CR 94-184 Adoption Resolution 94-93 - -- - . 1 y 0 1 .. .<' . October 4, 1994 OPK\tI Council Report: 94-184 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 94-93 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE 1995-1999 HENNEPIN COUNTY MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATION Proposed Action. staff recommends adoption of the following motion: "Move to adopt Resolution No. 94-93 authorizing the submittal of the Januarv 1. 1995 throuqh December 31. 1999 Hennepin county Recvclinq Grant Application. 11 Overview. The City of Hopkins began a source-separated curbside recycling program on February 1, 1989 in response to county and Metropolitan Council mandates. In order to aid cities in funding their recycling programs, Hennepin County developed a Funding Assistance Policy for Residential Recycling. This policy initially required that each municipality, applying for funding assistance, adopt a resolution each year approving the submittal of the grant application. This year they have changed the funding policy and are aSking that we submit a resolution approving submittal of a grant application which covers a e five year period. Funding for municipal recycling programs has gradually decreased over the past few years. The new 1995-1999 funding policy decreases funding assistance to an entitlement amount of $.80 per household per month for eligible households. That is a $.95 per household per month decrease over the 1994 funding level. This new funding policy is contingent upon the County continuing to receive SCORE funding from the state. The city has followed this procedure since 1989 to re-affirm the city's commitment to recycling and to qualify for funding. A copy of the resolution must be submitted to the county before they will process the 1995-1999 application. The resolution proposed was adapted from a sample developed by Hennepin County. Primary Issues to Consider 0 Why is funding being reduced? 0 Is adoption of this Resolution in the best interest of the city of Hopkins? supporting Information 0 0 e 0 0 0 Coordinator . Council Report No. 94-184 Page 2 e Analvsis of Issues 0 Why is funding being reduced? When recycling was first mandated to local government, Hennepin County incorporated funding for these programs into the tip fee charged at their disposal facilities ($95/ton) along with using SCORE funding from the state (6.5% sales tax on refuse bills) . It was their intention to help cities with recycling in the beginning and phase out funding later on. Hennepin County funded up to 80% of eligible program costs from 1989 through 1992. As materials were added to recycling collection programs and recycling costs increased, Hennepin County made a change to an entitlement program in 1993. This was done to more evenly distribute funding to cities and eliminate the added costs involved in funding of elaborate programs. The entitlement amount of $1.75/HH/month was established to fund "basic program costs" and continued through 1994. Late ln 1994 Hennepin County again proposed a reduction in funding. This was partially caused by the failure of flow . control ordinances nationwide. Flow control was deemed a violation of interstate commerce and it's failure allowed solid waste haulers to haul to cheaper landfills out of state. without flow control Hennepin County could no longer ensure that waste would come to their facilities at $95/ton. To keep waste In- state Hennepin County lowered the tip fee at their disposal facilities to $60/ton and limited recycling funding to a pass through of SCORE funds. This SCORE funding amounts to approximately $.80/HH/month and is scheduled to continue through 1999. If SCORE funds are eliminated, funding to cities for recycling would also be eliminated. 0 Is adoption of this Resolution in the best interest of the city of Hopkins? The city of Hopkins' recycling program successfully achieved the abatement goals required to receive 80% funding from Hennepin County from 1989 through 1992. In 1993 Hennepin County changed their funding policy to a entitlement system. The requirements were basically the same however the recycling goal was leveled off to 18% and funding was reduced. Beginning in 1995 Hennepin county has proposed a new five year funding policy and reimbursement has been significantly reduced. (This is mainly due to the lower tip fee charged at Hennepin County disposal sites. ) As long as Hopkins continues to recycle 18% of our solid waste, we will be reimbursed at an entitlement rate of e approximately $.80 per household per month (3311 households) . The County is requiring one resolution authorizing submittal of the grant application covering years 1995 through 1999. Council Report No. 94-184 Page 3 . Funding received in previous years was: 1989 $97,583.00 (includes yard waste) 1990 $68,236.00 1991 $88,880.00 1992 $88,980.00 1993 $69,489.00 ($1.75/HH/mo entitlement) 1994 $69,489.00 (projected-should be same as 1993) 1995-1999 $31,737.00 (Approximately $.80/HH/mo entitlement) As you can see from the funding the city has received in previous years, it has amounted to a substantial amount of funding which allows us to pass along the savings to our residents on their refuse bill. Even though there is a reduction in funding, it is worth the effort to submit the application and comply with the requirements necessary to receive funding. Whether we receive funding or not, state law requires us to provide recycling opportunities or the County will step in and provide them for us. e . ------- .---- -------- ---- . . "-. ~ HennepJDoppoQgoynty <.- ~.'-! . , ~c.'...;:_:.' c. _," :" '>.~.~.~ .: .. J<l1n~'~ 1\1. R"Un:y, C"llnty Alhnil1i~tr,lt'lr -." ,. - - . : ..: '.,. ._~:' . - ~ ..,; .. -~ ~~.. September 9, 1994 Dear Recycling Coordinator: Attached IS the Hennepin County Municipal Recycling Grant Application. Pursuant to the recently passed five year Funding Policy, the application is for five years also rather than one year periods the previous applications covered. Please complete and submit the application along with a resolution from your council, commission, board, etc., by October 3, 1994. Upon receipt and County Board approval of the application we will send you a Grant Agreement for signatures. The Grant Agreement will also be for a five year period. e We have developed a five year application and grant agreement in an effort to further streamline the County's recycling grant process. Although a new agreement will not be executed with the County each year, we will request submittal of yearly updates on your recycling programs on October 1 for the following grant years. Two payments will be sent to you in 1995, the first upon execution of the grant agreement and the second upon submittal and approval of the mid-year report. In subsequent years, the fIrst payment will be sent upon submittal of the final report for the previous grant year and the second payment will sent upon receipt of the mid-year report. Attached is a schedule of Recycling Coordinator meetings to be held in the next few weeks. The purpose of the meetings will be to explain the new grants process and answer any questions you may have. Please attend which ever meeting is most convenient. If you have any questions, please call me at 348-6358. Sincerely, ~~/iJ;. . Paul M. Kroening Planner, Recycling Unit Environmental Management Division . Department of Public Warks R<0'ckd P.lpn 417 North Fifth Street ~linne3.pulis, ~linnesL)ta 55401-1309 (612)348-6846 FAX:(6l2l34S-S532 *, .. . r_ . .~ . t' . Hennepin County Residential Recycling Funding Policy . January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1999 Hennepin County Department of Public Works Environmental Management Division . July 1994 . I I. POLICY DFSCRIPTION , .Hennepin County has adopted a policy to provide grants to municipalities for curbside collection of residential recyclables. The Residential Recycling Funding Policy covers the period from January 1, 1995, to December 31, 1999, and provides for the distribution of 100 percent of SCORE funds, which the County receives from the State, to municipalities. A municipality shall receive SCORE funds proportional to the number of eligible residential housing units in its curbside collection program on January I of each funding year compared to the number County-wide. Eligible residential housing units are defined as single family through eight-plex residential units or other residential units with separate entry and where the individual residential unit sets out its own refuse and recycling container, such as a townhome. The funds can be used for all recycling program expenses including capital and operating costs. , SCORE funds are based on revenue received by the State from a sales tax on garbage collection and disposal fees. SCORE funds are subject to change based on revenue received and allocated by the Legislature. Funds available for grants to municipalities will be based on SCORE funds received by the County in the State's fiscal year which corresponds to that calendar year (i.e., fiscal year 1995, July 1, 1994, to June 30, 1995, corresponds to the 1995 calendar year). II. RESPONSmILITIES OF MUNICIPALITIES .A. Application for Funding 1. Application for a grant must be received by October 1 to receive funding for the following year. The application must be accompanied by a city council resolution authorizing submittal of the application. ') Each municipality applying for grant funds must sign an agreement to receive payments. ...... B. Minimum Program Requirements 1. Recycling Performance Municipalities must recycle 18 percent of their residential waste stream. Hennepin County will determine the residential generation upon which this percentage is calculated, unless a municipality is able to measure its residential generation amount. Failure to achieve this percentage goal will result in the requirement that a plan to increase abatement be submitted for Hennepin County approval within 90 days of the submittal of the municipal year-end report. 2. Materials to be Collected At a minimum, the following materials must be collected at curbside: a. Newspaper and advertising supplements; b. Corrugated cardboard; c. Clear. brown, and green glass food and beverage containers; . d. Metal food and beverage cans; e. All plastic bottles with a neck except bottles that previously contained hazardous materials or motor oil; and f. Magazines and catalogs. -. -- . ~ - 3. Participation Rates The city must measure the set-out participation rate of its residents in curbside recycling prograrre in the month of October. A method for measuring participation at least as reliable as a click count or tallying method must be used. Methodology for measuring participation must be approved by the County prior to execution of a grant agreement. 4. Reporting Requirements A Semi-Annual and a Final Report must be submitted to the County by July 31 of the grant year and February 15 of the following year, respectively, on forms provided by the County. 5. Use of Funds a. All grant funds accepted from the County must be used for waste reduction and recycling capital and operating expenses in the year granted; cities will not be reimbursed any funds in excess of actual expenses. b. A municipality or township may not charge its residents through property tax, utility fees or any other method for that portion of the costs of its recycling program funded by County grant funds. c. The municipality or township must establish a separate accounting mechanism such as a project number. activity number, cost center. or fund that will separate recycling revenues and expenditures from all other municipal activities including solid waste and yard waste activities. d. All recycling and waste reduction activities, revenues, and expenditures are subje~t to audit. _ e. Municipalities that do not contract for curbside recycling services will receive grant fund provided that at least 90% of the grant funds are credited back to residents and the city meets all minimum program requirements. The additional 10% may be used for municipal administrative and promotional expenses. III. RESPONSIDILITIES OF HENNEPIN COUNTY A. Grant payments will be made to a municipality or township. In 1995, the first grant payment, amounting to one half of the grant application amount, will be made following the County Board approval of the grant application and execution of the grant agreement. The second payment will be made upon receipt of the Semi-Annual Report. In subsequent years, the first grant payment will be made upon submittal of the Final Report for the preceding year 1n addition to County Board approval of the application and execution of the grant agreement. B. Hennepin County will continue this funding policy through December 31, 1999, or as long as SCORE funds are available to fund this program. . .., ... -------- . ~ . ~ MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATION . Hennepin County Residential Recycling Program January 1, 1995 - December 31, 1999 City ~mi1~_- Please provide a brief description of your city's recycling program within the space below. Include information on promotional and waste reduction activities, material collected, special collections, etc. Note any major program changes planned or anticipated during this period. A resolution passed by your <AunciVBoardlCommission approving submittal of this application must be attached. The city of Hopkins provides weekly curbside recycling collection to 3311 residential household units through a contract with Waste Management. Recycle materials are collected on the same day as regular refuse collection using a co-mingled collection. The following materials are collected; newspaper, metal food and beverage containers, plastic bottles, glass food and beverage containers, corrugated cardboard, and mixed paper/magazines. Metal, glass and plastic are co-mingled for collection. The cost for collection is $2.20 per household per month. . Highlights of our recycling program include: In April of 1993 the city conducted a Yard Waste Seminar for 200 residents. The purpose of the seminar was to educate residents on the positive aspects of leaving clippings on the lawn, and using a mulching lawn mower. Some composting ideas were presented also. The program was a coordinated effort between the citYt Toro Inc. and our local hardware store Hance Hardware. The response to this seminar was very positive and it received substantial media coverage. We are evaluating this program for possible use in subsequent years. Each year Hopkins holds two special drop off collections one ln April and one in October. Items collected such as appliances, scrap metal, and carpet are recycled. At the April drop off we worked with a local non-profit group to collect used fishing tackle and fishing rods. This equipment was refurbished to be used by local youth programs. Each year several Reduce/Reuse/Recycle/Buy Recycled presentations are made at local schools. Beginning ln 1995 the city will implement a volume based pricing system for refuse collection which will hopefully . encourage more recycling and waste reduction. Promotional efforts for recycling program functions occur regularly through our bi-monthly city newsletter and the local Sailor newspaper. In addition to these, we do special direct mailings to promote special programs such as our Volume based refuse collection and Yard Waste Seminar. A. Method City Uses To Fund Its Portion Of The Recycling Expenses: General Fund: 0 Yes n No Utilit BiII:}[3 Yes 0 No Monthl Char elHH on Utilit Bill: $ .75 8. Curbside Collection Contractor: Haste Hanagement C. Contract DateS/Tenn: 6/30/93-6/30/96 D. Collection Cost HH/MO: $ :2.20 E. Refuse and Recycling Collected Same Day; :etYes 0 No F. Collection Frequency: G:) Weekly OBi-weekly 0 Twice Monthly G. No. of Households with Curbside Collection 3311 H. Method Used to Detennine # of Households Served (check all that apply): Property Tax Records 0 Utility Billing Records 0 Building Permits KJ" Other(specify) Container Delivery A. Program Administration $ 16,200 B. Promotional Activities $ :2,5UU C. Collection I Curbside $ 95,001) Drop-Off $ (),30U D. Curbside Collection Containers S Total Expenditures. S 120,000 Anticipated Revenues from Sale of Recyclables $ 0 e A. Residential Source-Separated Collections Cu rbside Drop-Off Mum~~,~~~if1g Total Tons ! PAPER: 525 l~5 3 '1 5 l,l95 MET AL: 6U 10 J:.\ lU3 GLASS: 18u 15 115 310 PLASTIC: 'J~ 3 10 40 ~I OTHER: Ca rn e t 6 6 ..\ppliances 13 12 30 Total Tons 810 191 483 .1434 Recycling % (Total Toos divided by Res. Waste Gen.) 20?~ lliayor Of Cirj Manager Date Recycling Coordinator Stt"IQn C. :lielkc' I:athv ~[a:.: Nc Intl)sh . . CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLUTION NO. 94-93 AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE 1995-1999 HENNEPIN COUNTY RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statue 115A.551, by December 31, 1996, each county in the metropolitan area will have as a goal to recycle a minimum of 45 percent (45%) by weight of total solid waste generation, and each county must develop and implement or require political subdivisions within the county to develop and implement programs, practices, or methods designed to meet its recycling goal; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statue 115A.552, counties shall ensure that residents have an opportunity to recycle and through Hennepin County Ordinance 13 requires each city to implement a recycling program to enable the County to meet its recycling goals; and WHEREAS, the county has adopted a Hennepin County Residential Recycling Funding Policy to distribute funds to cities for the continued development and implementation of waste reduction and recycling programs through 1999; and tit WHEREAS, to be eligible to receive these County funds, cities must meet the conditions set forth in the "funding policy"; and WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins desires to receive these County funds; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the city of Hopkins, City Council authorizes the submittal of the Hennepin County Residential Recycling Program; 1995-1999 Municipal Recycling Grant Application. Adopted by the city Council of the City of Hopkins this 4th day of October, 1994. BY Charles w. Redepenning, Mayor ATTEST: Jim Genellie, city Clerk . -----.-....- -- -