CR 95-19 Taxicab Licenses
February 1, 1995 ~ Council Report 95-19
Proposed Action
Staff recommends that the Council approve the following motion: Move that the Hopkins City Council
approve Ordinance #95-757 for first reading.
Adoption of this motion will begin the process of amending the City Code regarding taxicab licenses.
Section 1110 of the City Code regulates taxicab licenses. The language needs to be updated to bring it into
conformance with current City practice. Practices such as issuing a certificate of public convenience and the
licensing of taxicab drivers are not part of the current licensing system. In addition the ordinance removes
language requiring the City Council to review rate changes. Finally, in keeping with some other recent
ordinance amendments, taxicab licenses wi11 no longer have to be approved by the City Council.
e Primary Issues to Consider
. Will this ordinance require any change in City procedures or require additional City spending?
This ordinance merely brings the City Code in line with current practice. No additional funds will need
to be expended.
. What are the justifications for these changes?
This ordinance removes outdated language from the City Code. It no longer makes any sense for the
City of Hopkins to review the rates charged by taxicabs. These companies have standard rates
throughout the metro area. The requirement for City Council approval is removed because once
someone meets the requirement for the license, it must be issued to them. It is extremely difficult for
the City Council to deny a license to someone who has met all of the City's criteria without being
arbitrary and capricious.
SUDPortin!! Information
. Ordinance #95-757.
. Summary of Ordinance #95-757
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e James A Genellie
City Clerk
This ordinance amends Section 1HO of the Hopkins City Code to bring it into
confomance with current practices regarding the licensing of taxicabs. The
following changes were made:
1. All references to a "certificate of public convenience" are deleted.
2. All references to a "community center transit system (CCTS)" are
3. The requirements are changed regarding information about the vehicles
used as taxicabs that must be provided to the City.
4. Licenses will no longer have to be approved by the City Council.
5. Language giving the Council the ability to set or review rates charged
by taxicabs is deleted.
6. All references to licensing taxicabs drivers by the City are deleted.
7. The language regarding taxicab service is amended.
e A printed copy of the entire ordinance is available from the City Clerk and at
the Hopkins library.
First Reading of Ordinance #95-757: February 7, 1995
Second Reading of Ordinance #95-757 and
approval of the summary of Ordinance #95-757: February 21, 1995
Date of Publication of the Summary: March 1, 1995
Effective Date of Ordinance: March 21, 1995
Ordinance #95-727
The City Council of the City of Hopkins does hereby ordain:
SECTION 1. That Section 1110.01 be amended to read as follows:
1110.01. Definitions. Subdivision 1. For purposes of this section the terms
defined in this subsection have the meanings given them.
Subd. ? . "Call bOle :::;t.J.nd" mC:lWJ .J. deoignnted place along :l :Jtreet or
oloo....hero ....hich the council h:lD author'zed a holdcr of .J. of public
convenience .J.nd necco:::;ity to install a telephone or 0:.111 bolt for the taking of
co.ll:::; .J.nd the diopatching of t.J.J[
Subd. 3. "Certificate" meana .J. ccrtific:ltc of public oon'v'Cniencc and
necc33ity i:JDued by the council authorizing the holder thereof to conduct a
t.J.xic.J.b buoineoo in the city.
It Subd. L "CruiDing" me.J.n:::; thc dri ';ing of a t,:mic.J.b on thc otrecto,
.J.lleyo, or public pl:.1ceo of the eity In ocarch of, or soliciting proopective
paooengcro for hire.
Subd. 5. "Chauffeur's license" means the license granted by the state
to a person to drive a motor vehicle, truck, or taxicab upon the streets of
the city or elsewhere for hire or as a chauffeur.
Subd. 6. "Dri ver r S license" means the license granted by the state to
a person to drive a motor vehicle upon the streets of the city.
Subd. 7. "Holdcr" RlC.1no .J. peroon to ....hom .J. certificD.te of public
con';enience and ncceooity hao been iooued.
Subd. 8. "Hanifeot" meano 0. d.J.ily record by a taxica.b driver
of .J.ll trip::; made by the dri ';er oho.;ing timc .J.nd place of origin, deotination,
numb e T of paoocngcro, and the amount of faTe of each trip.
Subd. 9. "Operator" means a person owning or having control of the
use of one or more taxicabs used for hire upon the streets or engaged In the
business of operating a taxicab within the city.
Subd. 10. "fl.;J.te card" ffiCan:3 a card uoed by the holdcr in taJti cab
for diGplaying the r.J.tc3 of then in force.
Subd. 11. "Taxicab" or "taxi" means a motor vehicle regularly engaged
in the business of carrying passengers for hire, having a seating capacity of
less than eight passengers and not operated on a fixed route.
Subd. 12. "Taxicab stand" means a public place along the curb of a
street or elsewhere, In the city which has been designated by the manager as
. being reserved exclusively for the use of taxicabs.
Ordinance #95-727
Subd. 13. "Taximeter" means any mechanical instrument or device
. attached to a taxicab which measures mechanically the distance driven and the
waiting time upon which the fare is based or both, and upon which the taxi
charge is indicated by figures.
Subd. H. "Waiting time" mean3 the time ",/hen a t(l]Ei cab iG not in
motion froffi the time of .:J.cceptancc of a paaaenger or paGGengcr3 to the time of
diooh.:J.rge, the term doe:J not include tiffie during r,;rhich the t.:J.xic.:J.b i:J not In
motion for .:J.ny rC.:J.oon other than the rcque:Jt, (lct or fnult of .:J. p.:J.:J:Jenger or
SECTION 2. That Section 1110.03 be deleted in its entirety.
11l0.03. T.:J.}{i 0 : aervioeG. T.:J.xic.:J.b Gerviceo may be furniGhed in the
folloT"Ting categoric:J and mLlnner:
a+ Special demnnd ta}[i cu.b Gcrvioe under the cOHlHlunity center tranoit
:Jyotem (CCTS] program r.;hich permit3 providing cab tranGport:l.tion for
one or more unrelated or othen.rl:Je uf!connected p.:J.:Joengero, from
differcnt :l.ddrcGoed and 10c.:J.tion:J upon call \:i thout the eon:Jcnt of
any p.:l:Joengero (llre.:J.dy in occup.:J.ncy of the c:l.b. CCTS t.:l]{ieaba ohall
prominently diaplay by card or other 3ign the letter:J CCTS or CCTS
c.:lb I/hile eng.:J.ged if! special demand Gervioe.
e+ I1.cgul.:J.r t.:J.H cab oec;ice :Jhall carry no perGono other than the peroon
firot employing the tald cab ',:i thout the conoent of 3uch per:Jon.
SECTION 3. That Section 1110.05 be deleted in its entirety.
11lO.OS. Certifie<:ltc of public cow.'enience and ncceaoity. SubdiviGion 1.
e Certificate required. No per:Jon ohall opernte or permit a talticab or
controlled by th<:lt per::lDn to be operated ao a vehicle for hire UpOf! the
otreet:J of the city \:ithout h(lving firot obtained a certific.:lte of publi::
convenience and neceaoity from the oouncil.
Subd. 2. }'.ppli oa tion for ccrti ficate. .'\n application for .J.
certificate ohall be :::iled ',nth the clerJe upon forma provided by the city.
The .lpplication 3hall be '..erificd under J.nd ohall furnioh at lea.:::;t the
follo',:ing informatiof!:
-ta+ the name and addrcGo of the applicant;
-fb+ applie.lnt' G fin.:lnci<ll at<ltu.3, including the amount3 of all unpaid
judgmento againot the applicant and the name of the trJ.noaction or
acta giving rioe to :J.:lid judgment3'
+e+ the e1Epcrience of the .:lpplicaf!t in the tranoportation of p:l.oaengero,
+Ei-l- the number of the J.pplici"ul.t' 0 driver'o ;Ind chauffeur'o licenoeo, ao
....ell 0.3 ouch numbero of any and all employeeG intended by the
;Ipplic;J.nt to be uDed to be employed ao taxicab driver31
+e+ the number of vehioleG to be operJ.ted or controlled by the
+B- the color Gcheme and in:Jignia to be uoed to dC:Jign<:lte the vehiole or
vehicleo of the applicant,
+t+- ouoh further information a3 the city oouneil may require.
Thc :J.pplic<:lnt oh;J.ll 3tate in the application any f;J.ct.3 or other evidence Hhich
the applic.:lnt belic"'eo tend to prove that public convenience and neceooity
require the granting of a certificate.
Ordinance #95-727
Bubd. 3. Public he.:lring. Upon the filing of an .:lpplic;:ltion for .:l
. certific;)te, the council ahall fiH ,) time 3.nd place for a public hearing
thereon. Notice of ouch hearing oh-J.ll be qiven to the .:lpplic.:lnt .:lnd to ,)11
pCrGOFHl to ,,rhoi'll certificatco of public con':enience .:lnd neceooity have
prc:ioualy heen iaQued :lnd rel'll,)in valid. Due notice ohall .:lloo be gi ':en the
qener,)l public by pooting -J. notice of Guch hearing in the city h;lll. The
council !flu}' in 3.ddition to the .:lbove, C:luoe one public-J.tion of ouch notice in
the official neHOp3.pCr of the city, ouch publication to be not le:3o than five
d.:lya prior to the d:lte of ouch hea.ring. ~~y intercated perGono I'Il.:lY file ',<1 th
the olerk .:l memorandul'll in aupport of or oppoaition to the iGouancc of a
Subd. L Ioouance of ccrtifico.te. If the council findo that t.:lxiea.b
aervicc or further tallicab :Jervice In the city io required by the public
convenience and neceooity and th.:lt the applic.:lnt io fit, '.:ill ing and .:lble to
perform ouch public tran3port.:ltion and to conforl'll to the proviaions of thio
Dection, .:lnd any regul-J.tionG or rulcG promulgated thereunder by the I'IlClnager,
then the council ohall direct the cler]{ to iOGue a certificate of convenience
ot.:lting the name Clnd uddrcoa of the applic.:lnt, the number of ":ehiclcG
authorized, ;)nd the do.te of ioouClnce. The applic:ltion 3hall be denied if the
council doc::; not 30 find. In m.:lking the .:lbove findingo, the council oho.ll
tCl]{e into conaideration the numb e r of t:lHicab3 alre3.dy in oper;:!tion, l,,rhethcr
C}rioting tr:moport3.tion la o.dequate to meet thc public need, the probable
effect of incrCClaed aervice on 10c;:11 traffic condition3 and upon ouch tQ.xicClb
Gervice, :md thc chQ.ructer, e1rperience Q.nd rcoponoibility of thc .:lpplic:lnt.
Thc council l'Ilay require in connection '.;i th ouch ioauance, the pooting of Cln
indemnity bond or Ibbili ty insurance 38 may be rCCl:Jonubly neceoo.:lry for the
protection of perGon and property and for the compliClnce by such holder '.;ith
thio Dection, ot.:lte statuteG Q.nd re~ulD.tiona pertaining thereto.
. SECTION 4. That Section 1110.07, Subdivision 1 be amended to read as follows:
1110.07. Operators. subdivision 1. License. No person operates a
taxicab within the city limits without first having obtained a taxicab license
therefor from the city and paying the license fee required by City Council
Resolution. An applicant for a taxicab license must:
a) be a citizen of the United States;
b) be 21 years of age or older if a natural person, and in the case of
any co-partnership, firm or corporation, must be authorized to
operate taxicabs and carry on business in accordance with the laws
of the state of Minnesota;
Ordinance #95-727
c) fill out the form provided by the city providing a statement
. covering each vehicle to be so licensed containing the following
info rma tion: (i) the full name and address of the owner; (il) the
cIcIO;) ~uld passenger c~rrying capacity of ouch vehicle) (iii) the
length of time the 'o'ehicle h:lG been in UDCI (iv) the make of car;
(\{ ) the engine nuftlber; (vi) the serial number i (viil the tj-pe of
hOOyt- (viii) the state license number; (i}{ ) '.:hether the .3Qlfle io
mortgaged, and if it ie, the naffie of the Iflortgagee ;::md tbe amount of
:Juch fflortgcHj"c, (J[ ) the helder of the lcqal title to ouch motor
vehicle, if other th,:m the applicant) or ',.'hether oaid 'o'chicle ia
le.J.:Jed, licen::;cd, or under.;J.ny form of contr;J.ct permitted to be u.3ed
und operated by some other peroon than the one holdinq legal title
thereto) (lei l the nQ.HlC of the. perGon \lhich eolleet::l the revenueD
from the opero.tion of :Jueh taJ[icabG and pays the cJ[penoeo of
operClting the .3aRle) (xii) the naffie or nameo of the proposed driverG
ef the t;J.xicabG, their ageo and .:tddre;JGCD (xiii) and such other and
further information as the manager may from time to time require.
In the event of a change of driver for any licensed taxicab, the
licensee must forthwith inform the manager of the name, age and
address of the new driver.
SECTION 5. That Section 1110.07, Subdivision 3 be amended to read as follows:
Subd. 3. Granting license. If all requirements of this Section are
met, the manager or designee shall issue a license. If the Hl;lnager i:J
3;lti3fled that the public c~nvenience and good order \<ill be ::;ero'ed thereby, a
licence may be granted. The licenoe ahall be given a number and :Jhall contain
the number ;;l.Rd ~n adequ;lte deGcfiption of the t~ulie~b licenoed thereunder.
- SECTION 6. That Section 1110.07, Subdivision 4 be amended to read as follows:
Subd. 4. Display. The owner or operator of a licensed taxicab shall
display the Hopkins' license number. eaUGe to be painted Of printed upon each
JUC~ vehicle i; plain legible lcttcro the HordG HHopkinG taJ[icab licenoe".
SECTION 7. That Section 1110.09 be deleted in its entirety.
1110.09. I1ate3. nQ.tCG charged for conveyance in taHicab:J 3rc filwd by
reGolution of the council from time to time, I'.:n operutor or talti caB driver
may not char'3'e .J. p.1oGcnqer .:t rate in CHCCDG of the fined ratc. I\ pao:Jenger
ahall, upon de.ffl.1.nd, rocel 'o'e a receipt for the fare from the dfi "o'er. If
taldRlctcr3 arc uc::;cd, they :3hall be. firGt appro'o'cd by the ffl<lnagcr Hith Cil3C and
go;).!: intact and be ltcpt aecur;:;.te ar.d in ',iOr]{ing condition cmd in plain vie.; of
the paooenger.
Ordinance #95-727
SECTION 8. That Section 1110.11 be amended to read as follows:
. 1110.1l. Stands. Licensed taxicabs -s-fta-H. may, when not in motion, be
parked at stands designated for that purpose from time to time by resolution
of the council. The resolution shall also designate the number of taxicabs
which may be stationed at a stand. No taxicab shall remain parked at the head
of a column of two or more taxicabs at a stand for more than one hour. No
taxicab driver shall solicit passengers as fares except when traveling around
the streets or at a regularly designated stand. No driver shall dismount from
a taxicab for the purpose of soliciting passengers. A driver may dismount
from the cab to assist a passengers entering the taxicab and dismounting
therefrom. No taxicab shall park within 30 feet of any crosswalk unless that
portion of the street has been designated as a taxicab stand. Only licensed
taxicabs may park at a taxicab stand.
SECTION 9. That Section 1110.13 be amended to read as follows:
1110.13. Drivers. No person, either the operator or employee of such
opera tor, shall drive any taxicab in the city without first having been
licensed as a chauffeur. The d:rive:r ahall di.Jpluy chuuffeur'o licefiGe
conGpicuou::>ly upon coat or cap. They :Jhull obtuin from the city a taJd
d:ri '' G permit by ffiaking upplicution therefor in ...ri ting to the clerk upon a
form to be furni:Jhed by the clcrk. The application Ghall be accomp.:mied by
tHO photographa of the upplicant. " taxicab dri 'Jer or opcro.tor mo.}" not be
leoo than 21 yearo of age. " driver ohall during operution of any tanicab,
. .
ha";c conapicuoualy diapLJ.yed in ouch ta}dCClb a copy of the picture on file
',.i th the city.
. SECTION 10. That Section 1110.17 be amended to read as follows:
1110.17. Taxicab service. Per:Jono engaged in the ta}(ieab buaineGo in thc
city ohall render overall CJer'.rice to the public dcoiring to uce t.:lHiC;:lbo.
Ho1dero of certificuteo of public convenience and neeeooity ahall maintain il
centrul place of buoineoo und keep the Dame open 21- hourG i1 day for thc
purpooe of receiving callo .1nd diop.J.tching taxicabs. They ahall anOHcr 0.11
CulL:; recei ';cd by them for ocrvice::; "Ji thin the corporate limitCJ of thc city aD
ooon 0.0 they can do :JO, and if Gaid Gcrvice C.1nnot be rendered ,Ii thin a
reaGonable time, they oha1l thcn notify the proapective p;J.oGengero aa to the
time it "lill be bcfore aaid call can be',.ered and further .3tate the reaoon
therefor. }\n. y holder ....ho ohull refUGe to accept 0. c.)ll in the city at any
time ".hen ouch holder haa an :J.vuiluble cab or ".ho oh.1l1 f.:lil or refuoe to
render good efficient overall :Jer;icc .:::;hull be deemed a '..iolutor of thb
oection und the certificatc granted to ouch holder m;J.y be revo Ired by the
council. T ;:l}(i c;:lb:) from other juri.:::;dictiono not holding 11 certificate of
public neceooity and convenience from the city muy deliver in municipo.litieo
outaide the corporate limit::> of the city und muy pick up paoGcngcrG '..i thin the
city upon call by Guch paooengcr:J for delivery to uIlY point outoidc the
::orporute limi to of the city and muY pick up paoGengcrG '..i thin the city upon
call by ouch paooengera for delivery to uny point out::;idc the corporate limito
of the city. l\n unlicensed taxi may not solicit any passengers within nor
shall any such taxicab pick up any passengers within the city for any
destination within the city.
Ordinance #95-727
SECTION 11. That Section 1110.19 be amended to read as follows:
. 1110.19. Miscellaneous regulations. Subdivision 1- Drivers. Taxicab
drivers shall be clean and courteous at all times.
Subd. 2. Prohibitions.
a) No driver of a licensed taxicab engaged in regular conventional cab
service shall carry any other than the person first employing such
taxicab without the consent of such passenger.
b) No person shall charge, or attempt to charge, any passenger a
greater rate or fare than that to which the taxicab is entitled
under the resolution of the council or the rates established by the
Metropolitan Transit Commission in the case of special demand cab
c) No taxicab driver shall deceive any passenger who may ride with him
or who may desire to ride in such vehicle as to his destination or
distance traveled or to be traveled.
d) Every taxicab shall be provided with windows in the tonnCilU
sufficient in number and of such size and dimensions that at all
times persons may be readily seen through such windows with
sufficient distinctness to identify such persons or passengers.
e+- 1\ taJricilb, '.lhene'Jer -lnd ~lhile eng;:lged or dC:Jign;:lt::d .:10 a special
demand t.:11dc.:1b, :Jh;:lll prominently di:3play by card or other :3ign the
letters ceTS or seTS cab.
SECTION 12. The effective date of this ordinance shall be twenty days after
. First Reading of Ordinance #95-757: February 7, 1995
Second Reading of Ordinance #95-757 and
approval of the summary of Ordinance #95-757: February 21, 1995
Date of Publication of the Summary: March 1, 1995
Effective Date of Ordinance: March 21, 1995
Charles D. Redepenning, Mayor
James A. Genellie, City Clerk
. City Attorney Signature Date
Ordinance #95-727