CR 94-111 Re-Allocate FD Funds
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June 9, 1994 .y '" CR. Report 94-111
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Authorization to re-allocate Fire Department funds
Proposed Action
Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Move to allow
the Fire Department to re-allocate, from the existinq 1994
budqet. 515,000 for fire station capital improvements.
Approval of this motion would allow office furniture to be
purchased this year for the newly remodeled fire station.
To complete the new office spaces office furniture and telephones
are needed. Funds are available in the current fire department
budget under personal services. By reallocating these funds the
necessary purchases can be made this year using the existing
budget. No additional budget dollars are needed.
Primary Issues to Consider
0 Does the fire department need the furniture?
Yes. Current office furniture consists of a donated desk and
a computer table. Not enough for five work stations.
0 Are funds available?
Yes. The fire department has a surplus in personal serVlces.
0 Why wasn't this included in the original construction
Because the project was coming in above the original cost
estimates, items that could be done later were deleted from
the project. This office furniture was going to be included
in the 1995 budget.
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George Mag al
Fire Chief
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