CR 94-34 Auth St Louis Park & Golden Valley Agreement Fire Response
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February 10, 1994 0 P K \ ~ council Report 94-34
Proposed Action
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to enter into
a First Alarm Fire Response Aqreement with St. Louis Park and Golden
The fire departments of the cities of Hopkins, st. Louis Park, and
Golden Valley have identified specific times of the day when one
city's resources for structural fire fighting may be at a minimum. A
joint first alarm response to neighboring communities is a responsible
and economically sound approach to provide additional firefighting
resources in a timely manner. The additional firefighters enhance
efficiency and provide for greater firefighter safety and
~ accountability.
Primary Issues to consider
o Is this an appropriate way to strengthen the manpower shortage
Hopkins experiences during the working weekday?
o Should the fire department hire full time day firefighters?
o Under this agreement, Hopkins firefighters will work on
additional 15 structures per year.
Supportinq Information
o Joint First Alarm Response Agreement
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Dave Klocek
Assistant Fire chief
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WHEREAS, the cities of st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and
Hopkins provide fire protection services within their respective
jurisdictional boundaries;
WHEREAS, the cities of st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and
Hopkins desire to maximize the level of fire protection services
provided within their respective jurisdictions;
WHEREAS, the cities of st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and
Hopkins are members of the Southwest Mutual l~id Agreement, a
Joint Powers Agreement which provides equipment, personnel and
facilities to the participating jurisdictions upon request;
WHEREAS, the cities of st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and
Hopkins have the authority, pursuant to Minnesota statutes
Section 471.59 to enter into agreements for the joint and
cooperative exercise of common powers, including those which are
the same except for the territorial limits within which they may
be exercised;
e WHEREAS, the cities of st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and
Hopkins desire to enter into an agreement to provide automatic
first-alarm response to structure fires within the three
jurisdictions; and
WHEREAS, the Cities of st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and
Hopkins find it is in their common interest and benefit and the
interest and benefit of their citizens to enter into an
agreement, one with the other, concerning aut:omatic first-alarm
response to structure fires within their respective
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the cities of st. Louis
Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins hereby, by act of their city
Councils, enter into a Joint Powers Agreement for automatic
first-alarm response to structure fires as provided herein:
I. Purpose
This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the authority
set forth in Minnesota statutes Section 471.59 which
provides authority for st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and
Hopkins to enter in joint and cooperative agreements to
provide services which each are common t:o each. The purpose
of this Agreement is to allow and define a procedure for the
Cities of st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins to
. provide automatic first-alarm response for structure
fires within one another's jurisdictional boundaries.
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. II. Procedure
st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins will provide to
one another an engine company to respond on a first-alarm
basis to structure fires.
st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins engine companies
will provide first-alarm structure response as provided
A. st. L6uis Park automatic response to Hopkins
Entire City, Monday through Friday, exclusive of
holidays, 0800-1600 hours.
B. Hopkins automatic response to st. Louis Park
1600 hours to 0800 hours, Saturday, sunday, and
holidays, 24-hour response.
st. Louis park, south of Minnetonka Boulevard
C. st. Louis Park to Golden Valley
0800 hours to 1600 hours, Monday - Friday,
exclusive of holidays, entire city of Golden
D. Golden Valley to st. Louis Park
. 1600 hours to 0800 hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and
holidays, 24-hour response. East-west boundaries
of st. Louis Park south to Minnetonka Boulevard.
III. Operating Committee
st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins shall establish
an operating committee to implement and administer the
policies and services set forth in this Agreement.
A. The operating committee shall comprise the Chief of the
st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins Fire
Departments or their designee.
B. The operating committee shall impll~ment and monitor
this agreement and may make adjustments to response
times and response areas as may be required.
IV. Reciprocal Defense and Indemnification
st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins agree to indemnify
and defend one another against any clai~s brought or actions
filed against one of the participants to this Agreement or
any officers, employees, or volunteer thereof for injury or
death to any third person or persons, or damage to the
. property of third persons, arising out of the performance
of services under this Agreement.
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~ The intent of the indemnification requirement is to impose
on st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins a limited duty
to defend and indemnify one another for claims arising
within their respective territorial li~:its when an engine
company from st. Louis Park, Golden Valley or Hopkins
responds to a structure fire under the terms of this
The duty to indemnify and defend under this Agreement shall
rest with the City where the incident g'iving rise to the
duty to indemnify and defend occurs. i'he duty to defend and
indemnify under this Agreement is subject to the liability
limits under Chapter 466, Minnesota sta.tutes. The purpose
of creating these reciprocal duties to defend and indemnify
is to simplify the defense of liability claims by
eliminating conflicts among defendants, and to permit
liability claims against multiple defendants from a single
occurrence to be defended by a single a.ttorney.
Under no circumstances, however, shall st. Louis Park,
Golden Valley or Hopkins be required to pay, on behalf of
itself and another participant to this Agreement, any
amounts in excess of the liability limits established in
Chapter 466, Minnesota statutes, applicable to only one
Party. The limits of liability for st. Louis Park, Golden
~ Valley and Hopkins may not be added togrether to increase the
maximum statutory liability limits for any Party.
st. Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins shall each satisfy
themselves that they have adequate insurance to cover any
claims brought under this Agreement and that the activities
and responsibilities set forth herein are covered under the
provisions of their respective insurance policies. To the
extent the activities and responsibilities set forth herein
are not currently covered, each City shall obtain
appropriate insurance coverage.
V. Termination
Any city which is a signatory to this Jlgreement may
terminate its participation by providing sixty days written
notice to the other participants. Notwithstanding the
withdrawal of one participant, this Agreement shall remain
in effect as to the remaining cities, unless one or both
provide written notice of termination in the manner set
forth above.
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VI. Authorization and Effective Date of Agreement
This Agreement shall require authorization by the city
Councils of st.Louis Park, Golden Valley and Hopkins and
shall be effective upon execution by all three cities.
NOW, therefore, be it enacted by the city Council of Hopkins
this day of , 1994, that the city
Manager is hereby authorized to execute a joint power
agreement, in substantially the form set forth herein,
with the cities of Golden Valley and st.Louis Park, for
automatic first-alarm response to structure fires.
. Mayor
city Manager