CR 94-106 AOPS Lot 700 Reconstruction
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. June 7, 1994 .". C, Council Report: 94-106
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Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: IIMove to
authorize the city Manager to enter into aqreement with RLK and
Associates for Design and construction services for the upqradinq
of city Parkinq Lot #700 at a cost not to exceed $6.750.00."
This project has been discussed over the last two years, and was
originally a component of the Downtown Alleyscape project. This
project was never tabled as some of the other alleyscape
improvements were due to the poor condition of the parking lot.
For this reason council included it in the 1994 ClP, and staff is
now ready to proceed with it.
The upgrading of city Parking Lot 700, adjacent to 8th Avenue
. North, includes complete reconstruction of the parking lot,
including adding new lights and landscaping. The project also
includes reconstructing the north/south alley up to 1st street
North. The only portion of the project proposed to be assessed
out is the alley reconstruction. It is proposed to fund the
alley reconstruction in accordance with our improvement policy,
and the parking lot construction from tax increment funds.
Primary Issues to Consider
o Why are professional services needed for this project?
o What will be the cost of these services?
o Why use RLK Associates for these services?
supporting Information
o Analysis of Issues
o RLK Proposal
/ -~~,
Lee Gusta son, / ublic Works Director
4It Analysis of Issues
o Why are professional services needed for this project?
staff is proposing that the ci ty perform all the
administrative and public relation duties for this project.
A consultant would be used to fill in the areas where staff
.lS lacking expertise or does not have ample time to set
aside for the project. The areas that staff is requesting
assistance in is the design and construction phases. staff
feels that this combination of city and consultant forces
would produce the best product at an efficient price.
o What will be the cost of these services?
The attached proposal from RLK and Associates estimates the
cost of these design and construction services to be $6,750.
There is a possibility that this cost could be lowered if
city staff is able to find time to perform some of these
services instead of the consultant.
o Why use RLK Associates for these services?
staff felt it was fairly obvious to use RLK as the
consultant on this project for a number of reasons. As we
. all know, RLK was the city's consultant on the earlier
Alleyscape project. They are therefore very familiar with
the city's expectations and how we operate. They also are
familiar with almost every property owner .ln this area
which should be a benefit in the communication effort.
Rl~ 922 Mainstreet
Hopkins, Mn. I
55343 I
(612) 933-0972
SOCIATES LTD. fax: (612) 933-1153
May 25, 1994
Mr. Lee Gustafson, F.E.
Director of Fublic Works
City of Hopkins
1010 1st Street South
Hopkins, MN 55343
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Dear Mr. Gustafson:
Bnsecl upon our discussions, I have prepared this proposal document. It includes a
scope of the proposed services and a "not to be exceeded" cost estimate. The work
activities that are included in this proposnl refer to previously identified work items
. in the alleyscape improvement study that was completed two years ago by our finn.
RLK Associates staff are quite [amiliaI' with the proposed improvements and are
intimate with the downtown CBD locations. Base drawings are available [rom the
original study that could be used to help expedite completion of the work activities
explained in this scope of services.
It is our pledge to work with you and your staff on this project to the degree of
assistance that is needed. We understand that the strategy is to complete the work
this SUlllmer; possibly to tie this work to the Mainstreet Pha~e II project that is
pl:ll1ned for later this summer. For quick response, we are suggesting the design
drawings be prepared in Auto Cad format for your review. Revisions and alternates
can than easily be prepared.
It is our understanding that there will not be assessments for the cost of these
improvements, with the exception of the alley construction between 7th and 8th
Avenue adjacent to Lot #700. Essentially, the City is looking at the work in the
forIll of Maintenance improvements. A few property owner meetings will be held.
RLK may be requested, when appropriate, to attend the meetings.
. SCOPE OF SEHVICES & COST ESTIMATES: There are several projects in the
CBD area of Hopkin."; that we discussed. I have listed these improvements below
. Civil Engineering . Transportation . Infrastructure Redevelopment
. Landscape Architecture . Construction Management
.-- ..-
Alley M:1inlenance Improvement Proposal
-May 25,1994
Page 2
. and indicated a brief outline of the services our "not to be exceeded" fee includes.
We propose to bill these projects on an hourly basis up to the lump sum figure that
is quoted in this proposal. Our efforts will be at your direction on the basis of the
assistance your staff feels is necessary. It has been assumed that all meetings will
be attended as directed by the City and invoiced on an hourly basis. Attached is an
hourly fee schedule ofRLK Associates for 1994. This will be the basis of our
invoices for the project.
:::::> North-South Alley and Parking lot #700 improvements:
. Design and construction documents for alley and parking lot $4,000
. Review and design of utility adjustments $ 500
. Landscaping plans $ 750
. Setback areas between buildings and alley/pm'king areas $ 500
+ Inspection of construction operations $1,000
It is our understanding that the City may ' to perform several of these services
within their level of staffing at City Hall. RLK Associates agrees to provided the
services that are requested and directed by the City of Hopkins for these CBD
maintenance improvements. We will not exceed the lump sum figures that are
estimated within this proposal. If any revisions occur to the contract scope of
services, these will be discussed with both parties prior to commencing further work
If the contents of this proposal document meet your expectations, please authorize
the commencement of work activities by signing this document in the space
provided below. Thank you for t.he opport.unity to provide these services for the
City of Hop kins. We will promise a close relationship on this project and high
degree of coordination with the City staff members.
# Alley Maintenance Improvement Proposal
<ivfay 25, 1994
P:1ge 3
RlK Associates, ltd.
Richard L. Koppy. PE
Presiden t
attac h men l.
r.;c: John Dietrich
Jim Gcssele
Tom Harmening
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