CR 94-143 Amendment Nuisance Abatement Code 615 1 Y 0 \ CJ '" m . -So c, July 28, 1994 o P K \ "'- Council Report No. 94-143 AMENDMENT TO THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT CODE SECTION 615 Proposed Action. staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a first readinq of ordinance #94-741 amendinq the Citv's Nuisance Abatement Code. addinq the definition of "Graffiti". This action will adopt for first reading a new ordinance amending the city's Nuisance Abatement Code, Section 615.01, by adding a detailed definition of "GRAFFITI". Overview. Over the past couple of years the problem of graffiti has been on the rise in Hopkins. Vandals have painted names, inscriptions and other markings on numerous private homes and garages, commercial buildings, public buildings, bridges and sidewalks. This type of vandalism can be very detrimental to a city or neighborhood, and effect the city's image. The longer graffiti is allowed to remain the more it invites others to do more. Graffiti must therefore be removed as soon as . possible. The current city Nuisance Code does not specifically mention Graffiti as a nuisance but fits the general definition of nuisance. Inclusion of a definition will make it clear that graffiti is a nuisance and must be abated. Primary Issues to consider. 0 Should the city adopt an ordinance requiring owners of a building to remove graffiti? YES, Most property owners understand that it is in their best interest and that of the community to remove or cover-up graffiti as soon as possible. Yet there are some who do not see the urgency or the need to remove the graffiti. Adoption of this ordinance will provide Inspection Personnel the tools to insure graffiti is removed, either . by the property owner or ultimately by the City, thereby maintaining the city's image as a clean and beautiful community. Supportino Information. 0 Ordinance # 94-741 . . ~~~~~e~o~=~~~~TP~O~s~T~d=~~=TT~~:~ >foI8t:::> A:+",!=:::> '8"'!=tt8U8~ 'v sameI' ::+58:+:+V. .IOAew 'Bu",!=uuadapaH '0 s61.IeQ:::> . :aoueul=p.IO JO a+eo a1\.l=:+~aJJ3 : uor+e~:)"rTqnd }O a:+eQ :Bu",!=peaH puo::Jas : 6u",!=pe8H ::+s.:q:3 :Bu",!=MOTI0} 84::+ 0::+ :+oarqns a^T:+aaJJa S",!= aoueul=p.IO Sl=4~ 'sa~ueu1'p.IO ;0 apo;) SUT}{dOH at]::+ .:IO '~qoseuu1'W ;0 sa::+n::+e:+s eq+ Aq e~)Uesl=nu 'e aq o:j. pa.IeToap .IO pauTJap 51' T.prt{M. .IO 'aoueSTnu 'e se pueTaT..{:+ JO MeT uommoo eq:+ 0:+ UM.ou}f 81 qorqM. A::+.Iedo.Id UO u01":+"Fpuo::J .:I 0 BUT4:+ AU\!, "5aoueSrnN M.e~ uommo:) pue a::+n:+e:+s '11 UOrST^TpqnS 'A::+.Iado.:Id aq:+ Bu",!=oeJap }O :+oaJJa aq:+ 81\.eQ qO"'!=4M. pue A:+.:rado.Id a:+eAT.Id .IO OTlqnd uo a.:rn:+on.:r:+s :+uauem.Iad .I8Q:+O .IO q.:rno '>{Tl2M.ap",!=s ' aoucq , "ITeM. 'Bu1PTTnq e ].0 a:::>eJ.Ins .I01.I8:+xa Aue uo p80eTd eSl=M..IeT..t::+o .I 0 uM.e.Ip 'pa:+uTed 'paq:::qe.Ios a.:re T.PTT..{M sBuTM.e.Ip .:r8t]:::+O .IO suo"'!=:+d"'!=.IOSUT 'sUDTS8P 'sa.:rnBTJ 'sToqUJAS 'SUDl=S , sBuPi.Ielll 'BUT:+U"F.:r.d 'BU"'!=:+1".IM AU\!, "T:+rJJeJf) '01 UOTST1\.l=PqnS :NIVGHO S300 SNI~dOH 30 X~IJ gH~ dO ~I:::>NnO:) X~I:) 3H~ '11 UOl=s"F^TPqnS se 01 UOTsT^Tpqns BUT:+5Txe BU1".Iaqmnua.I pue T::+TJJe.IB JO :+qBTlq aq:+. mOJJ BU1"STJe A+.Iado.Id ;0 UOT:+eJOT.Ia+ap 0+ BUT::+eT8.I 01 UOTST^rpqns . Mau e BUTPpe Xq apo:) ^:n::> SUl>{doH aq:+ JO IA .I6:+deq:) JO ZO'ST9 uor:+oas DUTPuame ~:+uam8:+Bq\!' eoueSrnN 0:+ 5uT:+e18.:r aoueuTp.:ro uv Ivi. - v6 'ON H:::>NV.NIGHO --- ---------"-- -- ~ - _. ... ..011I.- - -----