CR 93-131 Neighborhood Advisory Bylaws ~., . :.... '. ~', '- ~ '. :.; ~ .. ,,:_, ,.. . August 10, 1993 Council Report #93 -131 .~. ... . HOPKmSNEIGHBORHOODADWSORYBOARDBYLAWS Proposed Action. Staff recommends approval of the following motion: Approve the bylaws of the Neighborhood Advisory Board as proposed. With approval of this motion, the bylaws will officially establish the procedures under which the Neighborhood Advisory Board will operate. " Oven-iew. In February, the City Council passed Resolution No. 93-13 establishing a Neighborhood Advisory Board, predominantly as a result of a recommendation of the Strategic Plan for Economic Development. The Neighborhood Advisory Board will serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on various issues of community and neighborhood interest. The Board has adopted the following mission statement: . "To provide a forum for communication and participation in the local governmental process in order to positively influence the social, civic and business environment and develop stronger and more cohesive neighborhoods in Hopkins. II Over the last several months, the Board has met and discussed a number of items including the organizational issues outlined in the proposed bylaws. However, before the bylaws can become effective they must be formally adopted by the City Council. Primarv Issues to Consider. The proposed bylaws were adapted primarily from the City of Hopkins Planning and Zoning Commission bylaws with input from the representatives of the Neighborhood Advisory Board. However, the Council does have the option of amending any portion of the proposed bylaws. SUPDortin2 Information. o Proposed Neighborhood Advisory Board Bylaws I r '- . HOPKINS NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY BOARD 1 BYLAWS ARTICLE I - IDENTITY 1.1 This organization shall be known as the Neighborhood Advisory Board of the City of Hopkins. 1.2 The administrative offices and mailing address of the Board shall be City Hall, 1010 First Street South, Hopkins, Minnesota. ARTICLE II - ORIGIN AND POWERS 2.1 The Neighborhood Advisory Board was created by Resolution No. 93-13. The Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Hopkins City Council. The Bylaws of this Board are subject to City Council approval. ARTICLE ill - MISSION STATEMENT 3.1 The Mission Statement of the Neighborhood Advisory Board is: . liTo provide a forum for communication and participation in the local governmental process '_ in order to positively influence the social, civic and business environment and develop stronger and more cohesive neighborhoods in Hopkins. II ARTICLE IV - MEMBERSHIP 4.1 Number. The Board shall consist of the following members: o One representative of each of the identified neighborhoods in Hopkins o Three representatives of a variety of multi-family housing developments o One representative of the Hopkins Business and Civic Association o One representative of the Hopkins School District o One City Council Liaison o City Staff appointed by the City Manager ~ 4.2 Terms. The terms of the Board members shall be for a two year period. Members may serve a maximum of two terms, with the exeption of City staff. 4.3 Selection of Representatives. Organized neighborhoods who meet the following criteria will appoint their representative to the Neighborhood Advisory Board,' with City Council approval: o Identified boundaries o Recognized organizational structure . o Membership in organization ;;; . Representatives from neighborhoods without an organizational structure and those representing multi-family neighborhoods will be nominated by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Representatives from the Hopkins School District and the Hopkins Business and Civic Association will be appointed by their respective organizations. The Mayor will appoint the City Council Liaison, with City Council approval. The City Manager will appoint the City Staff representative. 4.4 Alternates. Each representative may have an alternate representative to act in their absence. The appointment ofthe alternative shall follow the same procedure as the selection of the primary representative. 4.5 Removal. Members may be subject to removal by the Mayor, for cause, but only after Council approval, after notice and opportunity for a hearing before the Council. 4.6 Absenteeism. If any member fails to attend one-half of the regular meetings of the Board per year, notice of such failure may be cause for removal and forwarded by the Chair to the Mayor and Council with the request for removal of such member(s) from the Board. 4.7 Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled using the same procedure as Qutlined in Section 4.3, Selection of Representatives, and shall complete the term of the preceding representative. . 4.8 Expenses. Members shall serve without salary, but the cost of sending notices, preparing and distributing minutes and other clerical expenses shall be paid by the City from the general fund together with such extraordinary expenses as are authorized by the City Council. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND DUTIES 5.1 Titles. The officers of this Board shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. 5.2 Duties of the Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees, rule on procedural questions subject to reversal by a two-thirds vote of the members in attendance, exercise the same voting rights as the other Board members, assist City Staff in establishing the agenda, and carry out such other duties as are assigned by the Board. 5.3 Duties of the Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall act in the absence or inability of the Chair to act and in such instances shall have the powers and functions ofthe Chair. 5.4 Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall oversee the notifYing of all members of meetings, drafting and circulating agendas, keeping on file all official records and reports of the Board, keeping written record of Board meetings, transactions and actions, serving required notices of all public meetings, maintaining and circulating infonnation and carrying out such other duties as are assigned by the Board. . .... . ARTICLE VI - ELECTION OF OFFICERS 6.1 Terms. The terms of the elected officers shall be for a one year period, with no elected officer serving more than two one year terms. The elected officers shall be the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Secretary shall be the City of Hopkins staff member appointed by the City Manager. 6.2 Procedure. Nominations for the Chair and Vice-Chair shall be made from the floor. Candidates for office receiving a majority vote of the membership in attendance at the meeting shall be declared duly elected. 6.3 Date of Office. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately following the adjournment of the meeting at which they were elected. 6.4 Vacancies. Vacancies occurring in offices of the Board shall be filled by regular election I procedure. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS 7.1 Annual Meetings. An annual organizational meeting shall be held at the regular meeting in June of each year. Election of officers shall be conducted and proposed amendments to the by-laws my be acted upon. . 7,2 Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held as determined necessary by the Board, normally monthly or bi-monthly, but at least one meeting per quarter at a time and place agreed upon by the Board at a prior meeting. 7.3 Special Meetings, Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair, or by written request of at least three members who shall convey such request to the Secretary. 7.4 Notice of Meetings. Notice in writing of all meetings setting forth the time, date and place thereof shall be sent to ~ Board members at least five days in advance of such meetings. ARTICLE VIII- AGENDA 8.1 Agenda. The agenda for the meetings will be set by the Chair after consulting with City staff. Agenda items Will vary, howeve!, each meeting will provide an "open discussion" period giving representatives an opportunity to identify future agenda items and voice issues of concern or interest to the Board. Generally, the order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows: 1. Call to order. . 2. Introductionsldetennination of quorum ~ . 3. Consideration of minutes of previous meeting. 4. Consideration of matters requiring Board action. 5, Other business. 6. Updates. 7. Open discussion/future agenda items. 8. Adjournment. 8.2 Agenda Deadline. Agendas will be prepared one week in advance of the scheduled meeting. Items coming forth after this time may be addressed during the "open discussion 11 portion of each meeting. ARTICLE IX - MEETING PROCEDURE 9.1 Rules of Order. Unless otherwise specifically designated, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern meeting procedures, However, meetings of the Board shall be conducted as informally as possible. . 9.2 Quorum, The majority of the voting membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum for meeting purposes. 9,3 Voting. All members of the Board shall be given one vote with the exception of the City Council liaison, School District representative, Hopkins Business and Civic Association representative, and City staff, who shall be non-voting members of the Board. Alternate representatives shall carry the vote oftheir neighborhood in the absence of the appointed representative. 9,4 Conflict of Interest. Whenever a Board member shall have a direct or indirect personal or financial interest in a matter before the Board, such member shall declare such interest and shall not participate in any hearing on said matter; shall absent himself or herself from all deliberative sessions or Board discussion on said matter; and shall in no event vote upon said matter. When there is question as to the existence of a conflict of interest, the Chair shall make ruling thereon. The member with the conflict shall be required to leave the room during the voting. .