEDS 4.0 FEET. 3" 36" 6" 24 "36" 4" 31 "43"6" 1 7 - 1 / 2 " 35-1/ 2" DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4302LOUCKS CONCRETE PIPE BEDDING RCP PIPE 18"18"PIPE WIDTH COMPACTED SAND OR 3 4" TO 1-1 2" CLEAR ROCK (AS DIRECTED) COMPACTED SUBGRADE 6" COMPACTED BACKFILL EXCAVATED TRENCH WIDTH RCP PIPE 18"18"PIPE WIDTH SHAPE BOTTOM OF EXISTING TRENCH MATERIAL TO FIT PIPE BARREL. COMPACTED BACKFILL EXCAVATED TRENCH WIDTH CLASS C BEDDING CLASS B BEDDING DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4310LOUCKS 2.0'2" MAX. 2.0' 1.0' PERFORATED DRAIN TILE PIPE FINE FILTER AGGREGATE MN/DOT 3149.2J PERFORATED PIPE (PVC OR CORRUGATED PE) WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP, MEETING MN/DOT 3245 AND 3278 SPECS. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4314LOUCKS NOTES: 6" HUB WITH THREADED PVC PLUG - DO NOT GLUE CASTING MAY BE REQUIRED SEE SPECIFICATIONS END OF LINE CLEANOUT IN LINE CLEANOUT PVC LONG SWEEP BEND SCH. 40 2.5' VARIES 2.5' VARIES ONE PIECE 6" PVC SCH. 40 CLEANOUT RISER DRAINTILE CLEAN-OUT STRUCTURE 6.0' 4.0' 6.0' 4.0' 10' GREEN ENAMEL U-CHANNEL FENCE POST W/ TOP 6 INCHES WRAPPED WITH 3M SCOTCHLITE REFLECTIVE TAPE OR EQUAL. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4315LOUCKS LOUCKS W:\2020\20503A\cadd Data\CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\full Site\C8-1 Detail SheetPlotted: 12 /21 / 2023 2:4 PM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD QUALIFICATION 325 BLAKE ROAD N HOPKINS, MN ALATUS LLC 80 S 8th ST. STE. 4155 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Michael J. St. Martin - PE Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 24440 20503A MJS NWC MJS 12-21-23 12-21-23 C1-1A-D EX. CONDITIONS PLAN C1-2A-D DEMOLITION PLAN C2-1A-D SITE PLAN C3-1A-D GRADING PLAN C3-2A-D SWPPP PLAN C3-3 SWPPP NOTES C4-1A-D SANI. AND WATERMAIN C4-2A-D STORM SEWER C8-1-C8-3 DETAIL SHEET 310 South 4th Avenue Suite 7050 Minneapolis, MN 55415 p: 612.332.7522 12/21/2023 PUD AMENDMENT DETAIL SHEET C8-2 "HYDRANTFINDER" SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE TOP OF THE UPPER FLANGE ON THE REAR BOLTS. INSTALL PLASTIC COMPOSITE HYDRANTFINDERS ONLY. EXPOSED FIBERGLASS AND METAL HYDRANTFINDERS SHALL NOT BE USED. INSTALL ADAPTOR INC.'S VALVE BOX ADAPTOR #6 BASE OR APPROVED EQUAL 6" AMERICAN FLOW CONTROL 2500 SERIES RESILIENT WEDGE TYPE GATE VALVE OR APPROVED EQUAL. HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. GATE VALVES ARE REQUIRED WITH ALL HYDRANTS. 2. THRUST BLOCKING REQUIRED BEHIND ALL HYDRANTS. 3. ALL BOLTS, T-BOLTS, NUTS AND RODDING INSTALLED BELOW GRADE SHALL BE ASTM F593 TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. THIS INCLUDES HYDRANTS AND VALVES. CONCRETE BLOCKCONCRETEBLOCK MEGALUG UNDISTURBED SOIL CONCRETE BLOCK 7.5' MIN. COVER ON WATERMAIN MEGALUG 1 CUBIC YARD GRAVEL OR CRUSHED ROCK WITH 2 LAYERS OF 4 MIL POLY. (2/3 OF MATERIAL BELOW HYDRANT)2.5'16"TRAFFICFLANGE2-1/2" HOSE CONNECTION (NATIONAL STANDARD THREAD) CAPS TO BE CHAINED (PENTAGON NUT ON CAPS) 4-1/2" PUMPER CONNECTION (NATIONAL STANDARD THREAD) NATIONAL STANDARD OPERATING NUT 3'-0"2'-0" FINISHED BOULEVARD GRADE SEE STANDARD PLATE 4601 FOR APPROVED TYPES OF GATE VALVE BOXES DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4600LOUCKS GATE VALVES FINISHED GRADE 7.5' MINIMUM COVERVARIABLEVAR.MIDDLE SECTION EXTENSIONS TOP SECTION VARIABLE14-3/4 17-1/412-9/167 8-1/4 9-7/16 7-3/4 7 8-1/8 2-3/8 7 8-1/8 61-1/2 5-3/4 5-1/4 6-5/8 7-1/8 7-5/8 8-7/8 2" 6-1/4 WATER 7-3/8 2" 4" 5-3/4 7-1/8 NOTE: ALL BOLTS, T-BOLTS, NUTS AND RODDING INSTALLED BELOW GRADE SHALL BE ASTM F593 TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. AMERICAN FLOW CONTROL 2500 SERIES RESILIENT WEDGE TYPE OR APPROVED EQUAL. VALVE BODY BOLTS SHALL BE ASTM F593 TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. INSTALL ADAPTOR INC.'S VALVE BOX ADAPTOR #6 BASE OR APPROVED EQUAL ADJUST V.B. TOP TO 14" TO 12" BELOW STREET GRADE OR 12" TO 1" BELOW FINISHED BLVD. GRADE AND SHALL BE SET SO AS TO PROVIDE 12" OF UPWARD ADJUSTMENT. GATE VALVE BOXES: TYLER PIPE - SERIES 6860 SCREW TYPE WITH A #6 BASE AND DROP LIDS WITH "WATER" LABELED ON COVER OR APPROVED EQUAL OFF ROAD MARKERG V GATE VALVE AND BOX INSTALLATION NO. 6 ROUND BASE CONCRETE BLOCK GATE VALVE BOXES ARE 3 PIECE, 5-1/4" SHAFT 14" MIN. FROM TOP OF BOTTOM SECTION TO TOP OF VALVE BOX DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4601LOUCKS 24"MAX.6"MAX. "L" SIZE OF PIPE "L" 21" TO 42" 6" 48" TO 72" 12" MIN. TIE THE LAST 3 JOINTS ON INLET AND OUTLET PIPES. TRASH GUARD RCP APRON RIPRAP REQUIRED: SEE STD. PLATE 4308 OR 4309 USE 2 TIE BOLT FASTENERS PER JOINT INSTALLED AT 60 DEG FROM TOP OR BOTTOM OF PIPE. USE 5/8" TIE FOR PIPE SIZES 12" TO 27". USE 3/4" TIE FOR PIPE SIZES 30" TO 66". USE 1" TIE FOR PIPE SIZES OVER 72". TRASH GUARDS WILL BE REQUIRED ON 24" OR LARGER PIPE. SEE 4308-4309 FOR RIPRAP DETAIL PROVIDE 3 CLIPS TO FASTEN TRASH GUARD TO F.E.S. GALVANIZE AFTER FABRICATION. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4306LOUCKS LARGE WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CL PIPE PL VALVE BOX 3' TEE WATERMAIN SERVICE VALVE PLUG EXISTING GROUND STREET 5' HEAVY METAL FENCE POST WIRED TO MARKER.3'WIRE TOGETHER 2"X4" MARKER7.5' MIN.NOTE: VALVES SHALL BE TIED TO TEE AT MAIN WITH 2 3/4"ROUND TIE RODS. ALL BOLTS, T-BOLTS, NUTS AND RODDING INSTALLED BELOW GRADE SHALL BE ASTM F593 TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4604LOUCKS 5' MED. DUTY, (1.25 #/FT) STEEL FENCE POST EXPOXY- RESIN COATED, PAINTED OR GALVANIZED INSTALLED TO 6" BELOW FINISHED GRADE SECURE TRACER WIRE BY WRAPPING AROUND POST CONTINUOUS #10 SOLID COPPER, INSULATED TRACER WIRE FROM CORP TO C.S. BOX CAP CONTINUOUS #10 GA. SOLID COPPER OR STAINLESS STEEL, INSULATED TRACE WIRE ATTACHED TO HYDT FLANGE AND MAIN LINE WIRE THE TRACER WIRE LOOPS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO ALL FIRE HYDRANTS AT A REAR FLANGE BOLT USING A ALUMINUM ANGLE IRON HYDRANT TRACER WIRE BRACKET PART # HTWB-7000 MADE BY “VAIT PRODUCTS” OR APPROVED EQUAL.1" O.D. HDPE WMSVC PIPE 3' LONGTRACER WIRE FOR WATER SERVICE / HYDRANT LEAD DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4605LOUCKS CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING 1'-10" 2'-0" D 22 1/2° BEND 1'-5" 1'-10" 3'-0" B 6" 8" 12" 16" 20" 24" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-6" 2'-1" 2'-8" 4'-9" 6'-2" 1'-6" 2'-0" 3'-0" BUTTRESS DIMENSIONS 2'-1" 3'-4" 3'-10" 6'-10" 1'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 3'-6" 2'-0" 1'-10" 3'-3" 4'-8" 45° BEND 90° BEND TEE/PLUGPIPE SIZE DB DB DB 1'-5" 1'-5" 1'-5" 1'-5" 1'-5" 2'-8" 3'-0" 3'-6" 4'-4" 4'-0" 5'-0" 8'-4" 9'-8" 3'-4" 3'-10" 5'-6"4'-0" 5'-0" 5'-10" 6'-9" NOTES: 1. SHAPE OF BACK OF BUTTRESS MAY VARY AS LONG AS POURED AGAINST FIRM UNDISTURBED EARTH. 2. DIMENSION "A" SHOULD BE AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE. 3. Δ= 45° MINIMUM. 4. PLACE POLY SHEETING BETWEEN CONCRETE & PIPE. 5. ALL BENDS AND FITTINGS SHALL BE RESTRAINED WITH MEGALUGS THRUST RESTRAINTS OR EQUAL. Δ - SEE NOTE 3 A A A A A A DBBBAAA90° VAR. (3' MIN.) 6" Δ - SEE NOTE 3 Δ - SEE NOTE 3 Δ - SEE NOTE 3 SECTION A-A PLAN 0° TO 22 1/2° BENDS TEES/PLUGSPLAN 22 1/2° TO 90° BENDS CONCRETE SHALL BE IN CONTACT WITH THIS QUADRANT OF PIPE. BEDDING MATERIAL UNDISTURBED EARTH CONCRETE DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4606LOUCKS 3' T R A N SI TI O N 3' TA P E R 1" E X P A N S I O N J O I N T 2 NO. 4, 3' LONG, EPOXY COATED REBARS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CASTING. REBARS AND EPOXY COATING PER MN/DOT SPEC. 3301. TYPICAL NEENAH R-3067 CASTING. 6"± CATCH BASIN CASTING INSTALLATION B612 TO CASTING DESIGN GUTTER LINE GRADE EXPANSION JOINTEXPANSION JOINT 3' MIN. TRANSITION B612 CURB & GUTTER TOP CURB NOTE: B612 CURB AND GUTTER TO BE FORMED INTO A B618 TYPE CURB AT CATCH BASIN CASTING. B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 3' MIN. TRANSITION B612 CURB & GUTTER 2 NO. 4, 3' LONG, EPOXY COATED REBARS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CASTING. REBARS AND EPOXY COATING PER MN/DOT SPEC. 3301. DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4312LOUCKS TYPICAL WATERMAIN INSULATION W.M. WATERMAIN PIPE STORM SEWER PIPE STORM SEWER VARIES VARIES 6" MIN. 12" MAX. 6" MIN. 12" MAX. 4" 4" 4" FLAT SHEET EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE FOAM INSULATION, DOW HIGHLOAD 40 RIGID BOARD, OR APPROVED EQUAL. OVERLAP INSULATION AT JOINTS. 16' 8' DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4608LOUCKS WATERMAIN UNDER SEWER DEFLECTION 12"O.D.12" TRANSITION TO SPECIFIED DEPTH (TYPICAL). INSTALL 45° VERTICAL BENDS WITH MEGA LUGS AS REQUIRED. MINIMUM 6" OF COMPACTED SAND ABOVE & BELOW INSULATION ONE PIPE LENGTH 4" FLAT SHEET EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE FOAM INSULATION, DOW HIGHLOAD 40 RIGID BOARD, OR APPROVED EQUAL. OVERLAP INSULATION AT JOINTS. 18" MIN SEPARATION PROPOSED SEWER DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4611LOUCKS NOTE: GRANULAR MATERIALS FURNISHED FOR USE IN FOUNDATION, BEDDING, ENCASEMENT, OR BACKFILL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: ·FOUNDATION MATERIALS SHALL HAVE 100% PASSING THE 1 1/2" SIEVE AND A MAXIMUM OF 10% PASSING THE No. 4 SIEVE. NOT LESS THAN 50% OF THE MATERIAL RETAINED BY THE No. 4 SIEVE SHALL HAVE ONE (1) OR MORE CRUSHED FACES. HARD, DURABLE CRUSHED CARBONATE QUARRY ROCK MAY BE USED FOR FOUNDATION MATERIALS. ROCK BEDDING MATERIALS SHALL BE 3/4" TO 1-1/2" CLEAR ROCK. IF IN-SITU MATERIAL UNDER ROCK BEDDING IS UNSTABLE, USE AS MUCH ROCK AS NECESSARY TO STABILIZE. DUCTILE IRON PIPE BEDDING D.I.P. PIPE 18"18"PIPE WIDTH 12" 4" EXCAVATED TRENCH WIDTH D.I.P. PIPE 18"18"PIPE WIDTH 12" 4" EXCAVATED TRENCH WIDTH SAND BEDDING ROCK BEDDING DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4615LOUCKS OUTLET 48" TO 72" DOGHOUSES SHALL BE GROUTED BOTH ON THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. PRECAST MANHOLE SECTIONS C PIPE SIZE WILL VARY INLET PRECAST BASE SLAB INLET ELEVATION A RIM - (EMERGENCY OVERFLOW) D B 6" E TOP OF WEIR ELEVATION WEIR TO BE REINFORCED WITH AT LEAST #4 REBAR, 12" ON CENTER. H 2" 0"-8" 2" 2 - 8" DRAIN-TILE DOWN-STREAM OF WEIR OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE - MH DRAWN 2/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 4316LOUCKS WEIR/ORIFICE E TOP OF WEIR ELEVATION ORIFICE OPENING SIZE - F INVERT ELEVATION - G 41 20 903.43 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE ELEVATION TABLE 904.93 903.50 905.0 903.38 905.25 917.43 911.90 OCS NO. A B C D 907.5 906.0 E 15"Hx18"W 6"Hx6"W F 904.50 905.50 G 48" 48" H 45 902.37 902.5 902.75 912.40 904.0 2"Hx6"W 903.0 48" 46 908.93 909.0 909.50 915.0 --- 48" 47 908.94 909.0 909.5 915.25 --- 48" 42 901.39 901.50 901.75 908.90 903.75 6"Hx6"W 902.0 48" LOUCKS UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION PIPE 20 ML PE IMPERMEABLE LINER OVER THE TOP OF PIPE (IF REQUIRED) DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 200210 5'-6' PERFORATED CMP PIPE VARIABLE (1' MIN.) 2.5'-3' (1' MIN.) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, TOP AND SIDES ONLY NOTE: IF SALTING AGENTS FOR SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL ARE USED ON OR NEAR THE PROJECT, A GEOMEMBRANE BARRIER IS RECOMMENDED WITH THE SYSTEM. THE GEOMEMBRANE LINER IS INTENDED TO HELP PROTECT THE SYSTEM FROM THE POTENTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS THAT MAY RESULT FROM A CHANCE IN THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT OVER A PERIOD OF TIME. PLEASE REFER TO THE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE DETENTION DESIGN GUIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. FREE DRAINING ANGULAR WASHED STONE 3 4 - 2" MIN. 6" BASE STONE 6" COVER STONE PERVIOUS PAVEMENT INFILTRATION DRAWN 12/2016 LOUCKS PLATE NO. 200210 1" LANDSCAPE ROCK NOTE: IF SALTING AGENTS FOR SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL ARE USED ON OR NEAR THE PROJECT, A GEOMEMBRANE BARRIER IS RECOMMENDED WITH THE SYSTEM. THE GEOMEMBRANE LINER IS INTENDED TO HELP PROTECT THE SYSTEM FROM THE POTENTIAL ADVERSE EFFECTS THAT MAY RESULT FROM A CHANCE IN THE SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT OVER A PERIOD OF TIME. PLEASE REFER TO THE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE DETENTION DESIGN GUIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 2" OF 3 8" OPEN GRADED STONE (ASTM #8) 12" 4" OF 3/4" - 1" OPEN GRADED STONE, NO FINES (ASTM #57 CRUSHED) 12" OF 2" - 3" OPEN GRADED STONE (ASTM #2) 6" DRAINTILE 18" 2" OF 1 4" - 3 8" OPEN GRADED STONE (AASHTO #8 OR #9) 2021 Master Site Plan 325 Blake Road – Neighborhood Mee�ng Minutes Date: Tuesday January 16, 2024 5:30-5:40pm Bob Lux (Alatus) gave an overview of the 325 Blake Road development as well as an overview of other Alatus projects both past and present 5:40-5:50pm Ben Landhauser (Lifestyle Communi�es) gave an overview of their part in the 325 Blake Road project, what Artessa is as a brand, and some of their other projects 5:50-6:00pm Mike Waldo (Ron Clark) spoke about who they are as an organiza�on and their part in 325 Blake Road 6:00-6:10pm A representa�ve from the MCWD explained their part in the 325 Blake Road project 6:10pm Mee�ng wrapped up Atendees: From the neighborhood there were 3 atendees, a single man and a couple. The man did have any ques�ons or raise any concerns. The couple asked Barret (Alatus) at the end of the mee�ng why the tower was now 16 stories instead of 14, took a takeaway sheet with the QR code to the city’s development website and le� the mee�ng. Atendees were asked to sign-in but did not therefore there is no sign-in sheet to forward. Misc: A list of upcoming mee�ngs was provided to atendees as well as a take away sheet that guides them to the city’s development website so they can track the project ’s progress. 2 From: Friesen, Amy H <afriesen@KPMG.com>   Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2024 6:32 PM  To: Ryan Krzos <rkrzos@hopkinsmn.com>  Subject: [EXTERNAL] Blake Road Redevelopment  Hi Ryan,  I got a notification about potential changes to the Blake Road redevelopment. I am unable to attend the Jan. 23rd  hearing. What changes are being proposed? I cannot tell based on the website linked on the notification sent by the  City.  As a bit of background, I have lived on Lake Street for the last 12 years, just a block away from the Blake Road  redevelopment. My primary concerns with this development have always been the high density of the planning, which  in turn (1) increases the traffic flowing directly in front of my house and (2) the need for parking in relation to the  number of buildings proposed.  With the completion of the Chorus building, I have noticed that the building ending up with substantially less parking  than originally proposed. I don’t recall exact numbers, but originally it was something like 150 stalls vs the 75 stalls now.  I believe the issue was due to poor soil not allowing more underground parking. There are already cars being parked  behind the building in the construction zone near the creek, and I have concerns that as the entire area is developed,  that means more cars are going to start parking down Lake St (i.e. in front of my house).   What is the City doing to push the developer to confirm the amount of parking for the other proposed buildings will  actually be available? Since there were already issues with the Chorus building, couldn’t all of the buildings have parking  issues? As a long time resident, I hope the City is considering the impact on the rest of the neighborhood in relation to  this development.  I do not want all of the street parking in front of my home (which is a block away from the  development) to be completely taken over by parking for the rental units, and I hope the City is doing what is necessary  to be sensitive to those of us that have lived in this neighborhood for a number of years.  Thanks,  Amy Friesen Managing Director, Business Tax Services KPMG LLP | 90 South 7th Street | 4200 Wells Fargo Ctr | Minneapolis, MN 55402 Office (612) 305-5105 | Mobile (507) 822-2218 afriesen@kpmg.com kpmg.com/us | KPMG on LinkedIn | KPMG on Twitter  Any advice in this communication is limited to the conclusions specifically set forth herein and is based on the  completeness and accuracy of the stated facts, assumptions and/or representations included. In rendering our advice,  we may consider tax authorities that are subject to change, retroactively and/or prospectively, and any such changes  could affect the validity of our advice. We will not update our advice for subsequent changes or modifications to the  laws and regulations, or to the judicial and administrative interpretations thereof. The advice or other information in this  document was prepared for the sole benefit of KPMG's client and may not be relied upon by any other person or  organization. KPMG accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of this document to any person or organization other  than KPMG's client.