CR 94-233 Designate Environmental Engineer
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December 15, 1994 Council Report 94-233
Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move that Council
authorize the mayor and city manaqer to enter into a contract with
Wenck Associates, Inc. for the purposes of enqineerinq support
concerninq Hopkins landfill issues.
Subsequent to the Minnesota Legislature's passage of the Landfill
Cleanup Program, city staff undertook an RFP process in search of an
engineering firm to aid Hopkins in its efforts to participate in the
program. The MPCA on its own determined that it would in a sense short
circuit its policy and immediately assume control of remedial efforts '
at the landfill and the costs involved in any project. The agency's I
approach to remediation with a gas extraction system is perceived by
staff to be considerably less than desirable. To that end the city
. needs a professional to represent its interests and to perform liaison
and watchdog services during the agency's plan development.
Primary Issues to Consider.
o Who can best represent the City?
Based on the RFP interview process held in September and on
references supplied by the candidate, staff recommends that
Wenck Associates, Inc. be designated the City's environmental
engineer at this critical stage of negotiations with the MPCA
for the ultimate takeover of the landfill.
o What is the cost?
Final costs are difficult to determine, but the city will be
billed on a time-and-materials basis based on Wenck's fee
schedule. The fee schedule is in keeping with industry
standards. For budgeting purposes Wenck has placed a cap of
$12,000.00 on charges without further approval.
Supportinq Information.
o Contract letter with authorization
. J~S~~
Engineering Superintendent
-- -- - - - -- -
12/14/94 10:20 F.~ 612 479 4242 WENCK ASSOC. INC 14I 0021004
Enllirol'lment:J Wenck Associat~ lnc.
1800 Pio neer Creek Ctr.
Engineers P.O. Box 428
~~Wenck Maple Plain, MN 55359-0428
(612) 4794200
fax (612) 479-4242
E-mail wenl:;kmp@INenl:k,com
December 14, 1994
Mr. James Gessele C.E.T.
Engineering Supervisor
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Flopkins) ~ 55343
Re: Request for Professional Services
Landfill Gas Evaluation
Hopkins Landfill
Dear Mr. Gesse1e:
. As per our telephone discussions, Wenck Associates is pleased to develop this scope
of services for landfill gas support at the Hopkins Landfill. Wenck has specific
expertise in this area and will provide the City with technical expertise and
evaluations for effective negotiations with the MPCA.
The project will require Wenck staff to review e>:isting data and "get up-to-speed"
with all applicable infonnation and discussions held to date between the City and
MPCA. Wenck staff, specifically Mr. Rod. Ambrosie, P.E., and Mr. Sam Lucido,
P.E., will be involved in this project. These gentlemen may call on other expertise
within the company as necessary. Mr. Lucido will also provide liaison between Mr.
Ron Lofy in California for professional opinions and project discussions.
The project will be billed to the City on a ..time~and~materialsll basis as per our
attached Fee Schedule. The City will get a detailed invoice at the end of each
month, describing the services provided that month~ and anticipated next-month
efforts. All work will be authorized by the City prior to initiation. For budgetary
purposes, we recommend the City budget an initial $12,000 for this project on a
not-to-exceed-without-approval basis.
- Mr. Ambrosie and Mr. Lucido are available immediately to begin discussions with
the City. review existing data, and begin to develop a project sttategy.
12/14/94 10:20 FAX 612 479 4242 WENCK ASSOC. INC @OO3/004
.------- -~ .-. --------- . _....-~-- --
. Mr. James Gessele C.B.T.
Engineering supervisor
City of Hopkins
December 14, 1994
Page 2
If you have any questions, please call Mr. Rod Ambrosie at 479-4218. Please have
the appropriate signatureS below for authorization to proceed.
ey W. Ambrosie, P .E. Norman C. Wenck, P.E.
Project Manager President
RW Nreg
. Attachment: Wenck Fee Schedule
Name Name
Date Date
Signature Signature
~ '- --- .--
12/14/94 10:21 FAX 612 479 4242 WENCK ASSOC. INC 141 004/004
- .- ..
. - .. n
&wifQl)tTlenbl Wend A:;sociates, 'I'll:..
Engineers 1800 Pioneer Creek Ctr.
P.O. Box 428
Maple Plain, MN 5535'3-0428
. ~Wenck (612) 479-4200
Fax (612) 479-4242
Program. Manager S 132. 00
Senior Project Manager/Senior Professional 5112.00
Project ManagerlProject Professional $99.00
Supervising Engineer/Supervising Professional $90.00
Senior Engineer/Senior Scientist $80.00
Engineer ill $75.00
Engineer llISenior Technician $71.00
. Engineer/ScientistIHydrologistlGeologist $65.00
Assistant Enginecr/ Assistant Geologist/CAD Designer $61.00
Junior Engineer/Junior Geologist/CAD Dtafter $54.00
Technician/Word Processor $43.00
Clerical $37.00
Subcontracted services will be billed at CDst plus 5 percent.
Mileage will be billed at the rate of $0.29 per mile.
Reproductions will be billed at the rate of SO. 15 per copy.
Invoices are due upon presentation. In....oice balances not paid within thirty (30) days of
invoice date are subject to 1-1/2% (18% annual) interest or finance charge.
Rates to be adjusted annually. .
Expert testimony services billed at twice the nonnal rate.
--", -