CR 95-141 Approval Of Agreement for the Loan Of Mn Hazardous Material Emergency Response Equipment . e . 1 y rJ ~ .{r 0 o p ~. \ '" August 7, 1995 Council Report 95-141 Approval of Agreement for the Loan of State of Minnesota Hazardous Material Emergency Response Equipment Proposed Action. Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to adopt Resolution 95-67 authorizin2 the Si2nin2 of an A2reement with the State of Minnesota for the Loan of Hazardous Material Emer2encv Response Equipment. Overview. The State of Minnesota has purchased much of the equipment that will eventually be used by their Hazardous Material Response teams. The Hopkins Fire Department will be one of those teams. With the warranties running out and red tape slowing down the activation of the teams, the State has asked us to start using the equipment as soon as possible. The purpose of the attached agreement is to spell out the policies that allow us to use the equipment now, before becoming a State sponsored team. This agreement will be void when we sign a contract authorizing our activation as a State response team. Primary Issues to Consider. o Is there any cost to the city? No, although we may want to get insurance on this equipment. o Will we be responding to State emergencies? No. For now the equipment will only be used in our own area. o Is this equipment of benefit to Hopkins? Yes. It allows us to start training now and gives us a more complete hazardous material response. SUPJlOrtin2 Information. o Resolution 95-67 o State of Minnesota hazardous material equipment agreement /4-<r~1 /f:/tz# George Magdal Fire Chief . City of Hopkins Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 95-67 Approval of Agreement to Use State of Minnesota Hazardous Materials Team Equipment WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has a trained hazardous materials team; and WHEREAS, the members of the Hopkins Fire Department are to participate as a State of Minnesota Hazardous Material Chemical Assessment team; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota is willing to loan us the emergency response equipment; e NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hopkins, Minnesota enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety for the purpose of receiving from the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, hazardous materials emergency response equipment on a loan basis for use by Hopkins emergency response personnel to assist in the training of such personnel and for use during hazardous materials incidents to which such personnel may respond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor, City Manager and Fire Chief are hereby authorized to execute such agreement. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hopkins this 15th day of August, 1995. By: Chuck Redepenning, Mayor ATTEST: e City Clerk . . . 1\11\ Department ()f Puhlic Safely Hazardous Materials Regional Response Team Program AGREEME!\'T FOR THE LO..\N OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Et\1ERGENCY RESPONSE E()UIPMENT WHEREAS the Sl~\te or t\1irllle~(1I;1. Dl'[l~1I1nll'nt pi' Puhllc Sarely ! hcreinaftlT rel'crredlP a~ "DPS" 1 has purchased hal.an!om m~\1eri;lis l'l1ler.l!eIlL'y rL'~p()nsc eqllipl11elll I'm use intl1l' deparlrm:nl's HaJ:arc1llll~ Maleria]~ Regional Resp\1Tlse Team Program: and WHEREAS DPS has idenlifil'd ce1"lain Pllhlrc alllllH1ll-puhl1c enlitie:i wilh whil'h Ihe department i11tend~ to enter into ~I contr~lL'lu:ll relalion~hip fnr Ihe purpose or providing service ~I~ ~U1 Emergency RL'sppn~L' Team and/or Chemical As~e~sl11cnl Team ClllllpPllL'111 or thai prngram: and WHEREAS DPS desire~ to pnlVide tlle idemiJ"ied puhlic and lllln-puhlic eTltities wilh the equipment already purchased ror purpo.ses of training in advance of contract impkmelllal ion. NOW THEREFORE. IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETIVEEN DPS :Uld the City of Hopkins Fire Dcp:u1melll (hereinafter refeJTed tn as "Recipient") as follpws: L DPS's Resp()mihilities, A. DPS shallmakc available 10 Recipient Ihe itellls of equipment specified on pages four (4) and live (.1) of this agrecment. titkd "List of Equipmcilt Lnaned tl1 Rcciplent" and which is hereby incorporated hy reference and madc a pan (If this agrcement. RecipK'nt shaIlllse and havL' possession of the spL'cificd equipmcnt hul DPS shall retain tille and legal ownership of the cljuipmcnt, B. DPS sid!. upon rcqllL'S( or Rccipient. u'ain al least lHIL' pcrslln deSIgnated hy Rel'ipicilt in the propcr h~Lndling. lISC ~lIld lllaintl'n;lllcL' oj" lhc elluipllll'll!. DPS shall pJ(lVide this training to Rl'cipil'lll without Cll," , othcr th:Ul travel ;uld relatcd expcnses, C. DPS shall maintain ;\11 ill'l'l'SS~lI y illVl'lltory cOl1lrol rl'l'Ilrds Illltlll' l'ljUipmL'Il1. D. DPS ~hal[ adlllinislL'r all\' 1ll:lllul'al'ILlrl'l.'s W~IIT~lIl1y claims which may result during Recipient's use uf the equipmellt, E. DPS will provllk' RL'L'iplL'llt \\ith lCl'llnical asslstancl' as nl'ccssalY Il'garding Ihe propcr handling. L1SC ~Uld ilwinlcn;lIll'L' (It' thl' Cljuipllll'nt. II. Rt'l'illicll1\ Respllllsibililics. A. RCl'ipienl shall LIse till' l'qulplllelll provided ulllkr this agrecmcnt for tIll' pLlrposes or Iraining perso11nel in its proper handling, usc and ill;\il1tl'n:lIll'C, Rl'cipiL'lll m;IY Lise the L'qLli[1Illcnt for purposcs of elllergency response within Rel' i pient '.<; nOnll;l! gl'llgl aphlL' jurisd il'lioll, or in those iLlri~dicl ions with which IIll' Rccl\)ielll has a writtcn conLract for sel ViL'C or ll1utu;11 ;l1d agrL'clllent. B. Rel'iricnt ~hall KeeJl :lIld 1ll~Il111ainthe l'ql1iprncnt ill proper operaling condition. C. Recipient ~hall re-supply all dl~p(lsahk and consumahle compllllel1ts originally pwvided by DPS, and shall sLlpply any other neu.:ssary disllllsahle alllll'ollsLlnnhle UlIllPOIlL'lltS not pmvidl'd hy DPS. at Recipient's expense, D. RCl'ipil'nt sl1;1ll he Il"'11(1Il,ihk fill [Ill' l'(l,t Dr rL'p~Linllg (lr replacing ClJUiplllellt which has been !OSL or in the Dpillioll (\1' DPS.l1~ls hccll d;ulla~eil dlle 10 ;\hll'l', nW11Ise, III" \lther L';nISC D\lt~ide the ~L'()PC or Ilnnl1al \>;"ear ;Uld tear IrlcufTed in rOlllille pr(lper use. DPS sh;lll dl'll'nllllll' \\Ill'll1er tlk' equiplllcnl :ill~lil he rcp;llred or replaced, E, Rl'ci picnt ,hall hL' rL'.sp'IIl'lhil' f(lr till' L'I1StS or n 1111111e Ill:iintell:tlll'l' ;Uld repair III ~tCClll\hIlCe with Ihc III ;11111 facl mer"" re\'(llllllle III I at i I )n~. ..\ugu.q I, l q\)) Dt'SSt:'v1:\"l()UIOI'I.WPI> . e . F. J{l'CIPll'IH ~h:lll I"L'Illrtl Illl' l'Lj \I ql 111 l'n I tll fJPS L1pll!] 1iL'11l:llltL SUL'!J l'quipil1L'lIl [11 hI.' liL'liwrL.'d 1\1' ~llIPJ1l'd 10 Of'S. pl1SI~lgc: alld 11:llldlillg l'Il:\! .~L'S prL'paid hy Rl'l'iplL'IlI. G. Reclpil'llI sll;dlnlll ]1lTl11il Illl' l'quipml'lltll! hl' Illlllpl'rl'd willl llr Opl'rlHl'd hy individuals wlw are 1lI11lrailll'd in lis proper hand ling alld IlI11T:llion. II. RCl'ipll'nt may liL'~ignall' 1!lll' Ill' Illllrc PlTSI)IlI,j lil lw IElInl'd hy Of'S in 111<.' prllp<.'r Ilandling. lIs<.' ane! 1l1111nlelnlKl' i)f Ille <.'qulpnll'llL Rl'l'ipiclll shall IWllr Illl' el)sl (Ii' anv Irawl ;lIld rl'lall'd <.';':JlCIlSC~ incllrrl'd hy Imy p~'ISI1l1 alll'lldillg sllLl1lraillini:'. I. T11C persoIlI s) Ir:nned hy DPS in lhe prllpLT lise, Ilandli Ilg allclll1ainl<.'n:lIll'l' of IIll' l'qulpml'nt shall provide tha[ lr:lin ing III Rl'l'i pil'nl 's 11ll1l'l pl'l'S()llIlel. J. R<.'L'ipil'lll sllallnlllh:l' Ihe CQUipl1ll'IlI avail;lhk 10 pl'rsl1llncl aUlhori/.l'd hy DPS when rcquired fllr iJlvCllll11")' or in~peclioll purpl1ses. K, RCl'ipiclll shllllmakl' Ih(' dCl'Olllal1lin:lllllll shelter s:iS!ell1 and rclated equipmclllli,led on page fom (of) of !1m IlgTCCIl1CIll availahlc 10 Ix'rsollllc1 alllhoriJ:cd hy DPS - SF!",! (StaIC Fire Marshall ill mdcr 10 racilitalc training III lllher public saklY agcllcies alld pcrsonnel in il~ propcr b:indlillg, IIse and l11aill!cn~lIlcc. RecipicllIIS nul requircd by Ibis agrl'('mcnt lO provide stich training outside llf Rl'cipicllI's o\vn emplll)'ces. htllmay do so at Recipicnl's discretioll. II I. Tcnll or .'\ !,'rCCll1Clll. This a~'Tl'elllel1l sh:tl1l~I"C cni..'cllllllhe dalc or Jin:d apprilval hy DPS alld rCIll<\ill III crfccl f(lr a pl'riod iloilo c;,:ceed five ('\1 years from tIll' d:ul' (lr l';':l'culiilll. Ill' 1I1llillerlllillall'd My cilbn or Il1e parties lIS provided ill Seclioll!V, IV. T\'rll1il1~uitlll, -nlis Agrl'cnll'llIlllay he lernllI1~lll'd h~' eithcr DPS or Kl'l'lpll'nl ~II all~' lime wilh Ill' WilllllUI CIIUSC, upon Il'll (I()l days WI illl'lll1lllil'e III (bL' (lIbel' party. Illlhc l'VL'llIli!' slIdl tcrllllllatlllll, Rccq1icllI shall relurll all eL]uiplllL'lllll1;u il has rL'ccived pursualll 10 Ihis agreclllellllO UPS \vitl11n Ihin v I .'.111,l:iys ~ilkr I Ill' Il'll illn~lI i(lll or Ihis .-\grCl'll1l'1l1. I r Rc:ciplCill r~llls 10 relurn till' equipmclll witllill this lilllC pClliltl. Reciplelll Ilgr~'~'s IlIlla~' DPS Il1c ClIsI (11' l'l'plan'll1cl11 or [Ik' equipmcnl. V, Assi l.! 11 III L'n 1. Rccipil'nt sh~dl neill1er ,lSslgn nilI' lr;ul,kr any rights III obligations ullcler Ihis AgrceIlll'nl withilul Illc prior writlen l'ill1SCllt or DPS. VI. 1.iahilily. Rccipl~'nl agr~'l'S II) Il1dl'llllliJ\ alld saw alld l1i\ld till' SllllC III' i\1inlll'sola. its agellls, :1I1c1 il~ l'mployeL's harmless from ;111\ aild :tlll'JIUIl]S :lrising fr(lIllIIlL' lIse (lr 11lL' L'lJlIipilll'lll I'm j1l1rpOSl's or :U1 L'1l1L'rgcllcy respl1l1se. VII. Relalionship ,If Partll's, I\cilhL'r Rl'L'iplClllll01 Rl'l''11Il'IlI'S agl'llls Ill' CIl\llloYl'l:S are to Ol' l'i)I1Sltkred to b(' agcllls Ill' DPS or 10 bc L'llgaged in ,my loilll vL'n1\ll'e III ~'IlIlTllri~l' wilh DPS. alld no\hing IlL'rein ,111111 hl' CI1l1slrucclln CI'~'alC sllch a relationship. \tl~TLJ'..L I. I qq:-; DI'S ,SI<\ I:\!i Jl 'I [()I' I. \\'I'/' 1 . e e IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, I Ill' P:JrIi,'S I1l'l"l'I\I. illll'ndin,l' 1\1 h<.' hlllllld 11l'rl'h~'.havc l':llIscd Illl~ :lgrl'<.' I Ill'lll III he dilly n;<.'l'UI l't!, Fllr thl' REel PJrJ\;T: Bv: Title: Date: Bv: Tilk: Dale: By: Tille: Dale: ST ATE OF 1\1 INNESOTA DEPMHMENT Or: I'llBLlC SArETY ST,j"TF FIRE MARSHAL D[\'IS[ON [,eClll11l11CllLll'd for Approval: Chuck Redcj1l'nnill~ l'vLlynr, elly 111' Hopkim By: 'nlnlllas R, Bral'l' Titk: SI:\1C Fire !\1arshal Dal,': DIVISION OF EIV1ERGENCY MANAGEMENT SicV(' Mielke RccoIllmcndcd for Apprnva[: Cil~' J\hnagl'f Bv: J:Ul1l'S D, Flanklin Titk: Director. DIvision or Elllergenl'Y Managemtnl D;Iil': Geurge !\tl!,'clal DEP,j"KTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Fire Chic'l' lk ~1icl1ael S. J ll1'dan Tilk: COl1lmissionl'r of Puhlic Safety [\lll': Apj1w\'ed a~ lO FOl1n and Exccution: ,\TT()RNEY lJE!\'EkAL: By: Dale: ('OI\IJ\lISSIONER OF ADJ\IJNISTRATION: B~': Dale: ,'>..PPROVCD: CU:\ll\lISSIONLR Of: FINANCE: [k Dale: A l'crtificd copv of Ihl' leSlllulilln :llltlll1ril.ing Ihl' Cil\' 111' HOllkins Fire De]1anlllent 111 tllter inllllhis AgrcclllcllI and :1l111111ril.ing the I\byur. City I\lan:lgn :Ult! Firl' Chid III \'\el'lIIC this AgrcelllellllllLlsl hl' altal'l1l'd hereto. \lJl~lhl I. I q~j:" I JI'.~ :~I'\l:\!()l '1101' I, \\)'1. , . e e f-l,c\Z.\Id)( liS ~ 1:\ II. R I.\LS ~l\ 1 LRC;ENCY RESPI )NSE E()lllP\lE"'T LIS I (JF El)l1jP~lEi'.'T Lo.\'\ED TO RE( 1P11'f\ T ITEr'\! Cellular Fax Syslel1l (Ponahle) C!ll'll,ieal Rcl"crl'I1l'(, Library ClIl1[l\lICr Syslem (Ponahk) Dl'l'lllll aminal ion Slwlll'r SV~lcm ClIl1lplll1CI1tS: Opl'n Sllcllcr ( II PanillllJIL'd SI1l'hcr I J) Multiple Shcllcr Conl1cl"ling Unit ( 1) 1n11:1I ion Pumps. Rcgulal(l1", Hose 1:2 ca.) Gross Dl'C(ll1lalllinaliol1 SililWlT I I I Pcrsol1al SIH1wcr \ \1 Dec(lnt~\Inill;\\i\)n PI)O]S 11,1 F.kclril' Sill'IIl'1 He:llers I::> I Hili Waler l!ealer I J I [111111iol1 HIlse - .'\ir Tank ( II Tl:nl SI:d,cs (1111 Dr;\l'gcr Colllriml'lric DI'Il'clor T\\b\.' K\l Draq2l'!" Four (,:1., MOllill)] & Calihration Kit Dr:ll'glT T11Xil' (,,\S 1\11111illlr 8:. C:ilibr:llioll !\:it Hal.Cat Chl'i\,il'allli~'nliricall(l11 Sy.';ICI11 King Porlahk R:ldiolSI wilh Chargl'!"s M ilsuhishi Tr:1I1:;I)orl ahk (\'1111 1:11' PIli llll' Splll"ylcr CI1l'mic\l C\:i,sil"il':lIllln S\'~ICI1l Vietllrccn R;ldi,lIl\ III Dl'll'di 1111 1I1..;ll"lInll'11l WC,lIlll'l"Pak MC!l'lII"olllgic,11 SI;II](111 :\lI,gU~[ I. I\)q~ 1)\'';::-'1.\\\\0\ 11\ 1\' 1.\\'\'1' Oll,\NTITJ.: SERIAL I ASSET # \ Sl'l Scc List AlI~lcl1ed ~-CA T, / ER T.;-h See List Attached 4 . . e CIll'I1llL'al Rel"lTc'l Ill' Lilli ~II Y - LISI III" i\ hll'ri;tI ': One III L';!CI1,ll"lhL' I'ol]'l\\'in~- ACGIH 1l1rl',il,lld Limil Va]lIe~ ;llld Bio!lIgical E~P(NII'l' IndiL'ies i\gricullllral ChL'il1IC;t!, Kook - VlIl\lllleS I Ihrollgll-l :-\l.'ricu] I\lral nirlTl'lrv :1I1d H:I/,ard, Resp, \11>C I-LlIldh'ltl" ASSIH:i;llitlll 01" /\ III l'rlcall K:lIlrll;llb [, ]IL'1 gc'I1L'Y i\l I 11I11 ('lIidL'S A'Slll'i:]lion Ill' A 111 L'ri l':1Il k;lilrtl<lds Tal\k ell' i\1a1\1l~t! CHRIS Ila/.;m!olls ChL'mll'al [)~lla :\'LU1U:il COlllllrL'hensive GlIllk l,]the Il:v;u-d']lIS Pr'lpl'rties Ill' Chemical Sllbslal1l'l's Crnp Pit 11l'Ct iOll Clll'm iL'al Rekrellce DOT EI1ll'rgel1L'Y Respnllsl' GlIItll'h(1(lk Eil1ergl'IK'Y Care 1"01' Ha/ardlllls Materials E:\]1os11re El1lergency H:lI1dlillg or l-IalardollS !\1aleri:ils in S\lrface TranSj1nrtalil1ll ,AARl Fallll ChellliClls Jl:lndhllok Firefighll'l's Halldbll'lk Ill" 1-l:I/,ardllUS i\1all'ria)" rilel"ii!hlc']"'S H;l/;In!tlll-, i\lalnials Rl'fcrl'lll'l' ROllk ;\Ild Illde:\ Gl'lll'!:1I Amnil'all TlIl k Car Com pan\' I CiA TX I T:lIlk Car Manual Cillidehol)f,. I'(JJ lhe Safe llsc 1\1" H;vardlllls Agnl'llll1l1':1I Farm Chcmicals and PcsllCides Handhtlok 01" CI11llprcssed {rasl's Hawiey's Condellscd Chemical Dil'l i()Il~Lry fLI/,ard'llls Chemicals Dl'sk Refcrl'llL'C H a/ardolls i\'L!terials EXpnSlll'l': E11lCrgelll:y Respollsl' allll Pal ieLll Care Haz:m1ol1s Matl'rials Injuries: i\ Handhllok for Pre-Hospital Care NFPt\ FIIC Prolel'lioll C;lIidl' !lll-la/ard(lllS Mall'l iab NIOSI-l PlldL'1 Guidc (11 Cill'!llical Ha/ards ()uid; SL'kclioll UlIIlk III CI1l'll1ll';tl Plll1l'l'll\l' C'lllll1lllg Sa:\'s f):IIl!-'l']"(I\IS F'1(lpc'nlc,; !Ii' 1]ld\l,III;\1 i\L\lc'rial, The Pl'"iCllle 8\1111,. 1--.:111)2 PIlII:lhk fbdlll Lisl: Serial NUll1hn St:ltc Asset Number Aut::ust I. I qq~ tWS,SI'\1. \,jO['IIOI' I, \vI'" .'I