CR 93-17 Approve Local 49 Contract
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,auary 12. 1993 ~ Council Report 93-17
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Proposed Action
Staff recommends that the Council approve the following motion: Move approval of the 1993/1994 Contract
for Local 49.
This action will ratifY the 1993 and 1994 contract for Local 49, the public works' employee union.
We have completed negotiations with Local 49. The contract calls for a 2% wage increase on January 1, 1993,
a 1% wage increase on July 1, 1993 and a 3% wage increase on January 1.1994. The contract also calls for an
increaseof$15.00 per month for health, life. and dental insurance in 1993 and another increase of $15.00 per
month, and dental insurance in 1994.
, - 'rimarv Issues to Consider
'~. How does this agreement compare to the other coutract settlements for 199~ in tettnS of wage and
benefit increases?
The 2% wage increase on January 1, 1993 and the 1% wage increase on July 1. 1993 is equivalent to
the 2.5% that the Sergeant's union received. The $15.00/month increase in insurance is the same as that
negotiated with the Sergeant's union.
. How does this agreement fit in with the proposed 1993 budget?
The cost of living adjustment and the benefit increase are within the amounts proposed in the .1993
. Should the City enter into a multi-year contract?
The City has avoided multi-year contracts in the past due to the uncertainty surrounding local
government aid. This uncertainty still exists but staff feels that the terms of this contract are fair and
will likely be similar to those of other cities when they settle 1994 contracts.
SU~>Dortin2 Information
. A copy of the contract is available from the City Clerk.
'A. Genellie
lstant City Manager
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