AUGUST 22, 2022
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Hopkins Park Board was
held on Monday, August 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1010 1St
Street South.
Chair Meg Slindee called the meeting to order with Commissioners Miller, Waitz, and
Hanneman. Staff present included Management Analyst Imihy.
Motion by Miller. Second by Waitz.
Motion to Adopt the Agenda.
Ayes: All.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
No public comment.
Motion by Waitz. Second by Miller.
Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda.
1. Minutes of the June 27, 2022 Park Board
Ayes: All.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Review Annual Calendar + 2022 Work Plan Progress
The board has three major goals, including developing a master parks system plan which
is underway. Another was to study and develop a recommendation on how sustainability
does or does not fit within the scope of the park board. This goal is now complete and it
was decided it does not fit into the board. This recommendation will go to the Council in
October. The third is to work with partners to understand, document and enforce the
current decision making abilities of the park board. Staff would like to discuss with the
board how to make more progress on this goal. There are some ongoing goals to work
on as well.
Chair Slindee attended the new board member training and felt like it was a missed
opportunity to go over the park board, including roles and interaction with City Council.
Hanneman agreed that she also thought the training would be more park board specific.
Waitz noted the training weighed heavily on the planning and zoning commission. Miller
AUGUST 22, 2022
was wondering who has control of the board, which included the board itself and City
Council. The board discussed their progress, which included budget/spending, receiving
parks information and bylaws. They also discussed advising on future development and
parkland and how the pickleball courts and splash pad are previous projects that came
through the board. The board discussed they would like to have updates/communication
on parks and how they appreciate the Minnetonka recreation updates. They would like
more updates from Public Works. Imihy noted there could be an initiative for 2023 for
more clarity on the objectives from the bylaws and how they affect day-to-day functions
of the board. She also noted that the board will have more work and clarity after the
master parks plan moves ahead.
Minnetonka Recreation Update
Ann Davy from Minnetonka Parks and Recreation gave the Minnetonka recreation
update. Shady Oak Beach closed for the season but will reopen the gates without staff
until Labor Day. Sand volleyball was a success and fall volleyball is filling up. Park
attendants will be done Labor Day. Fall youth soccer league and fall softball has started.
The department is still hiring.
Master Park System Plan Update
Imihy gave an update to the board and shared they are slightly behind but moving along
and close to closing out the first portion of engagement. Participation has been lower
than originally thought. She encouraged the board to get the word out to neighbors, etc.
There was a parks tour with the financial consultant to look at the financial aspect of the
plan. Confluence will come back to the board after the engagement for this portion of
the plan and make goals for the plan. Imihy is hoping for a 5% response in engagement
but they will be working with youth organizations to get more participation as well.
The park assignments are as follows:
Meg Slindee: Harley Hopkins, Maetzold Field: Hopefully HH is prioritized in the parks plan
for guidance.
Kimberly Stiele: Elmo, Downtown: N/A
Kristin Hanneman: Buffer, Central: Astonished by the number of activities taking part in
Central Park.
Anna Pohmer: Burnes, Hilltop: N/A Slindee reported slide is broken and closed.
Dre Jefferson: Cottageville, Park Valley: N/A
Emily Waitz: Minnehaha Creek Preserve, Valley: At Minnehaha Creek Preserve, consider
cleaning up posts around drainage pipes.
Matthew Miller: Oakes, Hiawatha Oakes Preserve: NTR (nothing to report)
Future Youth Member(s): Shady Oak Beach, Interlachen Park: N/A
The board will discuss park assignments at the September meeting.
AUGUST 22, 2022
There being no further business to come before the Park Board and upon a motion by
Hanneman, second by Waitz, the meeting was unanimously adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lizzie Miller, Administrative Assistant
Meg Slindee ark Board Chair