CR 95-07 Amend Section 930 of the Hopkins City Code Alarm Systems
December 27, 1994 ~ Council Report 95-7
Proposed Action
Staff recommends that the Council approve the following motion: Move that the Hopkins City Council
approve Ordinance #94-751 for first reading.
Adoption of this motion will begin the process of amending the City Code regarding alarm systems.
Section 930 of the City Code regulates alarm systems. The language needs to be updated to bring it into
conformance with current City practice. This ordinance also addresses such issues as automatic dialing
devices and audible alarms that are not covered in the current code.
Primary Issues to Consider
. . Will this ordinance require any change in City procedures or require additional City spending?
This ordinance merely brings the City Code in line with current practice, No additional funds will need
to be expended.
. Will this ordinance require alarm owners to make any changes or spend additional funds?
Again, this ordinance merely codifies current City practices. Alarm owners should not have to spend
any additional funds. This ordinance, however, does prohibit automatic dialing devices and audible
alarms that sound for more than 15 minutes. These provisions may affect alarm owners in the future.
1. Approve Ordinance #94-751 for first reading.
2. Make changes to Ordinance #94-751.
3. Do not approve Ordinance #94-751 for first reading.
Staff recommends Alternative # 1.
Supportin2 Information
. Ordinance #94-751.
.J ~
. ORDINANCE NO. 94-751
The City Council of the City of Hopkins does hereby ordain:
SECTION l. That Section 930.03, Subdivision 2 be amended to read as follows:
Subd. 2. "Alarm" means a single transmission from any alarm installation
which summons police, fire, or medical personnel.
SECTION 2. That Section 930.03, Subdivision 4 be amended to read as follows:
Subd. 4. "Alarm installation" or "alarm system" means any mechanical,
electrical, or electronic device which directly or indirectly summons ~ police,
fire or medical personnel dcp~rtment of the city.
SECTION 3. That Section 930.03, Subdivision 5 be amended to read as follows:
Subd. 5. "Alarm user" means thc perGon in control of ~ny any person, owner,
occupant, tenant, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or
organization of any kind upon whose premises, building, structure, or facility :i:-fl:
~ an alarm inGt~ll~tion system is maintained.
. SECTION 4. That Section 930.03, Subdivision 7 be amended to read as follows:
Subd. 7. "Automatic dialing device" means a device which is interconnected
with a telephone line and is designed or prograrruned to select a predetermined
telephone number and transrni t by voice message or code signal an emergency message
indicating the need for emergency police, fire, or medical department services.
SECTION 5. That Section 930.03, Subdivision 8 be amended by deleting the current
language and replacing it in its entirety:
Subd. 8. "F.J.lcc ~l.).rHl" HlCan.3 an alarHl Giqnal clicitinq J. rC.:Jpon::;c by fire,
police, or .:J~fcty personnel ',?hcn J. cituJ.tion requiring J. rcaponac dacG not in fact
cHi.:JtJ thc tcrm dOC3 not includc J. .oign~l cau.:Jcd by ~iolcnt condition::; of nature or
other unu::;ual circuffiatanccG not aubjcct ~o thc control of the ~larHl GyatcHl or uac=.
Subd. 8. "False Alarm" means an alarm message or signal initiated and
transmitted either automatically or manually through an alarm system which summons a
response by police, fire or medical personnel when no fire, smoke, criminal
activity, medical or other emergency exists.
"False Alarm" shall also mean the failure or refusal of an alarm user or authorized
designee to respond upon request to the activated alarm system location to assist
police/fire personnel, whether or not an emergency exists.
"False Alarm" DOES NOT include an alarm caused by violent conditions of nature,
utili ty line mishaps, power outages or other unusual circumstances which are
determined to be beyond the control of the alarm system or user.
.------- -.-..
SECTION 6. That Section 930.05, Subdivision 4 be amended to read as follows:
. Subd. 4. Exemption. Alarm system permits are not required for the use or
operation of those alarms affixed to motor vehicles. automobileG or c'.mer installed
.J.udiblc alarms ',:hen uDed in a priv'ate d~;elling.
SECTION 7. That Section 930.07, be amended by deleting the current language and
replacing it in its entirety:
930.07. F.J.loc .:ll.:lrms: chargca, fcea. Subdi.;i aion 1. nepert. " falsc al.:lrm
. .
ahall be reported in '.,'ri ting te the city by the perDon a\ffiing or maintaining .:lny
alarm syoteffi, '.:hi ah report, among other information, mUDt deDeribe the .:ll.:lrm system
,:md the rc.:lS on for Duch f.:ll~e .:ll.J.rm.
Subd. 2. F.J.loe .:llarm chargeD. Subject to the eKemption:> herein :3et forth the
chargcD, Hhich shall be paid by the holder to the city for each f.:lloc alarm
from the permitted prcmioco, oct forth in Ch.J.pter X. (.'\mended Ord. No. 91 680J
Subd. 3. Disconnection3. If a fa13C .J.l.:lrffi ah.:lrge rem.J.ino unpaid beyond 60
d.:lYo from the d.:l~e of billinq, the .:ll.:lrm terminal involved ahall be di:Jconnected .:It
the police or f're headqu.J.rtera until payment i3 re eei ';ed. If .J.n .J.l.J.rm inot.:lll.:ltion
helD .J.I.:lrmo conveyed by .J. oeeurity comp;my or other organi::ation, it .Jh.:lll be
notified that re3ponoc to ouch .J.larm ',:ill not be made unle:J:J the emergency io
~onfirmed by .J. Leoponoible peLaon.
930.07 False Alarm Fees. Subdivision 1. For each Police false alarm in excess
of four per calendar year (January 1 through December 31) r a fee shall be paid by
the permi t holder to the City of Hopkins. This fee shall be set by City Council
. Subd. 2. False Alarm Billing. If a false alarm charge remains unpaid
beyond 60 days, unpaid fees and late payment penalties may be collected by assessing
the amounts against the property where the false alarm occurred, in the manner
provided in (whatever code/ordinance is appropriateJ. In addition, unpaid charges
may result in the alarm, security company or other organization being notified that
response by police, fire or medical personnel will not be made unless the emergency
is confirmed by a responsible person.
SECTION 8. That Section 930.09, be added to read as follows:
930.09 Prohibited Acts. Subdivision 1. Automatic Dialing Devices. No person
shall use or cause to be used any automatic dialing device that automatically
selects any telephone line to the City, police, fire or any of its departments or
Subd. 2. Testing of Equipment. No alarm system designated to summon police,
fire or medical personnel shall be tested or demonstrated without first notifying
the police department. The unannounced testing of equipment which results in
noti fi ca tion and response by poli ce, fire or medical personnel shall be in
violation of this section and designated as a false alarm.
Subd. 3. Intentional False Alarms. No personal shall intentionally activate
a false alarm or otherwise, directly or indirectly, cause a false response of
police, fire, medical personnel.
SECTION 9. That Section 930.11, be added to read as follows:
930.11 Audible Alarms. Alarm systems with audible sounds shall not sound for a
. period exceeding 15 minutes unless otherwise authorized.
SECTION 10. The effective date of this ordinance shall be twenty days after
. First Reading: January 3, 1995
Second Reading: January 17, 1995
Date of Publication: January 25, 1995
Effective Date of Ordinance: February 14, 1995
Charles D. Redepenning, Mayor
James A. Genellie, City Clerk
City Attorney Signature Date
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