02-28-2022HOPKINS PARK BOARD REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 28, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Bo ard was held on Monday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1010 1st Street South. Chair Emma Figgins called the meeting to ord er with Commissioners Jefferson, Miller, Stiele, Waitz and Slindee and youth members Battur and Burman. Staff present included Management Analyst Imihy. ADOPT AGENDA Motion by Stiele. Second by Waitz. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Waitz. Second by Jefferson. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda. 1. Minutes of the January 24, 2022 Park Board Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Waitz requested a change to the January minutes under the park area assignment reports. At Valley Park, the exterior doors to the bathrooms were barricaded. She wanted to clarify it was the exterior doors. Figgins noted to change vice chair Figgins to chair in the second paragraph. No public comment. GENERAL BUSINESS V.1. Vote on Chair and Vice Chair Assignments This meeting served as the board’s annual meeting. The board selected chair and vice chair positions as the departing board members terms are done in July. Stiele nominated Slindee for the chair positon. Motion by Stiele. Second by Miller. Motion to Approve Slindee as chair. Ayes: All. HOPKINS PARK BOARD REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 28, 2022 Nays: None. Motion carried. The board discussed vice chair. Slindee nominated Stiele. Motion by Slindee. Second by Miller. Motion to Approve Stiele as vice chair. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. V.2. Review 2022 Annual Calendar Imihy discussed and reviewed the annual calendar with the board. She let the board know that there were minor edits to the calendar given the timeline moved due to the RFP. The master park plan is not yet reflected in the calendar. Miller inquired about sustainability and the park board’s role. The board discussed possible outcomes. Sustainability could be added into the 2023 plan if it was decided the board would want to take it on as another task. GENERAL PARK UPDATE Minnetonka Parks and Recreation Update Kelly from Minnetonka Parks and Recreation discussed the recreation summer brochure with the board. He explained registrations and summer catalog logistics. He also answered questions from the board, including scholarship funding and information in the catalog about Hopkins parks. The board also discussed Williston Fitness Center, marketing of programs and summer staffing. Hopkins Academy Imihy explained Hopkins Academy to the board. RFP Interviews & Questions Imihy discussed the process for the RFP and reviewed consultant questions about the proposal. She answered questions from the board about equity for consultants. Proposals were due on March 1 and staff will review and evaluate them. They will narrow it down to three or four proposals from the expected seven to ten. Board members will receive a flash drive with proposals to review and score. Imihy explained the process of reviewing proposals and consultant interviews. She answered board questions and explained the timeline for interviews. PARK AREA ASSIGNMENT REPORTS The park assignments are as follows: Emma Figgins: Buffer, Central: Path at Central Park has been busy. Meg Slindee: Harley Hopkins, Maetzold Field: Nothing to report (NTR) Anna Pohmer: Burnes, Hilltop: N/A Dre Jefferson: Cottageville, Park Valley: NTR HOPKINS PARK BOARD REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 28, 2022 Emily Waitz: Minnehaha Creek Preserve, Valley: Returned to Valley Park for clarification on the bathroom situation and it was a signage issue that was reported to Imihy. Waitz passed on recommendations for signage. There are one of three unmarked doors for bathrooms. There were skaters on the rink. She also went by the Minnehaha Creek Reserve after dark and saw someone was in the park. Questioned if there any concerns about safety in the park(s) after dark. Imihy let the board know to call the non-emergency PD line if you see something suspicious. Matthew Miller: Oakes, Hiawatha Oakes Preserve: NTR Kimberly Stiele: Elmo, Downtown: NTR. Downtown Park has port a potties and someone mentioned to her that the city needs more portable bathrooms. The board then discussed port a potties and accessible bathrooms. Annika Burman: Interlachen, Shady Oak Beach: NTR Misheel Battur: Interlachen, Shady Oak Beach: NTR ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Park Board and upon a motion by Waitz, second by Stiele, the meeting was unanimously adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Lizzie Miller, Administrative Assistant ATTEST: _______________________________ Emma Figgins, Park Board Chair