CR 94-13 CO #5 Knollwood Street Reconstruction \ y \ 0 c.. p ~ . ~ 0 January 12, 1994 0 P K \ ~ Council Report 94-13 APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 AUTHORIZE FINAL PAYMENT KNOLLWOOD STREET RECONSTROCTION Proposed Action. Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move that Council authorize Chanqe Order No. 5 and the Final Payment Application as they concern the Knollwood street Reconstruction Project. Overview. council in previous action has approved four other change orders that have arisen chiefly because of poor subgrade soils at the Knollwood site. The consultant engineer advises this request represents final extra work on the project. Primary Issues to consider. o What is the justification for a change order? All the work items listed represent design changes in the . field as recommended by staff or the consultant. The items are not necessarily related to poor subsoil conditions but are prompted by extraordinary circumstances in final restoration of the site. o What are the costs? The net change of this order 1S an addition of $11,800.18. Council should note that the contractor agreed to liquidate damages for the sum of $7,500.00. Council should also note that authorization of final payment involves a net increase to original contract work in the amount of $54,725.65. This is in addition to the change order work. o Staff recommendation: staff concurs with the change order amount and the final pay estimate as prepared by RLK Associates. Council approval will close this project. supportinq Information o Change Order No. 5 o Final Payment Application ~~~ . mes Gessele Engineering Superintendent -.--. ---.-- -. ,,-- .---- .., .--- -.-- .' . e CHANGE ORDER NO.5 RLK Associates, ltd. 922 Mainstreet Hopkins, MN 55343 Date: October 15,1993 TO: Widmer, Inc. Project No. & Dese. P.O_ Box 219 90-01 S1. Bonifaeius, MN 55375 Knollwood Neighborhood Contract Date: June 10, 1992 CONTRACT FOR: UTILITIES AND ROADWAY ---------------------------------------~----------------~--------------------- You are hereby directed to make the following changes to the above mentioned contract: ADDITIONS: Unit Qty. Unit Price Total Price 1. Metal adjusting rings for MH's EACH 23.00 85.00 1,955.00 2. Install area drains at Stien Property L.S. 1.00 2,442.05 2,442.05 . 3_ Pave turn-around at end of Edgemore L.S. 1.00 700.00 700.00 Per Vern Pankratz 4. Remove & Reconstruct 30' of Engle L.S. 1.00 1,044.50 1,044.50 . Driveway for garbage truck turn around 5. Construct Grouted Lannon Stone Walk S.F. 9.00 486.00 4,374.00 6. Relocate clothes poles at Stein property L.S. 1.00 103.50 103.50 due to storm sewer extension 7. Re-grading 122 Wilshire to Control Drainage L.S. 1.00 966.00 966.00 through swale 122 Wilshire including sod 8. Repair planting bed behind curb at L.S. 1.00 113.85 113.85 805 Park Terrace including rock 9. Additional Plantings, edger, fabric, to L.S. 1.00 277.73 277.73 continue hedge past hydrant 10. Labor to replace gate at 240 Bridle L.S. 1.00 69.00 69.00 due to construction 11. Labor to install street signs in bases L.S. 1.00 557.29 657.29 provided by City 12. Equipment time to place matenal around L.S. 1.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 Hanson Pond per agreement WIth City 13. Additional cost for high early concrete used L.S. 1.00 292.50 292.50 to expedite access to driveways by properW 0 wners 14. Remove and replace curb at top of Hilltop L,F. 75.00 20.00 1.500.00 Lane to improve drainage off back yard areas 15. V6 Curb along driveway, remove and replac L.S. 1.00 1,365.00 1,365.00 16. Remove driveway curb at 705 Valley L.F. 69.00 4.00 276.00 17. Extra CL 5 for driveways to replace TON 154.56 8.50 1,313.76 Extra Thick Concrete Subtotal Additions 1 9 , 300. 1 8 . DEDUCTIONS; DEDUCT Liquidated Damages L.S. 1.00 7,500.00 (7,500.00) Subtotal Deductions (7,500.00) TOTAL CHANGE ORDER 11,800.18 . _c_o!JI!l~fI ~I ~ I'::!~ t'~R_ If:.!I~ _C.!1!,-_N5l~ _O_R.pE~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J~.C_C_Ef'I ~~C2s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ENGINEER: The time to complete the contract is RLK ASSOCIATES, L TO. I X I Unchanged ~:" (ifjfjflq~ I I Increased by Days ~~t~~ I I Decreased by Days The date of completion IS Now OWNER: CITY OF HOPKINS Original Contract Sum $661,435.50 By Date Net Change Order By PrevIous Change Orders $182,268.53 CO:eR j, ' . Contract Sum Prior to this Change Order $843,704.03 BJ n: L--r I X I Addition Date /,;;c - ;J. C - 0/"3 . I I Deduction Made by this change order $11,800.18 New Contract Sum $855,504.21 e - - APPLlCA TION FOR PAYMENT NO_ 7 & FINAL .JECT: Knollwood Residential Improvements OWNER: City of Hopkins OWNER'S PROJECT NO. 90-01 ENGINEER'S PROJECT # 91033 CONTRACTOR: Widmer Construction Company P.O. Box 219 St. Bonifaclus, MN 55375 CONTRACT FOR: Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Concrete Curb and Gutter and Streets CONTRACT DATE: June 10, 1992 FOR WORK ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH THE DATE OF: October 15, 1993 $T A TEMENT OF WORK ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $661,435.50 WORK TO DATE $910,229.8G NET CHANGE ORDERS $194,068.71 CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT $855,504.21 AMOUNT RETAINED { 0 %) $0.00 . SUBTOTAL $910,229.86 PREVIOUS PA YMENTS RECOMMENDED $828,866.73 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAYMENT $81,363.13 CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: The undersigned Contractor certifies that 11) all previous payments received from Owner on account of work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied to discharge in full all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications tor Payment numbered 1 through 6 inclusive; and [21 title to all materials and equipment incorporated in said work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances {except such as covered by Bond acceptable to Owner. Widmer Construction Date: I,:; - dO -9'3 ~ ~t""" By. ~ ~ ENGINEER'S Recommendation: This Application Iwith accompanYing documentationl meets the requirements of the Contract Documents and payment of the AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION is recommended. CITY OF HOPKINS RLK Associates, Ltd. ~ t...~ Engineer By: Da. I / 1/ /94- By: Date: APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 7 1 1Ij<J.l .M CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPlETED COMPENSATING CONTRACT ITEM UNIT QTY. PHICE AMOUNT QTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHEDULE I. SANITARY SEWER CIll' PROJECT NO. 90-01 1 Maintenance of Sanitary Sewer Service L.S. 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1.00 2,500.00 0.00 2 Remove Sanitary Sewer Pipe L.F. 1,653.00 1.00 1,653.00 1,699.00 1,699.00 46.00 including disposal J Remove Sanitary Manhole ",eluding disposal EACH 5.00 100.00 500.00 7.00 700.00 200.00 4 Manhole Wall Repair V.F. 16.00 100.00 1,500.00 10.00 1,000.00 (500.0Oi 5 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer Main EACH 17.00 125.00 2,125.00 21.00 2,625.00 500.00 6 Reconnect Sanitary Sewer Service EACH 10.00 11 0.00 1,100.00 18.00 1,980.00 880.00 7 Sanitary Sewer Spot Repair EACH 6.00 2.400.00 14,400.00 6.00 14.400.00 0.00 8 Manhole Invert Repair EAeH 9.00 225.00 2,025.00 13.00 2,925.00 90000 3 Plug & Fill Exisr. B" Sanirary Sewer L.F. 190.00 200 3BOOO 215.00 43 0.00 5000 10 8" x 4" PVC Wye. Ins rail ell EACH 10.00 3200 320.00 200 64.00 (256 JOl 11 4" - li8 Bends EACH 10.00 6.00 60.00 6.00 36.00 124.001 12 4" PVC Sanitary Sewer Service Pipe L.F. 212.00 12.00 2,544.00 26.00 312.00 (2,232.001 13 4" PVC Sanitary Sewer Riser L.F. 16.00 15.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 (240.001 .: 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer, 0'-8' depth L.F. 726.00 16.00 11,618.00 759.00 12,144.00 528.00 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer, 8'-10' depth L.F. 474.00 16.00 7,584.00 490.00 7,840.00 256.00 16 8" pve Sanitary Sewer, 10'-12' depth L.F. 287.00 1800 5,166.00 438.00 7,884.00 2,71800 17 B" pve Sanitary Sewer, 12',14' depth L.F. 328.00 20.00 6.560.00 223.00 4.460.00 12.100.001 18 8" pve Sanitary Sewer. 14'-16' depth L.F. 10.00 25.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 1250.001 19 8" pve Sanitary Sewer, 18'-20' depth L.F. 10.00 30.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 1300 001 20 C onsuuct Standard Manhole Design 1" 10'-8') EACH 6.00 1,100.00 6,600.00 8.00 8,800.00 2.200.00 21 Construct Extra Depth Manhole V.F. 8.00 100.00 800.00 9.00 900.00 100.00 22 Casting Assemblies ISanltary Manholesl EACH 3.00 200.00 600.00 6.00 1,200.00 600.00 23 Stabilization Rock TON 450.00 12.50 5,625.00 721.71 9,021.38 3,396.38 24 16" Steel Casing Pipe, Jacked L.F. 110.00 11 5.00 12,650.00 1 10.00 12,650.00 0.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE I. SANITARY SEWER 87.198.00 93.570.38 6.372.38 . PROJECT NO. 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 1 chkd. by APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO.7 1; 10/94 .M CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPlETED COMPENSATING CONTRACT ITEM UNIT QTY. PflICE AMOUNT QTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHEDULE II. WATER MAIN CITY PROJECT NO. 90-01 1 Remove watermain inc!. disposal L.F. 108.00 3.00 318.00 124.00 372.00 5400 2 Plug & Fill Existing 5" watermain L.F. 1,1B7.00 1.00 1.187.00 370.00 370.00 1817.001 3 Salvage Hydrant EACH 1.00 250.00 250.00 1.00 250.00 0.00 4 Salvage Gate Valve EACH 5.00 50.00 300.00 2.00 100.00 1200.001 5 Relocate Hydrant EACH 3.00 500.00 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 \ 1.800.001 6 6" x 6" Wet Tap & Valve EACH 2.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 4.00 4,800.00 2,400.00 7 1" Corp. Stop EACH 9.00 60.00 540.00 8.00 480.00 (60.00) 8 1" Curb Stop & Box EACH 9.00 140.00 1,260.00 8.00 1,12000 \140.00) 9 Relocate Existing Curb Box EACH 14.00 300.00 4.200.00 11.00 3.300.00 \900.00) 10 Adjust Existing Curb Box EACH 1500 25.00 375.00 36.00 900.00 525.00 11 6" Gate Value & Box New EACH 13.00 400.00 5,200.00 11.00 4,400.00 1800001 12 Cut in and install 6" gate valve & box EACH 2.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 4.00 4,800.00 2.40000 13 Hydrant with auxiliary gate valve EACH 2.00 1,650.00 3,300.00 2.00 3,300.00 0.00 14 Hydrant without valve EACH 3.00 1,300.00 3,900.00 3.00 3.900.00 0.00 15 Reconnect 1" water service EACH 9.00 215.00 1 ,935.00 8.00 1.720.00 (215.00) - Reconnect an water main EACH 10.00 500.00 5,000.00 6.00 3,000.00 12.000.001 1 7 O,sconnect abandoned water servIce EACH 10.00 200.00 2.000,00 9.00 1,800 00 1200 001 18 1" Copper Water Service EACH 230.00 8.00 1 ,84000 191.00 1,528.00 1312.001 19 6" Water Main-Ductile Iron C ,. 52 L.F. 1,520.00 17.50 26,600.00 1,619.00 28,332.50 1,732.50 20 4" H.D. Polystyrene Insulation L,F. 40.00 6.00 240.00 16.00 96.00 1144.00) 21 Water Main Ductile Iron Fittings L.B. 1,875.00 2.40 4,500.00 1,665.00 3,996.00 {504.00) 22 Stabilization Rock TON 150.00 12.50 1,875.00 278.87 3.485.88 1,610.88 TOTAL SCHEDULE II. WATER MAIN 71,420.00 72,050.38 630.38 . PROJECT NO, 90,01 SUMMMARY PAGE 2 chkd. by _ ---- APPLlCA TION FOR PA YMENT NO.7 1,10i94 .M CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPlETED COMPENSATING CONTRACT ITEM UNIT OTY. PRICE AMOUNT OTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHEDULE III " STORM SEWER CITY PROJECT NO. 90-01 1 Remove 8" to 12" Sewer Pipe (Storm. L.F. 216.00 3.00 648.00 590.00 1,770.00 1.122.00 2 Remove Catch Basins including disposal EACH 4,00 210.00 840.00 4.00 840,00 0.00 J Common Channel Excavation (Pond & Ditch) CY 1,000.00 5.00 5,000.00 500.00 2.500,00 (2,500.001 ,t 12" C.M. Pipe Culvert L.F. 7.00 20.00 140.00 7,00 140.00 0.00 5 Salvage 24" RCP Apron EACH 1.00 150.00 150.00 2.00 300.00 150.00 6 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer EACH 1.00 250.00 250.00 1.00 250.00 0.00 7 Connect to Exist Private Drain System EACH 3.00 100.00 300.00 6.00 600.00 300.00 8 12" C.M. Pipe Apron with Trash Guard EACH 1.00 300.00 300.00 1.00 300.00 0.00 9 12" RCP Apron wi Trash Guard EACH 7.00 490.00 3,430.00 7.00 3,430.00 0.00 11] 15" RCP Apron wi Trash Guard EACH 2.00 570.00 1.140.00 2.00 1,140.00 0,00 11 18" RCP Apron wi Trash Guard EACH 1.00 640.00 640.00 1 00 640,00 0.00 12 Install 24" RCP Apron wi Trash Guard EACH 1.00 925.00 925.00 1.00 925.00 0.00 13 6" PVC Pipe Drain L.F. 63.00 12.00 756.00 169.00 2.028.00 1.272.00 14 12" RCP Storm Sewer Design 3006. Class V L.F. 805.00 20.00 16,100.00 788.00 15,760.00 {340.00) . 15" RCP Storm Sewer Design 3006, Class III L.F. 1,015.00 23.00 23.345.00 979.00 22,517.00 (828.00l 18" RCP Storm Sewer Design 3006, Class III L.F. 11.00 29.00 319.00 10.00 290.00 129.00) 17 24" RCP Storm Sewer Design 3006, Class III L.F. 145.00 32.00 4,640.00 110.00 3,520.00 11.120.00) 18 6" Ductile Iron Pipe. Cl.52 L.F. 20.00 25.00 500,00 18.00 450.00 150.001 19 12" Ductile Iron Pipe, Cl.52 L.F. 12.00 30.00 360.00 86.00 2,580.00 2.220.00 20 4" H.D. PolystYrene Insulation S.F. 30.00 6.00 180.00 136.00 816.00 636.00 21 Construct Rectangular CB Manhole Design E. EACH 2.00 300.00 600.00 1.00 300.00 (300.001 22 Connect to Existing C.B. or Manhole EACH 5.00 300.00 1,500.00 6.00 1,800.00 300.00 2:3 Construct Manhole, Design C EACH 3.00 600.00 1.800.00 4.00 2,400_00 600.00 24 Construction Catch Basin Design A EACH 13.00 400.00 5,200.00 13.00 5.200.00 0.00 25 Construct CB Manholes Design B EACH 6.00 400.00 2.400.00 2.00 800.00 (1,600.00) 26 Construct CB Manholes Design C EACH 6.00 600.00 3.600.00 9.00 5,400.00 1,800.00 27 Construct CB Manholes Design D EACH 7.00 1,100.00 7,700.00 8.00 8,800.00 1.100.00 28 Casting Assemblies (Storm Manholesl EACH 4.00 175.00 700.00 2.00 350.00 (350.001 29 Casting Assemblies (catch baslnl EACH 400 300.00 1,20000 3.00 900.00 '300001 30 Random Riprap Class II C.Y. 23.00 30.00 690.00 38.00 1,140.00 450.00 31 Stabilization Rock TON 200.00 12.50 2,500.00 151.22 1.890.25 1609.751 TOTAL SCHEDULE Ill, STORM SEWER 87,853.00 89.776.25 1.923.25 . PROJECT NO. 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 3 chkd, by ~ .------.-... --- - -.--- APPLlCA TION FOR PA YMENT NO 7 1 0 .-eJ<l eM CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPlETED C OMPENSA TIN G CONTRACT ITEM UNIT QTY. PRICE AMOUNT QTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHEDULE IV - STREET CONSTRUCTION CITY PROJECT NO. 90-01 1 MobIlization Including Field Office, Type D L.S. 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1.00 1,000.00 0.00 2 Clearing TREE 15.00 150.00 2.250.00 25.00 3,900.00 1,650.00 J Grubbing TREE 15.00 100.00 1,500.00 2300 2,300.00 800.00 .1 ProtecHve Snow Fence L.F. 335.00 2.00 670.00 637 00 1,274.00 604 00 5 Remove Concrete Sidewalk S.F. 270.00 0.25 67.50 309 ao 7725 9 75 6 Temporary Removal. Sprinkler Heads on right-at-way EACH 35.00 10.00 350.00 25.00 250.00 l100.001 7 Remove and Salvage Rock Rataining Wall S.Y. 40.00 5.00 200.00 30.00 150.00 (50.001 8 Remove Concrete Driveway Pavement S.Y. 75.00 1.80 135.00 608.00 1.094.40 959.40 3 Reconstruct Existing M. H./C .8. V.F. 6.00 150.00 900.00 12.00 1,800.00 900.00 10 Renlove 8~turn!nous Pavement S.Y. 16.223.00 1.30 21,089.90 16.099.00 20,928 70 1161 20) 11 Transplant 2"-4" Tree EACH 1.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 1150.00) 12 Transplant 4".6" Tree EACH 1.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 1150.00) 13 Sawing Concrete Sidewalk L.F. 25.00 2.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 150.00) 14 Sawing Concrete Pavement L.F. 100.00 2.25 225.00 70.00 157.50 {57.50l . Sawing Bituminous Pavement L.F. 1,137.00 1.00 1,137.00 715.00 715.00 (422.001 15 Common Excavation C.Y. 5,370.00 4.75 25,507.50 5,370.00 25,507.50 000 17 Subgrade Excavation C.Y. 5,520.00 4.95 27.324.00 5,520.00 27,324.00 0.00 18 Select Granular Borrow {CV) C.Y. 1,870.00 6.50 12,155.00 1,776.00 11,544.00 (611 001 19 Topsoil Borrow (LV) C.Y. 1,300.00 6.50 8,450.00 2.124.00 13,806.00 5,356.00 20 Subgrade Preparation S.Y. 18,679.00 0.35 6,537.65 17,285.00 6,049.75 1487.901 21 6" Aggregate Base Placed, cl"5 100% Crushed S.Y. 17,650.00 2.50 44.125.00 25,000.00 62,500.00 18,375.00 22 BituminOus Base Course Type 31, Placed 2" Thick S.Y. 13,984.00 245 34,250.80 13,750.00 33,687 50 1573.301 23 Bituminous Wear Course Type 41. Placed 1 1/2" Thick S.Y. 13,984.00 2.05 28,667.20 13,750.00 28,187.50 (479.70) 24 Bituminous Driveway Wear Course Type 41 Placed 3 112" Thick S.Y. 756.00 13.60 10,281.50 1 .999.00 27,186.40 16,904.80 25 Bituminous Tack Coat GAL 1,044.00 1.70 1.774.80 1,000.00 1,700.00 174801 211 Construct Lannon ~hmestoneJ Stone Retaining Wall S.F. 150.00 10.00 1,500.00 251.00 2,510.00 1.010.00 27 Adjust Valve Box - Water EACH 7.00 100.00 700.00 7.00 700.00 0.00 28 Adjust Existing Hydrant EACH 3.00 350.00 1,050.00 11.00 3,850.00 '2,800.00 . PROJECT NO. 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 4 chkd. by - APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO.7 110icJ-j . CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORl<. COMPUTED COMPENSA T1NG CONTRACT ITEM UNIT OTY. PRICE AMOUNT OTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT 29 Adjust Existing Frame and Ring Castings EACH 19.00 150.00 2.850.00 19.00 2,850.00 0.00 30 Colored Concrete Curb Mountable L.F. 13,455.00 7.40 99,567.00 12,767,00 94,475.80 (5,091.20) 31 Colored Concrete Curb, 8-612 (Hilltop Lane Onlyl L.F. 473.00 7.60 3,594.80 384.00 2,918.40 (676.40) 32 4" Concrete Walk SF 200.00 2.00 400.00 309.00 618.00 218.00 33 6" Concrete Driveway Pavement S.Y. 250.00 25.00 6,250.00 398,00 9,950.00 3.700.00 34 Traffic Control L.S. 1.00 3.000.00 3,000.00 100 3.000.00 0.00 35 Bale Check EACH 80.00 6.00 480.00 77.00 462.00 118.001 36 Silt Fence, Heavy Duty l.F. 4,326.00 2.50 10,815.00 3,851.00 9,627.50 11,187501 37 Roadside Seeding ACRE 0.50 500.00 250.00 0.50 250.00 0.00 38 Seed Mixture 500 L.B. 25.00 6.00 150.00 25.00 150.00 0.00 39 Cultured Sod S.Y. 14,000.00 1.35 18,900.00 16.805.00 22,686.75 3.785.75 40 Mulch Material, Type I TON 1.00 420.00 420.00 0.00 0.00 1420.00) 41 Cummercial Fertilizer, 102020 L.B. 175.00 0.45 78.75 100.00 45.00 133.75) TOTAL SCHEDULE IV, STREET CONSTRUCTION 378,963.50 425,232.95 45,269.45 . . PROJECT NO. 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 5 chkd. by - APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO.7 1 1 O~)4 eM CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPLETED COMPENSA TlNG CONTRACT ITEM UNIT QTY. PRICE AMOUNT QTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHEDULE V - LANDSCAPING CITY PROJECT NO. 90-01 A Pin Oak Quercus paulustris 3,5" eal. B&B EACH 7.00 347.00 2,429.00 7.00 2,429.00 0.00 B Maple Red Aeer rubrum 2,0" eal. B&B EACH a.oo 222.00 1,776.00 8.00 1.776.00 0.00 C Syline Honeyloeust, Gleditisa tnaeanthos Ine,mes, 2.0" eal. B&B EACH 4.00 182.00 728.00 4.00 728.00 000 0 Red Splendor Crabapple, Malus spp. 1.5" eal. B&B EACH 5.00 145.00 725.00 5.00 725.00 0.00 E Amur Maple. clump, Acer ginnela 1.5" eal. 8&8 EACH 7.00 157.00 1,099.00 7.00 1.099.00 0.00 F Douglas Fir, Pseudolsuga menziesii 8' ht. 8&B EACH 3.00 242.00 726.00 3.00 726.00 0.00 G Black Hills Spruce, Picea glauca densara 8' ht. B&B EACH 4.00 242.00 968.00 4.00 968.00 0.00 H Black Hills Spruce, Pieea glauea densata 6' hI. B&B EACH 6.00 182.00 1.092.00 8.00 1,486.00 364.00 I Common lilac, Syringa vulgaris 36" ht. B&B EACH 20.00 41.00 820.00 21.00 861.00 41.00 J Common lilac, Syringa vulgaris 24" hI. Pot EACH 40.00 21.00 840.00 40.00 B40.00 0.00 . Cotoneaster, Cotoneaster acutifolia 30" ht. Pot EACH 50.00 21.00 1,050.00 50.00 1,050.00 0.00 L Is anti Dogwood, Carnus stolonifera "Isanti" 24" hI. Pot EACH 45.00 21.00 945.00 45.00 945.00 0.00 M High Bush Cranberry, Viburnum trilobum 24" ht. Pot EACH 32.00 21.00 672.00 33.00 693.00 21.00 N Bndal Wreath Spirea. Spirea x vanhouttei 24" ht. Pot EACH 54.00 21.00 1,134.00 54.00 1,134.00 0.00 0 Goldflame Spirea, Spirea japoniea bumalda 18" hr. Pot EACH 20.00 21.00 420.00 24.00 504 00 84.00 P Hosta, Royal Standard Host" sp. 1 gal. Pot EACH 30.00 11.00 330.00 40.00 440.00 110.00 Land~c..pe Materi/ll~ Black poly edger e.g. Valley VIew 5" L.F. 500.00 1.55 775.00 654.00 1,323.70 548.70 Shredded hardwood mulch S.Y. 200.00 2.50 500.00 360.00 900.00 400.00 Landscape FabriC S.Y. 150.00 1.00 150.00 320.00 320.00 170.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE V - LANDSCAPING 17.179.00 18.917.70 1.738.70 . PROJECT NO 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 6 chkd b', - ------------ APPLJCA TION FOR PA YMENT NO.7 1: 11/94 eM CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPlETED COMPENSATING CONTRACT ITEM UNIT OTY. PRICE AMOUNT OTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT SCHEDULE VI . ALTERNATE ITEMS CITY PROJECT NO. 90-01 1 4" Perfor>ned T. P. Pipe Dra.n L.F. '.745.00 4.50 7,852.50 2,750.00 , 2,375.00 4,522.50 2 4" P.E. Inspection Tee V.F. 60.00 50.00 3,000.00 9.00 450.00 (2,550.001 3 Remove Sanitary Service Pipe L.F. 100.00 8.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 1800.001 <\ Remove Water Service Pipe L.F. 150.00 13.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 1900001 5 4 PVC Sanitary Sewer Service Pipe L.F. 100.00 12.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 11,200.00) 5 1" Copper Water Service L.F. 150.00 12.00 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 n,800.00) 7 Reconnect Sanitery Sewer Service EACH 6.00 150.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 (900.00) 8 Reconnect 1" Water Service EACH 6.00 1 00.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 (600.00l 9 1" Curb Stop and Box EACH 6.00 1 50.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 (900.001 10 Remove Sprinkler Pipe L.F. 300.00 1.00 30000 226.00 225.00 04 001 11 Poly Pipe 1 114" L.F. 300.00 0.55 165.00 0.00 0.00 \165001 12 Connector Tee EACH 20.00 1.50 30.00 0.00 0.00 (30.001 13 Sprinkler Head Taro 570 or equivalent EACH 25.00 37.00 925.00 0.00 000 1925.001 14 PCV Valve Box 6" Diameter EACH 3.00 10.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 (30.00) . Topsoil Borrow ILV) C.Y. 86.00 8.50 559.00 0.00 0.00 1559.00) Cultured Sod S.Y. 550.00 1.35 742.50 0.00 0.00 1742.50) 17 Remove Steel Gas Pipe L.F. 5,313.00 1.50 7,969.50 2,375.00 3,562.50 (4,40700) Subtotal Items 1 and 2, Perforated Dra.ns 10.852.50 12,825.00 1,972.50 TOTAL SCHEDULE VI. ALTERNATE ITEMS 1.2 & 17 18,822.00 16,613.50 (2,208.50) CHANGE ORDER NO.1 Trench 8ackfill Sand TON 9.70 2.977.37 28.880.49 Subgrade Stabilization Rock TON 12.50 1.273.86 15,923.25 Relocate Hydrant at Cottage Downs EACH 1.500.00 1.00 1.500.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO.1 46,303.74 CHANGE ORDER NO.2 ADDITIONS Trench Backfill Sand TON 9.70 1,460.36 14,165.49 Over Depth Hydrant Relocation EACH 6.00 900.00 5.400.00 24" Steel Casing Jacked L.F 135.00 147.00 19.845.00 8" , 6" PVC Wye EACH 8500 18.00 1.530.00 13" PVC Service Pipe L.F. 1600 158.00 2.528.00 6" PVC Bend EACH 32.00 38.00 1,216.00 Select Granular Borrow, Mod. (eVI C.Y. 8.10 1,500.00 12,150.00 Geotextile Fabric S.Y. 1.80 18,679.00 33,622.20 Subtotal Additions 90,456.69 . PROJECT NO. 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 7 chkl1. bv ~ ---- ----- APPLlCA110N FOR PAYMENT NO.7 1 10i94 CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPLETED COMPENSATING VI CONTRACT ITEM UNIT QTY. PflIC E AMOUNT QTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER NO.2 (continued) DEDUCTIONS 6" Water Main D.I.P. - Class 52 L.F. 17.50 1553.00) (9.677.50l 16" Steel Casing - Jacked L.F. 115.00 {110.00) (12.650.00) Subtotal Deductions {22.327.50l TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO.2 68.129.19 CHANGE ORDER NO.3 ADDITIONS Trench Backfill Sand TON 9.70 1,447.35 14,039.30 Common Excavation CX 5.25 1,300.00 6,825.00 Haul - Back & re-stacking charges, L.S. 780.00 1.00 780.00 6" 0.1. P. Water Main Remove brick pillars EACH 150.00 11.00 1,850.00 Select Granular Borrow, Mod. (CV)' C.Y. 8.10 1,00000 8,100.00 6" Aggregate Base. CI. 5 S.Y. 2.55 25,000.00 63,750.00 12" PVC Slorm Pipe L.F. 2000 100.00 2,000.00 Special Pond Excavation CY 7.35 2.80000 20,580.00 Subtotal Additions 117.724.30 DEDUCTIONS 6" Aggregate Base, CI. 5 S.Y. 2.50 25,000.00 (52,500.001 Subtotal Deductions (62,500.001 . TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO.3 55.224.30 CHANGE ORDER NO.4 ADDITIONS Common Excavation C.Y. 5.25 284.00 1,491.00 Subgrade Excavation C.Y. 4.95 1.310.00 6,484.50 6" Aggregate Base, CI. 5 S.Y. 2.55 1.736.00 4,426.80 Red Rock for Driveway Repair TON 10.45 20.00 209.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO.4 12.611.30 CHANGE ORDER NO.5 ADDITIONS 1. Metal adjusting rings for MH's EACH 85.00 23.00 1,955.00 2. Install area drains at Stien Property L. S. 2,442.05 1 00 2,442.05 3. Pave turn-around at end of Edgemore L.S. 700.00 1.00 700.00 Per Vern Pankratz 4. Remove & Reconstruct 30' of Engle L.S. 1,044.50 1.00 1,044.50 Driveway for garbage truck turn around 5. Construct Grouted Common Stone Walk S.F. 486.00 9.00 4,374.00 6. Relocate clothes poles at Stein property L.S. 103.50 1 00 103.50 due [0 storm Sewer extension 7. Re-gradlng 122 Wilshire to Control Drainage L.S. 966.00 1 00 966.00 through swale 122 Wilshire including sod 8. Repair planting bed behind curb at L.S. 113.85 1 00 113.85 805 Park Terrace including rock 9. Additional Plantings, edger, fabric, to L.S. 277.7'3 , .00 277.7'3 continue hedge past hydrant 10. Labor to replace gate at 240 Bridle L.S. 69.00 1.00 89.00 due to construction . PROJECT NO. 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 8 chkd by APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO.7 1/1 0/94 .M CONTRACT UNIT SCHEDULE WORK COMPLETED COMPENSATING CONTRACT ITEM UNIT QTY. PRICE AMOUNT QTY. AMOUNT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER NO.5 {continued} 11. labor to install street signs in bases L.S. 557.29 1.00 557.29 provided bV CitV 12. Equipment t.me to place matenal around L.S. 1.950.00 1.00 1,950.00 Hanson Pond per agreement with City 13. Additional cOst for high early concrete used L.S. 292.50 1.00 292.50 to expedite access to driveways by property owners 14. Remove and replace curb at top of Hilltop L.F. 20.00 75.00 1,500.00 Lane to improve drainage off back yard areas 15. V5 Curb along driveway, remove and replace L.S. 1,365.00 1.00 1,365.00 16. Remove driveway curb at 705 Valley L.F. 4.00 69.00 276.00 17. Extra CL5 for driveways to replaG" TON a.50 154.56 1,313.76 extra thick Goncrete Subtotal Additions 19,300.18 DEDUCTIONS DEDUCT liqUidated Damages L.S. 7,500.00 1.00 (7,500.00l Subtotal Deductions (7,500.00f TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO.5 11,800.18 SUMMARY: SCHEDULE I: SANITARY SEWER 93,570.38 SCHEDULE II - WA TERMAIN 72,050.38 SCHEDULE III - STORM SEWER 89,776.25 . SCHEDULE IV . STREET CONSTRUCTION 425,232.95 SCHEDULE V - LANDSCAPING 18,917.70 SCHEDULE VI - AL TERNA TE ITEMS 16,613.50 CHANGE ORDER NO.1 46,303.74 CHANGE ORDER NO.2 58,129.19 CHANGE ORDER NO.3 55,224.30 CHANGE ORDER NO.4 12,611,30 CHANGE ORDER NO.5 11,800.18 910,229.B6 TOTAL . PROJECT NO. 90-01 SUMMMARY PAGE 9 chkd. bV -