03-28-2022HOPKINS PARK BOARD REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 28, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Bo ard was held on Monday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1010 1st Street South. Chair Meg Slindee called the meeting to order with Commissioners Miller, Stiele, Waitz and Figgins and youth members Battur and Burman. Staff present included Management Analyst Imihy. ADOPT AGENDA Motion by Stiele. Second by Waitz. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. No public comment. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Waitz. Second by Steile. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda. 1. Minutes of the February 28, 2022 Park Board Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. GENERAL PARK UPDATE Chair Slindee made opening remarks and thanked the board for her new position as chair. Minnetonka Parks and Recreation Update Minnetonka is in a push for summer hiring and staff is attending job fairs. Summer registration on March 9 saw 3,000+ registrations. Popular programs are park adventures, day camp and theater camps. The department gave an update on adult sports and they are currently working on spring programs for bike month. The department will also be applying for a Department of Education grant for swimming lesson scholarships. The board asked questions regarding park program locations and program and scholarship demographics. PARK AREA ASSIGNMENT REPORTS The park assignments are as follows: HOPKINS PARK BOARD REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 28, 2022 Emma Figgins: Buffer, Central: Central Park playground has some good potentia l and hopefully can be a priority item with the consultants. There is a waterfall coming from the field to the street at Central. Meg Slindee: Harley Hopkins, Maetzold Field: Nothing to report (NTR) Anna Pohmer: Burnes, Hilltop: N/A Dre Jefferson: Cottageville, Park Valley: N/A Emily Waitz: Minnehaha Creek Preserve, Valley: NTR Matthew Miller: Oakes, Hiawatha Oakes Preserve: Oakes Park flooded- ducks and geese were floating around. Kimberly Stiele: Elmo, Downtown: NTR Annika Burman: Interlachen, Shady Oak Beach: Interlachen Park was wet. Misheel Battur: Interlachen, Shady Oak Beach: NTR GENERAL BUSINESS Review and Recommend a Consultant for the Master Park System Plan Imihy gave the board an overview of the master parks plan process, which includes consultant interviews and proposal summaries. At this meeting, Imihy was looking for the board to make a recommendation to the city council to be considered at their April 5 meeting. Members Jefferson and Pohmer were not present at this meeting but both chose the consulting firm Confluence. Imihy gave the board an overview of how the budget and payment works with the firms. Slindee stated the board will want to start talking about amendments to proposals if needed and which parks the board would like to see prioritized. After a preliminary vote, the board members discussed who they would like to hire and their reasons why, including community engagement and sustainability. All present members noted they would like to choose Confluence. It was noted the board would like see the consultant put sustainability in the forefront of their planning and know that it is a priority for them. Motion by Stiele. Second by Miller. Motion to Recommend Confluence as Consulting Team to the City Council Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Imihy asked the board to see if there are any areas of the proposal that need more detail. The board discussed assigning a dollar amount for potential proposal amendments that might be needed. Motion by Waitz. Second by Stiele. Motion to Increase Number Park Master Plans to Five and an Additional $20,000.