CR 94-10 Approval Of Fire Department Election
. December 3D, 1993 Council Report # 94-10
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the 1993 Fire De-
partment results.
Adoption of this motion will provide a conclusion to the election process stipulated in
the Fire Department by-laws.
Section 13 of the Fire Department By-laws states that the administrators of the Fire De-
partment be elected in December by secret ballot. The administrators include the
Chief, Secretary, Comptroller, Treasurer and six Trustees. The Chief and Trustees are
elected for three year terms. The other administrators are elected for one year terms.
The By-laws also state that the election is subject to the approval of the City Council.
. The Fire Department election was held on December 2, 1993. Attached you will find a
listing of those elected at that election.
George Magdal was elected Chief by Fire Department members. He is asking that the
City Council approve the election as required by the By-laws. As far as I can tell, this is
the first time we have received such a request in recent memory. It would appear that
the Council has the authority to disapprove the election and if it did so, the membership
would be required to conduct another election and submit those results to the Council.
Primary Issues to Consider
0 What criteria should be used for Council consideration?
It would seem that unless the Council had a major problem with either the method of
the election or with one or more of the individuals elected, this approval is mainly sym-
bolic. Since the Fire Department is an independent organization whose task is to pro-
tect and serve the citizens of Hopkins, the Council does have a duty to assure the
department is operating effectively. The election and selection of officers has a signifi-
cant impact on the effectiveness of the department.
0 Is George Magdal qualified to be Fire Chief?
George has been with the volunteer fire department for 16 years. The last twelve years
he has been the full-time Hopkins Fire Marshal. For ten years prior to that he managed
. a medium sized printing company. Having six years experience as a Chief Office and
being a graduate of the National Fire Academy's" executive fire officer" program. He
has the credentials to be Fire Chief.
- ~
e Page 2
Council Report 94-10
0 Will the duties of the Fire Marshal suffer with this responsibility?
Staff reviewed this issue prior the election and is now working out a policy to assure
that the jobs stay separate and distinct. If problems arise, changes will be made to en-
sure the continuity of both the Fire Marshal and Fire Chiefs positions
SupportinQ Documentation
0 Election Results
0 By-laws of the Hopkins Fire Department
e ~~~>---.
Steven C. Mielke,
City Manager
Hopkins Fire Dept. Election of Administrators
The following members were elected to administrative posts in the
Hopkins Fire Department on December 2, 1993:
0 Fire Chief, George Magdal
0 Secretary, Mike Petersen
0 Treasurer, Jay Lippert
0 comptroller, Tom Boe
0 Trustee, Tim Little
0 Trustee, Dan Treanor
. --- - -..--.. -- - - --- _..,-
.. By-Laws of the
Hopkins Volunteer Fire Department
December 19, 1989
Section 1: Regular Business Meetings Section 6: Quorum
There shall be a m'onthly meeting of the Hopkins For the conduct of any business at any meeting Of the
Volunteer Fire Department on the first Thursday of Department, there shall be a quorum, consisting of at
each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m. If such a Thursday least 51 % of the regular members of the Department.
is a legal holiday, the meeting will be held on the
second Thursday of the month.
Section 7: Chair Pro Tern
Section 2: Drills In the absence of the Chief and the Assistant Chief at
any meeting of the Department, the Chair Pro Tern
There shall be a minimum of two drills of the shall be determined in accordance with the chain of
Department each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m. One command.
drill shall be held on the second Thursday of each
month, unless otherwise ordered by the Chief at that
month's regular business meeting. Roll calls for all
drills shall be taken 30 minutes after the stated Section 8: Standard Operating Procedures
. beginning of the drill.
A Standard Operating Procedure shall be developed by
the Chief for the Department. Such procedure shall be
\ updated from time to time as the needs of the
Section 3: Special MeetingslDrills Department change. Such procedure shaH be provided
to .the members of the Department in the form of
Special meetings or drills of the Department may be Rules and Regulations necessary for the efficient
called by the Chief, Assistant Chief, A Deputy Chief, operation of the Department. The Standard Operating
or any five regular members who submit a request for Procedure shall be prepared no later than six months
such a meeting/drill in writing to the Chief. after the adoption of these By.laws and no later than
30 days after the election of subsequent Chiefs.
Section 4: Order of Business
1. Meeting called to order. ~ection 9; Disciplinary Action~
2. Reading of the minutes of previous meeting. Any member of the Department who violates
3. Proposal of and balloting for membership. prmlsions of the Constitution, By-13\vs, Rules and
4. Bills and communications. Regulations, or Standard Operating Procedures
5. Collections of fines and hearing of excuses. adopted by the Department may be subject to the
6. Report of Committees. following penalties at the discretion of the Chief: [lJ
7. Unl1nished Business. verbal reprimand; [2] suspension for any time period
8. New Business. up to 90 days; [3] suspension until a regular business
9. Roll Call. meeting \\1th a recommendation to the membership to
10. Adjournment. expel the member from the Department and to
suspend all benefits.
Section 5: Roberts Rules of Order
. Unless othcrv.-isc provided in the By-laws, Robert's
Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the
Department. A copy of Robert's Rules shall be kept on
file in the fire stJtion.
, By-la\vs December 19, 1989 Page 2
Section 10: Qualifications for Membership Section 13: Administrators and Elections
e To be considered for membership in the Hopkins Fire The administrators of the Department shall be
Department, an applicant shall possess the minimum Regular Members and shall be composed of a Chief,
physical and mental requirements as determined from Secretary, Comptroller, Treasurer, and SLX Trustees, all
time to time by the Department and set forth in of whom (with the exception of the Chief and
writing. The physical requirements shall be based on Trustees) shall be elected annually at the regular
NFP A standard 1001 . Professional Qualifications for meeting of the Department in December by secret
Firefighters. ballot. Such election shall be subject to the approval by
The appliC3nt shall submit a v.Titten report of a the City Council.
medical evaluation by a physician on a form that is The Chief shall be elected to a three year term. TIle
provided by the Department. The applicant shall Trustees shall be elected for a three year term in such a
provide other information as required by the manner that four are retained and two are elected each
Department, also on a form supplied by the year. The Trustees are to elect their own Chair. Said
Department. elected administrators are to take office on the first
Additionally, the applicant shall have reached 18 years regular meeting in January following their election. All
members meeting the basic qualifications as
of age an possess a valid Minnesota Driver's License. established by the Department for officers and having
The applicant shall be able to respond to the fire obtained three years membership are eligible for
station by motor vehide from their domicile within 8 election as ChieL Nominations for all administrators
minutes of the initial alarm under normal driving with expiring terms will be made at the November
conditions obeying all traffic laws. business meeting. Members eligible to vote in the
election but who will not be present at the December
meeting, may cast absentee ballot with the Secretal)'.
The absentee ballot will consist of the names placed in
Section 11: Application Action for Membership nomination at the November meeting. An absentee
Upon applicant's submission of the necessary forms to ballot will not be available for any election in
the event of a tie vote.
the Department, it shall be announced to the
. ,membership at the next regular meeting. An
investigation shall be made by the Investigation
Committee, which shall be appointed by the Chief. If Section 14: Leave of Absence and Withdrawals
the applicant successfully completes a background \
investigation, a physical agility test, he/she will be Any member of the Department, who for any reason is
eligible for probationary training. The applicant shall required to be out of the area and unavailable for
then be a regular member (probationary). service, may request a leave of absence for a period, or
periods, the total of which shall not exceed 90 days in
any 12 month period. Any member on good standing
may apply for and receive an honorable discharge from
Section 12: Eligibility for Regular Membership the Department, whereupon the member's name shaH
be recorded and inscribed upon the Roll under such
A regular member (probationary) shall be eligible to category.
become a regular member on successful completion of
the Department's basic training curriculum in a
specified period of time, as established in writing, in
the Rules and Regulations. Section 15: Death, Resignation, or Removal of Chief
Upon completion of the basic training program and Any vacancy in the office of Chief resulting from death,
completion of the 12 month probationary period and a resignation, or removal shall be filled by the Assistant
minimum level of first aid training as required by the Chief until the second regular business meeting of the
Department, the member's name shall be submitted to Department following such event, at which time the
the regular members for consideration as a regular office shall be filled by nomination and election for the
member. All regular members eligible to vote shall cast unexpired term.
a secret ballot at a regular busi.ness meeting to
determine if the candidate shall become a regular
. (
, By-laws December 19, 1989 Page 3
Section 16: Attendance at MeetingslDrills Section 19: Intoxication by alcohol or controlled
'. substances
All members (regular and probationary) shall attend
all regular and special meetings, as well as drills. Any member of the Department who shall, while on
Failure to attend two consecutive regular business duty or in uniform, consume alcoholic beverages or use
meetings or 15 drills during any calendar year, without controlled substances, be in possession of controlled
excuse, shall result in disciplinary action by the Chief. substances, or be under the influence of alcohol or
An excuse from attendance at regular business controlled substances, may be immediately suspended
meetings or drills may be obtained for illness of the from duty by any officer or person in command, and
member, illness or death in member's immediate shall, therefore, be counted as absent in the roll caU.
family. or inability to attend due to the nature of th~
member's job.
U the absence is due to the nature. of a member's Section 20: Removal of Administrators
employment, a written excuse from the member's
supervisor is required no later than the next regularly Administrators of the Department shall be held
scheduled business meeting. If a member's regular accountable to the Department for the faithful
employment requires emergency ~r unscheduled discharge of their respective duties. Any such
working hours, the member may submit a retroactive administrator may be removed from office for Gl.use by
wTitten excuse signed by the member's supervisor not a two-thirds vote of all members present voting in
later than the next regularly scheduled business favor of such removal at a regular meeting. Notice of
meeting. Any' member however, may elect three such vote shall first be communicated in writing by
unexcused absences as vacation, starting January first certified mail to any such administrator prior to the
of each year and not to be carried over from year to meeting.
year. Each member with an unexcused absence from a
drill or a business meeting shall be required to pay a
fine to the Department. The amount shall be
determined from time to time by the Department to be Section 21: Removal of Regular Members
deducted from the member's pay. ........ ...........,
Regular members shall be held accountable to the
'. Department for the faithful discharge of their
respective duties. Any such regular member may be
Section 17: Medical Leave \ removed from the Department for cause by a two-
thirds vote of all regular members present voting in
. Any regular and probationary member unable to fulfill favor of such removal at any regular meeting..Notic~f
duties as a firefighter or officer of the Department due the vote shall first be communicated in writin
to sickness of injury shall be required to submit to the certified mail to any sue regu ar. mem er pnor to t~
Department a certified report from his!her physician. ~etIn~
Such report shall state when the person will be able to
resume duty with the Department The member may ,
be required to submit to examination by a physician
selected and employed by the Deparlment The results Section 22: Duties During Alarm
of such examination will be submitted to the Trustees
for study and recommendation to the Department. Upon every alarm, all regular and probationary
members shall immediately report to the fire station.
When a minimum of two medically qualified members
are present for a rescue call or three regular members
Section 18: Insubordination are present for a fire call, the apparatus may proceed
to the scene.
Any member of the Department who shall, while on
duty, willfully fail or neglect to obey any order of any
officer or person in command, or is guilty of any
insubordination or misconduct, may be immediately Section 23: Excuses for Missing Alarm
suspended from duty by any officer or person in A regular member of the Department shall be excused
command. The suspended member shall be counted as
absent from the roll call. The omcer or person in from responding to an alarm for illness of such
command shall document in writing the details of the member, illness of or deatQ in the member's immediate
situation, actions taken, and justifkation for actions family, or in3bility to respond due to the nature of the
taken. Such report shall be submitted to the Chief for member's job at the time of the alarm. Failure to
.. further action. The member shall remain suspended respond to an alarm due to unusual circumstances
until such time as the Chief may review the case and related to a member's job will be evaluated on an
decide on any further action, if any, within seven (7) individual basis.
days of incident.
By-laws December 19, 1989 Page 4
Section 24: Excuses to Leave Duty After Alarm
. Section 29: Grievance Committee
. No member having reported to the fire station after an -
alarm shall leave duty as a firefighter or officer unless The Grievance Committee, which shall consist of the
excused by the officer in charge at the emergency call. six members of the Board of Trustees, shall act as an
Members may be excused after the apparatus has investigating and advisory committee to the Chief in
arrived at the scene and the crew has requested no the event any complaints are registered in "'Tiling
further assistance. Exception: Mutual Aid Call - against any member of the Department by member or
members may be excused when the apparatus arrives at citizen. Final decision as to the disciplinary action of
the scene. any kind shall by made by the Chief and shall be in
accordance with the By-laws of the Department.
Section 25: Attendance at Alarms
-- ~ ~~ - Section 30: State Conventions
All regular and probationary members shall respond to
a minimum of 25% of all general alarm fire calls. The names of the first four regular members in line ~Jr
Members shall respond to 100% of his!her select call attendance at the State Fire Department Association
assignments. Evaluations of the member's attendance convention shall be posted in the fire station 30 days
shall be made quarterly by the comptroller. prior to the February business meeting. In the event
Attendance records shall be posted in the fire station the four members \"hose names are posted are unable
quarterly, and the controller shall also furnish copies to attend the convention, substitutes will be chosen
of the report to the chief officers. The officers will from the regular members present at the Februarj
review the report at the next officer's meeting and take business meeting.
appropriate action. Members who have not made their
percentage of calls will have untit the end of the next
quarter to meet this requirement. Failure to meet this
attendance requirement during the calendar year may Section 31: Stewards and Custodians
result in one year's attendance probation. Failure to
meet the attendance requirements during the second Stewards and custodians shall be appointed by the
calendar year may result in dismissal from the Chief at the first regular meeting of each year. 1l1e
. Department for failure to attend the minimum number Chief shall detail the duties of the stewards' and
of calls. custodians in writing.
Section 26: Roll call - Hopkins Alarm Section 32: Amendments
Roll caB shall be taken after each fire alarm These By-laws may be amended as follows: The
immediately after the apparatus is properly ser.,riced, proposed amendment shall be submitted to the
housed, and ready for another <;all. Members will Department at any regular 'meeting, in \Hitir_g,
receive credit for answering the call up to 30 minutes whereupon such amendment shall be referred to the
after the first alarm was received, whichever time is Trustees for study. The trustees shall report at the
later. Members \vill receive credit for answering next regular meeting of the Department following sUI;h
emergency medical calls up to 15 minutes after alarm introduction, and such amendment, upon being
was received. regularly moved and seconded for adoption, shall be
adopted upon a two-thirds vote of the regular
members of the Department then present and voting.
Section 27: Roll Call- Mutual Aid There shall be two readings of any propos,~d
amendment to the By-laws. The second reading shall
Members may receive credit for a mutua] aid alarm up be a minimum of two weeks after the first readir:g.
to 30 minutes after such alarm is received. Should amendment pass, it shall take effect
immediately after the second reading.
Any amendment changes will be entered in t:1C
Section 28: Uniforms minutes and copies issued by the Secretary to all
members at the next regular business meeting.
Uniforms shall be provided for all regular members of
the Department. The style and number of uniforms
. sh3.11 be determined by the Department.