Memo Performing Arts Center
DATE: December 10, 1993
TO: Honorable Mayor ,and City Council
FROM: T H . 1'rt , . t l' t' t
om armen1ng, Commun1 y Deve opmen Dlrec or
I. Pur~ose of Discussion
On December 7, 1993 a petition with 514 signatures was
submitted to the City Council requesting a referendum be
held regarding the construction of a "theater complex." At
that time the city 'Council indicated it would study the
matter further and refer the issue to the ci.ty Attorney for
. The City Attorney has reviewed this matter and has
determined the referendum as proposed represents an
"advisory referendum." The City Attorney has found that
undertaking an advisory referendum is ill advised and/or
Due to the inability and/or inadvisability of undertaking an
advisory referendum, staff. wishes to discuss with the City
Council a possible alternative method for obtaining public'
input. Staff feels this alternative method represents a
more thorough and accurate means of assessing public opinion
and feelings regarding the project. Please note that the
process which staff has outlined in this memo is preliminary
in nature and certainly subject to potential improvements or
.~ -. ..-..... ---- -
II. Proposed Process
In lieu of an advisory referendum staff is proposing the
City Council consider undertaking a process of assessing the
pUblic's opinions and concerns relative to the construction
of an arts facility. This process, which is outlined later
in this report, involves the use of focus groups as a means
. to discuss with the community in great detail issues
relative to the proposed project.
,~, "-
Honorable Mayor and City Council -
Page 2
In conjunction with the focus group activities, staff is .
also suggesting that steps be undertaken to assess the arts
needs and interests in the community.. Undertaking this step
is commonly done during the formative stages of planning an
arts related facility.
The goals of this overall process would be as follows:
0 Serve as a response to the petition submitted to the
City Council requesting a referendum.
0 Gauge public opinion regarding the construction of an
arts related facility. Determine existing perceptions
or areas of concern regarding such a project.
0 Keeping in mind certain assumptions, i.e., work
completed to date, tenant needs, etc., assist with
design considerations for Phase I of an arts facility
(assuming the project proceeds).
0 Identify potential users for Phase I of an arts
facility, and their programming needs (assuming project
0 Identify potential users, programming, and facility
needs for future phases (assuming project proceeds). .
0 Inventory community's cultural resources/activities and
0 Educate and develop community "ownership" in the
I have attached proposals from two firms which staff would
recommend be retained to assist with undertaking this
process. A brief summary of the steps which would be taken
as part of the public opinion/assessment process include:
0 The City of Hopkins and the newly formed Arts Board
would undertake the assessment process as a
collaborative effort.
0 Outside parties/professionals would-assist-~ith the
process. This assistance would include structuring and
facilitating the meetings as well as preparing a report
summarizing the findings of the process.
Currently, staff is working with Bill Morris from
Decision Resources and Barbara Davis from Resources and
Counseling for the Arts as two organizations which
would assist with this process. ' Bill Morris would
primarily be responsible for soliciting public opinion .
and feelings regarding a project. Barbara Davis would
, <", ~
, :r '.....
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Page 3
. be responsible for assessing specific arts related
needs and issues in the community.
0 Potential activities include:
- Four focus group sessions would be undertaken by
Bill Morris primarily for the purpose of gauging
public opinion about the project. as well as
identify issues. These sessions could also be
used to compile information regarding specific
arts related questions. Each focus group session
would involve approximately twelve to fifteen
participants. The persons involved in these focus
group sessions would include:
* One focus group would be made up of randomly
selected persons which signed the petition
requesting the referendum.
* Two focus group sessions would be held with
citizens randomly selected from the
* One focus group session would be held with
representatives of businesses randomly
. selected from the community.
- Approximately 15-20 meetings would be held with
various groups and individuals in the community
for the purpose of specifically determining arts
needs, interests, potential users and other
related matters to assist with future design
aspects of an arts facility, if one should be
constructed. Barbara Davis would be primarily
responsible for these activities. The Arts Board
could also be of assistance.
- Develop and circulate reports summarizing
- Present findings at city Council meeting.
It is anticipated the overall process would take.,,-....
approximately six to eight weeks to complete. Based upon
the proposal submitted, the approximate cost to complete
this effort is estimated to be roughly $7,500. The source
of funds to undertake the assessment would come from a
non-general fund economic development account.
Upon completion of the process staff anticipates the Council
would then determine the next appropriate course of action.
. It was mentioned by Mr. Bren at the City Council meeting
that a referendum should also be held on the Tait's grocery
.... ~ .,
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Page 4
store expansion project. Please note that it may be .
possible to incorporate questions relative to this project
as part of the focus group sessions. staff is exploring
this question further with Mr. Morris.
III. SummarY/Comments
Due to the inability of undertaking an advisory referendum,
staff felt it necessary to outline a potential process to
still allow for public opinion to be expressed. However, it
is staff's opinion the proposed process is not a less
effective means of assessing public opinion regarding the
project as compared to a referendum. On the contrary, based
upon the use of the focus group tool, it is staff's feeling
the proposed process will in fact provide for a more
thorough and in depth analysis of the pUblic's opinion
regarding the project, and issues or concerns which they
might have.
The process which staff is suggesting does not ask one
specific question as would a referendum. Rather, it
involves personal meetings with the community involving a
series of questions regarding the proposed project. As a
result, it is a much more qualitative approach to assessing
public opinion regarding the project versus a quantitative .
approach which seems to be represented by a referendum.
- ,- ~.-"~.~_.
-- '""'3.' 12-08-1993 04:47PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.01
,,,"SOURCES AND COUNSELING FOR THE ARTS 429 landmark Centort 15 West 5th Street-St. 'oul, 1M 55102!r 612-292-4381
December 8. 1993
Tom Harmening
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins MN 55343
Dear Tom:
Please consider this a proposal for my participation in the assessment process for a
pe.rforming arts facility in Hopkins.
My role in this process would be to SUlVey the space needs of potential users of such a
facility. The communities to be surveyed include area arts groups, school groups, and
business and community groups. The work would begin on December 21 and conclude
on Friday, February 18.
. My method would be to conduct individual interviews, following a standard interview
fonnat, with a number of people connected with the above communities, and to write a
repon summarizing their comments.
Spec;ific taSks include:
. develop an interview fonnat and have it reviewed by you and someone from the
Hopkiris Arts Board (see attachment for specific types of questions)
. identify interview subjects and schedule appointments
. conduct interviews, in person where possible
. summarize fmdings in writing
. meet as needed with you and the focus group consultant to develop recommendations
for the city regarding the proposed facility
My fees are:
for inteIView development, $150
for identification of subjectS and scheduling of interviews, $1 SO
for inteIViews in person, $100 each
for report writing, $200
for meeting to develop joint recommendations, $150
As you can see, the total cost of the project depends heavily on the number of inteIViews
to be conducted. My initial suggestion would be:
. school groups: at least two interviews, one with Carol Sirrine, the fme arts
coordinator, and one with another person to be identified by her
. business groups: one interview with the president and/or staff of the HBCA
. . neighborhood groups: one interview with Mike Miller, president of the
Neighborhood Advisory board, and a second interview with someone to be identified
by him
-- - ---- - -------~~-----_._--------------------~ - ----------------- ----------- -----
~ 12-08-1993 04:48PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.02
'\~"~, ,\" '" '. ' ,.
. December 8,1993
Tom Harmening
Page Two
. senior dtizen groups: one interview with Susan Newville and a second interview
with someone to be identified by het
. arts groups: I have identified 14 nonprofit ans groups located in and around
Hopkins. There are probably several for-profit groups, especially dance and music
schools. I am sure the leaders of the Hopkins Arts Board could help me find them.
Therefore, I suggest ,at least eight interviews in this area.
This would be a total of 15 interviews, for a fee of $1.500.
Thus my total fee for the project would be: $2,150.
I would also charge for mileage outside the cities of MinneapolisMSaint Paul. Our,
standard mileage rate is 28.5~ a mile.
I am enclosing a copy of my resume and a list of references. Please call if you need more
Sincel'ely, \ '
. Barbara H. Davis
Executive Director
P.S. There is another option for the interviews. I could ask members of the Hopkins Arts
Board to volunteer to conduct some of the intelViews without me. This would reduce
your costs and also help the Ans Board make some connections that might be useful to
them in the future.
-,- ': 12-08-1993 04:48PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.03
-. Attachment to City of Hopkins proposal, December 8.1993
Types of facility use$ to be explored (this list can ~ revised as requested):
performances (dance. music. theater)
media presentations (film and video)
lectures and readings
classes and worIc.shops
meetings (or more than SO people
T~f to tie covered in interviews..:.
· :' what is your current level of activity (in the areas listed above)?
· ~'Vi1\ai.racilities do you now use?
· t~lit"yBb.t current facilities (including equipment) adequate? If not, how are they
inadequate ?
. what kinds of additional or different space would you use. if it were available?
. how often during a typical year would you use such a space?
. how much would you be willing to pay to use such a space? (each subject will be
giY,~n a list of possible charges and will be asked to choose the highest one they could
~y) , ,
'- ..... 04:49PM
j 12-08-1993 FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.04
. BARBARA H. DAVIS Resources and Counseling for the Arts
317 Hamline Avenue South 75 West Fifth SLt #429
Saint Paul MN 55105 Saint Paul MN 55102
612-698-1668 612-292-3213
May 1983 - Resources and CounseUng for the Arts: Ex. Dir.
present . consult with nonprofit arts organizations on management
. organize and present workshops on nonprofit management
. supervise staff of four; administer budget of $200.000
March 1980- B. Davis &: Associates, Minneapolis: owner
May 1983 . provided management consulting to nonprofit healtht
social service and arts organizations; specialized in
fundraising. board development and long-range planning
· taught fundraising workshops throughout Upper Midwest
. reviewed grant proposals for the McKnight Foundation
January 1979 - Minnesota Dance Theatre: Development Director
FebrulU}' 1980 . coordinated fundraising from individual, corporate,
foundation and government sources
· worked with volunteer support groups
. assisted artistic staff with project planning and budgeting
. June 1977 - Southwest Minnesota Arts and Humanities Council,
January 1979 Marshall: Development Director
. managed annual fund, including preparation of materials,
training of volunteers and record k.eeping
. worked with community arts leaders and organizations
· produced promotional slide. tape show
Other work experience includes:
. technical writing in the fields of engineering. computer ,
technology and health care
. historical research in a major collection of family papers
at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
· editing repons, newsletters and other publications
. Minneapolis Am Commission. 1980-1983 (Chair, 1983)
. Board of Directors, Management Assistance Project,
PUBLICA nONS "A generation's gifts: the history of cultural organizations in
the Saint Paul area from 1955. to 1985", in From.
GenerQtion to GeneraTion, with Timothy Glines, the Saint
Paul Foundation, 1990.
. "Am to not threaten social-service funding" (editorial),
Minneapolis Star and Tribune, 4/13/83
"How and why to hire a consultant", Grantsmanship Center
News. MarchlApril1983
..... .. -:;. 12-08-1993 04:49PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.05
f/jSOURCES AND COU~$E:L1 NG FOR THE ARTS 429 Lllndmllrk unter, 75 1m 511I StrH'. St. Pllul, MI 55102 'l:r 612.292-4381
for Barbara Davis
John Montilino
illusion Theater Richard Cook
528 Hennepin Avenue Park Square Theater
Minneapolis MN 55403 253 E 4th
612-339-4944 Saint Paul MN 55101
Joan Lounsbery
Bel Canto Chorus Eleanor Fenton
. 144 Wells Street E 36 Eagle Ridge Road
Milwaukee WI 53202 North Oaks MN 55127
414-226-8800 612-484-4623
Aileen Okersrrom Craig Dunn
Friends of the Minneapolis Very Special Arts MN
Public Library 528 Hennepin A venue South
300 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis MN 55403
Minneapolis MN 55401 612-332-3888
612-929-6166 DECISION RESOURCES 170 P02 DEC 09 '93 18: 16
.1111 Decision
.11. Resources Ltd.
December 8, 1993
Mr.. Tom Ha'rmeninq
Economic Development Oirector
Hopkins city Hall
1010 First street
Hopkins, Minnesota 55343-7573
Dear Mr. Harmening:
Decision Resources, Ltd., is pleased to present this proposal for
qualitative research for 'the Hopkins performing arts facility
need assessment process. It is based upon my meetings with you,
council members, and other members of the city staff. I believe
the proposal below provides the information the City of Hopkins
will need in both an efficient and cost~effective manner.
All of the focus group research will investigate the current
. perceptions, needs, and reactions to proposals held by various
stakeholders in the community. The question items will be con-
structed in such a way that respondents will be able to generate
their concerns and ideas as well as react to those of others.
This qualitative research will be provide the city with a system-
atic examination of current feelings about the project, informa-
tion deficits and needs, and general reaction to ,various project
A series of four two-hour focus groups will be convened at a
convenient public facility within the community, selected and
secured by the city of Hopkins. participants will be chosen
through a telephone-based random sampling with appropriate
screening process. Each group will contain between twelve and
fifteen participants. Focus group partic::ipantswill be compen-
sated $20.00 for the session. Refreshments will be provided.
., .--.----
oiscussion guides will be developed jointly by Decision Resourc-
es, Ltd., and the city. The sessions will be facilitated by Ms.
Diane Traxler; I ,will act as recorder for the session. Detailed
notes will be taken of each discussion and a report discussing
similarities and differences will be prepared for'the Management
Each session will follow the same qeneraloutline, to insure
. comparability. Time will be spent on three distinct issue areas:
A. Awareness of the Project/Current state of Knowledge
612-929-6166 DECISION RESOURCES 170 P03 DEC 09 '93 18: 16-
B. Reaction to specific scenarios
1. Like Most/Like Least e
2. Changes/Improvements
3. Further needed information
4. Overall general reaction
c. concluding Comments
The scenarios will be jointly developed with the city of Hopkins.
A structured question guide will be developed to provide a better
'1 flow" for t.he sessions.
The four focus groups will contain different groups of individU-
als. The following roster explains the general composition of
each session:
One session will be composed of a random sample of HopKins
business co~unity members.
Two sessions will be composed of a random sa~ple of city
One session will be composed of a random sample of referen-
dum petition signers.
The focus groups will be held between January 3, 1994, and Febru-
ary 7, 1994. The order in which the focus groups will be con-
vened will be jointly agreed upon by DRL and the city of Hopkins. e
The cost of each focus group, assuming comparable discussion
guides for each session, would be $1000.00. Incentives for par-
ticipants would cost a maximum of $1200.00. The overall cost of
this component would be $5,200.00. Company policy requires the
payment of one-half the total cost of the focus groups and all of
the incentive funds prior to any fieldwork; the remainder is due
on presentation of the final report.
A report of the findings from each group, as well as comparisons
and conclusions based upon the four sessions, would be made to
t.he city of Hopkins no later than February 15, 1994. As part of
the report process, we would coordinate and int.egrate our find-
ings with those of the Needs Analysis conducted by Ms. Barbara
I hope t.his proposal adequately covers the information --you re-
quire to make a decision. We look forward to the opportunity to
work with you on this project.
William o. Morris, Ph.D. .
N~,._^"'-""~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~;,,;,~~,,,,,, " ,~,-,..,.""'" '.< ,,-..... ~"..', .... ~~." ~."
9;:'" ~ .~.;.; 12-138-1993 134: 47PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING
TO 99351834 P.!31
.ESOURCES AND COUNSELING FOR THE ARTS 4U landmark (em",1S Wm 5th Str"t. St. Paul, JIM 55102!f 6)20297-4381
December 8.1993
Tom Hannening
City of Hopkins
1010 First Street South
Hopkins MNS5343
Dear Tom:
Please consider this a proposal for my participation in the assessment process for a
performing ans facility in Hopkins. .
My role in this process would be to survey the space needs of potential users of such a
facility. The communities to be surveyed include area arts groups. school groups, and
business and community groups. The work would begin on December 21 and conclude
on Friday, February 18.
'~-'. My method would be to conduct individual interviews, following a standard interview
format. with a number of people connected with the above communities, and to write a
repon summarizing their comments.
Specific tasks include:
· develop an interview fonnat and have it reviewed by you and 'someone from the
Hopkiris Arts Board (see attachment for specific types of questions)
· identify interview subjects and schedule'appointments
· conduct interviews, in person where possible
· .summarize fmdings in writing
· meet as needed with you and the focus group consultant to develop recommendations
for the city regarding the proposed facility
My fees are:
for interview development. $150
. for identification of subjecrs and scheduling of interviews, $150
for interviews in person, $100 each - - ~ .,."'"'",,",
for report writing, $200
for meeting to develop joint recommendations. $150
As you can see, the total cost of the project depends heavily on the number of interviews
to be conducted. My initial suggestion would be:
. school groups: at least two interviews, one with Carol Sirrine, the [me arts
coordinator, and one with another person to be identified by her
. business groups: one interview with. the president and/or staff of the HBCA
. . neighborhood groups: one interview with Mike Miller, president of the
Neighborhood Advisory board. and a second interview with someone to be identified
y .
12-08-1993 04:48PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.03,
. \.:.... :.;, . ~ ' :~
December 8.1993 0
Tom Harmening
Page Two
. senior dtizen groups: one interview with Susan Newville and a .second interview
with someone to be identified by her
. arts groups: I have identified 14 nonprofit ans groups located in and around
Hopkins. There are probably several for-profit groups, especially dance and music
schools. I am sure the leaders of the Hopkins Arts Board could help me find memo
Therefore, I suggest ,at least eight interviews in this area.
This would be a total of 15 interviews, for a fee of $ tSOO.
Thus my total fee for the project would be: $2,150.
I would also charge for mileage outside the cities of Minneapolis-Saint Paul. Our,
stalldard mileage rate is 28.5~ a mile.
I am enclosing a copy of my resume and a list of references. Please call if you need more
Sincerely, bw01
Barbara H. Davis 0
Executive Director
P.S. There is another option for the interviews. 1 could ask members of the Hopkins Arts
Board to vohmteer to conduct some of the interviews without me. This would reduce
your costs and also help the Ans Board make some connections that might be useful to
them in the future.
, , ... 12-08-1993 04:48PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.03
. Attachment to City of Hopkins proposal, December 8.1993
!):pes of facility use~ to be exnlored (this list cag ~ revimd as reQuested):
performances (dance. music, theater)
media presentations (f1lm and video)
lectureS and readings
dasses and workshops
meetings for morc than SO people
l'Ppicf to be covered in interviews
· :' wh~~ is your current level of activity (in the areas listed above)?
· ;""l\atfacilities do you now use?
· : are"ygur current facilities (including equipment) adequate? If not. how are they
inadequate ?
. what kinds of additional or different space would you use. if it were available?
. how often during a typical year would you use such a space?
. how much would you be willing to pay to use such a space? (each subject will be
~~:n a list of possible charges and will be asked to choose the highest one they could
~y) , ,
12-08-1993 04:49PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO 99351834 P.04.
BARBARA H. DAVIS Resources and Counseling for the Arts G
317 Hamline Avenue South 75 West Fifth St.t #429
Saint Paul MN 55105 Saint Paul MN 55102
612-698-1668 612-292-3213
May 1983- Resources and Counseling for the Arts: Ex.. Dir.
present · consult with nonprofit arts organizations on management
· organize and present workshops on nonprofit management
. supervise staff of four; administer budget of $200.000
March 1980- B. Davis & Associates, Minneapolis: owner
May 1983 · provided management consulting to nonprofit health,
social service and arts organizations; specialized in
fundraising. board development and long-range planning
· taught fundraising workshops throughout Upper Midwest
· reviewed grant proposals for the McKnight Foundation
January 1979 - :Minnesota Dance Theatre: Development Director
February 1980 · coordinated fundraising from individual. corporate,
foundation and government sources
· worked with volunteer support groups
· assisted artistic staff with project planning and budgeting
June 1977 - Southwest Minnesota Arts and Humanities Counal, 9
January 1979 Marshall: Development Director
· managed annual fund, including preparation of materials,
training of volunteers and record k.eeping
· worked with community arts leaders and organizations
· produced promotional slide-tape show
Other work experience includes:
· technical writing in the fields of engineering, computer .
technology and health care
· historical research in a major collection of family papers
at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
· editing repons, newsletters and other publications
· Minneapolis Am Commission. 1980-1983 (Chair, 1983)
· Board of Directors, Management Assistance Project,
PUBLICA nONS "A generation's gifts: the history of cultural organizations in
the Saint Paul area from 1955, to 1985". in From
Generation to Generation, with Timothy Glines. the Saint
Paul Foundation, 1990.
"Arts to not threaten social-service funding" (editorial), .
Minneapolis Star and Tribune, 4/13/83
"How and why to hire a consultant". Grantsmt11JShip Center
News. MarcbJApril1983
'" ' .. 12-08-1993 04:49PM FROM RESOURCES & COUNSELING TO
99351834 P.05
tJESOURCES AND COU~SELlNG FOR THE ARTS 429 Landmark ulIte" 7S Wll$f 5th Sir"'. SI. Paul, Mil 55102 ~ 612-297-4381
for Barbara Davis
John Montilino
illusion Theater Richard Cook
528 Hennepin Avenue Park Square Theater
Minneapolis MN 55403 253 E 4th
612-339-4944 Saint Paul MN 55101
Joan Lounsbery
Bel Canto Chorus Eleanor Fenton
. 144 Wells StreeI E 36 Eagle Ridge Road
Milwaukee WI 53202 North Oaks MN 55127
414-226-8800 612-484-4623
Aileen Okers[I'om Craig Dunn
Friends of the Minneapolis Very Special Arts MN
Public Library 528 Hennepin A venue South
300 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis MN 55403
Minneapolis MN 55401 612-332-3888