CR 94-168 Center Striping Mainstreet 5th & Washington , T Y t \ 0 - Ci -<' September 1, 1994 m Council Report 94-168 .y ":> e 0 P K \ <;\ CENTER STRIPING ON MAINSTREET BETWEEN FIFTH AND WASHINGTON AVENUE Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to direct staff to eliminate the com- mon center turn lane on Mainstreet between Fifth and Washinqton Avenues and instead es- tablish center stripinq with no turn lanes the entire lenqth of this seqment. Overview At the June 21 Council meeting, a common center turn lane was established on this section of Mainstreet in an attempt to address some traffic concerns from adjacent property owners. The common center turn lane was intentionally established prior to the start of the Mainstreet proj- ect in order to determine if this should be the striping designation after the project was com- pleted. The turn lane has been monitored since it was established, and staff now feels that . enough information has been gathered on this issue to make a determination on how the street should be striped after the project is completed. Primary Issues to Consider 0 How did the motorists react to the common center line? 0 What was the property owners' reaction to the common center turn lane? 0 What is staff's recommendation for striping this section of Mainstreet? 0 What are some alternatives for striping this section of Mainstreet? Supportino Information 0 Analysis of Issues 0 Site Plan % {>- ~~ Lee" Gusta' son " . Public Works Director : / /C', " ~"""/,.,,;v "'-or"", ~ -., _ ~/ ,/ " n/ 'K, #./4P# '//.:i',i'./, ./,1'$./ tartar , "- d:: / -">'nJ' P'd' """$""""'f' 4)(?-Jhf:W .-t7 ,'-',0 " , L ' , / .5'#QQ/U#O,51 P/Y/y.yPd Q..Y.5'?'4't?,-'- ;/r/ ~ '.'./ ,~ ,~" r __ r' ," ---;r---r-, , Z ~~ ,_, ~ ~ 'J / / / , / '~/ / , /' ' --. ~ .., / . / hP/ / ,_.... / / /- ,!-"<-/ " --~ / /7 - / ' " . 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The motorists traveling straight through would sometimes have to wait in the through lane while turning motorists made up their mind what they were going to do. Another problem associated with the turn lane was general confusion. Some motorists would drive down the turn lane when they weren't supposed to while others drove down the through lane when they should have been in the turn lane. It was obvious that all the stripes and arrows in a congested downtown area were quite confusing to most people. 0 What was the property owners' reaction to the common center turn lane? Generally, the property owners on this section of Mainstreet saw no improvement in traffic flow with the common center turn lane in comparison to the prior striping plan. There was also general consensus with some of the property owners that motorists . weren't using the turn lane as it was meant to be used, and that it appeared as if most of the motorists were confused when they drove down the street. 0 What is staffs recommendation for striping this section of Mainstreet? After observing the common center turn lane over the past month, it was obvious to staff that the striping plan had to be simplified. Staff now feels that the best striping plan for this section of Mainstreet would be to have a center striping, with no turn lanes, identical to Mainstreet west of Fifth Avenue. Staff feels that this would be the best striping plan for the following reasons: - It would allow people to wait for left turn movements into Burger King and Hop- kins Car Care Center in the center of the street. This should give opportunities for motorists to alternate their left turn movements into each of these properties. This situation would also allow straight through traffic to go around people wait- ing to make a left turn since it is proposed that parking be restricted in these areas. - Center striping would be much simpler than the common center turn lane or the prior striping, It would also be consistent with Mainstreet west of Fifth Avenue. . - This type of center striping has been proven to work at other major intersections along Mainstreet such as 11 th and 17th Avenues. , Page 3 0 What are some alternatives for striping this section of Mainstreet? e There are two obvious alternatives to what staff is proposing. The first alternative would be to establish the common center turn lane striping. The second alternative would be to reestablish the striping plan that was in place prior to the common center turn lane. . e