Memo 1996-2000 Capital Improvements Plan . [..............................1......................., ........................................................... I - I To; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Steven C. Mielke, City Manage~ Date: August 4, 1995 Subject 1996-2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN The City of Hopkins annually produces a five year Capital Improvements Plan. The plan acts as a guideline to significant capital investments as well as a fiscal planning tool. The purpose of the discussion at the Worksession will be to initiate a review of the proposed e projects and provide an opportunity for discussion with the Council. Attached to this memorandum is a draft projects list showing a summary of the five year expenditures. Yet to be completed is a financial analysis of the projects which will indicate the impact on various funds. Council members are encouraged to look closely at the list and to consider whether any projects have been missed from consideration in this plan. Prior to Council adoption it will receive formal review by the Planning Commission and Park Board. sm08045a . -.