Memo Worksession on March 28
. '0 .
DATE: MARCH 23, 1995
What follows 1S a more detailed discussion of the agenda items for the
Worksession on March 28.
1. 6:30 Introduction
Opening comments by Mayor and brief overview of agenda.
II. 6:35-7:00 Update by Representatives of the Arts Facility
Steering Committee
,'. Overview of. process undertaken by the ArLs Facility st"ering .....
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Arts Facility Steering Committee.
Discussion of general purpose of Community Arts Center - Kate
Kinnich, member of the Arts Facility Steering Committee.
Update on tenant space needs and usage as researched over the past
5 - 10 months - Steve Barberio, member of the Arts Facility
Steering Committee.
III. 7:00-7:15 Overview of Development Process
Provide a brief overview of the development process beginning with
the flvisioningll step and proceeding through to construction, as
detailed in the attached information entitled Arts Facility
Implementation Process.
IV. 7:15-8:30 Discuss Fundamental Issues
The following two fundamental lssues should be addressed at this
1) Is now the appropriate time to begin a process which would .
ultimately result in construction of an Arts Facility?
---- . - -
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March 28th Worksession
. As the HRA/Council lS aware, the initial resolution
committing $1.5 million to an Arts Facility was dependent
upon a private development taking place on the Suburban
Chevrolet site. This issue relates directly to whether or
not the HRA/Council feels that the Beard project "private
development II lS far enough along to be assured of a
construction start in the fall of 95.
2) What does each Councilmernber envision in an Arts Facility?
This issue will involve each Councilmernber discussing their
respective concepts and ideas about an Arts Facility. The
following questions are appropriate to ask as part of this
- What types of uses should be a part of the project?
0 Strictly arts related uses?
0 Other services provided such as daycare?
0 Meeting rooms/banquet facilities?
0 Tenants?
- What are the site issues or physical elements
Councilmernbers see as being high priorities within the
. project?
Site location, north side of Sub. Chev.
0 Two-story building vs. single-story?
0 500 vs 750 seat auditorium?
0 Balcony?
0 Parking on site?
V. 8:30-9:00 Discussion and Future Activity
Staff will discuss with the HRA/Council the future process and
schedule which could be undertaken by the Council.
If the HRA/Council wishes to proceed with the Arts Facility
project, staff anticipates the need for a facilitator at upcoming
meetings of the HRA/Council. A facilitator would provide the
level of technical expertise necessary to answer various questions
and aid the HRA/Council, together with the Arts Facility Steering
Committee, in building consensus for a facility.
Attached is information on Art Space, Inc. which could provide
such services. Staff will also provide information on the 28th on
two other individuals/firms which would be able to provide
. facilitation services. There would be a cost associated with all
of these firms.
- .- - .
A. Purpose
To build consensus among Council members related to
exploring various aspects of undertaking construction of an
arts facility in addition to defining the basic parameters
of such a project.
B. Timetable
April-May 1995
C. Activities
council may meet three or four times over the next couple
months to address fundamental issues. First meeting March
28 at which representatives of the Arts Facility Steering
Committee would provide results of their activities to date.
It would seem appropriate at some time in this process to
allow public input and discussion.
Issues to be addressed: .
1. Purpose of the facility.
2 . Physical elements of facility.
3 . Types of uses within the facility.
4. Public input/review process.
5. Project timetable.
D. Comments
1. Major part of this process is for the Council to answer
fundamental questions about timing and the construction
of such a public facility in the broad sense.
2 . Steering Committee, based on its analysis, has determined
that a facility which will meet a majority of their needs
would be approximately 28,000-30,000 square feet and cost
approximately $3 million.
3 . Proposed major tenants:
a. Child's Play Theater
b. Youth Ballet Company
c. Hopkins School District 270 (potential)
d. Hopkins Area Arts Association
----- --- --- ---
A. Purpose
To define the level of tenant commitment to the project.
B. Timetable
May-June 1995
C. Activities
1. Prepare and negotiate preliminary letters of intent.
2. Council approval and execution.
D. Comments
1. Agree upon the amount of capital to be provided for
construction of the facility and at what time in this
process those dollars will be available from the
tenant(s) .
2. Agree upon the amount of annual operating dollars (rent)
to be provided by each tenant.
3. Agree upon the general level of tenant usage of the
"community spaces" within the facility.
A. Purpose
Define sources of funding and project costs.
B. Timetable
May-June 1995
C. Activities
1- Review available sources of funding and compare to
estimated costs to define operating gap and capital gap.
2. Identify alternative funding sources to cover anticipated
D. Comments
The activities will need to be ongoing throughout the
process as costs become more defined.
JK0314 5A
A. Purpose
The project manager would act as an agent of the City in
overseeing all project construction tasks, in addition to
overseeing the architect. The architect would prepare the
preliminary and final design/construction plans.
B. Timetable
May-July 1995
C. Activities
1. Prepare Request for Proposals document.
~ 2. Review with Council.
3. Solicit responses to Request for Proposals.
4. Selection/interview process.
5. General public input, Council approval, and award of
D. Comments
1. Need to have these individuals involved in the process at
an early stage.
2. This task will require funds. .
3 . Contracts for these individuals would allow for
termination if, at a future date, a decision was made not
to proceed with the project.
4. Project manager is one of a number of approaches to this
5. project manager activities would involve the following.
a. Assist in hiring of architect.
b. Oversee preparation of plans.
c. Prepare cost estimates.
d. Facilitate bid process.
e. Oversee construction.
A. Purpose
Prepare the various levels of architectural design of a
B. Timetable
July 1995-April 1996
1. Schematic design: 8-10 weeks e
2. Design development: 4-6 weeks
3 . Construction documents: 3-4 months
--- --.-
. C. Activities
Each of the above three phases would involve the following
l. Preparation of plans.
2. Cost estimate prepared by project manager.
3. Review by tenants.
4. Review by City Council and general public.
A. Purpose
Refine operational costs, management issues, and policy
B. Timetable
September-December 1995
C. Activities
Facility Management:
. l. Prepare scope of work.
2. Review with Council.
, 3. Solicit proposal.
4. Review City staffing alternatives.
5. Prepare recommendation for Council.
Operational Costs:
l. Architect prepares schematic design.
2. Architect prepares estimates of operating costs.
Policy Issues:
l. Determine policies related to traffic and
2. Review with staff/impacted group and general public.
3. Implement recommendations.
D. Comments
1- Staff has previously estimated annual
operational/management costs to be approximately $7.78
per square foot. For 30,000 square feet facility this
would equate to approximately $233,400 per year.
2. Management/Maintenance could involve either a private
. firm, City staff, or a combination.
-- -- --
A. Pur?ose
Final commitment by tenants to project.
B. Timetable
November 1995-January 1996
c. Activities
1- Meet with tenants.
2 . Prepare draft leases.
3 . Secure tenant approval.
4 . council approval and execution.
A. Purpose
Secure contracts for construction of project. Undertake
construction of project.
B. Timetable
June 1996-March 1997 .
c. Activities
1. Prepare bid documents.
2 . Advertise for proposal.
3 . Award contracts.
4. start construction.
March 21, 1995 M L
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for MaKi"C A,!
Mr. Jim Kerrigan
Planning and Economic Development
city of Hopkins
1010 First street South
Hopkins, Minnesota 55343
Dear Jim: ~
Thank you for meeting with me for lunch on Monday. I enjoyed I
our discussions of the proposed Hopkins Arts Facility and .
appreciated an update on the project.
The discussions were fruitful; we feel poised to move foward.
The project has incredible potential.
As we discussed, the next step before full development of the
building would a feasibility analysis. In addition to the
. review of existing materials, the meetings with potential users
and audiences, and the preliminary study of potential sources
and uses, Artspace proposes to accomplish the attached workplan.
This feasibility study would include Artspace I s hiring of an
architect to develop initial schematics of the project, a
theatre design specialist, and possibly other engineers to
insure the long term viability of the center. As part of its !~
final report, Artspace will present to the City council and .
Administration preliminary construction numbers based on all the .
material available at that point in the project. The city .
leadership will then have enough information to choose whether I
or not to proceed with the entire development p~oject. . (
This feasibility work would take approximately four months. At I
the end of that tim.e, efforts could begin in earnest on the
approximate two year predevelopment periOd, culminating in the .
final year of construction. Then we could all enjoy the grand
opening celebration in Hopkins. Real estate development is a !
fluid process; we need to talk more about what exactly :
constitutes the feasibility process. We hope the attached plan .
can be used as a tool to begin this effort.
Artspace anticipates the feasibility analysis could be completed
for $30,000. We are willing to break this into four $7,500 ARTSPAGE
. monthly payments if this 1S preferable to the city Council. PROJECTS.
This number does not reflect any legal fees for land acquisition ~~~
or site plan approval processes, which we understand to be part SUlTE111
of the city's development activities. If the Hopkins Council .
and the Artspace Board are ready to make this commitment,
Artspace is ready to work.
In addition, I would like to give you a framework to the overall
development process that Artspace would use if we were asked to
be the project manager or developer for the project beyond the
feasibility phase. Please review the attached Development
Matrix which outlines much of the work Artspace would do over
the next two years.
We are excited about working in the Hopkins community. We look
foward to hearing from you.
cc: John Burg, Artspace Projects Board Chair
Rich Martin, Immediate Past Board Chair
Jim Adams, Chair, Space Development Task Force
Proposed Artspace Workplan for Hopkins Arts Facility
. Feasibility Study Only
Determine if the site is appropriate for intended use.
Determine if the site is a draw for potential users and audiences.
Identify strengths and weaknesses for design phase.
Follow-up wiili potential users, pursue initial letters of commitment
Review desires of audiences and users.
Incorporate users' needs into initial design.
Construction and Design:
Produce initial design concept that incorporates the needs of main user groups and reflects
the will of the City.
. Interview architect and determine schematics.
Work with theater consultants and engineers to fIne tune overall concept.
Develop preliminary construction costs and construction schedule scenario.
Review current fmancing and gap concepts.
Update overall fmancing as required. by new numbers.
Make presentation of revised project costs and projections.
Ownershi p/Operations:
Develop very preliminary operating projections.
Continue discussions on a management plan that will work for users and market.
(Artspace does not act as a property manager).