CR 93-14 Request Proposal CTY RD 3 , - () '. ',: I "lY 0 I . ). , \ , m! .y. . ":> . .... .. January 18, 1993 i o.p K I ~.j Council Report 93-14 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - COUNTY ROAD 3 Proposed Action. Staff recommends the following motion: Move to authorize the staff to solicit Requests for Proposals (RFP) for a land use study for County Road 3. Overview. The upgrading of County Road 3 has been placed on the city's and County's five year Capital Improvement Plan. The planning for the upgrading of County Road 3 is scheduled to begin in 1993. The road will be upgraded in phases starting from the west end at Shady Oak Road and moving east to Meadowbrook. Actual construction is proposed to commence in 1995. The recent traffic study completed by Benshoof and Associates identified County Road 3 to be upgraded and widened. This study identified that the upgrading of County Road 3 will require the acquisition of property along the corridor resulting in land use and economic impacts.. The Benshoof study stated that these various land use and ,. economic development impacts will need. to be analyzed. The / strategic Plan also identified that a land use study should , \ be conducted in conjunctiqn with the upgrading. The entire corridor will be included in the study, but most of the land use and economic development issues occur between Highway 169 and Blake Road, which will be the emphasis of the study. Once the proposals have been received the City Council will be asked to undertake final action to award the contract. primary Issues to Consider. o Does a study need to be done? o What is the time frame for the study? o What is the cost for the study? o Has the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed RFP? o What will be the specific results of the study? o What will be the source of funding? o What action would occur following completion of this study? . o What is the schedule for upgrading County Road 3? Su~porting Documents. o Analysis of Issues , . 0 Proposed RFP io .;, CR93-14 ~ Page 2 Primary Issues to Consider. o Does a study need to be done? The Benshoof study recommended that a land use study be completed prior to the actual upgrading of County Road #3. The study will identify both economic and land use impacts on the improvements of widening the road and how to address these in the upgrading of the corridor. The RFP has been structured to require the proposers to be innovative with their proposal. o What is the time frame for the study? Once the City Council authorizes the staff to solicit bids, the RFP will be distributed to various local consultants. It is expected that the study will be completed by this summer/fall. The RFP requires the consultant to have public input for the study; which will include input from the County Road 3 Task ~ Force. The consultant is required to outline how this will be done. Depending on the amount of public input the consul tant proposed and the Ci ty agrees upon, the study process may be extended. o What is the cost for the study? The staff is hesitant to put a cost for the study in the RFP because the staff is unable to define what the cost will be. However, the staff has requested that the consultants provide a cost range based on various levels of service provided. The RFP also requests the consul tant to list activities the City staff could carry out to reduce the cost of the study. o Has the Planning commission reviewed the proposed RFP? At their last meeting the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed RFP. The Planning commission made no major changes to the RFP. . o What will be the specific results of the study? The study will analyze the following different alternatives for the upgrading to the corridor: , 0 a 72 foot roadway with 2 through lanes in each direction plus a center stripe left turn lane with a 100 foot right of way minimum; o a parkway concept with a roadway width of approximately 120 feet (2 through lanes in each direction plus a center stripe turn lane and a 30 foot landscaped center median); ,," ~ t CR93-14 'Page 3 . 0 a variation of the above two alternatives The specific emphasis of the study is to evaluate the land use/economic development issues involved with the implementing .of the three alternatives above. The consultant will evaluate the three alternatives as follows: o based on a land use/economic development impact/traffic/cost standpoint, evaluate the most appropriate alignment to facilitate the various alternatives; o development or redevelopment opportunities available with the implementation of each alternative; o traffic implications; o opportunities for consolidation of curb cuts/access points and street vacations; o required utility (city & private) improvements and impacts; o traffic control considerations; o acquisition/cost implications; , 0 pedestrian and street lighting improvements; o buffering techniques to mitigate the impact of redevelopment on adjoining residential uses; . 0 recommend Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan changes for the corridor, with the implementation of the improvements; o types and density of development recommended that are compatible with traffic capacity limitations; o financing alternatives for implementation; o design and appearance The study will evaluate the most appropriate alignment for the three alternatives based on a land use/economic development impact/traffic/cost standpoint. The study results will tell the staff and the city Council which alignment based on the three alternatives provides the most logical way to upgrade the road. o What will be the souroe of funding? At this time staff is proposing to use funds from either the 2-1 TIF District or the Economic Development fund. o What aotion would ocour following oompletion of this study? , Following completion of this study the City Council would need to approve an alternative identified in the study. Following this step the City would contract for the preparation of design plans based on the selected alternative. ---------- --- ~ ~- ----~------------ ~, . ~ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL .., COUNTY ROAD 3 REDEVELOPMENT STUDY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA INTRODUCTION The City of Hopkins is a first ring suburb of the st. Paul/Minneapolis metropolitan area. The City is located in western Hennepin County. The 1990 population was 16,529. The City occupies approximately 4 square miles and is for the most part entirely developed. The community is diverse with a variety of housing choices and a significant commercial/industrial base. BACKGROUND County Road 3 is a major east-west arterial road through Hopkins. The corridor serves;a variety of land uses with a mixture of different needs, traffic characteristics and vehicle types. The major employer within the.. City of Hopkins, . Super Valu, utilizes this roadway for access to . their facility. .. The roadway cross sectioI1 varies but for most of the road -' the width is 44 feet. The right-of-way width also varies but for a majority of the corridor the right-of-way is 66 feet. Traffic volumes vary from 16,000 to 26,200. In recent years traffic counts have significantly increased on this roadway as a result of both development in the area and the construction of State Highway 169 with access ramps being built onto County Road 3. In 1989 the City contracted with a local transportation land use consultant, Benshoof and Associates, Inc. to undertake a preliminary study of the County Road 3 corridor from Blake Road to the exit to Highway 169. This area was determined to be in most need of immediate improvement and upgrading. The purpose of the preliminary study was to analyze existing traffic conditions in the corridor, identify existing and future transportation deficiencies and issues, and to identify alternative solutions to these issues and deficiencies. Four principal needs were identified for this area: o the need to upgrade the existing 44 foot roadway; , 0 the need to resolve the geometric safety and access difficulties caused by skewed intersections .. located on county Road 3; ~....:z"'" . .c Request For Proposal ~ ~age 2 - o the need to improve north-south access/roadway continuity east of Highway 169. o account for future LRT access requirements. As a result of these needs a variety of alternatives were detailed in the Benshoof study. Following completion of the preliminary study the city and Hennepin County contracted again with Benshoof and Associates to complete a second phase, which was a more detailed analysis of the corridor. This study was expanded to include the area from Blake Road to Fifth Avenue South. The purpose of this study was to conduct an in-depth analysis of the following: o evaluation of a new railroad crossing at or near T.H. 169 east ramp; o evaluation of the roadway section and preparation of concept plan from the railroad tracks eastward to Blake Road; o evaluation of area street intersections with county Road 3 in the vicinity of T.H. 169; , 0 preparation of a concept layout for the entire corridor; . Along with the above, in September 1990 the City of Hopkins in conjunction with Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority completed a report entitled "A Study for the Excelsior Boulevard Corridor." This study addresses a variety of issues relating to the future redevelopment of this corridor. Included in this study are the elements of land use and economic development, traffic safety and circulation, image, utilities, and recommendations for implementation. In 1992, in response to a request from the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County agreed to place the upgrading of the entire County Road 3 corridor through Hopkins on their five year Capital Improvements Plan. In 1992 the City of Hopkins also placed the upgrading of County Road 3 in the City's five year Capital Improvement Plan. At the present time it is anticipated that the required acquisition and construction would be undertaken in phases beginning with planning efforts in 1993. It is anticipated that construction would commence in 1995 and conclude in 1997 PROPOSAL .... The city of Hopkins is presently seeking proposals to 1'1' evaluate the impact of implementing a project for the upgrading and widening of the entire County Road 3 corridor .' . Request For Proposal . Page 3 ~ through the city of Hopkins. The specific emphasis of the study is to evaluate the land use/economic development issues involved with implementing such a project. The study will be used to guide the City in making decisions in the upgrading and widening of County ~oad 3. The firm selected to undertake this study would be asked to evaluate the land use implications for various cross section widths. These would include the following: 0 a 72 foot roadway with 2 . through lanes in each direction plus a center stripe left turn lane with a 100 foot right of way, minimum; 0 a parkway concept with a roadway width of approximately 120 feet ( 2 through lanes in . each direction plus a center strip turn lane and a 30 foot landscaped center median); 0 a variation of the above two alternatives. The firm selected by the City would be asked to evaluate the above alternatives as relates to the following: It 0 based on. a land use/economic development impact/traffic/cost standpoint, evaluate the most .. appropriate alignment to facilitate the various alternatives; 0 development or redevelopment opportunities available with the implementation of each alternative; 0 traffic implications; 0 opportunities for consolidation of curb cuts/access points and street vacations; 0 required utility (City & priv,a.te). improvements and impacts; 0 traffic control considerations; 0 acquisition/cost implications; 0 pedestrian and street lighting improvements; 0 buffering techniques to mitigate the impact of redevelopment on adjoining residential uses; 0 Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan changes for the corridor; 0 types and density of development recommended that are compatible with traffic capacity limitations 0 financing alternatives for implementation 0 consistent design and appearance along the entire corridor . , A firm/individual wishing to respond to this request would be asked to specifically outline how their study would address the items outlined below. The City is especially .-- ~__ ____'n_ i( 4. --;. Request For Proposal , Page 4 interested in proposals which suggest an innovative and unique approach to address the issues identified. 0 the specific approach or steps that would be utilized to address various issues identified above or other issues that were felt by the firm/individual to be relevant to this issue; 0 proposed public input, review, approval process, pUblic presentations, including involvement of affected property owners and adjacent neighborhood, business groups, public officials and working with the County Road 3 Task Force; 0 a timetable detailing completion of the major study steps; 0 coordination with Hennepin County and MNDOT; 0 detailed description of the proposed study and methodology to be used; 0 summary of experience; 0 staff or firms that would work on the study; FEES AND EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT . The staff is unable to define a specific cost for the study. The staff encourages the consultant to provide a cost range .... based on various levels of service provided. The proposal should also include various activities the City staff can do to reduce the cost of the study. The proposal should include a schedule of hourly billing rates for each category of professional, technical and clerical employees. Also include rates of miscellaneous charges such as copies and mileage, List all other additional. reimbursable expenses. Indicate how requests for additional services would be billed. Invoice period intervals are a minimum of 30 days with a payment date of 30 days, maximum from date of invoice. council meetings are generally the first and third Tuesdays of the month with invoice deadline the previous Tuesday. WORK PRODUCTS The study will be presented in a bound report and include an Executive Summary section. Thirty copies of the report will be required to be provided. . , SCHEDULE Completed RFP's are due no later than 4:30 p.m. on March 26, 1993. Ten copies of the proposal should be delivered to Mr. _m .. ;r< ,;;.:" ,.. :r Request For Proposal ~ Page 5 ., Jim Kerrigan, Director of Planning and Economic Development, city of Hopkins, 1010 First street South, Hopkins, MN 55343. SELECTION PROCESS The City of Hopkins Community Development Department and Department of Public Works will undertake an interview of the top two to three candidates. Based on the tesults of these interviews a recommendation and award of contract will be made to the city Council. The interview selection and contract award will be based on the following: 0 Background and experience of the company 0 Study cost 0 Innovative and unique approach in undertaking the study ADDITIONAL INFORMATION , There will be an .informational meeting on February 11, 1993 at 9:00 a.m. at the Hopkins City Hall to answer any questions regarding the RFP. Staff strongly encourage interested parties to attend this meeting. The City Hall is located at 1010 First street South. If further information is needed contact Nancy Anderson. The phone number for the City of Hopkins is 935-8474. ,