Agenda ... . ~ HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL . AGENDA April 5, 1994 7:30 p.m. Schedule: HRA meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. I CALL TO ORDER !L OPEN AGENDA - PUBLIC COMMENTS/CONCERNS ( Three minute limit for each person) !!L RECOGNITION AWARD a. Craig Jordan lV. PRESENTATION a. Jaycees regarding Mainstreet Days events V. CONSENT AGENDA . 1. APPRO V AL OF MARCH 15, 1994 REGULAR iv1EETING MINUTES 2. APPROV AL OF DISBURSEI\1ENTS, PRELIST 936 3. APPROV AL OF MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES 4. APPROVE SHADY OAK BEACH STUDY PROPOSAL (Rpt 94-74) 5. SET MAY 24TH FOR TIF SE1\1INAR 6. .ADOPT RES. ALLOWING COUNTY TO AUCTION TA.-"X FORFEITED PROPERTY (Rpt 94-70) 7 AUTHORIZE MAKING APPLICATION FOR FIRST TIME HOME BtNERS (Rpt 94-71) 8. APPROVE CONTRACT - BOLTON-MENK OAKRIDGE SOUTH RECONST. (Rpt 94-67) 9. ACCEPT FEASIBILITY AND ORDER PUBLIC HEARING - ALLEY RECONST. (Rpt 94-66) 10. ACCEPT FEASIBILITY AND ORDER PUBLIC HEARING - ALLEY RECONST. (Rpt 94-66) 11. ACCEPT PETITION FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM - PIPELINE SUPPL Y (Rpt 94-65) 12. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER 5 - MAlNSTREET - RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 90-04E (Rpt 94-62) 13. APPROVE CHANGE ORDERS 5 & 6 - MAINSTREET RECONSTRUCTION - PROJECT 90-04a (Rpt 94-61) 14. APPROVE SALE OF CITY PROPERTY, LOT 11, BLOCK 91 :MPLS 2ND DIY. (Rpt 94-64) Vote: Maxwell Hesch Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler . APRIL MAY Hesch Redepenning SMTWTFS SMTWTFS Ma.\."WelI Anderson I 2 1234567 Kritzler Mielke 3456789 8 9 10 II 12 IJ 14 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 1718192021 Harmening Gustafson 17 18 19 20212223 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Kerrigan GeneIlie 2425 26 27 28 29 30 29 3031 Gessele Miller . , , - VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: . ADA TRANSITION PLAN (Rpt 94-68) Recommendation: Move to adopt the ADA Transition Plan Vote: Maxwell Hesch_ Redeperming_ Anderson_ Kritzler - Y!1 OLD BUSINESS a. CONSIDER ACTION - SECOND READING - PEDDLERS LICENSE (memo) Recommendation: Move to adopt Ordinance # 94-737 for second reading and order published. Vote: Maxwell Hesch Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler - - b. CONSIDER ACTION - STOP SIGNS - 5TH & 11TH (Rpt 94-63) Recommendation: Move to authorize an engineer's sh1dy concerning the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of 11th Avenue and 5th Street South and authorize the interim installation of all way stop signs at the same intersection. . Vote: Maxwell Hesch Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler - YJlI NEW BUSINESS a. CONSIDER ACTION - FIRE HALL BID AWARD (Rpt 94-69) Recommendation: Move to award the Fire Station remodeling project to Parkos Construction Company, Inc. Vote: Maxwell Hesch Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler - b. CONSIDER ACTION - YARD WASTE AND BRUSH PICK UP (Rpt 94-73) Recommendation: Authorize staff to implement modifications to the brush and yard waste collection programs. Vote: Maxwell Hesch Redepenning_ Anderson - Kritzler _ c. CONSIDER ACTION - NATIONAL PARENTING ASSOCIATION (Rpt 94-60) Recommendation: Move to adopt Resolution # 94-33 expressing support for the goals and vision statement of the National Parenting Association Vote: Maxwell Hesch Redepenning_ Anderson Kritzler t - REPORTS - COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS X ADJOURNMENT