CR 95-33 Resolution 95-011
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February 15, 1995 .y 0 P K \ ~ c:, Council Rpt. #95-033
Proposed Action
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Adopt resolution number 95-011 amending
resolution 94-074 authorizing establishment of the Westbrooke Improvement Area Advisory
With this motion, Meadow Creek Condominiums will appoint a five member advisory board with
two owner-occupants and three investor-owners.
In August of 1994, the Hopkins City Council approved resolution 94-074 approving the
establishment of Housing Advisory Boards for the Westbrooke Patio Homes and Meadow Creek
Condominium Associations. The Advisory Boards serve to guide the process of establishing
special service districts in the area and monitor the construction projects.
One of the specific requirements detailed in resolution 94-074 was that a majority of the members
of the advisory boards be owner-occupants. While this requirement was acceptable to the Patio
e Homes whose owner-occupant ratio is above 65%, Meadow Creek Condominiums has asked that
they be allowed to have only two owner-occupants out of a five-member board. This would be
more reflective of the overall composition of the association which is currently 33% owner
Primary Issues to Consider
The requirement that the majority of the members of the Board be owner-occupants was intended
to give owner-occupants more control over the improvement project. In reality, the majority of
the decisions regarding the scope of the improvement project will be made by the entire
membership though the association meetings, public hearing process and their ability to veto the
creation of the district and the subsequent fees rather than by the Advisory Board,
It is staffs opinion that the Advisory Boards should reflect the current make-up of the association
and that resolution 94-074 should be amended to allow for 40% representation by
owner-occupants and 60% by investor owners.
Supportine Information
o Resolution 94-74: )
"..6 Memo f~0m DQug Strandness, Property Manager for Meadow Creek Condominiums
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Kers~n Elverum;lIo sing Coordinator
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Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has secured approval of legislation allowing for
the establishment of a residential special service district: and
WHEREAS, this legislation allows the City Council to create an advisory board
in conjunction with the creation of a housing improvement area; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously approved Resolution 94-074,
approving establishment of housing advisory boards for both the Westbrooke Patio
Homes Association and the Meadow Creek Condominium Association, and that
members to these advisory boards shall be appointed by the respective
association boards, and that such members shall be property owners within their
e respective associations, and that a majority be owners/occupants; and
WHEREAS, in discussions with the Meadow Creek Condominium Association it
has been determined that it will not be possible to meet the requirement that the
majority of advisory board members be owners/occupants, as the majority of the
owners are presently investor-owners.
NOW TH EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hopkins,
that Resolution 94-074 is amended to allow the majority of the members of the
Meadow Creek Association Special Service District Advisory Board to be 60 percent
investor-owners and 40 percent owner-occupants.
Adopted this day of . 1995.
Charles D. Redepenning, Mayor
James A. Genellie, City Clerk
Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, the city of Hopkins has secured approval of
legislation allowing for the establishment of residential special
service districts; and
WHEREAS, this legislation allows for the City Council to
create an advisory board in conjunction with the creation of a
housing improvement area; and
WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has been working with both the
MeadowCreek Condominium Association and the Westbrooke Patio
Homes Association concerning the creation of a special service
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
e City of Hopkins that the following advisory boards are authorized
to be formed:
0 The Westbrooke Patio Homes Association Special Service
District Advisory Board;
0 The MeadowCreek Association Special Service District
Advisory Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that members to these advisory boards
shall be appointed by the individual respective association
board, that such members shall be property owners within their
respective associations, and that a majority be owner/occupants.
NOW BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said advisory board shall
act in an advisory capacity to both the City Council of the City
of Hopkins and their respective association board in connection
with the planning and construction of housing improvements
including, but not limited to, the following responsibilities:
0 recommending to the respective association board an
individual or firm to be hired as project manager;
0 assist in the physical inventory of property and
development of scope of work;
e 0 coordinate activities in conjunction with preparation
of a long range physical improvement plan;
-- --
~ Meadow Creek (612) 935-9565
e . ' Condominiums
-~ 823 Old Settlers Tmij. Hopkins, MN 55343
February 16. 1995
City Council
City of Hopkins
1010 South First Street
Hopkins, MN 55343
Re: Meadow Creek Housing Improvement Area
Dear Council Members:
Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you next Tuesday,
February 21st. Before that meeting. I would 1 i ke to take the
opportunity to outline the recent history of, and some of the
issues related to. the proposed Meadow Creek Housing Improvement
- Background
Meadow Creek Condominiums has been working for over two years on
the capital improvement program for which it is requesting City
bond financing. Specifically:
1993: Completed an in-depth inventory of the
physical needs of Meadow Creek, and a long-
term replacement plan. Based on these. we
identified a lis t of major improvements which
could not be handled through the normal
operating budget nor paid for out of the
Association's replacement reserve. This 1 i s t
was the first outline of the capital
improvement program.
January to Completed the details of the capital improve-
Augus t , 1994: ment program. and undertook various
engineering studies to address issues related
to the program. Analyzed the options
available to the Association for financing the
September. 1994: Ma i 1 ed a detailed summary of the capital
improvement program to Association members,
Meadow Creek Condominiums is {he business name of
Westbrookc Condominium ASSoc13lion
Letter to Hopkins Ci ty Counci.l Page '}
e February 16. 1995
along wi th a description of the options for
financing it.
October, 1994: Held a special meeting for Association members
to obtain comments and suggestions on the
program and the financing options.
November, 1994: Mailed a lengthy letter to Association members
recommending that the capital improvement
program be undertaken and that it be financed
through the City of Hopkins. The letter
detailed the Board's reasonlng In making its
December, 1994: Held a two-and-a-half-hour discussion of the
capital improvement program and the proposed
City financing. Put the program and the
financing to a vote of the Association
members. of the total Association membership,
47% voted for the program and the financing,
and 19% voted against.
e January, 1995: Made sma 11 modifications to different areas of
the capital improvement program In response to
concerns and suggestions put forward at the
annual meeting, and finalized the construction
budget for the program. Contracted wi th an
engineering firm, and began the preparation of
bid documents for the program.
.January and Requested petitions from Association members
February, 1995: to start the Ci ty financing process. We
received petitions from 25% of the Association
members within four ( 4 ) business days of
mailing our request, and to date, we have
received petitions from 55% of the members.
Importance of the Capital Improvement Program
Meadow C:reek Condominiums is at a critical juncture. If we can
complete the capital improvement program In 1995 wi t h the
assistance of the Ci ty of Hopkins, Meadow Creek wi 11 be In
excellent shape. All deferred maintenance wi 1 I have been
addressed, and Meadow Creek's replacement reserve will be fu 11 y
I f we do not complete the program in 1995, Meadow Creek wi 11
-- ---- I
Letter to Hopkins City Counci] Page 3
e February 16, 1495
continue to suffer physically and financially. In addition, we
wi 11 lose our eligibility for FHA mortgage Insurance. This wi 11
immediately reduce resale values by 15% to 30%, and wi 11 undermine
the trend towards rapidly increasing owner-occupancy.
Advisorv Committee
The Board of Meadow Creek Condominiums would 1 i ke to establish a
five-member Advisory committee in order to comply with the
requirements related to the proposed Housing Improvement Area. The
Board would like the Committee to be composed of three ( 3 ) investor
owners and two ( 2 ) resident owners.
In the composition of the Board itself, the Board has worked to
ensure that i t reflects the composition of the Association
membership. Currently, three out of nIne Board members are
resident owners wh i Ie 33.5% of the membership IS resident owners.
As a result, the Board would like the Advisory Committee to also
reflect the composition of the Association.
Accordingly, the Board respectfully requests that the council amend
its Resolution No. 94-74 by deleting the requirement that a
e majority of the Committee be owner-occupants.
I look forward to discussing this along with any other issues when
I appear before you.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
Dougla D. Strandness
Property Manager