Memo Federal Grant - Additional Officer
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Chief Earl L Johnson
DATE: April 28, 1995
The Congress of the United States adopted the Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act during the 1994 session. Under this program $165 million dollars in grants
would be made available to state, local and other public law enforcement agencies which serve
populations under fifty thousand.
The grant stipulates that the funds not be used to replace officers currently budgeted for
by the agency. In other words, any hiring under the grant must be in addition to, and not in lieu
of, previous hiring plans. The primary focus of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Act is to SPEED the DEPLOYMENT of new officers devoted to COMMUNITY policing on
the streets of our community.
e During the past two budget sessions I have had an opportunity to address Council on
departmental goals and objectives, If you will recall our department mission statement and
objectives all focus on the partnership we are developing with our citizens through
COMMUNITY oriented policing. I had als~ indicated that this philosophy requires additional
time and personnel if we are to continue to provide the level of service and the necessary
enforcement coupled with the additional demands of networking and problem solving with the
community. This is an excellent opportunity to take a giant step forward with a portion of the
costs shared with the federal government.
The federal grant provides for 75% of the total salary and benefits for the officer over a
three year period with a maximum of $75,000 per officer. The 1995 costs for an officer are as
Salary $ 32,000
Other Salary Fringe }3,OOO
Total $ 45,000
Three Year Cost $135,000
Grant 75,000
Approx. Cost to City $ 60,000
I strongly encourage that we take advantage of this opportunity and participate in the
. COPS Grant.
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II C:ARI:N(j YO'U'TJ-{ 'D.Jty
Whereas, the J-(opliins Optimists and :Jfopliins J{iBh
Scfioo( wire be yarticiyatinB in a muCti-
community event to recognize tfie youtfi in
our community who have aemonstratea
tlirougli their befiavior and/or CifestyCe tfiat
tliey care about others; and
'Whereas, younB yeoy(e who have invo{vec[ tliem-
serves unselJisliCy in a cause or situation
whicli benefits others wirC be recognizee[ on
e May 3, 1995.
:Now, tlierefore, be it resoCvea tfiat I, Char(es V. Xede-
yenning, :M.ayor of tfie City of :J-{op~ins, do
hereby yrocCaim May 3, 1995 to be
C:Jl1U:N<j Y011'Y'J-{ V:AY
in J-loykins ana carr upon aCC residents in our City to
join in the sa{ute to aC( caring youtli
Wlierejore, I set my hand on tliis second day of :Jvtay,
. Cfiar{es V. Xedepenning, :Mayor
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