CR 95-204 Stategic Plan for Economic DevelopmentNovember 14, 1995
Proposed Action
Primary Issues to Consider
Supporting Documents
o Revised Strategic Plan
Paul T. Steinman
Community Development Specialist
0 P K
Council Report 95 -204
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to accept the revised Strategic Plan
for Economic Development for the City of Hopkins.
Approval of this action will finalize revisions and modifications that have been made to the City's
Strategic Plan for Economic Development over the past six to eight months. Staff will then
prioritize the action steps within the plan for further discussion with the City Council early 1996.
The City's first Strategic Plan for Economic Development was adopted in 1992. At that time, it
was anticipated that upon completion of an approximately two -year time period, the Strategic
Plan would be revised in order to reflect changes, which may have occurred, that could affect the
City's strategic efforts in economic development. With this in mind, a Strategic Plan Review
Committee was formed early in 1995, and undertook the task of revising and modifying the
original Strategic Plan document.
Revisions and modifications have now been completed, and staff is now requesting and that the
Council accept the revised Strategic Plan for Economic Development.
In early 1996, it is anticipated that staff will bring the Strategic Plan back to the Council to discuss
a prioritization of the approximately 78 action items identified within the Plan.
o What are the major revisions that have been suggested by the Strategic Plan Review
o What is the future process?
Council Report 95 -204
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• Primary Issues to Consider
o What are the major revisions that have been suggested by the Strategic Plan Review
As can be seen in the revised Strategic Plan, the five major issues identified in the original plan
have been retained. These issues are:
• Business Retention/Recruitment
• Neighborhoods
• County Road 3
• Mainstreet
• Citywide Image
It was discussed by the Strategic Plan Review Committee that the major economic
development issues facing the City of Hopkins have not changed significantly since inception
of the Strategic Plan. Goals and supporting action steps under each of these major issues were
modified, however, to reflect specific changes in the economic development environment. The
plan also was revised to reflect action steps that may have been undertaken and fully
accomplished since adoption of the original Strategic Plan.
The addition of a sixth major issue, Youth/Family, to the Strategic Plan created a significant
amount of discussion among the Review Committee. A description of five specific action steps
related to Youth /Family allowed the Review Committee to agree that such an issue is an
appropriate economic development strategy; therefore, the Strategic Plan Review Committee
supports the inclusion of the following major issue, goal, and action steps as part of the City's
revised Strategic Plan for Economic Development:
Foster an environment of awareness in the community regarding the
importance of youth to our social and economic viability.
The need for a strategic focus on the broad variety of youth - related issues
requires the participation of all segments of our community.
Youth play an especially important role in the economic development of a
community. To create a progressive environment for economic development, it is
the responsibility of the City, and its residents, to provide opportunities for and
encourage youth interaction and involvement in Hopkins.
Suggested action steps:
1. Closely examine impacts on youth when considering changes in City services.
2. Develop a Youth Advisory Committee, the purpose of which is to provide
input to the City Council on issues affecting youth in our community.
Council Report 95 -204
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3. Encourage hiring of Hopkins area youth for jobs that are appropriate and may
provide experience, potential career direction, and interaction with business
people, residents, and other members of the community.
4. Improve and maintain communication between City and School District to
develop a more cooperative effort toward achieving the goals of both public
entities, such as youth entrepreneurs.
5. Actively encourage businesses to mentor youth and entrepreneurship.
o What is the future process?
Staff suggests that the future process involve having staff prepare a prioritization process for
the action steps contained within the plan for discussion by the City Council. In addition, staff
will be completing a detailed work plan which identifies how each of the action steps within the
plan is anticipated to be accomplished, by whom, and within what time frame.
The City Council has the following alternatives available to them:
1. Approve the recommended action.
2. Deny the recommended action. This alternative assumes the Council is not interested in
maintaining an economic development strategy or does not entirely concur with the strategy as
revised by the Strategic Plan Review Committee.
3. , Continue the item for further information. Under this alternative, staff would make the
modifications as suggested by the City Council and bring the document before the Council at a
later date for acceptance.
City Council:
Mayor Charles Redepenning
Council Member Robert Anderson
Council Member Frances Hesch
Council Member Charles Kritzler
Council Member Eugene Maxwell
Strategic Planning Task Force:
Mayor Charles Redepenning
Council Member Frances Hesch
Neighborhood Representative Mike Miller
Neighborhood Representative Angela Roesner
Hopkins School District 270 Representative Paul Bengsten
Hopkins Business & Civic Association Representative Nelson Berg
Hopkins Business & Civic Association Representative Mark Senn
Zoning and Planning Commission Member John Hutchison
Zoning and Planning Commission Member Dan Johnson
City Manager Steven Mielke
Planning & Economic Development Director James Kerrigan
Community Development Specialist Paul Steinman
Facilitator Jim Brimeyer
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• Business Retention /Recruitment
• Neighborhoods
• County Road 3
• Mainstreet
• Citywide Image
"Various factors, such as a change in circumstances, budget, and staff considerations, or simply
the passage of time, may, and likely will, cause us to adjust or identify new issues, goals, and
action steps."
As stated in the last sentence of the introduction for Hopkins' first Strategic Plan for Economic
Development, due to such changes, new issues, goals, and economic development action steps now
have been adopted by the City Council in a modified Strategic Plan.
The review process was carried out by a task force - -the Strategic Plan Review Committee -- consisting
of nine members representing the Hopkins City Council, neighborhoods, Hopkins School District 270,
Hopkins Business & Civic Association, and Hopkins Zoning and Planning Commission, and supported
by city staff and a facilitator. This process involved about six meetings and required detailed
revisitation of the action steps under each of the original five major issues. These include:
The process was begun with a report on the action steps accomplished in the original Strategic Plan
for Economic Development. It was the concurrent belief of the Review Committee that the Plan's
original five major issues should remain as priorities within the revised Strategic Plan. The Review
Committee then updated the action steps under the five major issues. Part of this process involved
developing a vision of the social and economic activities which will affect economic development in
Hopkins over the next two -year period.
During the overall process, the Review Committee was reminded of the Strategic Plan's original
mission statement, which was adopted in 1991:
"To improve the economic viability of the community in order to provide an enhanced quality of
life for all participants, while maintaining a recognition of the social consequences of actions
In further support of this mission statement, the Review Committee felt that a sixth major issue should
become a part of the revised Strategic Plan. After determining that the proposed major issue is
tangibly related to economic development, the Review Committee agreed that Youth /Family should
be included in the City of Hopkins Strategic Plan. This issue is currently supported by the goal:
"Foster an environment of awareness in the community regarding the importance of youth to our
social and economic viability."
A description of this issue indicates that youth play an especially important role in the economic
development of a community and, for community policy makers to foster a progressive environment,
it is partially the City Council's responsibility to provide opportunities for youth and encourage youth
interaction and involvement in Hopkins.
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The Review Committee supports the inclusion of Youth /Family as an economic development issue,
and representing the issue are five economic development action steps. The Review Committee
agreed that it sees a benefit to creating a positive environment for youth and families and that this, in
turn, has an impact on the economic development of our community.
We are confident that this strategic planning process provides a well defined blueprint for Hopkins,
and will allow us to provide the necessary focus and direction to the community's economic
development efforts.
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Mayor Charles Redepenning
Councilmember Robert Anderson
Councilmember Frances Hesch
Councilmember Charles Kritzler
Councilmember Eugene Maxwell
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Foster the stability and growth of existing businesses.
An important element in job growth is business retention. A much greater percentage of the
employment base comes from within existing businesses than from recruitment of outside
businesses. With this in mind, the City must focus a great amount of attention toward fostering the
growth of the existing businesses in the community.
Residents also play a major role in fostering the stability and growth of existing businesses.
Residents serve in two capacities relative to their local businesses:
o As customers.
o As people affected by the growth of businesses that may, in turn, affect neighborhoods
and surrounding areas within which they live.
As a City, it is our responsibility to understand the important role of the resident in the process of
maintaining the stability of businesses and helping to manage their growth.
Suggested action steps:
1. Work with developers to initiate an appropriate development on the Hennepin
County Public Works site.
2. Work with large employers of more than 100 people to encourage and accommodate
their expansion needs.
3. Ensure that throughout the period of a planned construction process, pedestrian and
vehicular accesses are protected for the benefit of the local businesses, in addition to
providing appropriately visible signs for consumers and patrons of those businesses.
4. Work with the City's Community Relations Coordinator to provide public awareness to
the residents and local business community regarding the goals of the Strategic
Planning process.
5. Work with local banks, Department of Trade & Economic Development, and Small
Business Administration (SBA) to increase awareness of existing programs that
support business expansion.
6. Establish landscaping programs for all commercial /industrial areas of the City.
7. Undertake a process to assess the market's perceptions of Hopkins and the types of
businesses that are considered desirable and should be retained.
8. Take an inventory of environmentally contaminated sites and identify future plans for
redevelopment/clean -up of those sites.
9 Encourage projects that will help to provide the full range of support services to
employees and local businesses Support and promote "business -to- business"
purchasing of goods and services
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10. As much as is determined appropriate, expand the City's existing programs, such as
the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program and Sign Grant Program, to include
other commercial /industrial areas.
11. Ensure that existing training opportunities are easily accessible for employees of local
businesses through marketing and development of those programs. Facilitate
partnerships between local businesses and institutions, such as Hopkins School
District 270 and Hennepin Technical College, which provide those training
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Induce targeted business and industry to locate in Hopkins.
The recruitment of outside business and industry has to be an integral part of every city's business
retention and recruitment efforts. In a city such as Hopkins, where only a small percentage of land is
available for development, specific types of business and industry need to be targeted to ensure they
have the maximum positive impact on the community. For identified redevelopment areas, the types
of business /industry that are targeted are determined through the City's land use policies and
economic development goals.
Suggested action steps:
1. Help to foster interaction and communication between the City, Hopkins Business and
Civic Association, and owners /managers of commercial /industrial properties.
2. Ensure that Community Development staff and City Council members remain
educated on 'changes in the metropolitan, national, and world markets, and take
advantage of opportunities presented.
3. Undertake process to assess the market's (businesses, residents, and consumers)
perceptions of Hopkins and the types of businesses considered appropriate but not
currently located here, and use the information gathered to determine appropriate
sites for those types of businesses.
o Continue to plan for and encourage commercial development and
redevelopment that would be appropriate to location and zoning.
o Prepare description of the appropriate development for each
commercial property within the community.
o Direct City Staff to take an active role in implementation of a
business recruitment plan using this information.
4. Provide incentives to create quality jobs for skilled /technical employees.
5. Recruit businesses that have a relationship to existing businesses .
6. Maintain the "leasing guide" program, which provides real estate agents and
prospective retailers a list of available properties along Mainstreet.
7. Work with and be supportive of community arts - related businesses. Ongoing
communication should be facilitated between the general arts community and the
Hopkins Area Art Association.
8. Work with and be supportive of youth -owned and youth- operated businesses through
cooperation with the Hopkins School District.
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Develop and implement new financing programs offering additional alternatives for financing
redevelopment or rehabilitation projects.
Businesses experience various levels of difficulty relative to having their financial needs met. Cities
are expected to participate more than ever in providing financing options and techniques for property
owners and developers. The City currently offers low interest funds for rehabilitation, grants for sign
and facade improvements, and Tax Increment Financing as a tool for redevelopment.
Suggested action steps:
1. Monitor state /legislative actions to ensure proposed changes to economic
development tools are not detrimental to Hopkins and, more specifically, encourage
new state /legislative programs that are beneficial to local economic development
2. Work with area banks to establish financial incentives in cooperation with existing
City programs to support rehabilitation or redevelopment opportunities.
3. Work with the "bank consortium" to provide recommendations on financial incentive
programs that might assist in securing financing for redevelopment projects.
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Develop and Implement a public relations strategy.
Public relations can aid our community by celebrating its successes and promoting the opportunities
that exist here in Hopkins Hopkins has a thriving Mainstreet, in addition to a whole lot more. The
Hopkins story is a story worth telling.
Suggested action steps:
1. Work with the various organized groups to develop a public relations strategy.
Encourage individual organizations to participate in developing policy guidelines, and
also to aid in implementation of the public relations plan.
Some of these groups likely to be represented include: community members, City,
Hopkins Business and Civic Association, TwinWest Chamber of Commerce, Hopkins
Area Art Association, Hopkins School District 270, Neighborhood Advisory Board,
Apartment Managers' Association, Raspberry Festival, Jaycees, local real estate
agents and businesses, and other civic and /or nonprofit organizations.
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Suggested action steps:
Assure strong and well maintained neighborhoods to foster an overall positive economic
development climate in Hopkins.
The stability and growth of neighborhoods is key to the success of any economic development effort
of a city. Neighborhoods provide employees for existing and potential businesses, a market for the
retail sector, and create an image of the community that is a reflection upon the local businesses.
Neighborhoods are also a reflection upon a community's social and economic standards of living and
overall quality of life, which, in turn, has an impact on economic growth.
1. Work to enact the Westbrooke Special Legislation.
2. Continue /expand existing housing programs, including the Acquisition /Demolition/
Replacement Program.
3. Examine and improve housing maintenance codes and actively enforce these codes.
4. Determine the appropriateness of re- zoning or re- guiding properties to a less dense
residential use or a different land use to ensure a proper balance exists among all
types of housing in the community.
5. Utilize the resources of the City's Community Relations Coordinator to improve the
perception of the City's multi - family housing. Work with the Apartment Managers'
Association to develop marketing /promotional pieces and /or a public relations
campaign. Complete as part of overall public relations campaign for the City.
6. Facilitate development that will help to meet "special housing needs," i.e., handi-
capped, three - bedroom family, empty- nester, and high market value housing needs,
and establish a high priority to maintain owner - occupied housing.
7. Maintain and improve public infrastructure in neighborhoods. Preserve "green space"
and protect environmental amenities as part of this effort.
8. Monitor effectiveness of "Truth in Housing" ordinance to ensure it is helping to
maintain and upgrade residential housing stock.
9. Direct the Hopkins Police Department to promote the use of neighborhood groups
through education and awareness programs, which will help to protect their local
residential areas.
10. Examine and improve, as necessary, present guidelines for buffer areas between
different types of uses that potentially may be in conflict with one another.
11. Examine appropriateness of zoning standards as related to rehabilitation /improve-
ment of existing non - conforming structures /uses.
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Foster communication and cooperation among the City, neighborhoods, schools, and the
business community.
The City will be undertaking a renewed effort as part of this Strategic Plan to further its
communication efforts among and between neighborhood residents and the business community. It
is imperative to the success of economic development and related activities that a forum be provided
to allow for the free flow of information among these groups. This information will result in a greater
level of cooperation among neighborhood residents, schools, the business community, and the City.
This cooperation is a vital Zink to achieving positive economic development results in our community.
Suggested action steps:
1. Help foster interaction and communication among the City, Hopkins Business and
Civic Association, and owners /managers of commercial /industrial properties.
2. Improve and maintain communication between City and School District to develop a
more cooperative effort toward achieving the goals of both public entities, such as
youth entrepreneurs.
3. Coordinate active distribution of new resident packets with the school system, real
estate agents, and local apartment complex management.
4. Closely examine impacts on citywide image when considering changes in services
that affect the image of the community, i.e., citywide clean -up programs, etc.
5. Maintain a neighborhood outreach program and Neighborhood Advisory Board
(NAB). Develop a relationship with the Hopkins Business and Civic Association with
which to provide a means of support and cooperation.
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Improve vehicular and pedestrian movement along County Road 3 and enhance the link
between County Road 3 and Mainstreet.
County Road 3 is one of several major corridors which bisects the City of Hopkins. Other corridors
include Highway 169, Highway 7, Shady Oak Road, and Blake Road. County Road 3 is probably the
most visible corridor, and is undeniably the most in need of repair and upgrading. Although other
corridors of the City also may need improvements, County Road 3 was determined to be the highest
priority at this time.
County Road 3 does not currently accommodate ease of vehicular and pedestrian movement. The
location of the railroad tracks, minimal proper roadway facilities, worn infrastructure, and lack of
sidewalk/bikeways make this corridor non user - friendly. Additionally, there is no real visual link
between County Road 3 and Mainstreet. This results in a separation of these two commercial areas
rather than a union, which would allow both corridors to benefit from each other.
Over the past two years, the City, various representatives from other governmental units, and
residents of surrounding neighborhoods have begun the process of planning for improvements to the
County Road 3 corridor. The first phase of these improvements - -Shady Oak Road to 11th Avenue - -is
scheduled to begin in the spring of 1996.
Suggested action steps:
1. Continue to work with Hennepin County to implement a County Road 3 Improvement
Project as part of its five -year Capital Improvement Plan. Support County funding of
this activity throughout the duration of the project. Continue to consider the
possibility and needs associated with light rail transit.
2. Establish a uniform design theme on corners and corridors connecting County Road 3
and Mainstreet.
3. Encourage implementation of the program to complete a pedestrian walkway and
bikeway system. Specifically encourage acceleration of improvements to the
proposed bike path between Eighth Avenue (south of County Road 3) to east of
Highway 169. Work in conjunction with Hennepin County on this issue.
4. Begin immediately implementing landscaping improvements throughout the corridor
areas, consistent with the design plans for County Road 3.
5. Rehabilitate and maintain the railroad depot located at Highway 169 and County
Road 3.
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Foster the development/redevelopment of property along County Road 3, including
consideration for a business park and /or other major uses.
A large number of commercial /industrial uses are located along this corridor, some of which are in a
Tess than desirable condition. Planned improvements include the relocation of businesses along the
south side of County Road 3. This, in addition to other major improvements all along the corridor,
will have a significant impact on the surrounding area and the entire community. In addition, the
development of vacant parcels, such as the 13 -acre R.L. Johnson property along 11th Avenue and
the 42 -acre Hennepin County Public Works site, will assist in expanding the City's tax base and
create jobs.
Suggested action steps:
1. Continue to work with Hennepin County to implement a County Road 3 Improvement
Project as part of its five -year Capital Improvement Plan. Support county funding of
this activity throughout the duration of the project. Continue to consider the
possibility and needs associated with light rail transit.
2. Continue to work with Hennepin County on redevelopment of the 42 -acre Hennepin
County Public Works site. Interview and select a developer to begin undertaking a
process to redevelop the site as soon as it is made available.
3. Ensure that throughout the period of a planned construction process, pedestrian and
vehicular accesses are protected for the benefit of the local businesses, in addition to
providing appropriately visible signs for consumers and patrons of those businesses.
4. Support the redevelopment of the 13 -acre R.L. Johnson property on 11th Avenue.
5. Continue to communicate with the existing business /property owners regarding the
County Road 3 Improvement Project. Utilize the services of the City's Community
Relations Coordinator. Remain in close contact with the surrounding residential
property owners, as well as the overall community, regarding this improvement
6. Incorporate landscaping and sign improvement assistance programs with the County
Road 3 Improvement Project.
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Improve /enhance function and appearance of existing commercial, industrial, and
public /semi- public land uses, including visual improvements such as landscaping, screening,
and tree planting.
County Road 3 is one of Hopkins' most visible corridors, and it provides a perception of the economic
vitality and quality of life in the community. Due to the significance this corridor represents, County
Road 3 has been focused upon over the past two years for improvements both visually and
functionally. The initial phase of a major improvement project will begin in the spring of 1996. Other
phases will continue annually until the entire corridor has been fully upgraded.
Suggested action steps:
1. Begin immediately implementing landscaping improvements throughout the corridor
areas, consistent with the design plans for County Road 3.
2. Review and amend, as necessary, the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to
ensure consistency with the Strategic Plan and County Road 3 Task Force
recommendations. Incorporate results of the market needs assessment as
determined appropriate.
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Provide an atmosphere fostering the retention of existing businesses on or near Mainstreet
and attracting new businesses.
Mainstreet, bordered by Washington Avenue on the east and Shady Oak Road on the west, needs to
be preserved as a major service /retail sector of Hopkins. The City currently has programs developed
to aid in the retention and attraction of businesses along Mainstreet. The City's Commercial
Rehabilitation Loan Program, Facade Grant Program, and Sign Grant Program act as incentives to
upgrade existing buildings /businesses along Mainstreet.
The City has recently made a large investment in the upgrading and repair of Mainstreet. The City
completed the final phase of a $3.7 million dollar Mainstreet Improvement Project in the fall of 1992.
The Improvement Project repaired infrastructure and provided a variety of enhancements to
Mainstreet, including brick pavers, antique lighting, additional parking, benches, trash receptacles,
and a plaza and clock tower in the heart of the central business district.
Suggested action steps:
1. Encourage destination type businesses with an emphasis on the arts, entertainment,
recreation, retail - grocery, and family- oriented uses, to locate on or near Mainstreet.
2 Improve and regularly assess existing programs to attract/retain businesses, i.e., the
Commercial Rehabilitation, Facade Grant, and Sign Grant programs, in addition to
the Leasing Guide.
3. Continue to explore new or alternative financial incentive programs to attract/retain
businesses on or near Mainstreet.
4. Continue to promote Mainstreet Hopkins through trade show attendance, festivals,
and special events such as Farmers' Market, parades, Heritage Days, the Raspberry
Festival, and other promotional opportunities.
5. Maintain the City's Leasing Guide for use primarily as an internal tool to provide an
inventory of vacant buildings on or near Mainstreet.
6. Encourage businesses on or near Mainstreet to adopt uniform hours and a more
consistent management style in order to provide a more reliable level of service to
patrons of the Mainstreet area.
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Continue to provide a high level of upkeep and maintenance to the physical improvements
that were recently completed on Mainstreet, and develop the corridors connecting Mainstreet
to County Road 3. Continue to analyze the improvements that were previously made to
determine their effect on the overall business climate of the central business district.
Upgrading the infrastructure and aesthetic character of Mainstreet has provided business /property
owners an incentive to make private investments to their properties. The Mainstreet Improvement
Project was substantially completed in October 1992.
Suggested action steps:
1. Establish uniformity in design of corners and corridors connecting Mainstreet and
County Road 3.
2. Watch closely what effect major redevelopment projects and the Mainstreet
Improvement Project may have on parking issues in the central business district.
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Develop and maintain a positive appearance and perception of the City of Hopkins.
Appearance is an important aspect of any community's image. A city can undertake simple steps to
improve upon its image, which help create a positive perception by residents and surrounding
communities. Making a good first impression is important to attracting business and industry and
helping to maintain property values throughout Hopkins.
Suggested action steps:
1. Encourage destination -type businesses or uses that appeal to consumers interested
in the arts, family types of uses, entertainment, recreation, and retail - grocery.
2. Maintain and improve all public infrastructure.
3. Improve appearance of entry points to the City through signs, landscaping,
infrastructure, maintenance, etc.
4. Enforce codes that closely regulate the maintenance of commercial properties in the
5. Maintain adequate buffer zones between new commercial development projects and
residential properties.
6. Closely examine impacts on citywide image when considering changes in services
that affect the image of the community, i.e., citywide clean -up programs, etc.
7. Implement the pedestrian walkway and bikeway program adopted by the City Council.
Incorporate with present plans for Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority
(HCRRA) property.
8. Develop methods of providing information to various consumers of retail goods and
recreational activities /services within Hopkins. Work with Hennepin Parks on
incorporating this idea in the construction of a shelter at the trail head on the Park
and Ride Lot on 8th Avenue, south of County Road 3.
9. Advocate the growth and stability of community service type organizations, such as a
"family resource center," and civic service organizations, such as local clubs, through
informational and cooperative support when necessary.
10. Encourage local organizations to continue, and improve upon the quality of, events
and attractions, i.e., Mainstreet Days, Heritage Days, Winterfest, Raspberry Festival,
11. Explore implementing programs to encourage the aesthetic improvement of private
property, such as a landscaping award program (HCIA -- Hopkins Community Image
Award) and other maintenance /rehabilitation programs for single - family properties.
12. Encourage /promote volunteers as a means to cost - effectively improve upon the
City's appearance, e.g., "Adopt -A- Park," "Adopt -A- Street," use of garden clubs, Boy
Scouts, etc.
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Develop and implement a public relations strategy.
Public relations can aid our community by celebrating its successes and promoting the opportunities
that exist here in Hopkins. Hopkins has a thriving Mainstreet, in addition to a whole lot more. The
Hopkins story is a story worth telling.
Suggested action steps:
1. Work with the various organized groups to develop a public relations strategy.
Encourage individual organizations to participate in developing policy guidelines, and
also to aid in implementation of the public relations plan.
Some of these groups likely to be represented, but not necessarily limited to, include:
community members, City, Hopkins Business and Civic Association, Hopkins School
District 270, Neighborhood Advisory Board, Apartment Managers' Association,
Raspberry Festival, local real estate agents and businesses, and other civic and /or
nonprofit organizations.
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Foster an environment of awareness in the community regarding the importance of youth to
our social and economic viability.
The need for a strategic focus on the broad variety of youth - related issues requires the participation of
all segments of our community.
Youth play an especially important role in the economic development of a community. To create a
progressive environment for economic development, it is the responsibility of the City, and its
residents, to provide opportunities for and encourage youth interaction and involvement in Hopkins.
Suggested action steps:
1. Closely examine impacts on youth when considering changes in City services.
2. Develop a Youth Advisory Committee, the purpose of which is to provide input to the
City Council on issues affecting youth in our community.
3. Encourage hiring of Hopkins area youth for jobs that are appropriate and may provide
experience, potential career direction, and interaction with business people, residents,
and other members of the community.
4. Improve and maintain communication between City and School District to develop a
more cooperative effort toward achieving the goals of both public entities, such as
youth entrepreneurs.
5. Actively encourage businesses to mentor youth and entrepreneurship.
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