Agenda ~, CITY OF HOPKINS - COUNCIL WORK SESSION April 13, 1993 7 p. m. 7:00P, M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P. M. -8:00 P,M. II. DISCUSSION - MENT ALL Y HANDICAPPED HOUSING - FRAZIER GROUP . 8:00 P..M. - 8:30P. M, III, DISCUSSION -HOUSING MAINTENANCE CODES 8:30 P.M.- 9:00 P.M. IV. REVIEW T I F REPORT 9:00 P. M. - 9:30 P,M, V. REVIEW GOALS & OBJECTIVES VI. ADJOURN . , WORKSESSION MINUTES April 13, 1993 7:30 p.m. A Council worksession was held on April 13, 1993. Present were Mayor Berg, Council- members: Kritzler, Redepenning, Shirley and Anderson. Also presentwere City staff Mielke, Harmening, ~errigan, Steinman and Tom Anderson. I. Discussion - Mentally Handicapped Housing Project - Fraser Group Harmening reviewed the Fraser project. Purpose of discussion is to provide feedback to Fraser on the Council's desire to consider a proposal. Issues discussed include: public financing of project, need for project of the type proposed by Fraser,amount of subsidized housing in Hopkins, location of project. Kerrigan indicated that Fraser needs a resolution of support whether City finances the project or not. A one-acre site may be difficult to find that matches the needs of Fraser. Strategic Plan may not support the concept due to the added multifamily sites. I General consensus was that Hopkins should not support or encourage the proposal . Reasons cited included: the impact of project on ability to fulfill other economic devel- opment projects, desire to maintain single family homes when possible, a desire to maintain commercially zoned property for future development. II. Discussion - Housing Maintenance Codes The purpose of discussion is to review existing inspection practices and codes and to discuss possible new initiatives to improve or increase code activities. Tom Anderson reviewed the existing programs and discussed the Council's current goal to maintain and improve the City's building stock. He indicated that the inspec- tions department now has most of the tools needed to enforce maintenance, but also stated the need to upgrade and improve some minor areas of enforcement. Examples cited include; painting, minor repairs, etc. He indicated that staff is reviewing the Min- neapolis ordinance as a guide, Issues discussed include: a concern about the deterioration of multiple family dwell- ings, need to inspect regularly, the 2/4 unite multiples, concern about being too hard on people, problems are due to rental situations, single family and duplex units that have been allowed to deteriorate and become detrimental to the neighborhood. , Anderson also discussed various methods and degrees of enforcement. ,.-" . . . I --._-- ~ , Comments indicated a need to look harder at maintenance issues on both multiple and single family homes. III T. I. F. Report Jim Kerrigan reviewed with the Council the basics of the report and answered ques- tions. The purpose of the report was to allow Council an opportunity to ask questions and gain insight into the TIF process, rules and regulations. Topics discussed by the Council included: a need to tie the report into actual applica- tions, the but for test, the decision-making process, etc. IV. Review of Preliminary Goals and Objectives City Manager Mielke reviewed the executive summary prepared by Don Salverda. The staff recommended that the MissionNalue statement be reviewed further and asked the Council to have two volunteers from the Council work with a Committee to update the draft statement. Councilmembers Kritzler and Anderson volunteered. Mielke then re- t viewed with the Council the draft Goals for the City. the Council asked that the Goals be brought to a future Council meeting for adoption. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST COUNCILMEMBERS: Nelson W. Berg Mayor , ',,;-.J>-; --