CR 94-129 Noice Impact Study Mainstreet
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- July 1, 1994 '> 0 '" Co Council Report: 94-129
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Proposed Action.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: "Move to
authorize staff to perform a Noise Impact study on the T.H. 169
wall as it relates to the Mainstreet Improvement Project No. 93-
18 at a cost not to exceed $3,500.
At the June 7 Council meeting, the feasibility report for
upgrading Mainstreet from 5th to Washington Avenues was presented
to Council. One potential improvement identified wi thin the
report was to remove a portion of the T.H. 169 noise wall to
increase visibility to Mainstreet, and to improve the appearance
of this area. The one major concern everyone had with removing a
portion of the wall was how the adjacent neighborhood would be
. It appears from our discussion with MnDOT that they would allow a
portion of the wall to be removed. Their only major requirement
would be that the city of Hopkins would have to be responsible
for mitigating any negative impacts that may arise due to the
removal of the wall.
Primary Issues to Consider
o How would this wall removal affect the adjacent
o How much of the wall is proposed to be removed?
o Should a noise impact study be performed?
o Should the study be performed now?
o How will the study be funded?
Supportinq Information.
o Analysis of Issues
o RLK letter of 6/30/94
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Le~ Gustaf~pub ic Works Director
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Council Report: 94-129
Page 2
. Analvsis of Issues
o How would this wall removal affect the adjacent
The business owners on this section of Mainstreet all agreed
that removing a portion of the wall to improve visibility
and aesthetics would be a good idea. The representative
from the Park Ridge neighborhood felt that it might be
alright to remove a few of the panels. He however, did
state that if the wall is removed the neighborhood should
not be impacted, and that the city should prove this by
performing a noise study.
o How much of the wall is proposed to be removed?
The city's consultant, RLK Associates, is proposing that
only four southerly panels of the wall be removed. These
four panels would equate to a distance of 32-36 feet.
o Should a noise impact study be performed?
Staff strongly feels that a noise impact study be performed
prior to any decision being made on the wall removal. A
. noise impact study should answer everyone's questions before
any work is done. If the study indicates that the wall
should not corne down, alot of dollars and grief will be
saved. If the study indicates a portion of the wall can
corne down, the adjacent neighborhood will be much more
comfortable knowing that, when they see the wall come down.
o Should the study be performed now?
The timing for performing the study is just right. If
Council orders the Mainstreet improvement on July 5th, plans
and specifications can be prepared for Council's approval at
their August 16 meeting. During this same time period the
noise study can be completed and the results of the study
can also be given to Council on August 16. Council will
therefore be able to make their decisions on August 16 with
all the information they need.
o How will the study be funded?
The study will be funded out of the Mainstreet Improvement
project budget. If this study causes the budget to be
exceeded, it is proposed that T. I. F. pay for the study
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Rl~ 922 Mainstreet
Hopkins, Mn.
(612) 933-0972
ASSOCIATES LTD. fax: (612) 933-1153
June 30, ] 994
Mr. Lee Gustafson, P.E.
Director of Public Works
City of Hopkins
1010 South First Street
Hopkins. MN 55343
RE: Mainstreet Phase II
Noise Wall at Southbound TII 169
Exit Ramp to Exce]sior Boulevard
Dc;)r Lee:
As you me aware. the City has expressed the desire to remove a portion of the subject noise wall to
incrense visibility to Mainstrcet. This work may be completed in conjunction with the improvements to
The noise wall is mnintained by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT). MnJDOT has
staled that removal of a portion of the noise wall will require the following:
It . COllStmction Plans indicating limits of removal.
. Schedule for removal of the wall.
. A letter from the Cily of Hopkins staling that the City agrees to mitigate any impacts due to removal
of the wa]1.
Mr. Bill Wardell from MnJDOT also stated that proper notification to the surrounding neighborhood I
should be distributed.
Al this time. MnlDOT is not requesting a noise impact sludy. The City Council may elect to have the
noise study completed prior to removal of the walls to analyze potential impacts if any.
The estimated cost [or the sound analysis will cost lip to $3.500.
l will be attending the Ju]y 5. 1994, council meeting to address any concerns or questions the Council may
If YOll have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call our office.
RLK Associates, Ltd.
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Larry Brown. P.E.
e Senior Engineer
. Civil Engineering . Transportation . Infrastructure Redevelopment
. Landscape Architecture · Construction Management